Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

A Ripe Peach

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Oh dear, what a waste…

Once again today, Won-gyu spat out the medicine that Nan-young had carefully concocted. It was an expensive medicine she had bought from the town’s physician, as her husband was suffering and groaning in pain from body aches at night.

The physician said a single bowl of this would make even a bull sleep soundly. However, its extreme bitterness was the problem.

In the end, as she did every night, Nan-young swallowed the precious medicine herself and went to bed.

Sleep well, husband.

She lay down under the same blanket as Won-gyu. She had heard that if a couple slept under the same blanket, an impressed Samshin Halmoni would bless them with a child due to their harmonious relationship.

But why hasn’t there been any news even after three years of marriage?

Is it because of a lack of harmony, or because the sincerity of my offerings isn’t enough?

If her mother-in-law, who had pushed her into the bridal room right after having the wedding without the groom and told her to have a son, were still alive, she would have certainly scolded her right away.

How can I face my ancestors…

Then, Nan-young’s eyelids slowly closed. A delicate woman like her, not a strong bull, would hardly manage to withstand the effect of the medicine.


Strangely enough, the sound of Beom’s snoring did not reach her room tonight, but Nan-young, who had fallen asleep so deeply that she wouldn’t have noticed even if she had been carried on someone’s back, had no way of knowing.

Due to the bright moonlight, a pale black shadow was cast on the window paper. The large shadow seemed to be crouching, and then the door creaked open.

Ahem. M’lady, are you sleeping?

There was no response from Nan-young, only Won-gyu groaning ‘eugh, eugh’ could be heard, making a feeble threat to the servant who dared enter the room where the master and his wife slept.

The room was filled with moonlight. Gazing down at Nan-yeong’s face, as beautiful as the moon itself, it seemed as though the bright light came not from the moon but from her pale face.

Lady Nan-young.

It had been a long time since he had called Nan-young by her name as he knelt beside her.

Ugh, ugh

This wretched bastard! How dare you try to violate my wife? Get lost!!

Won-gyu, knowing exactly what the servant intended, let out another groan.

It’s no use shouting.

The lady fell asleep after taking the medicine, so she wouldn’t wake up until around 5 a.m. to 7 a.m., and Grandma Deok-i was so deaf that she couldn’t even hear any shouting. So, who could possibly stop this?

M’lord, you told me once not to make even the slightest noise, didn’t you?

So, you too, watch silently and helplessly as this bastard greedily eats your rice cake.

With a sidelong glance that twisted his eyes as if they would roll back into his head, Won-gyu elicited nothing but a mocking laugh from Beom. Although he was obviously laughing, somehow his eyes seemed to be crying, shadowed with sadness.

Enjoy the show too.

With a swift motion, Beom quickly yanked away the thin quilt, and his breath halted momentarily.

Due to the sheer undershirt made of simple ramie and the strong moonlight infiltrating through, the lady’s pure white skin was completely exposed.

The untouched body of the lady, never touched by a man, was like a pristine, untrampled snowy field. The thought of tarnishing such purity with his vile hands made it difficult for him to proceed.

M’lady, I’m sorry.

Beom, whose hand trembled weakly as he held the ribbon of her undergarment, bowed deeply.

To rape an innocent woman out of personal vendetta—it was an act not befitting a human, but a beast.

Even so, didn’t the lady wish to continue the lineage of the Jang family?

The mention of “the lineage of the Jang family” caused Won-gyu’s limbs to tremble, but he was still unable to move a finger.

This is all for M’lady’s sake. Please hold me in your generous heart and forgive me.

With firm resolve, Beom swiftly grabbed the ribbon of the garment.

When he spread out the undergarment, a white breast cover was revealed.

Should I take it off or pull it down?

Having never embraced a woman in his twenty-four years, Beom had also never undressed one. After a moment’s hesitation, Beom untied the band of her undergarment. If one were to proceed with the act, the trousers would need to be removed, wouldn’t they?

As the man took off her inner garment, leaving only the inner part of her legs that barely covered her crotch, she slept with her legs stretched out like a pair of crane legs, relaxed and calm.

At that moment, the image of a sixteen-year-old girl being deflowered flashed through Beom’s mind; she had slim and straight legs like his lady, but she was flailing and screaming. Beom, who was about to spread the lady’s thighs, stopped and closed his eyes tightly.

