Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 5

A Chewy and warm rice cake

• ────── ✾ ────── •

Are you buying this for your wife?

The peddler, watching the young man with his hands behind his back, asked in a slightly displeased tone. With his messy hair, it was obvious he was a servant from some household, yet he was intently staring at the silver hairpin. The peddler wondered if he might grab it and run while he was distracted.

I’ll give this to you cheaply. Take it.

The peddler held out a cheap wooden hairpin. He showed contempt, assuming the man had no money because he was a slave. This irritated Beom.

No, thanks. I’ve got plenty of wooden hairpins that I carved myself at home.

The truth was, he didn’t have much money. He had even brought a silver ring with him, which he usually kept locked up in his trunk in his room. But it wasn’t nearly enough for a silver hairpin.

With every step he took, the coins in the pouch hanging from his waist jingled mockingly.

I can’t.

The money earned from selling potatoes belonged to the lady of the house, and buying a hairpin for her with it was shameless.

Should I at least catch a bear in the mountains and sell its skin?

But even if he bought her a silver hairpin, she would likely sell it, deeming it too extravagant for their tight household budget. And the money he earned from hunting a bear would probably end up being spent on medicine for that wretched husband of hers.

Have I lost my mind? Why would I buy a hairpin for someone who isn’t even my wife?

Beom headed for the mountain village, alone and rambling like a madman. His bag was empty, but somehow the walk back felt heavier than when he had gone to the market. He heaved sigh after sigh, entering the gate of the house, when the lady, who was grinding grain on one side of the yard, greeted him with a face as bright as the moon.

Beom, you’re back. Why did you leave so early today?

The lady wiped her wet hands on her apron and hurried over to him.

Here, this is the money from selling the potatoes.

Beom couldn’t bear to make eye contact with Nan-young, so he only looked at the worn ends of his straw shoes as he handed over the money pouch.

It’s been a hot day, and you must have had a hard time. I’ve got cold water for you, so come wash up. I’ll make you your favorite bean noodle soup.

Nan-young smiled sweetly, her dimples showing, and Beom blinked like a fool. If it weren’t for their social statuses, it would seem as if she were playing the role of his wife.

Even though he felt like he should be punished severely for what he did last night, sitting at the table with her treating him so kindly made it hard for him to swallow the food, as if the noodles were iron rods.

The lady not only made the bean noodles, which required a lot of work, but she also prepared four poached eggs and placed them all on his table.

If she hadn’t slept soundly last night, one would have thought that the lady had some kind of promiscuous intention, such as giving rice and meat soup only to the male slave.

I made a lot of noodles, so eat as much as you want.

Today, for some reason, the lady sat on the floor while the servant ate with a satisfied expression. For Beom, who felt guilty, it was maddening.

He couldn’t tell if the noodles were going into his mouth or his nose. He slurped them quickly while the lady, sitting across from him, chatted away.

My husband seems to be in a bad mood today. He must be very sick. If I had known, I would have asked you to get more medicine when you went to the market…

Beom almost broke his chopsticks. That damn husband of hers must have taken out his anger on his innocent lady because of what happened yesterday. He felt like kicking that worthless bastard until his dick fell off.

Beom tried hard to suppress his anger and asked in a rough, husky voice.



Uh, um, are you, uh, alright?

Nan-young tilted her head, not understanding what he meant.

Youyou fell hard on your bottom yesterday while digging up potatoes. What a perfect excuse. Beom was impressed with himself for coming up with it.


Before Nan-young could say that she was okay, he handed her something he had hidden behind his back. It was an ointment he got from the pharmacy and some yakgwa he had impulsively bought from a nearby shop.

T/N: * yakgwa are traditional Korean confectionery.

The ointment should be applied once in the morning and once at night.

Oh, you didn’t have to take care of me like this. I’ll be fine after a few nights’ sleep.

If you are going to speak like that, don’t smile as brightly as the full moon.

By the way, why did you bring snacks?

