Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Jeong, now fully dressed, went out to the front door. As soon as he opened the door, Chanwoo, who was standing there hesitantly, hurriedly bowed his head and greeted him.


… Who are you?

Already knowing who he was, Jeong asked, pretending not to know. Chanwoo also seemed a little bewildered, as if he didn’t expect a man to come out from the address he received from Seah.

Is this… Seah’s house by any chance?Chanwoo asked carefully.

Jeong looked at him and paused for a moment, then clapped his hands and smiled friendly.

Oh, are you, by any chance Seah’s boyfriend?

Yes! That’s right. I came because Seah texted me but by any chance…?

There was a hint of caution in Chanwoo’s gaze. Sensing his emotion, Jeong smiled gently and held out his hand.

Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you from Seah. I’m Seah’s eldest brother. My name is Sa Jeong.

His smile was deceptively gentle for a man who had just spent the previous hour pounding his sister’s pussy. It was such a likable face that Chanwoo let his guard down completely.

By the way, Seah… she just fell asleep…

Oh… Really?

Since you’ve come all this way, would you like to come in for a moment? Seah was bragging about her boyfriend earlier… So I was curious.

Jeong spoke to Chanwoo in a pleasant voice.

I’ll give you a cup of tea. Oh, or would you like a drink? Alcohol, perhaps?


I happen to have some wine worth drinking. If that’s okay, let’s have a few glasses together and you can stay the night if you want.

Chanwoo seemed to consider it for a moment, then scratched the back of his neck and stepped into the house.

Haha, just a little bit then… I’ll be in your care.

Make yourself at home, Seah’s boyfriend. We will treat you very well.

Upon hearing the word ‘we’, Chanwoo let out a brief sigh and glanced around the house. Soon after, Jun, bearing a striking resemblance to Jeong, came into sight.

They had the same face, but unlike Jeong, Jun gave off a slightly lighter impression. There was a subtle air of sophistication about him.

Jun, say hello. He’s Seah’s boyfriend.

Jeong casually introduced Chanwoo to Jun. Chanwoo, embarrassed, smiled awkwardly and nodded politely towards Jun.

Having not just one but two older brothers with such model-like stature and chiseled faces, Chanwoo felt strangely intimidated.

Hello, I’m Seah’s boyfriend. My name is Cho Chanwoo.

Ah, nice to meet you. I’m Seah’s second eldest brother, Sa Jun.

Jun secretly looked down at Chanwoo, who was noticeably shorter than him and lifted the corners of his mouth in a friendly manner to hide his hostility.

Just 5 minutes ago he was panting heavily as he filled Seah’s pussy with his cum, but now he looks neat and tidy as if he had never done that before.

Once inside the house, Chanwoo looked around and scanned several doors. He searched for any sign of Seah. The last message she sent him seemed to really bother him.

Jun, who was quietly watching Chanwoo, casually took Chanwoo with him and opened the door slightly where Seah was sleeping.

Seah’s room is over here.


She just fell asleep, so I kept the door closed.

Just as Jun said, Seah was sound asleep in a dark room covered with a blanket.

If he had looked closer, he would have noticed her face swollen from crying and her body naked under the blanket, but Chanwoo, who only watched her from afar behind the door, could not discern her appearance or how she was sleeping.

Jun sneered inwardly as he looked at Chanwoo, who seemed strangely relieved to see Seah asleep.

He wondered if Chanwoo would still make that expression if he saw Seah’s slender body hidden under that quilt, covered in their cum.

Chanwoo, unaware of Jun’s dirty thoughts, just smiled awkwardly.

Jun, I’m going to open the wine you brought last time. Is that okay? Let’s drink it together with Chanwoo.

Jeong’s voice came from the kitchen just in time. Jun pushed away his dirty thoughts and replied indifferently. 

It’s okay. But what about food? Do we have any?

Don’t we have cheese? Chanwoo, is cheese okay to eat? Or would you like a simple stir-fried vegetable dish?

N-no! You don’t have to cook… I’m fine with cheese!

Jeong nodded his head slightly as he saw Chanwoo give a quick answer. However, inside the room, Seah, covered in their cum, was fast asleep, oblivious to the world.

Jun wondered what kind of expression Seah would make if she found out that her boyfriend was in the living room. Just the thought made Jun smile wickedly.

His mouth itched wanting to brag about how delicious Seah’s pussy was as he sat with Chanwoo, who was unaware of Seah’s hot, wet, tight pussy.

After struggling to swallow the dirty thoughts, Jun spoke up calmly.

What did Seah say to make you come here after a month?

He asked deliberately to see the reaction to the photo he had sent to him.

Sure enough, Chanwoo’s face stiffened slightly as he remembered Seah’s strange little text message.

