Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 2

The season has already changed.

After the sneeze-inducing pollen of spring, summer had arrived, with the hot sun sizzling on the asphalt.

Jeong stared blankly out the window, remembering Seah’s smiling face, now blurred in memory.

Oppa, oppa. Is it true that seniors at university force you to drink? Like, really pressure you? I saw on social media that they spoke in a very military style, and it seemed really scary.

Have you tried something like proxy attendance? Did you get caught?

But why are group projects so hellish? I’m curious. It sounds like fun!

Her excited face as she eagerly questioned him about his university life kept lingering in his mind.

I wonder if I’m regretting it now.

Jeong smiled bitterly and sighed softly.

Looking at the green trees, he remembered that Seah had once complained that she hated summer because the sweat ruined her makeup.

【 Ah, it’s really hot. My makeup is all messed up…

You’re beautiful without makeup, so why do you have to put it on your pretty face unnecessarily?

I only look pretty in your eyes, oppa.

As long as you look pretty in our eyes, isn’t that enough? Why bother trying to look pretty to other bastards?

No matter what she does, Seah will always be Seah.

If I’d known it was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have acted like that. I regretted it a little, but there was no turning back now.

What was done was done and Seah tried to take her own life.

While other days faded from memory, that day could not be erased from his mind, the image of Seah lying on the floor with a kitchen knife stuck in her stomach, and a two-lined pregnancy test kit lying nearby.

It wasn’t hard to figure out what it meant; they weren’t stupid enough not to know.

Did Seah hate having their child so much that she wanted to die, or did being raped by them hurt her to the point of wanting to die? Perhaps it was both.

His mind was in turmoil. But there was no one left to give him an answer.

Jeong was lost in his thoughts for quite a while when a cold drink touched his cheek as he sat absentmindedly.

What are you doing?

It was a voice that sounded exactly like Jeong’s. It was Sa Jun.

Ah… You’re here.


Jun approached him and handed him a soda before asking.

Where’s the researcher?

He’ll be here soon.

As soon as he answered, his phone vibrated, and a text popped up, announcing the arrival of the researcher they were talking about.


Thanks for coming on the weekend, Researcher Kim.

Oh, don’t mention it. It’s not like I’m coming for free.”

A man called Researcher Kim smirked and changed the medication in the IV.

Seah’s complexion as she lay in the hospital room was not very good. She looked even thinner than before.

The researcher, who changed the IV medication on Seah’s arm, whispered softly to them.

But you should also know, these… memory suppression techniques are not perfect. You must be careful. And if something happens that triggers forgotten memories or something similar…

Yes, I know. And even without memory suppression, those memories have already been forgotten, Jeong added, turning to the researcher who was watching them with narrowed eyes.

It’s better to be sure. That’s why we asked for your help.

Ah, I see. Well… in that case… there shouldn’t be much of a chance to recover those memories.

Researcher Kim smiled sadly and looked back and forth between Jeong and Jun.

By the way, it’s quite disappointing that both of the aces of the main office management team are going to the Jeju Island Branch at the same time… it’s a shame.

Well… I feel like staying in Seoul would just stir up memories for nothing.

Well…… that’s probably true.

The researcher, who knew what those memories meant, smiled bitterly and patted their shoulders.

Don’t worry too much about it. Your little sister will be able to return to her normal life soon.

It was a well-known story at the Ilsan Research Center and the headquarters of the Special Phenomenon Management Agency, a division of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

The story of Jun and Jeong’s younger sister, who tried to kill herself after being raped by a suspicious armed man, was well-known.

This was understandable considering that Sa Jun and Sa Jeong were the aces of the headquarters management team. As they both applied for long-term leave at the same time, everyone couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

And that wasn’t all. Since the two of them had even applied to be transferred from headquarters to the Jeju Island Branch together, it was even more strange that they hadn’t said anything.

When the researcher had finished, he gathered his things and left. They both nodded slightly at the researcher and sat down helplessly next to Seah.

To make a long story short, God saved Seah’s life by not listening to her pleas until the very end.

However, the child in her womb disappeared along with a pool of blood, and the memory of being raped by them was erased from Seah’s mind. In addition, her body was very weak because she had refused to eat for a while.

Oppa, let’s go to Jeju Island this summer. I haven’t been there since my school trip.

Okay, then let’s go to Jeju Island this summer.

Yess!! I have to go on a diet so I can wear a bikini.

Bikini? Why do you want to wear a bikini? No… And you don’t have any weight to lose, diet my ass…

Seah, who had been sleeping soundly for a while, started tossing and making noises, and soon her eyelids lifted. Jeong, realizing she was awake, rushed over and asked.

Seah, are you awake?


Seah yawned and frowned, wondering if she was dizzy from her anemia.

How are you feeling?