She didn’t say anything about the yakgwa, but took one and started to eat it, asking as she did so. Beom didn’t answer, just blinked his eyes again.

It must be really sweet, right? No, I mean not her round lips, but the syrup stuck on her lips.


Ahem, I brought them because they just looked tasty.

That was a lie. Beom didn’t like things that stuck to his teeth like the yakgwas. Those were for children, old ladies, or young women. Like his lady…

Do you want some?

She picked up another piece of yakgwa and offered it, but Beom shook his head.

I had my fill on the way here.

It was impossible for someone who had eaten so much yakgwa to slurp noodles as if he had been starving all day. The naive lady believed him completely.

It is said that if a man likes sweet things too much, his pepper will fall off.

She laughed playfully, finding the joke amusing. The idea of his pepper falling off, there couldn’t be a worse omen for a man.

How could a noble lady talk about my pepper with her mouth? Unintentionally, Beom’s face turned bright red under the autumn sunlight as he found himself unexpectedly talking back in anger. He realized too late that he had already said too much.

As he remembered the image of his lady’s small lips struggling to take in his thick cock last night, his face grew hot. He wondered if she was also blushing bright red. She probably didn’t know what was going on and was embarrassed that she spoke lightly as a noblewoman.

But those lips, those soft pink lips like honey-filled rice cake… I want to take a bite of them.


Ahhh, this honey rice cake is incomparable,” Beom moaned as he pulled away from Nan-young’s lips that he was biting.

How could something be so moist, sweet, and soft? Even the best rice cake maker in the world couldn’t replicate the feel of her lips.

Hmm? Are you listening, M’lord?

After biting and sucking gently until her lips swelled even more, he licked them with his tongue and shook the arm of his master lying beside them.

Won-gyu was lying on his side, facing the wall. Of course, Beom hadn’t turned his body over because Won-gyu hated seeing his beautiful wife face the servant he despised so much.

For some reason, unlike yesterday, a different kind of grudge was boiling inside Beom, making him not want to show even a glimpse of the lady’s buttocks, not even a strand of hair.

Won-gyu howled like an animal all night yesterday, but today he only groaned occasionally. Still, it was deeply satisfying to see him unable to contain his rage.

I’ll use the skills you taught me on her ladyship.

Beom spread Nan-young’s thighs wide and lowered his head between them. As he parted the already wet mound, a red nub appeared that could be mistaken for her nipple. It twitched on its own, silently begging to be sucked.

Without hesitation, he took that adorable little piece of flesh into his mouth. Just like he had done with her lips, he rubbed it with his lips and sucked on it before licking it with his tongue. Observing how his lady’s thighs, caught in his large palms, trembled most intensely when he maneuvered his mouth in a certain way, Beom realized she liked it best when he twirled his pointed tongue around her clit.

He also inserted his thick, calloused fingers into her vaginal entrance. Licking and twirling on the outside, while scratching and probing her insides, just as his master had once ‘taught’ him.


Agh, this is amazing.

As his tongue rolled over her marble, Nan-young made unique sounds. And that was not all. A spring erupted from her valley, causing a sudden flood.

What a waste.

Beom licked up all of his lady’s spring water that had pooled in his hand, savoring it as if it were the sweetest nectar.

M’lady, why did you say such ominous things earlier? If I continue to drink your sweet juices, what if my pepper actually falls off? You’ll be so sorry you won’t be able to sleep at night.

Grumbling, he stood up and looked at Nan-young, who was deeply asleep and gasping for breath.

With his hand wet from her spring water, Beom grasped his throbbing cock.

It was extremely hot. He wondered if her delicate entrance would be severely burned if he penetrated her in this state.

However, his poisonous snake was impatient. It throbbed, eager to dive quickly into her valley.

I’m going crazy…

Before he spilled his precious seed on the sheets, Beom quickly thrust his cock into Nan-young’s wet pussy.

Ah… M’lady…

Her insides were like rice cakes.

