Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 6


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From that day on, Nan-young and Beom developed a peculiar relationship.

Nan-young could no longer approach Beom warmly as she once did. She began to keep her distance, much like he had done before, which only made Beom’s yearning heart ache even more.

One night, while he was alone in the storeroom, twisting rope to calm his burning heart, Nan-young came in.

What are you doing this late at night? Nan-young asked in her usual calm tone. But why was her body twisting like the straw rope in Beom’s hands? Even her neck was flushed red.

Beom, noticing the signs, jumped up and tried to grab Nan-young by the waist, but she was too fast.  Nan-young scampered out of the room like a rabbit.

Did you eat rabbit meat? I guess I’ll have to start catching rabbits from now on.

If only she had played along a little. How heartless she was. He spent nights angrily twisting useless ropes, and when that wasn’t enough, he chopped enough firewood to last two years.

Nan-young heard the sound of Beom chopping wood in the backyard every night, making her crotch feel like it was splitting like the wood.

I think Beom touched me like this…

Nan-young tried to mimic Beom’s touch, recalling it from memory, but no matter how much she tried, it wasn’t as satisfying as when Beom did it. Imagining that her fingers were Beom’s thick and rough ones, the more she rubbed her intimate area, the more it felt like a tickle.

Sigh… What am I doing?

Nan-young sighed heavily as she withdrew her wet hand. She couldn’t believe that even though she was a woman of a noble family, she spent every night fantasizing about being intimate with another man.

But still, she wondered what it would feel like to put that arm-sized thing inside her.

Ah, I must truly be losing my mind…

The lonely sound of an owl hooting outside the window mixed with the noise of wood being chopped and Beom’s grunting was dizzying.  Nan-young covered herself with the blanket up to her head. She couldn’t sleep tonight either.


Do you want me to help you?

Beom, who had crossed the stream first, reached out his hand toward Nan-young, who was following behind. However, Nan-young, standing precariously on a rock in the middle of the stream, waved her hand.

No, no. I’m fine.

The gaps between the rocks were wider than Nan-young’s stride, so she couldn’t cross over but insisted that she was fine. She was going to slip and fall on her butt again.

Don’t be so stubborn.

Beom swiftly approached and wrapped an arm around Nan-young’s waist


As her feet left the ground, Nan-young, startled, clung to his neck.

Only when her feet touched dry ground did she realize she was still clinging to Beom, her heart pounding against his chest.

When Nan-young raised her head, she met Beom’s eyes. He truly was a man worthy of his name. Those pitch-black eyes were no different from a tiger hunting its prey. It seemed as if he would tear her clothes to shreds and devour her in one bite.

Unconsciously, Nan-young took a shallow breath, and just as it seemed that Beom was about to lower his lips to hers, he suddenly let go of her. Then he brushed off his hands and stomped off alone into the forest’s depths.

How could you leave me and go off alone?

It wasn’t really something to be upset about, but why is it so upsetting? When Nan-young yelled at the annoying back of his head, he stopped walking and looked back. 

However, he didn’t have the sulky expression she had expected. Nan-young lowered her head in embarrassment and moved her feet as he looked at her with an odd gaze, almost as if he had seen through her cunning intentions.

She had tried to avoid being alone with Beom, but today she had no choice. She needed to gather wild vegetables and medicinal herbs before winter came, but the mountains were full of tigers and bears so she couldn’t come alone.

As she walked along the mountain path, staring at Beom’s heels, the back of her neck tingled. When she lifted her head and looked around, something caught her eye.

Beom, over there, over there!

She quickly whispered as she grabbed the hem of Beom’s jeogori as he walked ahead. Beom looked back and frowned, clearly displeased about something. Little did she know, his gaze wasn’t at her pointing finger toward the mountain slope but at the hand grabbing his jeogori.

What is it?

There’s a rabbit hole over there. Did you bring the trap? Quickly…

I don’t catch rabbits anymore.

Beom shook off her hand, which was holding his jeogori, and quickly turned around.

It was autumn, the season when rabbits were getting plump. It would be good to make a stew with the rich rabbit meat and use their fur to make winter hats, but why wouldn’t he catch them?

Why not?

I’ve decided never to catch another rabbit because of the one I missed in the storeroom last night.

