Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

OPRCTB [R19] Chapter 1

WARNING: This work contains explicit content intended for mature audiences only. Readers should be aware that the story includes themes of rape, incest, non-consensual encounters, and coercive relationships. Reader discretion is advised, as the content may be disturbing and triggering for some individuals. Please proceed with caution and consider your own comfort level before reading. 


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Hey there, you might be curious why I picked this particular smut out of all the others. Honestly, I have no idea. But for this story, I suggest you just switch off your brain a bit. Have fun reading!

To Seah by Kwak Dupal
• ────── ✾ ────── •

Seah was excited to have dinner with her brothers for the first time in a long time. They were having a conversation they hadn’t had since she entered college when they both became busy.

So, the professor said…

Seah rambled on about canceled classes and proxy attendance, things that didn’t exist in high school, while Jun and Jeong listened with faint smiles on their faces, finding her antics cute.

Sa Jeong and Sa Jun.

Seah’s older brothers were twins, and like twins, they had very similar body shapes and faces. They were tall, well over 185 centimeters, with eyes featuring coolly slanted double eyelids. However, it didn’t stop there; their sharp and chiseled jawlines clearly showed that they were handsome at first glance.

Seah, you should eat vegetables too, Jun, the second oldest brother, said as Seah continued to eat only meat. You’re an adult now, so being picky about food isn’t good.

Seah pouted at his playful scolding. Despite that, she quickly picked up the onion he put in front of her and ate it.

I don’t understand why I should eat vegetables.

Aigoo, our youngest. You’re still a kid, a little kid, Jun laughed and stroked Seah’s hair. Despite being treated like a child, Seah enjoyed his touch and leaned her head against him. In the midst of this, she suddenly clapped her hands together as if something had occurred to her and spoke up.

Oh, by the way, oppa.


Well… you know…

Seah paused for a moment, exchanged glances with both of them, and Jun tilted his head slightly in response to her ambiguous behavior.

What? Did something wrong happen?

No, no! It’s not that… it’s something else…

What is it?

Jun stopped using his chopsticks and looked at Seah curiously. Within the well-soundproofed private room of the upscale barbecue restaurant, a brief silence hung. How much stranger could the silence become? Seah hesitated, as if choosing her words, then cautiously started to speak.

And what she said next widened the eyes of both men.

Could you maybe… give me a little more allowance?

Allowance? You already spent what I gave you last time?

The allowance that Jun and Jeong provided Seah was never small. Could she have already used it all? Even though she’s a freshman in college, they gave her more than usual because they cared about her major books… And now she was asking for more allowance first. It wasn’t like Seah at all.

Yeah…Seah muttered vaguely, avoiding their gazes, but Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

What did you spend it all on? You didn’t spend it all on drinking with your friends, did you?

Hearing the word “drinking,” Jeong, who was next to him, also furrowed his eyebrows and asked.

Did you get hit on by weirdos at bars and stuff?

Drinking parties! I didn’t even attend any of them, except for the few that were mandatory!~~ Seah vehemently denied it with frustration, almost jumping up.

What! It’s not that kind of thing! It’s not that, actually… I…

The two of them stared at Seah, nodding their heads as if urging her to continue to speak.

The thing is… I have a boyfriend.

At the mention of a boyfriend, both Jeong and Jun’s faces stiffened for a moment. They narrowed their eyes slightly as if they didn’t believe Seah’s words.

A boyfriend?

Yeah, we’re in the same major. Hehe, well, we’ve been dating, and… could you maybe give me a bit more allowance?

Seah smiled innocently, alternately looking at them. Normally, they would often spoil her, and if she asked for anything, they would grant her wishes. So, Seah secretly thought that she could easily get more allowance as well.

However, something was off today.

When both Jeong and Jun heard Seah’s words, they exchanged serious glances and some sort of nonverbal communication with each other; they both turned cold and serious.

Seeing their expressions, Seah also belatedly felt that something was unusual. Was asking for more allowance the problem? Embarrassed by their unexpected reaction, she nervously fiddled with her hands.

Hmm… hey, oppa?

Unable to bear the awkward atmosphere, Seah finally spoke up. However, even then, they didn’t give any response.