After a while, he opened his eyes and, with a fierce, tiger-like gaze, stared at Won-gyu, who was still groaning in vain.

M’lord, am I the kind of person who can do such things like an animal, even without her knowing in her dreams?

He sounded like he was chewing on a bitter herb and spitting it out.

I won’t be as cruel as you, M’lord.

With renewed determination, he spread the lady’s thighs wide and knelt between them.

Her thighs were as soft as the cheeks of a newborn baby. The fact that her thighs fit so well in his hand surprised him, so squishy.

Where had his hesitation from a moment ago gone? Beom pulled down her breast cover. As her flattened breasts bounced out, his member, confined in his trousers, sprang up.

Beom gulped and reached out his hand to the lady’s breasts. He cupped the lumps of flesh that had spread from lying upright and squeezed them together in his large hands. They reminded him of the large dumplings sold at the market. The texture was unbelievably soft and warm.

It also made him hungry in a way that the big dumplings did not.

Sigh… Why were you jealous when your breasts are so plumply?

Ugh… Ugh

When he mentioned that the lady’s breasts were plump, Won-gyu’s groans seemed somewhat different. His eyes were so focused on Nan-young that only the whites of his eyes could be seen from above.

Do you want to see them?

How tormented he must be. He must be dying to see, touch and suck on his wife’s breasts.

Not a chance.

Beom turned Won-gyu’s head roughly towards the wall.

As he kneaded the soft lump of flesh as if he were kneading sticky rice dough, her apex took on a pointed shape, a shy pink like the buds of peach blossoms and as appetizing as a ripe cherry.

My child will be like me, sucking every bit of the plumpness of these breasts until they became as flat as can be. I will taste it first to see if I can endure that much succulence.

Beom muttered in a husky voice, revealing his dirty mind as if he was trying to see if the food his child was going to eat was properly cooled down and seasoned correctly.

Determined, Beom opened his mouth wide, like a tiger, and pounced on her breasts. He sucked them hard, making loud noises that drilled into Won-gyu’s ears, and the soft flesh filled his mouth.

Just as he was out of breath, his lips parted with a snapping sound, and Nan-young’s breasts bounced out.

Beom sucked so hard that he left a trail of red marks all around her areolas. Smiling contentedly, he bit her nipples again.

Woww, this is delicious…

Biting down on this cherry-like tip with his teeth and rolling it around with his tongue was so much fun for him. Making various lewd sounds, he even forgot that he was supposed to take revenge on Won-gyu. No, he completely forgot about Won-gyu’s presence, lying just an arm’s length away.

Beom noticed that Nan-young’s breathing had become more ragged. Her face, which was still as innocent as a child’s, was now flushed with a rosy hue that resembled her nipples.

It seems that M’lady is enjoying herself as well.

Smiling in satisfaction, he took Nan-young’s nipple between his thickly knurled fingers and twisted it. Seeing this, Beom’s dirty thoughts were triggered.

Undoing his pants, he took out his penis. He had never used it before, but it was a size that wouldn’t lose to anyone. Comparing his penis to a thick stick fit the bill perfectly, and with a stroke, it reached up to his navel.

The head of his cock, dark red like a ripe plum and pitted at the tip, had been throbbing since he’d removed her breast covering, and now, every time he twisted her nipples, clear fluid flowed out, running down, soaking his thick balls.

After squeezing Nan-young’s tender buds between his fingers and sizing them up with the tip of his shaft, Beom sat up, his mouth watering.


The moment the thick head of his penis firmly bit into the plump nipple, a sharp and tingling sensation ran through his penis, traveling along his spine, and spreading throughout his entire body.

M’lord, I think, ah…, that the lady and I are a match made in heaven, judging by the way her nipple fits so perfectly in my cock hole.

Beom, trembling with pleasure, casually tapped on the trembling, angry shoulders of Won-gyu.

Is it possible for him to see such a thing?

He grinned wickedly as he prodded and circled the lady’s breasts with his cock.

Although he didn’t know what the sleeping lady was feeling, the sound of her breathing was rasping softly between her rosy lips. Her pink tongue glistened through her neatly perfect teeth.

You, Beom, didn’t I tell you to watch clearly how this Hong-ju wench sucked my cock?