Beom resumed his indifferent steps, leaving Nan-young standing alone, her cheeks flushed bright red.

At this rate, it will be dark soon.

I’m-I’m coming.

They gathered wild vegetables and medicinal herbs until their baskets were full. Now that the sun was beginning to set, it was time to head down the mountain.

M’lady, let’s go now.

When he shouted toward where Nan-young was crouching, he heard an urgent voice calling out to him in return.

Beom, Beom!

What now?

Why is she calling me in such a sweet voice today? Beom grumbled and walked slowly under the tree where Nan-young was crouching.

Did the cousin of the rabbit show up this time?

No, it’s not that…

Nan-young stood up and proudly held out a plant in her hand. Each of the three branches had five leaves, and the roots reached up to Nan-young’s elbow.

Isn’t this wild ginseng?

When Beom took the plant and examined it carefully, Nan-young was already clapping her hands in excitement, prematurely celebrating.

Wild ginseng…

I guess I can sell this and get you a wife.



This isn’t wild ginseng. It’s deodeok.

T/N: Deodeok is a flowering plant native to East Asia whose binomial name is Codonopsis lanceolata.

Before Nan-young could say anything, Beom put the plant in the basket and headed down the slope by himself.

You’re really trying to drive me crazy, aren’t you?” He grumbled rudely.

『 If the leaves spread out like a five-fingered palm, isn’t it ginseng?Nan-young stood there blankly, tilting her head, when Beom stopped and started grumbling again.

Aren’t you coming?

Why is he so grumpy today? Nan-young pouted and followed Beom. As the saying goes, a dog with dung rebukes a dog with husks of grain, she had also been grumpy today.

T/N: The Korean saying “a dog with dung/feces rebukes a dog with husks of grain” means that someone who has a bigger mistake scolds the other who has a small mistake. In other words, it refers to blaming others for their faults without acknowledging one’s own.

Ah, what a shame.

Even as they were almost down the mountain, Nan-young kept talking about the ginseng. She had thought it was real ginseng and had done all the calculations in her head in that short time.

She imagined selling it to buy a boy to help with the woodcutting and an ox for plowing the fields. That would lessen the hard work for Beom. Though, there wouldn’t be much left to get a pretty bride for him.

Still, deodeok was a delicacy. It wasn’t a total loss.

Beom, would you like me to grill you some deodeok for dinner tonight?

No, thanks.

Then what should I feed him to make him stop being so grumpy? It’s too late to make soybean noodles.

Honestly, Nan-young knew that just giving him a bite of her would calm him down, but she pretended not to know.

As she followed Beom down the mountainside, the sky suddenly darkened. Was it going to rain? Nan-young quickened her pace anxiously, but by the time they reached the village shrine at the entrance of the village, the sky was rumbling loudly.

Oh no, we were almost there.

M’lady, come this way quickly!

The two of them dashed into the small shrine to escape the sudden downpour.

The shrine, used for rituals, was spacious enough for the two of them to shelter from the rain but was too small to avoid colliding with the burly man. With an altar placed against a wall, the feeling was even tighter. Nan-young huddled as much as she could and stood against the wall.

How long will this rain last…?

Whether Beom knew about Nan-young’s anxious feelings or not, he muttered as he looked outside through the narrow crack of the door. In that short time, his back was soaked by the cascade of rain. His pants were soaked as well, and so were his insides.

『 Ah, I’m getting myself into trouble again.

Nan-young had been stealing glances at his hard-working, well-honed buttocks and wanted to turn Beom around but she lowered her head instead. By the time she realized it, she was just as soaked. Her jeogori and chest cover were thoroughly wet, revealing her skin underneath.

In fact, her chest covering was soaked long before it started raining. Without her child, Woong, her milk had accumulated and even leaked out. Beom, walking ahead, hadn’t noticed this.

If he had seen it, would he have offered to suck my breasts again?

She blushed, repeatedly twisting and untwisting her jeogori string around her fingers. But Beom didn’t turn around; he was still looking out into the rain with his back to her.


Only then did Beom look back at her.

He must be waiting for me.

In other words, she was reminding herself that she was a mother and that it wouldn’t be right to have physical contact with another man.

Nan-young repeated these thoughts to herself, over and over, unsure who she was really saying them to.