Ah… she just sent me her home address saying she misses me…

Ah, is that so?

But even if that was the case, Chanwoo couldn’t say that Seah had sent him an explicit photo and her home address in front of her older brothers, dead or alive.

Chanwoo averted his eyes slightly and scratched the back of his head, not realizing that the message was sent by Jun, who was sitting in front of him.

Jun twisted the corner of his mouth at the sight of him.

He has no idea.

Chanwoo doesn’t know that they were the first to put their cocks in Seah’s pussy, or that the pussy in the photo Chanwoo saw was Seah, and the one who put his cock in her pussy is him, Jun.

Jun’s dirty thoughts continued as he looked at Chanwoo, who was just starting college and full of innocence.

Chanwoo, unaware of Jun’s feelings, looked around awkwardly and noticed some business cards on the corner of the coffee table.

Are those business cards…?

The business cards bore the symbol of the South Korean national flag and the name of a government agency called the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. But that was all.  There was nothing written about the detailed department or their position.


      Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Sa Jun: 010-xxxx-xxxx

      Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Sa Jeong: 010-xxxx-xxxx


Are these real business cards? Many things that made it look like a normal business card were left out. Chanwoo unconsciously reached for the business cards. But Jun grabbed his hand and smiled slightly.

This is our business cards.

Ah… I’m… I’m sorry. It’s because it says Ministry of Public Administration and Security…

Chanwoo withdraws his hand, embarrassed by his strangely cool reaction.

We work for the government.

So you are civil servants…

Yeah, something like that.

There seemed to be a subtle tension in the air since before, but after looking at the business card with the symbol of the South Korean national flag on it, any discomfort Chanwoo had seemed to disappear.

That’s right, people who work for the government can’t be that bad, can they?

It was a naive thought, but it was enough for an ignorant young man who had just turned twenty.

As if to lighten the mood, Jeong, who had prepared some food and wine, joined in and put down the glasses.

Jun, you didn’t ask Chanwoo an uncomfortable question, did you?Jeong, who had heard everything they were talking about, asked casually as if he didn’t know anything.

This is the first time that Seah has a boyfriend. I’m sorry if we made you feel burdened. We’re just curious and excited…

He said it with a friendly smile as he poured wine into Chanwoo’s glass. The purple liquid that flowed out was poured deliciously into his glass.

Feel free to drink, there’s plenty of wine.

Jeong smiled broadly as he poured wine into his own glass and made a toast.

The sound of the clinking crystal glasses echoed around the living room for quite some time.


He’s such a weak drinker, Jeong said while looking at Chanwoo sprawled out in front of him.

He also looks weak and frail, Jun interjected sarcastically.

Why the hell would Seah like such a worthless idiot like him…?

Looking at Chanwoo, who had fallen asleep oblivious to the world, Jun clicked his tongue. Only half a bottle of wine and he was already unconscious.

While Jeong was cleaning up, Jun got up and headed to Seah’s room. Seah was fast asleep with her eyes swollen from crying so much earlier.


Jun approached her cautiously and called out to her softly.

Seah, are you still asleep?


Seah simply rolled over as she continued to sleep. However Jun, without changing his expression, lifted the blanket and began to touch her body.

He gently stroked her thighs and pussy, then slowly moved his hands up and grabbed her plump breasts, making Seah’s forehead wrinkle slightly in her sleep.


Seah, wake up. I have a special gift for you.

Seah was so deeply asleep that she didn’t wake up for a long time, even when her nipples were gently being rubbed.

Seah, if you don’t wake up, I’ll fuck you again, okay?

He chuckled and used his other hand to spread her labia wide open. Then he rubbed gently around the sperm-filled pussy.


Only then did Seah open her eyes, shivering.


When Jun’s voice echoed in her ears again, Seah screamed as if waking up from a nightmare.


You finally woke up.

He smiled sweetly at her and kissed Seah on the forehead. But Seah quickly wiped the place where his lips had touched with her hand, looking uncomfortable.

I have prepared a gift for you, Seah.

Even though it was said to be a gift, Seah’s expression was full of wariness. Just then, someone knocked on the door and came in.



… Jeong was not the only one who entered her room.

Seah’s face turned pale as she recognized the person who was being dragged by Jeong.

Her already large eyes widened even more, and her mouth dropped open in shock, unable to close it. Seah gasped, then clenched her fist with trembling hands as if she couldn’t believe it.


There was no answer to her question. But Seah was sure. It was Chanwoo whom Jeong had brought in.

My boyfriend Chanwoo.

How the hell is Chanwoo here…

Is this still a dream? Yes, this is a dream. If it wasn’t a dream, Chanwoo wouldn’t be in my brother’s arms.