I’m fine.



Seah weakly nodded her head. Her once bright eyes now seemed unfocused.

Though her instinctive feelings might still linger, even with all memories of that day erased, Seah didn’t seem as warm towards them as before.

Looking at her sitting with a blank expression, blinking slowly, Jun cautiously reached out his hand towards her. Startled, Seah trembled and looked frightened.


I’m sorry, Seah. Did I startle you?

Ah-ah… it’s… it’s because you suddenly extended your hand…

Seah couldn’t explain why she reacted so sensitively to them as her brothers were definitely her only family.

I’m sorry… for being so sensitive…

There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s okay. Seah, is there anything you want to eat? Would you like me to buy you some chocolate milk?

Despite his affectionate offer, she just shook her head helplessly.

It’s fine.



Seah knew something had happened to her. According to her brothers, something bad had occurred while they were away from home at the hands of a criminal. That’s why she instinctively erased that part of her memories…

I wonder if that’s why…

Perhaps it was because she now felt uncomfortable around men, but strangely, she didn’t feel as at ease around Jeong and Jun as before.

But the doctor says everything is fine…

There was something strange about the whole thing. Yet, that didn’t stop Seah from asking Jeong and Jun about it.

It seemed like they didn’t want her to regain her memories.

… Oppa?

Yes, Seah.

When are we going to Jeju Island?

Next month. Why? You don’t want to go to Jeju Island?

Jeong smiled sweetly, locking eyes with Seah. However, Seah, feeling uncomfortable, unconsciously averted her gaze, muttering as she stared fixedly at the blanket.

No… I just… want to go there quickly.

You want to go there quickly?

Seah bit her lip, thinking of the house full of memories of her and them.

Yeah, I want to move there quickly.

Strangely, she didn’t want to return to that house again. Why? Was it because something bad happened there?

Observing her slightly trembling eyes, Jeong smiled bitterly.

Well then, let’s move to Jeju quickly.

Yeah, thank you.

Strangely enough, Seah became even more uncomfortable being around them than before, but she had no choice.

Jeong and Jun were Seah’s only family, her strong older brothers who acted as her protectors.

Or at least, that’s what she thought.


Summers on Jeju Island were scorching hot. The heat surpassed that of Seoul, and when it rained, it poured more than in Seoul.

They found a charming cottage near the beach with a spacious yard, where they raised the puppies Seah had always wanted.

Although transport was a bit of a problem, Seah, who had dropped out of university, had nowhere else to go. It wasn’t much of an inconvenience as she only relied on her brothers for help when she needed it.

And since the day they left Seah alone at home had made Jeong and Jun feel uneasy, they finally decided, after much discussion, that one of them would quit his job.

For them, Seah was their world, someone they never wanted to lose, and someone they couldn’t afford to lose.

Jeong and Jun thought that even if their feelings might not be reciprocated for the rest of their lives, they could just keep Seah by their side, even if it meant tying her down forcibly. Even if it meant destroying her.

Fortunately, amid their misfortunes, the faded smile on Seah’s face had slowly returned since they brought in the new family members.

Coco and Bibi.

These were the names of the stray dogs they adopted when they arrived on Jeju Island.

Seah, did you put Coco’s leash on?

Yes! Let’s go quickly! Coco is going crazy wanting to go out!

Jun slipped on his sneakers as he listened to Seah’s voice, which had brightened considerably compared to a month ago. Seah was already running around in the yard with Coco.

Don’t run around. Seah, you might fall.

I’m not a 7-year-old kid… You’re being overprotective,”  Seah said playfully, smiling faintly. But to them, it was an especially strong smile.

When Jeong left for work early in the morning, Jun took care of Seah afterward. He was by her side every step of the way, like a mother bird with her baby bird.

Seah was a little uncomfortable with the excessive attention, but she tried not to let it show, thinking it was because he was worried about the bad things that had happened to her.

Take my hand, Jun said, extending his hand to her.

Seah pouted and protested.

I’m just walking the dog.

Still, what if a car comes speeding by and hits you?

If a car does come, how does holding your hand make it okay?

Jun smiled slightly as he observed Seah subtly avoiding contact with him.

Yes. Then I can protect you, even if it means getting hit instead.

Seeing that he wasn’t backing down to the point of being burdensome, Seah had no choice but to reluctantly take Jun’s hand.

Feeling the slightly warm Jeju summer breeze, Seah took a slow breath.

Her stomach still had a deep scar left by her past self.

While Seah was lost in thought, Bibi and Coco began to run frantically towards the beach, barking loudly.

There were several families on the beach, enjoying their summer vacation.

Whoa, puppies!

Seah, while giving water to Bibi and Coco, was startled by the voice of a nearby child and accidentally dropped the water cup she was holding.