I hope the rain stops soon.

Beom plopped down on the stone floor of the shrine. And since it didn’t look like the rain would stop anytime soon, he took off the basket from his back.

Nan-young, who had been standing awkwardly like a sack of barley, watched him for a moment before slowly crouching down. It wasn’t as if he’d eat her up in a place like this, but the way she stuck to the wall so cautiously irritated Beom.

I can see Woong’s face right before my eyes, Nan-young sighed deeply.

Beom, who was sitting in the corner, chimed in.

Our Young Master Woong is quite handsome, isn’t he?

You think so too? Not only is he handsome, but he’s also smart.

She began chattering about her not-even-six-month-old son being a prodigy. Unlike earlier in the mountains, Beom was smiling and listening to her. If she boasted like this to the women at the well, they’d just scold her.

He will soon be calling you ‘Mother.’

He will soon. My mother said I started speaking around that time too.

It was amazing how Beom never seemed jealous or tired of her bragging about her son but rather enjoyed it.

Don’t you want to have a child too?

She subtly prodded him again, but Beom just smiled like a well-fed tiger.

I already told you. Just watching Young Master Woong grow up makes me feel full.

For a moment, there was a heavy silence in the shrine, the rain outside was still pouring down loudly, and Nan-young, who had been holding the strings of her jeogori and thinking to herself, spoke again.

You… will you really go if I marry you off?

Beom stared at Nan-young’s ambiguous expression for a moment before answering indifferently.

I would go, of course. A slave like me has to go if the master orders it. I have no choice. Beom looked up, pretending not to know anything, just staring at the ceiling of the shrine, where there was nothing to see.

If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to…

You said it yourself, M’lady. You were the one who said I should have someone to share the long nights with.

There was no answer. Beom counted to five before looking down, and he saw that Nan-young’s face looked pitiful. She wasn’t a child, but her face was flushed, and she seemed on the verge of tears. It was a real mess.

Ah, and yet you, wife—I mean, M’lady—have a husband, even if he’s like a living corpse…

What did you just call me?

…What are you talking about? I didn’t say anything.

Beom had been calling her “my dear wife, my lovely wife” in his mind so often that the wretched words had slipped out of his mouth. Beom muttered in an unusually timid voice and just scratched the innocent stone floor with his fingernails.

Beom’s neck was bright red, even though there was no scorching sun. Now that she understood the meaning, Nan-young smiled faintly and whispered shyly.

A lover is still considered a husband, even if he’s not the real one…

Beom raised his head in surprise. How could such an innocent lady, who probably didn’t even know what pleasure between a man and a woman was, say something like that?

Nan-young couldn’t meet his eyes and lowered her head, biting her cherry-red lips. Now that he thought about it, why had his lady put on rouge when she was only going to gather wild vegetables and herbs?

Oh, look at that. He thought she was as naive as a bear, but she could act like a sly fox too.

M’lady, do you even know what one does with a lover?

She didn’t answer and just pouted like a duck. Of course, she wouldn’t know. As he chuckled, Nan-young became frustrated.

Then why don’t you teach me instead of showing off?

As soon as she finished speaking, Beom lunged at Nan-young.

M’lady, you asked me to teach you with your own mouth, so no taking it back now.

Beom grabbed Nan-young’s hips and lifted her up effortlessly, causing her to wrap her arms tightly around his neck in surprise.

I’m not going to let you go now, even if you try to push me away.

Determined to keep his word—as a man who stands by what he says—his grip on Nan-young’s hips tightened.

The sound of the offerings on the ancestral rite table falling to the stone floor was loud as he effortlessly sat Nan-young on the table as if she were an offering.


Just stay still.

There was not an ounce of patience in the way he tugged at her jeogori strings, practically ripping them open, and how he quickly lifted her skirt. The man who had been so reserved and formal just moments ago was nowhere to be found.

What if… what if someone comes?

Who would come when it’s raining so hard?

With the rain still pouring down, it seemed that even the heavens were on their side.

Beom took Nan-young’s hand away and quickly pulled down her chest covering. Her breasts, which had been pressed flat, bounced free, with white drops of milk spraying in all directions.

If you have so much milk, you should have said something.