Then he remembered a young gisaeng, who looked at him with tears hanging from her big eyes, her cheek bulging, and her lips covered with the lord’s pubic hair.

The sound of teeth grinding resounded violently in the room.

M’lord, would you like to see your wife sucking my cock?

With a swift movement, Beom slid his knees into Nan-young’s armpits and mounted on top of her chest. He immediately turned Won-gyu’s head, which was groaning at the wall, towards him. A light flashed in Won-gyu’s eyes, but he couldn’t see Nan-young’s breasts, hidden by Beom’s strong thighs.

You should watch properly.

As Beom grasped both of Nan-young’s cheeks in one hand and gently pressed them, her mouth gaped open like a blossoming flower. He suddenly pushed his thirsty, gulping beast into her mouth, where saliva had pooled like a fresh spring.

Ahh… So this is what it feels like…

Now he understood why, when Won-gyu was still a young master, he kept trying to thrust his cock into the women’s mouths instead of their lower holes.

Thank you… for teaching—… me… ughn… such good things… M’lord.

The master’s complexion turned red and wasn’t good as he received gratitude for the one thing this foolish servant had learned thanks to him.

Won-gyu couldn’t even lift a finger and just howled like an animal in front of the lowly servant, who stuffed his dick, thrust, and shook it into his wife’s mouth, which he hadn’t even tasted.

As Beom forcefully thrust his cock, as thick as a child’s forearm, into Nan-young’s mouth, it bulged from his wife’s small cheeks. He was so furious inside that he felt like spitting out blood.

M’lady’s mouth is too small to take it all,Beom remarked, clicking his tongue in mock disappointment. Of course, it wasn’t that her mouth was particularly small, it was just that his cock was unusually large.

Then maybe I should try to feed it into her lower mouth.

Ugh, uhm

He squeezed Won-gyu’s face with his big hand, forcing him to turn away again.

The lady’s thighs were still spread as Beom had positioned them half an hour ago.

There was a change, however. Her once dry undergarments were now marked with a dark, wet spot. Pressing the damp spot with his fingertips, he felt a thicker wetness soaking his fingers.

M’lady’s body has heated up. It seems my skills please her.

Beom brought his fingers, stained with the essence of Nan-young’s flower water, close to Won-gyu’s face.

Would you like to smell it? He asked, mischievously pulling his fingers away before Won-guy could sniff them. 

What’s the point of smelling what you can’t taste?

Greedily, he grumbled as he untied the string of Nan-young’s undergarments that were tied around her pelvis. When he pulled the fabric down, a plump mound with sparsely grown pubic hair was revealed.

As Won-gyu had taught him by raping women in front of him, Beom spread the lady’s thighs wide apart with his hand, like splitting a peach.

Ah… M’lady has a peach blossom blooming between her legs too.

The pink-colored petals were moist with night dew. Where the fully bloomed petals gathered together, a piece of flesh protruded like a bead or a pomegranate seed.

Didn’t you say this, M’lord? If you touch here like this, no matter how much a wench protests and resists, she’ll eventually open her legs wide.

With his calloused, rough fingers, Beom gently but firmly rolled and pinched Nan-young’s tender flesh.


Nan-young moaned in her sleep, her lower body twitching. At that moment, both the man who was raping another man’s wife and the man who was witnessing his wife being taken away were startled, flinching in surprise. But Nan-young slept peacefully, unaware of the conflicting emotions in the small room.

Of course, amid the mixed feelings, it was Beom who felt joy.

M’lady makes even lewd sounds beautifully, he said, smiling as he resumed moving his hands again.

Nan-young’s thighs trembled, and this time, she moaned with a nasal sound. Her body responded by releasing more flower juice.

I wonder if her juice tastes like peaches…

The sound of his tongue buried in her pussy, slurping the flower water greedily, was loud.

Won-gyu, lying on his side facing the wall, was trembling with rage and disgust. He now felt disgust towards his own wife. A stranger’s hands were all over her, and she was responding with sweet, coquettish moans, her body releasing more love juices.

If he could, he would beat the bitch for sleeping with a slave until her cheeks were red, then drag her to the authorities to be whipped until her buttocks bled, and then kick her to her parents’ house. 

But all Won-gyu could do was moan and cry out like an animal.

So sweet, so delicious, Beom said, lifting his head and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. It was so sweet that his tongue tingled.

