Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 2 (Part 2)

Since that day, the three of them always slept together, tightly embracing Seah, with Jun on one side and Jeong on the other, supposedly to protect her. 

Because of that, Seah also found herself once again covered by a blanket between them today.

However, today, sleeping felt even more uncomfortable than usual.

When Jun took a picture of her earlier, a fragment of a long-forgotten memory flashed through her mind. Seah thought with a dark expression, biting her lip.

I’m sure I called him oppa.

The people I call oppa are…

Seah glanced back and forth between Jeong and Jun, who were lying next to her. They were looking at her with more anxiety than usual after she’d heard the shutter click, which had caused her to have a seizure-like attack.

Seah in particular couldn’t sleep that night.

Seah blinked, staring blankly at the ceiling. Knowing that she was still awake, the two of them gently rubbed her stomach with their warm hands and spoke up.

Seah, why aren’t you sleeping?

… Just because.

Just because?

I can’t sleep.

The brothers’ gentle hands touched her stomach. It was something they had done easily since she was young…

This is uncomfortable.

I wonder if it’s just my mood. Should I just forget about it and move on? She thought, clutching the blanket tightly in her hand.

Then, as if she had come to a conclusion, she hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Um… well… oppa.

Yeah?Jeong and Jun both responded at the same time.

I’m… curious.

As soon as she mentioned her curiosity, their expressions darkened in unison. There was no need to ask what Seah was curious about because it was evident.

It wasn’t uncommon for her to ask about her forgotten memories.

So, as always, they tried to answer vaguely. But today was different.

I… remembered a little earlier.

Seah’s words caused both of their expressions to harden instantly.

I don’t know what the situation was… but I cried… and said something like: ‘Don’t do it, Oppa.’

But the only people I call ‘oppa’ are you two.


… Yeah?

There was a faint caution in Seah’s gaze as she looked at them.

It’s not like that.

Jun spoke up, forcing out the words he couldn’t get out.

You know, we…

He paused, choosing his words carefully.

If Seah were to… if, by some chance, you were to recover your memories… I’m afraid you might make the same choice as last time.

Seah was aware that she had attempted to end her life after what had happened.

You were already suffering from that incident… You tried to die, right?

… Yeah.

Because there is no guarantee that you won’t make the same decision. We just… If Seah can’t remember… We wish you could forget forever for the rest of your life.

Seah hesitated, looking at Jun as if she were upset.



Then who was the person I called oppa back then? By any chance… Do you guys happen to know?

Seah, who would have normally let it go by now, persistently asked as if she had something uncomfortable on her mind. Jun paused for a moment, shifting his gaze around. Then, after a beat, he responded.

… Yeah.

Seah flinched slightly upon hearing that he knew.

Who was it…?

The hand gripping the blanket tightened even more. She stared at Jun with trembling eyes.

After a short silence, Jun sighed and spoke up.

… Your ex-boyfriend.

Ex-boyfriend? Did I have a boyfriend?

Yeah, you did. The guy you dated in university.

After listening to this, Seah pondered, sometimes feeling like she might remember it, and at other times feeling uncertain. Lost in her thoughts, Seah felt Jeong, who was behind her, holding her tightly in his arms as if to tell her not to dwell on it any longer.

Don’t think about it anymore.

But I’m curious.

I don’t like it. What if you regain your memories? Will you leave us again?

Jeong’s voice sounded a bit emotional as he spoke each word. Listening to his trembling voice, Seah blinked slowly.

So… the person who did bad things to me is my ex-boyfriend?

A pair of round, brown eyes stared straight at them, demanding the truth.

Meeting those eyes, they answered in unison.


It was a firm answer, no matter who said it first.

It was that bastard.

Only then did the caution disappear from Seah’s face.

… I see.


Seah still felt strangely uncomfortable, but she felt more relieved than before. Adjusting her posture, Seah lightly buried her face in Jeong’s chest and said.

Thank you, Jeong oppa and Jun oppa.

Out of the blue?

It’s just that you’ve always been there to protect me.

Jun gave up his job because of me… Seah’s words trailed off as she let out a small yawn, appearing sleepy.

Of course, we have to protect you.