It was sticky, soft, and chewy. It truly felt like he was thrusting into a freshly steamed rice cake. And how hot it was. Sweat ran down Beom’s back as he pounded his thick cock into her tight insides.

M’lord, uh, are you awake? Her pussy is clinging tightly to my cock.

Beom continued to torment Won-gyu relentlessly, but unlike last night, he made no mention of other women.

M’lady seems to fit better with me than with your husband. It feels like I am the husband.

Beom held Nan-young tightly like a greedy child clutching a rice cake and not wanting to let go.

Having lived without greed, knowing his place, and suppressing his desires, Beom began to be greedy for the first time in over a decade.

Nan-young’s round breasts bounced, rubbing mercilessly against his hard chest with each of his powerful thrusts. What had once been soft flesh gradually became firmer. Beom lowered his head and eagerly sucked on her erect nipples.


It seemed that what felt good to him was also good for her. Nan-young began to gasp and nasal sounds began to escape from her mouth.

Does it feel that good, M’lady?

Beom gently stroked Nan-young’s flushed cheeks and smiled contentedly. Despite her naive and innocent demeanor, she was still a woman. To finally teach her the joys of intimate pleasure gave him great satisfaction.

I will share my affection with M’lady so you won’t feel lonely on long nights.

But first, let’s share some honey water. He pressed his lips to Nan-young’s and pushed his tongue between her parted teeth.  As he traced her teeth and mingled their tongues, they shared more than just sweet saliva, mixing it with soft moans.

In the dimly lit room, under the waning moon, the squeaking sounds of a man and woman’s bodies coming together and separating sweetly filled the air.

The moaning continued, but it was the disharmony of three people.

About fifteen minutes later, Beom climaxed inside Nan-young’s womb. For Beom, it was a brief moment, but for Won-gyu, it felt like an eternity.

The way the woman eagerly swallowed his cum with her lower lips was extremely endearing. Beom lightly pecked at Nan-young’s lips, like a bird eating fruit, as her breathing calmed.

What does it matter if she is another man’s wife? Only I get to taste the true pleasure.

I told you to apply it at night.

She hadn’t even touched the ointment. What was she saving it for? Beom grumbled as he applied the ointment to Nan-young’s buttocks.

Then, he dressed Nan-young and laid her straight, just as she was before their intimate encounter.

Shouldn’t that one also be laid down properly?

Beom grabbed Won-gyu’s shoulder as he lay facing the wall and turned him over. Now he was even jealous that Won-gyu could sleep next to Nan-young. Grinding his teeth, Beom warned Won-gyu.

M’lord, don’t be cruel to my lady.

Didn’t I show you clearly when I spilled the porridge bowl yesterday? No matter how much you act like a tyrant, it won’t work. But it seemed that this man’s stubborn pride was unyielding. To see him causing trouble and making his lady suffer was infuriating.

If you do it again, I’ll bring a sickle and cut off your pepper.

With the same mouth that spat out harsh words at Won-gyu, he gave Nan-young a passionate kiss.

And, as he covered her stretched-out legs with a light blanket, his lady’s usual plea not to run away echoed in his ears.

Of course, M’lady. Stretch out your legs and sleep well. I’ll take care of your belly.

Beom stroked her flat abdomen and smiled like a well-fed tiger.

The Sweet Milk of My Lady

• ────── ✾ ────── •

After about a month of building a deep, unforgettable physical bond with his lady every long night, her menstrual cycle had stopped.

Nan-young looked anxious and whispered something to the village women at the well, and the next day she went to the village physician. When she returned, her cheeks were as red as ripe apples and she was smiling as brightly as a peony.

‘I’m pregnant.’

When Nan-young told him this, Beom felt as if the world was at his feet.

‘Husband, we can finally continue the Jang family line.’

Won-gyu’s eyes turned red and he trembled in front of the woman who was crying with emotion. The naive woman believed that her husband was also moved to tears and tried hard to hold them back, as a man should.