For a moment, he silently gazed down at Nan-young’s naked body bathed in moonlight. Even though she had lived in poverty, she had grown up beautifully and possessed an elegant beauty, like a shy gardenia flower. Despite the lewd sight of her legs spread wide open in front of him with only a chest covering wrapped around her waist, her appearance was far from vulgar; it was only beautiful.

Beom stifled his increasingly heavy breaths and turned Nan-young’s body towards the door, positioning Won-gyu in the same direction.

While he didn’t want to expose her chest to him, he was determined to make sure Won-gyu saw his cock penetrating her.

Seeing the bare back and buttocks of his wife, Won-gyu’s eyes flickered with madness again. Ignoring this, Beom mumbled while stroking Nan-young’s smooth, moon jar-like buttocks with his large hand.

“I need to fuck her gently.”

The bruise from when she fell on the potatoes earlier today had turned slightly blue. She’s not an idiot; if it hurts, she should have spoken up. Tomorrow, when I go to the market to sell the potatoes, I’ll buy some ointment.

Having resolved this, Beom pulled his trousers down to his knees. He then deliberately rubbed his prominently veined cock in the cleft of Nan-young’s buttocks right in front of Won-gyu’s eyes.

Since I’ve only had things taken from me so far, I’ll try to take something from you.

He pressed the head of his cock against her dripping pussy. The sensation of her warm, wet insides half-biting his sensitive cock was dizzying, making him want to cum immediately, but he held back.


Beom took a moment to catch his breath and massaged her sweet breast with one hand.

He wondered if the flesh beyond this entrance was just as soft and tight.

The whole time Beom was preparing to thrust, he did not take his eyes off the bloodshot eyes of Won-gyu.

‘For a lowly bastard like you, this pussy is a pie in the sky.’

T/N: *a pie in the sky refers to something untouchable or something you can’t have.

Beom remembered Won-gyu’s old words and let out a bitter laugh. But right now, who’s the one with the pie?

The rice cake you cannot eat, I will eat it before it spoils.

With a deep breath, he bent over and thrust forward. The pointed tip of his cock pierced through Nan-young’s tight entrance and plunged into it like a snake’s head.

Ugh, ughhh!

At that moment, Won-gyu’s cries became more intense. His eyes were red and swollen, but instead of tears, only saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth, unable to cry tears over losing his wife.

Ahh, M’lady’s insides are really tight.

Beom trembled in pleasure, not knowing whether to thank his master or his lady.


At that moment, a lone moan escaped from between Nan-young’s parted lips. The pain from the deflowering seemed severe as even her gathered and raised thighs trembled.

M’lady, are you in pain?

Beom, alarmed, stopped thrusting his dick and looked at Nan-young’s expression. When he touched her cheek, it felt as though she had a slight fever. He felt her intimate area, now stretched to its limit and tense. When he examined his wet fingers in the moonlight, he saw a trace of blood.

Behind the joy of finally possessing her body, his conscience began to cry again. Beom closed his eyes tightly and opened them again.

Please bear with it for a bit. This is the only way to receive my seed.

He reminded himself that this was all for the lady, who had said that all she wanted was to have a child. Beom grasped her waist with one hand and slowly pushed the remaining length of his cock. Her tight insides stretched to accommodate the shape of his cock, despite seeming too snug to allow for any penetration.

Ugh… Hoo

As they say, the higher the mountain, the deeper the valley.

Nan-young’s lower entrance swallowed Beom’s massive cock down to the base. It seemed to be about halfway in when it touched a round mass, undoubtedly her womb. But as he pushed along the side, it just swallowed him in one gulp.

M’lord, did you see? This long thing went all the way in.

Beom raised his arm in front of Won-gyu, indicating how much of it had penetrated. The sounds of Won-gyu’s furious, heavy breathing were soon drowned out by the wet noises and the man’s moans of pleasure.

Lady Nan-young’s ass, anh-, is as ripe as peaches…

Penetrating her felt like plunging into a peach, filled with firm yet juicy flesh. How ripe this peach is. Each time he thrust his penis in and out, a tangy juice splashed onto the lady’s buttocks and his groin.

If you go into the cave in the valley where peach blossoms are blooming abundantly, it is said that paradise unfolds — Who would have thought it referred to M’lady’s cave…

Beom closed his eyes, losing himself in ecstasy, and tilted his head back as he continued to thrust. Sweat droplets, glistening in the moonlight, ran down his neck and fell onto Nan-young’s pink nipples.