What… what is this…

After being lost in thought for a while, Seah glared at Jun and Jeong with angry eyes.

Did you two do this?

But the two men just smiled without saying anything.

I’m asking if this is your doing!

Seah shouted, almost crying. The tears that she had barely held back were now rolling down her cheeks again.

Shhh or your boyfriend will wake up,Jeong said as he handed the sleeping Chanwoo to Jun.

Jun deftly received him and planted his butt on the small single sofa in Seah’s room. However, Chanwoo was still in his arms.

Suddenly not knowing what was going on, Seah’s eyes darted around frantically. She still couldn’t understand what her brothers were up to.

Jun held onto Chanwoo tightly as he watched Jeong slowly climb onto Seah’s bed, who was still naked.

D-don’t come here. Tell me what is going on first!!


I said don’t come near me!!

If you don’t want to show off about fucking your brothers in front of your boyfriend, then be quiet, Jeong said as he gently touched her lips.

Well, I guess I don’t care.

The voice in her ear was eerily familiar. Jeong looked into his sister’s frightened eyes, removed the blanket, and gently stroked her body where the remnants of their actions still lingered. Then Seah bit her lip hard.


Your boyfriend… he was quite sweet.

I said don’t…

His personality is bright.

Seah closed her mouth tightly to stop crying. Her messy, distorted face looked pitiful.

We’ll let you say your last goodbye to him.

You won’t be able to see him after this.

Jeong smiled slightly and immediately made Seah sit up. Then, he spread her legs in front of the sleeping Chanwoo and made her lean against him.


If Chanwoo woke up, he would see her naked and in Jeong’s arms.

She writhed in horror and struggled to free herself. But her thin body was wrapped tightly in Jeong’s muscular arms, making it impossible for her to escape.

Oppa, please…

Seah begged, her voice shaking.

Please, please… ugh, please stop. Please?

Seah thought they had long since crossed the river of no return, but these two just kept dragging her deeper and deeper into the endless mud.

Seeing Chanwoo sleeping peacefully amid the scent of alcohol, Seah was shedding tears of sadness.

You know… You should have broken up with him when Jun told you to.

After saying that, Jeong firmly gripped Seah’s thighs from behind and entwined them around his own legs, preventing her from escaping.

Her slender legs were spread apart, revealing her pale labia. As a result, her vagina opening, filled with semen, and her clitoris were also visible.

Jeong giggled as he watched their own semen leaking out of her throbbing entrance.

Seah, look. Your pussy is filled with our cum and it’s dripping. It’s so pretty, it’s killing me.

Ugh, sob

Your boyfriend should see this, don’t you think?

P-please… sob, please…

Seah cried, wiping away her tears. But Jeong didn’t care and he gently stroked her pussy with his hand.

His long fingertips moved back and forth between her entrance and clit, rubbing with blatant intent. Seah twisted and jerked to resist.

Why? Are you ashamed to show it in front of your boyfriend?

Jeong said as he forcibly opened her labia and mercilessly crushed her pussy.

Then you’d better be quiet. Your boyfriend fell asleep drunk.

Jeong continued as he lightly bit Seah’s neck.

If you make too much noise, you might wake him up.

Seah felt the floor sink at the ironic whispered words. She closed her eyes in resignation and bit her lip hard to stifle her moans. All the while, Jeong’s hand was busy exploring her tiny pussy, moving it promiscuously here and there

Sob, uhh… unhh.

I’ll make sure you feel it quickly.

It was the worst. It was really the worst, so bad that she wanted to bite her tongue and die right there.

I hope he wakes up soon.

Jun, who was sitting in front of them and holding onto Chanwoo, also said with a smirk as if he was having fun.

He should wake up and see this magnificent view.

After saying that, Jun playfully tapped the sleeping Chanwoo on the cheek. His hand gestures were quite rough. This made Seah’s heart tremble in fear that Chanwoo would wake up.

D-don’t… unh, oppa…

Oh no, you don’t like this, what can I do?

In response to Seah’s pleas, he pinched Chanwoo’s cheek rather mischievously. When Chanwoo groaned and writhed a little, Seah’s face immediately turned pale.

Ugh, ah

Seah shook her head as if to tell him to stop, but Jun just shrugged nonchalantly as if nothing had happened.


Then, Jeong glanced at Jun.

What about the photo?

I deleted it, all of them. Even the ones in the chat room.

Did you check the cloud?

Of course.

Only then did Jeong smirk as he slapped Seah’s pussy. Despite being the main subject, Seah can’t quite understand their conversation. Whimpering in a half-dazed state, she could only weakly surrender herself to Jeong’s fingers.