The villagers were amazed that the master of the Jang household was still fertile, but no one dared to ask about it in front of the innocent, childlike Nan-young.

Beom became more busy than ever. He was in charge of all the farm work, down to the smallest task, and when he wasn’t farming, he was busy climbing mountains. If his lady wanted to eat wild vegetables, he would climb the mountains in a heartbeat. If he saw something expensive at the market and reluctantly turned away, he would go bear hunting in the mountains.

During that time, calling her a fool and saying that there was no such fool like her in the world seemed to have been completely forgotten, as she now only seemed adorable in his eyes. Beom ended up becoming a fool instead.

The rainy season passed in a flash, the fields turned yellow with ripe crops and were soon covered in a thick layer of white snow. Meanwhile, his lady’s belly grew like the gourd hanging from the thatched roof.

And, around the time the peach blossoms were in full bloom, a geumjul with bright red peppers and a large charcoal stick was hung on the gate of the Jang household to announce the birth of a son. The baby’s loud cries and the mother’s joyful laughter echoed over the low wall every day.

T/N: A geumjul is a straw rope hung in front of a house’s gate to prevent evil spirits from entering, or after birth, restricting people from casually entering.

Nan-young, who was diligently looking through the genealogy left by her deceased mother-in-law in front of her husband, named her son ‘Woong.’

Husband, is there a more fitting name than this? You are as strong as a bear, truly inheriting the blood of the Jang family. It was so hard to give birth to you.

Nan-young beamed with pride as she held the baby, who looked to be several months old despite being born only a month ago.

Her husband’s face was still flushed. Perhaps due to increased anxiety after the birth of his eldest son, his worries seemed to have increased and he had become as thin as a twig.

Don’t worry, husband. This child will revive our family.

Nan-young, ever the optimist, smiled brightly and pressed her cheek against the chubby cheek of her son, who was sleeping in her arms. How could there be anything so beautiful in the world? Her baby, who smelled sweetly of milk, gave her a sense of purpose.

You have a big appetite. While I fatten you up, Woong, this mother of yours might become as thin as a dried pollack.

Nan-young just smiled happily, but Beom, who was sweeping under the main room window, was shocked and his face hardened.

She must not become as thin as a dried pollack!

He threw down the broom, grabbed his fishing gear from the shed, and ran toward the stream.

Drink it all up, M’lady.

Nan-young, looking down at the bowl filled with milky-white broth with wide, round eyes, couldn’t resist Beom’s urging and picked up the bowl.

She wondered where he went during the day. Beom returned with a fishing net full of snakeheads and carp. The fresh fish Beom brought were so vigorous and lively that Nan-young and Grandma Deok-i couldn’t even think of handling them, but Beom put them into the cauldron all by himself and cooked them all day.

Nan-young had never realized how sad it was not to have her mother around to care for her after giving birth to her first child. Seeing her always brusque male servant taking such good care of her, as if he were her mother, made her eyes well up with tears. Nan-young swallowed her tears along with the soup.

You must not leave a single drop.

Beom smiled contentedly as he watched Nan-young empty the bowl without leaving a drop. Confirming that she had drunk it all without leaving a drop, he played with Woong in his arms, meeting the baby’s gaze and fiddling with his hands. An outsider might think Beom was the baby’s father.

You married into a family on the verge of collapse and suffered a lot, yet you birthed this sturdy boy…

To him, a slave, Woong is his young master. However, Nan-young was so full that she ignored Beom addressing her son rudely.

Thank you so much.

Beom sounded choked, his voice hoarse and even his eyes turned red. Woong wasn’t his son, yet he was still thanking her. Nanyeong felt a bit embarrassed by this.

Are you thanking me because you’re afraid I’ll sell you out? Or are you hinting that you want to get married soon and have a stout son like Woong?

She joked with a smile, but Beom frowned deeply, very different from his recent cheerful self.

I don’t need to get married.

