Otome Game Mob Villain

Capella and Rubens

Chapter 148: Capella and Rubens

“Lord Rid, your determination for martial arts training has grown stronger! Was it because you were upset about losing at Renalute?”

“…Yes! Of course, I’m furious!”

Today is the day for Rubens and me to engage in martial arts training.

The sound of wooden weapons clashing echoes in the training ground, as I wield a wooden sword and Rubens wields a wooden sword as well.

The reason I’m using a wooden sword is to practice handling the “demon sword.”

Truth be told, ever since I lost to Asuna at Renalute, I’ve become more dedicated to martial arts training.

When Fara comes to the Valdia domain, her personal guard, Asuna, will naturally accompany her.

In terms of my martial arts training, having Asuna as a sparring partner could be considered a positive development. However, even if it’s just practice, I don’t want to lose repeatedly in front of Fara.

I had secretly set the goal of “defeating Asuna” before Fara’s arrival.

I found myself reflecting on this due to Rubens’ words.

At that moment, as if he could see through my thoughts, Rubens made a sharp strike that deflected my wooden sword.

“Lord Rid, even during training, you’re lost in thought…”

“Not yet!”

He had deflected my wooden sword upward, leaving my arm raised.

At that moment, I used a move I had learned from Asuna.

Performing a backflip while kicking toward Rubens’ face.

Yes, it was the technique Asuna had shown me, the “Somersault.”


It seemed that Rubens had not expected me to use a Somersault, and although he managed to dodge, his posture was disrupted.

During that brief moment, I quickly retrieved my knocked-away wooden sword and, while regaining my posture, attacked Rubens.

“Here we go!”

“Here we go!”

“…Impressive, Lord Rid. But I still can’t let you win!”

I swung with all my might, but once again, Rubens deflected my wooden sword.

Having my wooden sword deflected twice and failing to surprise him with the Somersault, it seemed like I was on the verge of a complete loss.

However, Rubens seemed a bit too serious about it.

I pouted and protested, saying, “Can’t you at least let me win once and bring me some flowers?”

“Hehe… While I’d love to, overconfidence in martial arts is not ideal. I want to remain your challenge, Lord Rid.”

I had never beaten Rubens before.

It seemed that if I could land a successful strike on him, it would be considered a victory and we would move on to the next stage.

But what would that next stage entail?

As I pondered this, I heard someone calling my name. When I turned around, it was Capella.

In fact, when we started today’s martial arts training, he had asked if he could observe. I had no reason to refuse, so I had given him permission to watch. However, I had become so engrossed in training that I had completely forgotten about him.

Approaching me, Capella bowed to both me and Rubens before calmly speaking.

“Lord Rubens, your training earlier was truly remarkable. If it doesn’t trouble you, I noticed something in Lord Rid’s movements during the training, and I would like to share my observations. May I?”

“Huh? Yes, of course, feel free to tell Lord Rid.”

After hearing Rubens’ words, Capella, with a composed but gentle demeanor, began to speak.

“Then, with all due respect, I would like to share my observations regarding Lord Rid’s training earlier.”

“Sure, please go ahead.”

Capella explained that he had noticed that many of my movements were quite linear, making it easier for opponents familiar with swordplay to predict my actions.

Capella’s explanation was very clear and understandable.

As I muttered, “I see…” while listening to Capella’s words, I suddenly noticed that Rubens was grinning. I was taken aback.

“…Rubens, did you already notice what Capella was talking about?”

“Hehe… Yes, I did. However, I thought it would be better for you to realize it yourself rather than me telling you. But, as evidence, your performance today was excellent.”

It turned out that Rubens had also noticed the linearity in my movements.

I pouted again.

Rubens and Capella seemed to be smiling as they watched my reactions.

However, perhaps because Capella was a former covert operative, he had an impressive ability to identify issues after just watching one sparring session between Rubens and me.

I let out a small sigh when I looked at their faces.

“Well… Even if you say ‘unconventional movements,’ I honestly don’t quite understand it… It would be great if I could see an example.”

With a disappointed expression, I muttered this, and Rubens, who had been lost in thought, looked at Capella and said, “Well, how about having Capella-san spar with me? It might be a good way for Lord Rid to see an ‘example.'”

“Me?… Alright. Since I was the one who pointed it out to Lord Rid, I don’t mind sparring with Lord Rubens if Lord Rid gives his permission.”


Things seemed to be progressing without my input. Rubens and Capella were arranging to give me a demonstration through a mock battle.

But since I had never seen Capella’s abilities, I became quite intrigued and excited.

“Yeah! I’d love to see both of your skills in action!”


The two of them gave me a nod before Rubens moved to the center of the training ground.

Before Capella moved, he looked at me and said, “Lord Rid, I apologize, but may I borrow that wooden sword of yours?”

“Huh? Oh, right. Capella doesn’t have one. Sure, go ahead.”

He accepted the wooden sword from me and flashed a slightly awkward smile.

Even with Garn’s education, it seemed it would still take some time for Capella to have a natural smile.

Afterward, he nodded to me and headed toward the center of the training ground to join Rubens.

Rubens and Capella both took their stances, their eyes locked on each other.

At that moment, Rubens turned to me and said, “Lord Rid, please give us the signal to start.”

“Yeah, got it.”

After hearing my response, Rubens returned his gaze to Capella.

Even from a slight distance, I could feel the strong tension between them.

Oddly enough, I found myself getting nervous as I watched.

I cleared my throat while looking at the two of them.

“Cough… Well then, let’s begin the mock battle between Rubens and Capella. Start… now!”

With my words as the signal, the mock battle between the two began.


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