Ugh, unh

Jeong gently rubbed her clit, before delving down to explore the slit of her wet pussy. Then suddenly he plunged a finger deep into her slit.


Even though it was only one finger, Seah’s hips trembled and she pressed her head against Jeong’s chest.

It’s still tight even after all that shoving.

Uck, ngh

Jeong curled his finger and swirled it around as he continued to speak.

It’s still wet and warm.

As he gently rubbed her insides with his finger, Seah gasped for breath and trembled uncontrollably.


Jeong slowly started thrusting his finger. With a gurgling sound, the semen that was still filling her inside spilled out, making a stickier sound. Her small hole twitched obscenely as it tightened under his hand.

Seah gasped in pleasure as he gently scratched her clit. Still, he found it lovely to see her straining her body to hold back her moans.

Jeong removed his hand from her pussy and slowly unzipped his trousers. Then he pulled out his throbbing, thick penis.

N-no… hic, d-don’t, please… after Chanwoo leaves…


Jeong’s eyebrows twitched in displeasure at what she said.

You’re saying his name with so much love.

Sob, ugh

… Fuck.

He lifted Seah’s butt slightly after finishing speaking. Then he aligned his cock with her hole and plunged in as if there was nothing else to see.


Already soaking wet, Seah’s pussy easily accepted his erect penis. The wet and open entrance gently took in the large glans.

Her pussy convulsed as it slowly sucked in the bulging, red animal. Each thrust sent a shiver of pleasure through her, and she quivered at the slippery friction.

Seah, call me sweetly like you used to. Why? You used to do it so well before. Call me Jeong Oppa… Jeong Oppa… do it.

His words reminded Seah of the past and made her cry even more.

As her brother Jeong said, she often followed him and called him affectionately in the past. Since childhood, she had always liked Jeong, who was more reserved and mature than Jun, so whenever she had a fight with a friend or felt a little unhappy, she would run straight to him and trust him. He was always loving, comforting, and always took her side…

Seah couldn’t understand why they had ended up like this and she felt a wave of sadness. She sobbed helplessly and wiped away her tears.

Do you remember how you used to cry when you were young and I used to hold you like this and comfort you?Jeong whispered as he gently stroked her lower abdomen where his cock was inserted.

You used to love it when I stroked your belly with my warm hands.

Jeong’s hands were still warm and soft. But unlike when Seah was young, her tears have not stopped.

She just shuddered and swallowed her sobs harder, hating him for his cruelty towards her memories.

What are you going to do if your boyfriend wakes up if you keep crying like this?

After he finished speaking, Jeong grabbed Seah’s waist tightly and slowly moved her up and down. With each movement, his thick dick rubbed against her insides, repeatedly pulling out and thrusting back in hard.

Unh… sob

Seah surrendered helplessly to his cruel thrusts. She was trampled by him as her slender body moved up and down.

Something ugly slid in and out of her tight, luscious pussy non-stop. The feeling of the animal moving beneath her was so intense that Seah shuddered in rejection.

As her body squirmed, he grabbed her shaking breasts. Then he immediately found her nipples, pinching and twisting them.

Anh, ugh…!

Seah couldn’t hold back and let out a screaming moan, her vagina twitching hard between her spread labia.

Because Jeong was spreading Seah’s legs, the scene was captured in Jun’s field of vision. The explicit scene showed the thick penis that was deeply embedded in Seah’s body moving in and out.

Seah’s pussy and Jeong’s cock, soaked with love juices, moved incessantly as he thrust relentlessly into her.

Seah’s vagina, originally untouched, was now wide open and throbbing, with her swollen clitoris tinged red as blood flowed to it.

Jeong ran his fingers over her clit. It was only a light stroke, but Seah reacted sensitively and closed her eyes tightly.


Jun chuckled softly, then picked up his nearby phone and started recording Seah being held by Jeong, shaking her hips.

Ding. The sound of the camera starting to record echoed loudly around the room.

Don’t, sob, don’t record…sob, ugh

Seah struggled to stop him, but she couldn’t even reach Jun. Caught by Jeong, there was nothing she could do except spread her legs wide and reveal her pussy to him.

Don’t… sob, don’t do it, agh

Whether Seah was crying or not, Jeong, who had grabbed her from behind, intended to plunge his cock into her. He was pounding her tender hole like he was in heat.

The protruding glans scratched mercilessly at her tightly ribbed insides. With every thrust, a transparent stream of fluid slowly flowed out from the tightly filled hole.

I-I hate this… sob, ugh

Shhhh, don’t make too much noise or your boyfriend might wake up.

Jeong whispered soothingly into her ear. Chanwoo, who was being held by Jun, seemed to sense something and his body jerked. Seah, startled by that, immediately covered her mouth.