For some reason, Beom’s tone and behavior had become more and more unusual. It was strange that someone who didn’t smile much before was now smiling all the time and even seemed a little cheeky.

However, with her husband practically a living corpse and Grandma Deok-i being deaf, the lonely Nan-young found Beom’s company comforting. Having known Beom for over three or four years with his originally gruff and distant nature, the current Beom had become much warmer and more friendly.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a son like Woong?

She asked with a smile, her eyes curving like crescent moons, and Beom smiled back the same way, responding playfully.

I don’t need a son like Young Master Woong because I already have Young Master Woong.


Five months after giving birth, Nan-young picked up the hoe again. She originally planned to return to the field as soon as the 21-day postpartum period was over, but Beom got so angry and stopped her, making her take an additional four months off.

She was busy harvesting well-ripened bean pods when a loud baby cry echoed from behind her, so loud it felt like it could make a mountain collapse.

Woong, are you hungry already?

She couldn’t afford a wet nurse and deaf grandmother Deok-i couldn’t hear the baby’s cries, so Nan-young had to place Woong in the shade of a tree next to the field she worked in. But how good is that baby’s appetite?

Woong’s appetite is so good that whenever Nan-young thought she could do some field work after feeding him and laying him down, he would cry for more milk.

Beom looked at Nan-young with wistful eyes as she hurriedly approached her son, wiping her hands on the hem of her skirt.

What’s the problem with feeding my own son? Let’s just hurry and pick the beans.

He scolded himself, but his hands showed no intention of moving to pick the beans. His eyes remained fixed on Nan-young’s back as she carried Woong to the bushes at the back of the field.

Why does she have to hide to feed him?

Tsk. Beom smacked his lips loudly.

How sweet it must be! If I could just taste it once, I would have no regrets. No, just seeing those plump breasts once would be enough for me.

After Woong was born, Nan-young stopped taking the medicine she used to make for her husband, fearing it might harm the baby. As a result, Beom has been unable to satisfy his pent-up lust for more than a year.

If this keeps building up, I’m going to explode.

I’ll have to free this guy by hand tonight, I can’t take it anymore.

Beom tried to avert his eyes from the glimpses of his lady’s figure peeking through the bushes. He slapped his damned snake, which raised its head as if to spy on his lady, even though it didn’t even have eyes.

After giving birth to Woong, Nan-young began to live in the room next to the master’s. And whenever the sleepy old grandmother Deok-i went to sleep early, Beom would quietly go up to the main floor.

It was worth the effort to have the floor redone because he didn’t hear a single creak on his way to the door of Nan-young’s room.

Beom knelt by the door of the room, listening to the sounds coming from inside. Woong seemed to be asleep as there was no baby babbling; only the groans of his lady could be heard through the paper door.

Oh, it hurts…

She’s in pain?

Beom carefully poked a hole in the paper door. As soon as his eye was on the finger-sized hole, the snake, which he thought had calmed down after letting out its cum once, suddenly raised its head again.

Good heavens…

Nan-young was holding one of her swollen, heavy breasts with both hands and squeezing it onto a white cloth. The baby’s appetite was so great that her breasts were quickly filling with milk, and with the baby asleep, she had no way to relieve the pressure. So she had no choice but to milk herself like a cow.

What a waste…

The sweet scent of her milk wafted all the way to him. As his lady squeezed her breast, which was three times more swollen than the large dumpling he knew, with her small hands, milk droplets formed on her peach-colored nipples and dripped onto the white cloth.

Beom was on the verge of losing his mind watching such precious milk being wasted, wanting desperately to taste even a single drop.


Oh my god!

Finally, Beom couldn’t hold back any longer and slammed the door of the adjacent room.


Be-Beom, what are you doing? If you have some matter, why didn’t you call me from outside the door?

Nan-young looked up at him with surprised rabbit-like eyes. Because it happened in an instant, she didn’t even think about picking up her jeogori and the chest covering she had taken off. As Nan-young tried to cover her chest with her small hands, the sight of her plump flesh being squeezed made Beom feel even more lustful, driving him nearly mad with desire.