Unable to contain his excitement, Beom hungrily sucked on her nipples, wet with their combined sweat.

Ah, M’lord, didn’t you say that among all the women you’ve tasted, none compared to the flavor of Hong-ju? To my taste, her lady is the finest.”

How could Beom, who had just recently lost his virginity, truly know if she was the best in the world? However, Won-gyu wouldn’t know that Beom had only just lost his virginity either, so he boasted to provoke him.

Like a proud tiger, he puffed out his broad chest and looked down at Won-gyu. Even as he did so, he didn’t stop rhythmically thrusting into Nan-young’s insides.

There was a hint of resentment in his eyes as he watched his wife’s ass squirm, eating and spitting out another man’s cock.

Now, he has become a moron who can’t even retaliate after losing his woman.

Serves you right.

Though the world sharply distinguishes between nobility and commoners, who can say there is a difference in their suffering? Finally, at last, today, after releasing the long-standing frustration, the lady’s flesh feels as savory as if sesame oil had been spread on it.

Thrust, thrust, he thrust his hips with such force that the sounds of their union echoed throughout the room. Occasionally, he rotated his hips, stirring her sensitive parts with his cock. As if it felt good, Nan-young’s insides tightened and quivered.

Ughnn, it seems her lady is determined to suck out every drop of my seeds.

Eventually, unable to resist the urge to thrust into her, Beom hurriedly pulled out his cock halfway and aligned the tip with the round entrance. As soon as the head found its place, he released his seeds deeply into Nan-young’s warm belly.

Ahnn, M’lady… I promise I will make sure you bear a son as sturdy as a toad.

His hips bucked reflexively as he continued to ejaculate inside her. The ‘snake’ between his legs, having tasted a woman for the first time, went wild and refused to calm down for quite some time. It wasn’t until half an hour later after he had cooled off with his cock still buried in her, that he finally pulled his softened member out. Thick bodily fluid flowed out along the closing path and down Nan-young’s smooth, moon-glass-like ass.

Beom then ran his index finger over the mixture of his thick seeds and her fragrant juices and brought it up to Won-gyu’s bloodshot eyes, grinning.

Don’t worry, M’lord. The Jang family line will not end any time soon.


Beom, having left the room, walked along the night path with the moon still high in the sky. Despite having tasted the woman he longed for and avenged his old grudge, his shoulders slumped as if he were a defeated man.

The owl’s hoot was pitiful. It reminded him of the sorrowful cries of Gumi from that night.

Gumi, I have taken my revenge. But really, what kind of revenge is it to rape an innocent woman? I have become no different from a beast.

He looked up at the floating moon above the clouds as if it were the face of that female servant and sighed.

Gumi, like Beom, was also a slave in Won-gyu’s household. They had grown up together like siblings, but by adolescence, their feelings had deepened into love.

It was not unusual for slaves living under the same roof to fall in love. However, it was not so under Young Master Won-gyu’s watchful eyes.

The Young Master, who had been constantly eager to torment Beom since childhood, learned about his love for Gumi and did the unthinkable.

He raped Gumi right in front of him.

Knowing that he would not be able to fight Beom, who was twice his size, he threatened to sell Beom’s mother to a brothel if Beom tried to stop him.

‘You scoundrel, don’t you dare make a sound.’

In the end, Beom had to watch helplessly as the young master raped his beloved. Unable to lift a finger, he felt like a fool.

The feeling of powerlessness for not being able to save his partner and the guilt of thinking it was his fault that she was left in ruins still weighed on his chest like a stone, even after ten years. On moonless nights, he felt as if he could still hear Gumi’s screams and cries, keeping him awake.

Because of that incident, Gumi lost her mind. Worried that a disgraceful scandal might arise involving her son, the Young Master’s mother quickly sold the girl off somewhere at a low price.

Thus, his first love ended in tragedy and he decided to never love again.

But how could one control matters of the heart?

A few years passed, and the young master, who repeatedly failed the military exam, frequented the gisaeng house like a rat coming in and out of mouse holes. Beom’s daily routine involved standing outside the rooms like a useless sack of barley while Won-gyu amused himself with gisaengs inside.