Gasp, unh…

The sound from below seemed even louder now that her mouth was covered. Seah stiffened at the erotic sound and gripped Jeong’s thighs tightly.

Good girl, Seah.

Seah tried to tighten the hole, hoping it would make less noise, but instead more love juice flowed out.

Jun smacked his lips, disappointed that he couldn’t participate, but he continued recording.

The screen showed Seah’s slender body shaking on top of Jeong, who had the same face as him.

His grotesquely erect penis kept thrusting in and out of her obscenely wide-open pussy. Her swollen labia twitched as if it was too much, but it didn’t seem to have much effect except to make her look even more erotic.

Seah’s swollen clitoris was crushed by Jeong without any consideration, and her breasts, which swayed up and down along her body, shook quite bouncy with elasticity. He wanted to bury his face in those breasts and suckle those erect nipples.

Jun thought anxiously to himself.

I wonder how long it will take to get milk out of those tits.

How much of our cum will it take to make her flat belly swell up?

Not knowing what dirty thoughts Jun was having, Seah struggled to cover her pussy where the dick was thrusting in and out. She absolutely hated the feeling of the camera lens capturing every inch of her body.

Seah could barely cover her private parts with her small hands, but Jeong, who was behind her, grabbed both of her hands and bound them. In the end, her exposed pussy swallowing his cock ended up in Jun’s phone without a single thread to cover it.

Even the erotic water flowing along the penis was recorded in its entirety.

Seah twisted her waist here and there in protest as if she didn’t like it, but thanks to that, his cock penetrating her hole only rubbed against her insides and there was no other effect.


Around the same time, Chanwoo, who had fallen asleep, started to open his eyes with a groan.

Ah… anh, sob, ugh

Seah, who was trying to say no, could not finish her sentence due to Jeong’s unexpected thrust, and could only moan.

Uh, umm...

Oh shit, he woke up,”  Jun said with a giggle.

Chanwoo, who just woke up, rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly. It seems that he has not yet properly grasped the situation around him.

You awake?” 

Jun, who was holding him from behind, spoke up, and Chanwoo’s eyes widened in surprise as he tried to get up. However, Jun’s grip was so strong that he couldn’t wriggle away.

Stay still. You’re shaking the camera.” 

Jun clicked his tongue while looking at his phone, which was still recording. Chanwoo, who had just woken up, blinked in surprise at Jun’s voice coming from nearby.

Am I still sleepy? Am I still drunk, to the point of seeing things under the influence of alcohol?

Why do I see Seah shaking her hips in front of me with her brother’s penis inside her?

…Is this a dream?” 

No, it’s not,” Jun responded mischievously, tapping Chanwoo on the cheek.

Why? Is it like a dream to see Seah gasping for our cocks?” 

With good timing, Jeong thrust and shook where Seah felt particularly good with his thick shaft. As a result, Seah couldn’t hold back and let out a soft moan.


Her moans and writhing body were sensual to anyone watching.

Chanwoo, staring blankly at her, pinched his cheek as if he couldn’t believe it.

… Seah?

Seah was sobbing on top of Jeong, her face soaked with tears. Then, as if telling him to stop, she gazed at Jeong affectionately.

Sob, ugh… Ah, ah, Chan-Chanwoo… uh, o-oppa… Chanwoo, woke up… hic…”

But Jeong had no intention of stopping. He pounded her harder and harder, thrusting his thick cock into Seah’s tight hole.

Her small breasts bounced up and down as Jeong moved his hips. Feeling Chanwoo’s eyes on her body without hesitation, Seah felt embarrassed and wished she could cover the most private parts of her. But her arms were pinned behind her back and her legs were intertwined with Jeong’s and wide open.

There she was, completely exposed. Her naked body, with nothing covering it, was displayed in front of Chanwoo without even being able to hide her sensitive pussy.

Chanwoo stared blankly for a moment, closing and opening his eyes repeatedly.

Yeah, how can I believe that my girlfriend is being intimate with her brother as soon as I wake up?

It was more realistic to believe it was a dream.

Seah stared sadly at Chanwoo and shook her head as if to tell him not to look. Then Chanwoo moved his lips with a blank expression like a fool.

… Seah?

Uugh… uhh, ah, ahh… O-oppa… huff, ple-please…

Seah whimpered, repeating like a parrot, just to say that Chanwoo was awake.

Chanwoo, who had been staring at the scene in front of him, seemed to have completely sobered up and tried to rush towards Seah.

Seah, Seah!! What are you doing now…!!

But Jun was faster. He put down the phone where he was recording and roughly grabbed Chanwoo as he tried to run towards Jeong and Seah.

Where are you going?