When he stepped into the room and closed the door, Nan-young shrank back scooting away on her bottom.

I’m not dressed yet!! Why are you doing this? Go outside, Beom!

Beom grabbed Nan-young’s wrists and yanked them apart. Her breasts, which had been pressed down, bounced back to their plump shape again. Her nipples, now thicker than before thanks to breastfeeding, also stood out temptingly.

M’lady, please leave this matter to a strong man.

Beom didn’t give Nan-young a chance to answer and devoured her from her nipple to the white flesh around her areola. When Nan-young tried to punch and pinch him, it only tickled, so he let go of her wrist. He had other uses for his hands.

Beom, wait! Men and women are different; how can you touch me like this, ah

Nan-young, startled by a grown man, and a servant at that, biting, sucking, and fondling her breast as if he were a newborn, suddenly let out a soft moan.

The strength in his jaw and his hands was completely different from her baby’s.

When she milked herself, only drops of milk came out, tantalizingly slow, but when Beom squeezed and sucked her breasts, streams of milk would gush out.

Beom seemed to swallow all the milk greedily, sucking so hard that his cheeks hollowed out. The strong suction of his powerful jaws made the milk that came out not only refreshing but strangely intoxicating.

He kneaded her breast as if he were crushing it, causing her pale flesh to bulge between his rough, hazelnut-tanned fingers, as if her breasts were glutinous rice cakes.

True, this kind of work should be left to a strong man.

Haa, M’lady’s milk is really sweet.

Beom let go of the nipple for a moment, took a deep breath, and smiled widely. That satisfied smile seems to be similar to the smile her baby boy makes when he is fully breastfed.

Could it be that Grandma Samsin mistook my husband for someone else and granted me a child?

Nan-young blinked in confusion, shook off the absurd thought, and opened her mouth.

If a grown man, who is not even a baby, craves for milk so much, his pepper will… Ahhhh!

How could he touch my crotch when he said he was going to milk me? It’s not that I have milk between my legs like a cow.

If my pepper falls off, M’lady will be disappointed.

What do you mean by that, ah

I should tell him to stop touching me, but why won’t my body listen to me?

Beom’s rough hand kept pressing and rubbing somewhere between her undergarment and her thighs. And each time, a shiver ran down Nan-young’s spine from an unknown, erotic pleasure that she couldn’t understand and felt like she shouldn’t have.

Also, when Beom started sucking on her other breast, sparks flew before her eyes and she started gasping for air.

She couldn’t comprehend what exactly was happening, but one thing was clear.

Even after having a child, the strangely empty feeling in her heart was filling up at this moment.

Isn’t it like I said? Doesn’t it feel good when I squeeze it out?

No matter how much he sucked, no milk came out, so Beom moved his lips away with a satisfied smile. Yes, you’re right. Nan-young nodded blankly, feeling somewhat disappointed. Lowering her blushing face, Nan-young’s eyes widened in surprise.

Beom pulled his pants off and pulled out a penis the size of a dadeumitbangmangi.

T/N: A dadeumitbangmangi is an ironing stick or bat that is used to pound on cloth.

Unlike her husband’s, it was dark red, with a large head and thick veins bulging along the shaft like entwined vines.

Isn’t it uncomfortable to carry something so big and heavy?

It wasn’t drooping; it was standing erect. Nan-young believed it was because he needed to relieve himself. She remembered how her younger brother and Woong’s penises would get erect like that when they needed to urinate.

M’lady, please milk this guy too.

Beom stroked his cock up and down, begging as if he desperately wanted to relieve himself.

Th-that’s not milk. It looks like you need to pee..

M’lady… seriously. It’s not like that.

Beom took Nan-young’s hand. Her hand followed obediently and grasped his cock as he instructed. Now that he thinks about it, she had never held his cock before. Seeing her moon-white hand holding his dark red penis made him feel like he could cum at any moment.