Seah’s already round eyes widened even more. Her complexion darkened as she noticed the child approaching directly in front of her.

Her heart pounded as if it might leap out of her chest.

It felt strange. She hadn’t felt this way before… But strangely enough, since that day, she hated children. The mere sight of young children, or even pregnant women, made her body stiffen and her heart beat wildly.

Seah’s breathing became ragged and cold sweat ran down her cheeks. Jun, finally realizing that something was wrong, called out to her.

Seah! Seah!

He patted Seah’s shaking back and gestured towards the parents, silently urging them to take the child away. Seeing Seah, who didn’t look well, the parents quickly took the child and left, afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

Are you okay? The kid’s gone now. It’s alright, Seah, it’s okay. Just breathe. Slowly. Inhale… exhale… There you go…

Jun took her in his arms and caressed her gently, pale and with trembling hands. His large hands slowly swept up and down her back.

It’s okay… It’s okay, Seah.

Sitting on the ground, Seah, still shaking, slowly calmed down as she felt his touch.

It’s okay… Oppa is here. Huh? It’s okay…

Jun felt uneasy when Seah sometimes started to shake like that, knowing she was reliving painful memories.

He wondered if she would ever regain her memories, fearful that she might remember everything and attempt to leave them.

If they were to lose Seah, Jun, and Jeong were prepared to end their own lives without hesitation. To them, Seah was as essential as their own breath.

Their one and only younger sister whom they had cherished since childhood. The lovable and beautiful Seah.

Even though their affection for Seah bordered on violence, they had no intention of stopping. They had to hold on to Seah because they could only survive if she was by their side.

Just as people instinctively breathe, they hold on to Seah just to survive.

Seah, having calmed down somewhat, wiped away the cold sweat and gently pushed Jun away.

I… I’m okay, Oppa…

Are you sure? Can you stand? Do you need some water?

Seah shook her head slightly and reached out to stroke Coco’s head, who was panting beside her.

It’s alright… I guess I was startled by the child.

But why did she feel startled at the sight of a child? And why did her heart sink at the sight of a pregnant woman?

Jun couldn’t help but worry as he looked at Seah, who was now smiling awkwardly as if she were fine. Seah stood up and grabbed Coco’s leash.

I’m really fine, let’s go for another walk.

Seeing her attempt at a smile, Jun weakly nodded in response.

… Alright, then. But be careful, don’t run.



After returning from their walk, Jun and Seah sat in the yard, cutting and eating watermelon while waiting for Jeong to return home.

It wasn’t long before they heard the sound of a car, and they saw Jeong’s vehicle pulling into the driveway. Jeong quickly parked and approached them, swinging a bag in his hand.

Seah, did you have a good day?

Yeah! What did you buy?

I bought some fried chicken on my way back. I noticed you haven’t been eating your meals properly lately.

Since the incident, she hasn’t been eating properly. Jeong seemed concerned and couldn’t hide his sadness as he observed Seah growing thinner.

It’s hot out. Why were you outside? Shall we go inside to eat?

Oh, I’m fine. I like sitting here and eating.

Seah replied, gazing at the sea view beyond the stone wall.

I want to see the sunset and the beach.

It was very rare for Seah to express her desire to do something first. Then, both Jeong and Jun blinked with surprised expressions.

The sunset by the beach is beautiful, isn’t it? Seah added, breaking the awkward silence.

To them, Seah’s smile was more precious than wild ginseng.

Of course, then. Let’s do it.

Let’s do whatever you want, Seah.

Seah fiddled with her hair, appearing slightly embarrassed as she looked at them.

Before they knew it, three generous platters of chicken were laid out on the table in the yard. Seah stared blankly at the beach while gulping down a glass of ice-cold cola.

In the past, she would have chattered away about anything. However, Seah, who became less talkative after that day, hasn’t spoken a word.

By the time most of the chicken had been reduced to bones, the bright sun was disappearing beyond the sea. The blue sky had turned orange, granting her the sunset she’d always wanted to see.

Seah’s absent-minded gaze at the beach remained beautiful. Despite her haggard appearance, she was still lovely and precious in their eyes.

With semi-curly hair cascading down to her waist and pale skin that rarely sees the sun, she possessed plump, lovely lips and fairly long eyelashes resembling fluttering butterflies.

As Seah looked at the beach, her brothers looked back at her.

They wanted to preserve this moment forever.

Jun, who was looking at her in fascination, unconsciously reached for his phone.

… Seah.

Without realizing it, he opened the camera app and captured the sunset sky and Seah’s silhouette.


At that moment Seah heard the shutter click…

Don’t, sob, don’t record…sob, ugh

Don’t… sob, don’t do it, agh

Oppa, please… ple-please… uhh, please stop. Please?

Seah’s complexion turned pale.

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