Hyu-hyungnim! What’s happening here?!!

What’s happening? Can’t you see? Seah is eating our cocks.

I mean… Why… why?

Why? Because Seah was ours in the first place.

Jun grabbed Chanwoo’s chin as if to tell him to look straight ahead, forcing him to look at the scene of the two having sex.

Seah’s face was distorted with resignation and despair, and Chanwoo opened his eyes wide, stuttering.

Se-Seah… Seah…

Sob, ugh… Chan-Chanwoo… uhhh… Chanwoo…

Seah sadly called out to Chanwoo even though she was receiving her brother’s cock in her pussy. Then, Jeong, who was busy thrusting his dick into her, twitched the corner of his mouth in displeasure.

Seah, how can you call that bastard’s name while you’re taking my cock? You shouldn’t, right?

As if on purpose, Jeong firmly squeezed one of her bouncy breasts, the milky white flesh gently protruding through the space between Jeong’s fingers, but he didn’t care and gently scratched her nipple.

Anhh… ugh, uh… d-don’t…

I’ll stop if you say you love this.

When she tried to tell him not to do it, Jeong whispered very softly in her ear.

If you shout that you love this and shake your waist a few times, I’ll end it here and I’ll put that bastard back to sleep… as if nothing happened.

Although they had already crossed the line, Seah, still half disoriented, looked at Jeong with tears in her eyes, as if to ask him if he would really keep this promise.

Decide quickly, okay? If you tell me no, I will do more. What will you do, Seah?

I-I will… uck, I-I’ll do it…

Great Job, Seah. You’re such a good girl.

Jeong kissed her neck gently, and as if that action was the starting point, Seah hesitantly began to move her waist on her own.

Ugh, anh

But even when she moved her hips, she didn’t say that she was happy to have her brother’s cock in front of Chanwoo. Seah cried and could only move her lips slightly. She felt suffocated as if her throat was choking. Seeing her like that, Jeong whispered a warning.

Seah, you should say you love this.

But despite his urging, no words came out. Seah hesitated, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Come on, say it.

Jeong continued to whisper in a soft, soothing voice. He even mischievously rubbed and pinched her swollen clit, and to her surprise, her pussy twitched, spurting clear water from her slit.

Uhmm… uh, ugh

“Seah, say it.

I- uck… love this.” 

Good job.

As if giving a compliment, Jeong lifted his hips one more time, and quickened his movements, maintaining his pace. Smack, smack,~~ like an animal in heat, Jeong mercilessly lusted after his little sister who had been captured by him.

Chanwoo’s forehead crumbled as the words left Seah’s mouth. Then he shouted in disbelief.

Seah! What do you think you’re doing?!” 

Seeing him scream like that, Jeong looked straight into his eyes and grinned. Then he asked, raising his voice deliberately.

My sweet Seah, do you like my cock?

With a slapping sound, Jeong lightly slapped the exposed pussy in front of Chanwoo. Seah responded immediately, writhing in pleasure.

Uhm, uhmm uh, ugh… y-yes…

So please stop here… 

Seah shuddered as she held on to his veined forearm. She looked pitiful, like a herbivore caught in a trap.



Jeong and Chanwoo called out to her at the same time. Seah responded by lowering her head as if she wanted to get out of this situation.

You’re going to break up with him, right?

But lowering her head wasn’t enough to escape the situation. Her ear was filled with Jeong’s voice murmuring softly.

Hurry up and say you’re going to break up with him, okay?

Sob, ugh

Seah, I’m also getting upset seeing you cry. If you break up with him, I won’t be mean to you anymore.

Only then did Seah realize that she had no other options.

The room was in complete chaos, with Chanwoo screaming as Jun grabbed and held him down, while Jeong was busy thrusting in and out of Seah’s pussy. In the midst of it all, Seah was busy struggling to hold back her heavy breathing and sad tears.

Her head was spinning and her vision was blurry. She wished she could just pass out right at this very moment.

Despite everything, she could be sure of one thing: her first love at the age of twenty was completely over.

Her relationship with Chanwoo could never be the same again.

Of course, she hadn’t thought about marrying him, but she had never imagined that their relationship would fall apart like this. Seah opened her mouth in resignation.

Uck, ah… Le-let’s… sob.

But the sad tears made it difficult for her to continue.

Shh, don’t cry Seah. Stop crying. Don’t cry, speak calmly.

Jeong murmured as he kissed her all over her body, gently stroking her stomach and comforting her, just like he used to do for her when she was little.

Le-let’s… break, ugh, up…

Seah managed to finish, her voice choked with tears. Then Jeong smiled ruefully as if he was sorry.

If you said it so sadly, you make it sound like we’re the bad guys.