This has been building up for a whole year and it’s driving me crazy.

Nan-young, not understanding what he meant, tilted her head. Beom didn’t give her a chance to ask and urged her on.

Hurry up and squeeze it out.

Squeeze it out? Like this?

M’lady, I can’t tell if you’re really naive or just pretending to be. For an outsider, and a slave at that, to ask you to touch his cock and for you to obediently stroke it as if you were milking a cow…

Coincidentally, after squeezing milk from her own breast, her palm was sticky. Her hand stuck to the skin of his penis. When she grabbed his shaft and moved her hand up, the skin also slid up and rubbed against the head of his cock. Beom thought that her insides also gripped his cock tightly and did the same.

Ungh, it’s so good, I’m going crazy.

Beom couldn’t bear it anymore. He pushed Nan-young down onto the mat. Then he started to strip off his jeogori and trousers hastily, throwing them away.

Ah… Beom… We shouldn’t be doing this…

Next to them, Woong was sleeping soundly, and just behind the thin wall, her husband. Nan-young knew that what they were doing was something she should not do with another man.

But why did it feel so good? Despite having a full belly, having saved up some money, and having given birth to a child, the emptiness she felt seemed to fill up when she touched Beom’s warm skin.

M’lady, don’t worry about anything. I’ll take care of everything.

Beom, now down to his undergarments, covered Nan-young with his sturdy naked body. With his two thick arms, he squeezed her slender body, and with lips that smelled like sweet milk, he sucked on her small, plump, cherry-like lips. Beom’s knee settled between her thighs, and his hard cock kept poking her. Every time it did, a jolt of pleasure shot through her lower abdomen. She didn’t dislike it; instead, she found herself wanting more.

If only those undergarments weren’t in the way…

As if reading her mind, Beom, who had been kissing her passionately, grabbed the waistband around Nangyoung’s waist. With expert hands, he removed her undergarment.

I don’t think I should show him the dirty place where I urinate.

Nan-young covered her crotch with both hands, but Beom grabbed both of her wrists with his big hand and pulled them over her head.

Ah, Beom… Don’t do this.

Why are you covering it? I’ve wanted to see your pussy for so long.

Could it be because of Beom’s intensely burning eyes? The air in the room seemed to grow oppressively hot, causing Nan-young to gasp for breath.


I haven’t even done anything yet, and you’re already wet.

His hot, blunt fingertips traced the crevices of Nan-young’s valley. The tingling sensation on his fingertips felt both painful and good. Nan-young shuddered with pleasure while fear was dangling in the corners of her eyes.


With his hand covered in her nectar, Beom stroked his huge member, exhaling deeply.

I’m going to put it in, M’lady.

Where was he going to put it in? What happens if he puts it in? Just as her curiosity was about to be answered, a voice called out to her from outside the door.



It was Grandma Deok-i’s voice. Nan-young pulled her hips back in a panic and tried to sit up.

They both held their breath, but Grandma Deok-i, who was deaf anyway, couldn’t hear them even if they made a sound. So she probably didn’t come after hearing a strange noise.

D-don’t come in!

Even if she said that it wouldn’t matter because Grandma Deok-i couldn’t hear. What if she opened the door suddenly? What would I do if the old woman saw me naked with another man? Nan-young crawled toward her clothes scattered on the floor, her hands shaking.

Lady Nan-young…

Beom grabbed her slender arm as if to ask her not to go, but Nan-young shook him off harshly. After quickly getting dressed, she rushed to the door and opened it slightly with her little finger.

Wha- what is it?

Pretending to have just woken up, she ran her trembling fingers through her disheveled hair, trying to straighten it. Nan-young felt Beom’s bewildered gaze tickling her back.

M’lord needs to relieve himself, and I… can’t handle it alone…

Beom, who heard Grandma Deok-i’s loud voice from behind the door, cursed under his breath as if he wanted the master to hear him beyond the thin wall.

That fucking bastard! I should cut off his dick with a sickle.

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