Beom licked the milk that had splashed on the back of his hand and then immediately latched onto her nipple. He held her nipple with his thick tongue and sucked hard enough that his cheeks hollowed out. Occasionally, he swirled his tongue around her nipple and flicked it with the tip of his tongue, making it clear that his intention was not just to help relieve her.

Ah… Beom…

With his other hand, he grasped her other breast. Though her breast was not rice cake dough, he was kneading it so hard that the milk spurted out and ran down his dark hand.

He teased her nipple by lightly tapping it with his fingers and pressing down, and each time he did, it wasn’t just her breasts that tingled with sensation, but her lower part as well. Nan-young still didn’t know what this sensation was, but her body certainly knew it was something good.

Suddenly, Nan-young grabbed the hand that was fondling one of her breasts and pulled it away. Beom, confused, let go of her nipple and chuckled softly—it was because his hand had landed right on her mound.

Beom thought she was stopping him from touching her, but instead, she was guiding him to touch the lower part of her body.

So, you like my skills this much…

But just as Beom was smiling in satisfaction while caressing her, he suddenly grew irritated.

Argh, why did you have the wit to put on rouge but not to take off your undergarments?

No, what kind of foolishness are you talking about?

Sigh, you really are wearing too many clothes. This is driving me crazy.”

Nan-young was wearing layers of garments: an under-skirt, underpants, an undershirt, and another layer of an under-skirt. It was as if she didn’t want to give herself to him, tightly wrapping everything up. Pouting, Beom stripped them off and dropped to his knees on the stone floor.

This will feel even better.

Without giving Nan-young a chance to stop him, he opened his mouth wide and took the pink bead into his mouth.

No, you shouldn’t put your mouth there… Angh!

Just as expected, when he rolled her clit over and over again with the tip of his tongue, Nan-young’s thighs started shaking.

Aungh, ugh, agnhh.

Through her parted lips, beautiful moans continued to escape and sweet juices dripped down from her cunt.

It couldn’t possibly be unpleasant, but for some reason, his lady suddenly grabbed his hair and desperately tried to pull him away as if she disliked it so much. Eventually, she even started squirming her hips away, making the ancestral rite table shake so much that he worried it might collapse.

So Beom grabbed Nan-young’s buttocks tightly with both hands. He deliberately lowered his tongue all the way down and thrust it into her vulva, running the tip of his tongue along her soft insides. Nan-young gasped as if she was about to lose her breath.

Beo-Beom, ugnhh, Beom!

In the end, Nan-young’s flower water finally burst into Beom’s mouth.

M’lady, how does it feel?

Beom finally pulled away and stood up, wiping the clear liquid from his mouth with the back of his hand. He smiled broadly, while Nan-young seemed dazed.

Huh? How was it?

Although he kept asking her how it was, Nan-young seemed unable to answer.

What kind of sorcery was this? Her body felt like it was floating like a kite, and a whole new world appeared before her eyes. She felt like she had arrived in paradise, unaware of how time was passing.

Doesn’t it feel just like being in paradise?

How did he know that? Nan-young nodded absentmindedly, gasping for breath.

That’s exactly how I feel right now.

Beom whispered passionately as he looked into her eyes, where clarity had faded and heat had taken its place.

Being with Nan-young and growing closer to her felt like being in paradise.

He looked intently at Nan-young’s face, where the flower of ecstasy had fully bloomed, then lowered his head. As if she had been waiting for this, Nan-young closed her eyes and slowly parted her lips.

How beautiful she was.

In the end, Beom couldn’t hold back and pushed his tongue into her mouth, thrusting his cock inside her.

Ungh, hmm…

In the sacred shrine, the sound of the altar creaking and the suppressed moans of the lovers echoed in the space meant to be pure. It wasn’t just that—the once-clear scent of incense had long been overwhelmed by the murky smells of sweat, milk, and their mingled fluids.

Beom and Nan-young, who had been entwined for a long time, were out of breath and had no choice but to part their lips. Regretfully, their foreheads touched instead, as they continued thrusting and grinding without a break.

『 Ah, so this is where it goes in.

Nan-young couldn’t take her eyes off the spot between her legs. It was amazing to see that huge, thick cock disappear into and emerge from her.

Well, I did give birth to a child of extraordinary size here, so why wouldn’t I be able to take in Beom’s big penis?