His smile seemed out of place in this situation.

With an innocent smile, Jeong whispered as if he were harmless, but from Seah and Chanwoo’s perspective, Jeong and Jun were cruel invaders and predators. The two brothers, however, seemed to think otherwise and just laughed as if they had been unjustly accused.

Chanwoo looked at Seah who was panting on top of Jeong for a long time and then asked with a stupid look on his face.

Th-this is a joke, right…?


Seah… Seah… This is a joke, right? Is-is this some kind of surprise show to scare me?

This isn’t a joke, though.

It was Jun who answered instead of Seah, saying in a rather cheeky tone as he patted the stunned Chanwoo on the shoulder.

Seah wants to break up with you. Why are you acting so pathetic?

What… what is happening right now…?

What don’t you understand? Can’t you understand the situation even after seeing my cock going in and out of Seah’s pussy?

The image of her throbbing pussy as she received her brother’s cock was vividly captured in Chanwoo’s wide gaze. Her flawless labia were spread wide open as she swallowed and spat out the thick shaft.

Do you want to know something? My sweet Seah goes crazy when I thrust deep into her cervix, so her pussy hole just goes crazy when she keeps biting down on our cocks.

You’re crazy…

However, not just anyone can stick their cock in this pussy.

Jun chuckled brightly as he looked between the absent-minded Chanwoo’s legs.

With your 6.9 cm dick, you don’t stand a chance.

An opaque stream of nectar mixed with semen and love juices continued to trickle down Seah’s hole, along with the occasional splash of clear, unidentifiable water.

You should know your place before you touch someone else’s stuff,Jun said mockingly to Chanwoo with a smirk.

It was unfair. Yes, it was unfair and absurd, but Chanwoo didn’t speak further. He just sat on the floor for a long time, looking as devastated as a man who had lost his country, watching Seah and Jeong having sex.

Jun grabbed his arm from behind to make sure Chanwoo didn’t attack.


So, how about considering a peaceful breakup?

The romantic dream of a campus couple relationship that Chanwoo had dreamt of throughout his high school years was completely shattered in the moment of his very first, still immature, freshman love.

Chanwoo didn’t want to hear their hot breaths filling the room and their sweet moans ringing in his ears. So, at that moment, when Jun’s grip loosened a little, Chanwoo managed to stand up, covering his ears.

Then, he ran out of the house without looking back.

As Seah watched Chanwoo disappear, she felt both relief and sadness.

Seah hated her brothers terribly. She hated them, resented them, and wanted to curse them for the rest of her life.

When Chanwoo left, as if waiting for this moment, Jun approached her and unbuckled his trousers. He stood in front of her while she sat on top of Jeong with her legs spread out. He pulled out his cock, which was still erect and hard from earlier.

If you had broken up with him sooner, it wouldn’t have ended like this.


I feel bad too seeing our sweet Seah crying like this.

Jun chattered away with a grin on his face, not even bothering to wipe the drool from his mouth. Then he grabbed his cock and gently rubbed the tip of his cock against Seah’s pussy.

The tip of his penis was slippery and wet with precum, and he rubbed it back and forth over her clit.

Augh, uh

Seah was writhing in the throbbing pleasure that coursed through her body one moment, and the next, Jun’s cock unexpectedly went down, trying to find a gap in her pussy hole that was already filled with Jeong’s cock.

Ah, agh, ahh…!

Seah squealed, arching her back as Jun penetrated her. Meanwhile, Jeong, positioned behind her, firmly grabbed her breasts and fondled them.

Anngh… Ah!

After forcing her tight slit apart, Jun finally pushed his cock inside. Her tight insides were filled to the brim with her brothers’ cocks, so much so that even their pulsating veins could be felt.

The hole, stretched to the limit, took the two cocks and writhed in pleasure.

Aunhh, uhh, ummh…!

As they began to move their hips simultaneously, Seah’s inner thighs began to tremble. Her insides tightened and loosened as if it were convulsing.

The two cockheads were scraping against the lining of her vagina, thrusting deeper and deeper into her womb, and each time it felt like all the blood in her body was rushing downward as her back throbbed.

It was painful at first, but now she just didn’t even think about it anymore.

As if she had become an animal, Seah moaned loudly and buried herself between her brothers. She loved the way their sturdy bodies filled her from front to back.

It was exhilarating to watch Jun’s well-defined abs ripple with every movement as his thick cock stirred her insides.

Annhh, ah, aunh…!

Seah, half out of her mind, surrendered helplessly as they relentlessly pounded her. Her body tensed as she sensed the two cocks begin to ejaculate inside her.

When the climax neared, she dug her nails deep into Jun’s shoulders as her pussy twitched.