Then one day, a young gisaeng, who hadn’t even put her hair up yet, began secretly passing him food.

At first, he was indifferent, but each time the delicacies Hong-ju offered melted in his mouth, his icy heart began to thaw. Eventually, he found himself eagerly waiting for the young master to leave for his gisaeng escapades.

He foolishly harbored feelings for another woman, knowing it was a hopeless relationship given his status as a slave. He only intended to watch her from a distance, ensuring Won-gyu wouldn’t catch him.

That is until Won-gyu started abusing the gisaengs while drunk.

He revealed his true feelings while trying to stop Won-gyu from striking Hong-ju. That night, Won-gyu threw a large sum of money at the head of the gisaeng house to claim Hong-ju. Naturally, Beom was made to kneel in the same room.

‘Why does your face look like that when I’m letting you watch this entertaining show for free?’

Won-gyu sneered as he forced the young gisaeng’s head down to his crotch.

It must have been quite a shock for the young gisaeng to have to perform oral sex and gyrate her hips in front of the man she had feelings for.

After that day, Beom and Hong-ju became distant.

For that reason, Beom refused to marry and became incapable of loving another woman.

When Beom reached the well, he drew a bucket of water and poured it over his head. The cool water streamed down his chest and back, soaking his thin trousers completely. The snake that had shamelessly refused to calm down finally subsided after being doused several times with cold water.

You rotten bastard, lower than an animal, a maggot in a dung heap…

He cursed himself. As his lust and resentment cooled for a moment, a sense of shame and guilt returned. He worried how he would face his lady’s innocent expression the next day.

At the hour of the rabbit, Nan-young would surely go to his room and call out in her sweet voice, “Beom, are you still sleeping?”

With a deep sigh, Beom, dripping with water, ran back home. He immediately took a bucket of water, filled it to the brim, and placed it in front of the lady’s room, where she would see it when she woke up.

Before the moon had completely set behind the mountains, he took a sack of potatoes that he had dug up the day before, put it on his back, and set off as if he were running away.


Ugh, my body hurts…

Nan-young, who was getting up, frowned and put her hands on her waist. Her back hurt and her hips throbbed, a sign that she had overexerted herself harvesting potatoes the day before. Still, the healthy rest healed her body and the potatoes were saved, so it was worth it.

Rushing to relieve herself, Nan-young was raising her aching body when her eyes widened.

Husband, you woke up early.

Won-gyu was lying as he had been before he fell asleep, staring at the ceiling with wide, unblinking eyes. When Nan-young spoke, he only rolled his eyes at her, glaring.

Could it be that I disturbed your sleep with my noise?

Judging by his bloodshot eyes, it seemed more likely that he hadn’t slept all night. He must have been in pain again.

Ah, that’s why even though the medicine tastes bitter, you should bear with it and take it.

Nan-young felt her limbs creaking as she dressed. She decided to go to the toilet first and then boil the medicine for him. If she gave him some sweets to eat with it, he might be able to swallow the bitter medicine.

When she opened the door, she tilted her head in confusion. For some reason, a bucket full of water was sitting on the ground in front of her room.

Has a goblin visited us? Or had some helpful snail bride come by? Or perhaps Beom had already gotten up.

T/N: *Snail bride is a Korean folklore tale and a metaphorical term for someone who does good things without others knowing.

Beom, are you up already?

She hurried to the servants’ quarters and shook the door handle, but there was no answer. Not even the sound of snoring. It seemed Beom really had gotten up early. On her way to the toilet, she noticed the carrying frame was gone, and when she opened the storage shed, the sack of potatoes was also missing.

Yesterday’s work must have been exhausting, yet he’s so diligent.

Since the day would be hot and Beom might get exhausted, I’ll make his favorite cold bean soup noodles when he returns.

Nan-young quickly pulled down her underskirt and bloomers as she went to the toilet, but she gasped in shock.

Oh my, what is this?

There were dark red bloodstains on the white cloth. It wasn’t yet time for her period, so what could it be?

Oh dear…

It seemed that she had really overexerted herself yesterday.

I planned to plant beans in the field today, it’s a pity to lose a day of work because of this.

No, it’s fine. I’ll take this opportunity to catch up on my sewing.

Nan-young was an optimistic person by nature. As long as she had a roof over her head, food to eat, and enough work to do, she was content and happy.

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