Angh, Beom…

Her amazement was short-lived. How could the path meant for childbirth have such a use? Each time Beom’s blunt and thick penis pounded just below her navel, a sizzling sensation bubbled in her lower part. Just like when Beom had teased her with his tongue between her legs earlier, her vision flashed, and it felt as if another world was about to unfold before her eyes.

What are we doing in the sacred shrine on top of the altar?

This was an act that would bring disaster, an act that might even invite a lightning strike.

But perhaps they had already been struck by lightning, as their two bodies, entwined as one, trembled violently.

Ungh, Lady Nan-young…

Even without trying, Nan-young’s insides, which had already tightly gripped and sucked on his dick, clung to it as if it wanted to become one with him. Each time he pulled out, her peach-colored depths clung so firmly to his penis as if asking where he was going.

M’lady, ugnnh, don’t let go of me. I won’t let go of you, either.

Please, stop it, ahh

Even as his mind became hazy, Beom’s eyes became moist, not missing the intentions behind Nan-young’s words.

My wife… my beautiful wife.

Ahh, my husband…

Even if he was just a secret lover, he was still her husband. How could I deny it when he filled the emptiness in my body and heart so completely?

Nan-young walked through paradise once again, held in her husband’s arms.

Beom embraced Nan-young’s body, already melting in ecstasy, and gave a final thrust with his hips.

M’lady, you didn’t marry into the Jang family just to carry on their lineage. So, you truly are my wife.

The climax, marking the peak of their pleasure, continued for a long time.

Now, the true joy of love had blossomed.

He has someone else’s rice cakes in both hands.


His hips felt heavy as if weighed down by a pendulum, yet his steps were as light as feathers. This was because of the heavy pouch of money securely fastened below his belt.

As soon as dawn broke, Beom went to the market, claiming that he would be selling vegetables and herbs. Nan-young, saying that she wanted to visit the market for the first time in a long time, tried to follow him with Woong on her back. However, while she was busy getting ready, he secretly slipped away.

How could I not enjoy the thought of a family outing with the two of them?

But I had to sell the ginseng secretly without Nan-young knowing.

If she found out it was real ginseng, Nan-young might use the money to buy medicine for that worthless, fake husband of hers. This precious money shouldn’t be wasted on that fool—it should be saved and used for Woong and Nan-young. 

That’s why he lied yesterday, saying it was just deodeok.

Of course, the mention of bringing a bride for him had also bothered him.

But it turned out that was just another of Nan-young’s lies.

Anyway, she was both foolish and sly.

As he walked through the market with light steps, Beom thought of Nan-young’s moon-like face.

When I return, I’ll probably get scolded a lot for leaving without her. But even the thought of her nagging felt sweet. After all, isn’t nagging reserved for the husband?

Beom, who was smiling like an idiot as he walked along, suddenly stopped in front of a knife shop. As he carefully examined the items, he hesitated for a moment before pulling out a faded silver ring from his waist.

Beom, forget it. You are nothing more than a slave born of a slave.

Even though his mother told him to forget about it, he couldn’t let go of the silver ring that the late Lord Jang had given his mother. It was the ring she received on the very night she conceived Beom.

The jealous lady of the house had made his mother lie with a male servant as soon as she became pregnant with the Jang family’s child. Because of this, when Beom was born, no one knew whose child he truly was, and he was not acknowledged as a legitimate son.

However, as he grew up, it became clear to anyone who looked at him—more so than at the frail Won-gyu, who was much weaker—that he had inherited the Jang family’s blood. But the late Lord Jang, tired of the household disputes, continued to ignore him. If only he had been weaker, smaller, and unable to fight. Instead, he suffered all kinds of hardships simply because he had inherited precious blood, drawing the jealousy of Won-gyu and the lady of the house.

Beom stared blankly at the ring that his mother had held onto until the moment she died, and though he hated the ring, he could never bring himself to sell it.

Perhaps this ring’s name is “Resentment.”

In the end, he was the one who continued the Jang family lineage, so there was no need for resentment now.

Without hesitation, Beom held out the silver ring to the merchant, who was staring at him with bewildered eyes from across the stall.

“Will this be enough to cover the cost?”


Just wait until you come back.

Nan-young lay in the other room, breastfeeding Woong while seething with anger.