That’s right, Seah. We are one family.

Our one and only little sister. Our family. Our woman.

Jun and Jeong smiled as they thought the same thing. It seems they don’t even feel guilty, but the way they talk without even changing their expressions seems treacherous.

Seah, unaware of their inner thoughts, tried to shake off any negative emotions and forcefully closed her eyes.

You’re beautiful, Seah.

Jun, watching her from across, said with kind eyes.

Let’s continue living like this, just the three of us, forever.

We will protect you.

Other men are dangerous. We… we don’t ever want to lose you again.

Seah smiled at the two of them, accustomed to their constant attention and indulgence.

Yes, I agree. Let’s live like this for the rest of our lives, with Coco and Bibi.

Both of them couldn’t hide their surprise at Seah’s unexpectedly positive response and exclaimed loudly.

R-really? Seah, you’re not joking, are you? This is for real?

Yeah, really.

Looking at her chuckling with a dazed expression, the two of them pinched their cheeks, wondering if it was all just a dream. The sharp sting of pain confirmed that it was real.

Watching them act like idiots, Seah added.

But, oppa, you two can’t marry another woman and leave me.

Absolutely not. Never!

Seah squinted suspiciously as she watched them vehemently deny it.

But you two can live well without me.

Live well without her? It was complete nonsense. If Seah were not in this world, they would follow her and end their lives, so how could they live well without her?

But Jeong and Jun had no intention of revealing their true feelings to Seah. They just avoided the question with awkward smiles.

Actually… I’m afraid of being alone since that incident.

Although Seah tried to pretend that she was fine because she felt sorry for her brothers for worrying about her, the truth was that she wasn’t. Even though she couldn’t remember anything, the unknown fears that occasionally crept up on her made her anxious.

So please, don’t leave me alone…

Jeong and Jun forced themselves to suppress their joy as they watched Seah speak hesitantly.

Okay, don’t worry.

That won’t happen. Never! Seah, you shouldn’t meet anyone else and leave us. Do you understand?

As long as they were by her side, Seah would continue to suffer from inexplicable fears from time to time until the day she died.

However, unaware that her only blood relatives are the objects of her fear, she will continue to seek out the source of her fears to find refuge and escape from the horrors that await her.

Jun couldn’t fall asleep easily when he saw Seah sleeping soundly.

It was always like that.

One of them would always remain awake at night, fearing that Seah might make the same choice again while they were asleep.

It seemed perfect, but it was an imperfect possession.

Looking at Jeong, who had fallen asleep exhausted from work, with Seah snuggled up to him, oblivious to the world, Jun quietly got up.

Then, he moved to another room and played the video from that day that was still on his phone.

“Don’t, sob, don’t record…sob, ugh…”

Seah was still adorable, despite her disheveled appearance, as she panted on top of Jeong.

I-I hate this… sob, ugh

“Shhhh, don’t make too much noise or your boyfriend might wake up.

“Gasp, unh…”

Good girl, Seah.

Seeing her moaning and swallowing a cock with her pussy wide open made the area underneath ache every time he watched it.

For Seah, the memories of that day were so terrible that she wanted to die, but for Jeong and Jun, it was a sweet memory they would never experience again.

If Seah wanted, they could play the role of loving brothers for the rest of their lives. But that would only be possible if they were the only ones at her side.

And if she ever found another man, they could always be like that again.

Actually… I’m afraid of being alone since that incident.

So please, don’t leave me alone…

Remembering what Seah had mumbled before falling asleep, Jun smiled innocently like a child who had the whole world to himself.

But Jun also knew the truth.

He could spend the rest of his life with her, but the night when the three of them would fall into a deep sleep together would never come.

It was the price they paid for that cruel day, and they willingly accepted it by keeping Seah by their side.

They smiled triumphantly, thinking that if they could have Seah with them for the rest of their lives, it was a trade worth making, even if it didn’t make sense.

The world was on their side until the end.

There is no such thing as righteousness and evil because life is inherently unfair.

This letter is the only and final gift I can give to Seah, who must be watching the red sky of Jeju.

It contains all the truths you’ve been curious about.

I hope this letter reaches you in Jeju.

To Seah. 


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