Annhhh, umm

Her feet curled and her body became extremely sensitive. 

Trapped between them, the two brothers kissed every inch of her body, whispering to her as if she were a woman they could not help but love.

I love you, Seah.

Seah, I love you.

Despite their sweet declaration of love, Seah’s body sagged like a doll, tears streaming down her face.

Either way, they seemed not to care and were busy expressing their affection, which was no different from rape.

Feeling her mind fading once again, Seah leaned her head against Jeong’s chest as the two men patted her affectionately.

It was the familiar, gentle touch of her older brothers, just like when she was young.

Seah, what time does the night self-study end today? I’ll pick you up. Text me when you’re done.

You want to eat fried chicken again?! You had it yesterday. Fine, I’ll buy some on the way home. I’m off work now.

Ramen at this hour? If you go to bed right after eating, you won’t be able to digest it… Alright, I’ll cook it for you, but don’t go to sleep right after eating. After you finish eating, let’s go for a walk around the neighborhood before sleeping. How does that sound?

Could you please eat a little porridge? It’s not good to take medicine on an empty stomach. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere; I’ll stay home. I took a sick leave today. How can I go to work when my Seah is sick…

They were such sweet brothers. At least until she got a boyfriend.

They were truly caring and kind brothers, unlike any others in the world…

Seah’s eyelids drooped in exhaustion.

She wished everything would be over when she woke up.

Seah hoped so desperately.


Two lines.

Seah stared blankly at the pregnancy test in her hand.

After what had happened, Seah hurriedly took the morning-after pill, desperately hoping she wouldn’t get pregnant even if she had to die. She had gotten the prescription secretly because Jeong and Jun wouldn’t let her.

Nevertheless, two lines appeared.

At this point, Seah wondered if God had abandoned her. She felt the floor beneath her crumbling down now that she had their child in her belly.

What will happen to me from now on? Should I have an abortion? But what if I do? Would an abortion be the end of it? Even if I have an abortion, I still have to live with my brothers… Then… Then maybe one day I will get pregnant again. Should I report it? If I report it to the police… can they solve it?

Besides, Jeong and Jun were Seah’s only family. She lost her parents long ago, and they were the only family she had. They were everything in the world to her…

As her thoughts reached the point of reporting her brothers, Seah hesitated.

Why am I hesitating? She thought. She resented and hated them, but did not have the heart to report them. Of course, she didn’t expect that reporting them would solve everything, but… she would rather end this situation by dying than reporting them.

Seah wondered if this was useless affection or a lingering attachment to those who once cared for her in the past.

Whatever it was, she found this situation unbearably painful. Disgusting, repulsive, and the worst.

Seah didn’t want to live anymore.

She also hated the baby in her belly terribly. Even though she knew the baby was innocent, she couldn’t help but feel resentful.

Without thinking anymore, Seah took out a large knife from the kitchen.

If no one can save me, if nothing in this world can help me, then it’s easier for me to die.

Without hesitation, Seah stabbed the sharp knife into her stomach. With a horrible sound of tearing flesh, it pierced her abdomen.

The pure white marble floor began to stain red. For better or worse, Seah’s eyelids became heavy before she could feel the pain.

She staggered and grabbed the kitchen counter. Looking blankly at the kitchen with a blurred vision, she recalled herself having a friendly chat with her brothers.

【 Ahh, I don’t like this! Oppa, please take out the bell peppers! Please? Please? I beg you, if you take out the bell pepper, I’ll study for another hour later, alright?

No, I told you if you keep being a picky eater I will cut down on your allowance, didn’t I?

【 Aaaaaah, Jun oppa! What are you doing, hurry up and speak to Jeong oppa, I really hate bell peppers!

Seah, you’re not a child, you’re 18 years old and still hate bell peppers? This won’t do. Jeong, what are you doing? Put all the bell peppers in!

What the!!!! Sa Jun, you traitor!

What?! Sa Jun? You’re talking back to me just because I told him to put in the bell peppers?

It was a house filled with happy memories.

In the spacious living room, Seah would occasionally spread out the fried chicken her older brothers bought on their way home from work, watch TV, and greedily tear off the chicken legs her brothers had conceded to her. There were times she would be uncharacteristically silly, asking them to play instead of work, or when she hid in the cabinet by the front door to surprise them, who returned from working overtime, and she used to watch them cooking in the kitchen to see if they would add vegetables she didn’t like.

As Seah reminisced, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Yes, that incident was so terrible that she really wanted to die and couldn’t believe it was real, but in the past, they were her dear older brothers.

Seah wanted to forget that hellish day and leave with nothing but good memories.

Seah closed her eyes without regret.

She hoped she would never open them again in this world.

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