Yesterday, Beom said he wouldn’t let go even if she pushed him away, calling her his beautiful bride with sweet words. What kind of husband leaves his lovely bride at home and runs off on his own?

I’ll just give him spoiled rice.

But there was no way there’d be any spoiled rice in Nan-young’s diligent kitchen.

I’ll eat all the soybean noodles, and he can only smell them.

Earlier in the day, still fuming with anger, she ground three bowls of soybeans. Nan-young planned to eat it all herself, but she didn’t even like soybean noodles, so that was unlikely.

M’lady, I’m back.

Beom’s deep voice echoed from the courtyard. Yesterday, he was all this and that, speaking so easily. And now, his polite tone irritated her. In fact, everything about him had been irritating to her since he left her behind.

As the heavy footsteps echoed through the wooden floor, Nan-young quickly shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep. The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and she heard him call out to her politely a few times. Then, after a brief pause, likely checking his surroundings, she heard the door quietly creak open.

Woong, who was suckling on his mother’s breast, recognized Beom and babbled happily.

Oh my, my beautiful baby…

Peeking through her barely open eyes, Nan-young saw Beom cradling Woong in his arms, gently rocking him. A smile bloomed on his face—a smile that even Woong’s father, Won-gyu, had never shown.

A slave daring to call a noble’s son ‘my baby’? That’s something that would normally be severely punished. But if it’s her husband, that’s a different matter.

Is your mother sleeping?

Nan-young quickly closed her eyes again. There was a rustling sound—he must have set Woong down.


His voice was much closer this time, and on the second call, she could feel his lips almost brushing against her ear, tickling it.

My wife…

Even though he called her, she continued to pretend to be asleep until she felt his hand on her neatly tied hair.

What is he doing?

It looked like he had taken out her hairpin, but then he gently put it back.

I bought a gift for you, why don’t you get up and look at it?

When she stubbornly refused to open her eyes, he began planting kisses on her forehead and cheeks, which became increasingly annoying. In the end, Nan-young opened her eyes wide and pushed Beom’s mischievous face away.

Where’s the gift you’re talking about?

Beom’s hands were empty. How could he lie so easily? Nan-young tried to sit up, but when she made a groaning sound and attempted to lie back down, Beom wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Did you have fun at the market all by yourself? Did you secretly meet some pretty girl?

Nan-young shot him a sharp look full of resentment. It felt strange to her to be acting this way, having lived her whole life without knowing what jealousy was. Still, she couldn’t help it and ended up pouting.

But Beom, whether he had eaten something funny at the market or had just become a fool, kept grinning from ear to ear.

Look at this.

Beom tapped the hairpin with his fingertips. Nan-young, unable to see it since she didn’t have eyes in the back of her head, pulled out the hairpin.

What is this?

Nan-young’s eyes widened like a full moon. Up until now, she had only worn the wooden hairpin that Beom had roughly carved for her, but suddenly a silver hairpin was shining in her hand.

Did you buy this at the market?

Before Nan-young could even ask where he got the money, Beom spoke first.

Don’t sell it, or I won’t buy you another one.

Why would I sell this…?

Nan-young’s lips slowly curled into a smile, her dimples deepening. She couldn’t believe this was the first time in her life she had an expensive piece of jewelry.

Give it here. I’ll put it on for you.

Beom took the hairpin from her. He lifted Nan-young’s braided hair, which had slipped down her delicate back, and firmly pinned it up.

Well, it’s a husband’s duty to pin up his wife’s hair after they’ve shared their first night.

What a truly strange relationship this is—first seeing her son, then finally sharing their wedding night, and only afterward pinning the hairpin.

Yet, where could there be a bond stronger than this in the world?

Beom and Nan-young, smiling at each other with eyes like crescent moons, pounced on each other without waiting to see who would move first.

Ah, Beom…

Ungh, M’lady… no, my wife…

Woong fell into a deep sleep as soon as he was full, and Grandma Deok-i across the courtyard was deaf.

Even though his master was watching sharply from behind the thin wall, today, Beom didn’t care whether that worthless and useless husband tried to interfere or made a mess on the bedding.

What I’m saying is, this rice cake is mine now.

Finally, the lady was taken away by the tiger. 


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