The atmosphere that had been so friendly just a moment ago had turned cold. Confusion flickered in Seah’s brown eyes. Knowing her brothers as she did, she had thought that the moment they heard about her relationship, they would congratulate her and maybe give her extra allowance to go out with her boyfriend to eat something delicious.

However, at this moment, they weren’t giving any positive or negative response, simply remaining silent.

Uh, well… I’m sorry. Are you mad at me for spending so much money…?

Seah tried speaking to them once more. However, they continued their silent exchange of glances, then directed their gazes towards her.

I didn’t ask for more allowance because I spent all the allowance you guys gave me! I still have some left! I still have some… I was just asking for more because I thought I might need more for dates and stuff in the future! … That’s what I wanted to ask you for more in advance… I’m sorry…

They still didn’t answer, and Seah couldn’t hide her flustered state.

Seah was aware that the amount of allowance she received from them was larger than her friends’.

The reason she could accept it so casually was that she knew her brothers were capable of providing her with that much allowance. From a young age, they had been known as prodigies and were scouted by government agencies eagerly waiting for them to graduate from prestigious universities with full scholarships.

It was a painful truth that her older brothers had higher salaries than their peers.

So, even this time, she had asked them for an allowance with a bright smile… but she hadn’t expected this kind of reaction.

They usually granted any request she made. When she craved fried chicken, they would drop by her favorite chicken restaurant on their way home and bring it to her. Even when she casually asked them to cook instant noodles, they did it without a word of complaint.

Those two who used to do all that were now silent and not responding at all.

It would have been more reassuring if they were joking to tease her, rather than keeping silent like that instead.

As Seah was becoming embarrassed and about to call them again, breaking the calm silence, Jun spoke up.

Did you sleep with him?

For a moment, Seah didn’t fully understand what she had heard. So, her eyes widened and she blinked a couple of times in confusion. Then, Jun spoke again.

I’m asking you if you fucked that bastard.

With Jun’s next words, Seah’s mind went blank.

What did he just say? Did he ask if I had sex? Was he asking if I slept with Chanwoo? Why would my brother ask for something like that in the first place? Is it a joke? No, but what kind of joke would any sibling make like that…?

Seah looked at Jun with a dumbfounded expression, not quite processing what she had just heard. Jun was also looking directly at Seah without avoiding her gaze. Their gazes collided in the air.

However, there was something odd about his gaze… the way her brother looked at her was unfamiliar. Seah instinctively sensed danger and shrunk back.

Something was off. The atmosphere, the air in the room, their reactions… something was wrong.

Seeing Seah’s frightened eyes, Jun smiled wickedly.

We were too complacent, he remarked.

Then Jeong chimed in,I never dreamed that Seah would start dating as soon as she went to college…

With a small click of his tongue, Jeong stood up. Seah nervously gulped, casting a wary look at Jeong with anxious eyes. The steps approaching her felt eerie.

W-What are you doing right now? Don’t joke around. I hate these kinds of jokes, Seah’s voice cracked pitifully.

Whether she said that or not, Jeong held Seah’s wrist and forcefully pulled her up from her seat.

Shall we go home then?

His voice was gentle, but their gazes were completely different from their usual selves.

Instinct screamed at her, telling her not to follow them, but Seah had no other choice.

They were her only family, and the house she was living in with them was her only home.


As soon as they arrived home, Jun terrifyingly locked the front door. Not only the front door but also all the additional locks were secured.

Seah felt the need to escape, but there was nowhere to run. This place was already her home, her sanctuary.

Normally, her brothers weren’t uncomfortable to be around at all, but today, the thought of being in the same house with them was unbearably uncomfortable.

Perhaps they noticed her discomfort; Jun leaned in closer and said to her.

Shall we continue the conversation from earlier?

His demeanor resembled that of a predator cornering its prey.

Come on, Seah. You should answer the question I asked. Hmm? His voice was affectionate and gentle, but his words carried no affection whatsoever.

Cornered with no escape, Seah’s body trembled uncontrollably. She wondered if, perhaps due to her weakened state, she was hallucinating or something.

Did you sleep with that bastard?

It wasn’t a hallucination. They were really asking her about the relationship with her boyfriend.

Why on earth are my brothers asking me this kind of question? Seah tightly bit her lip, lowering her head in humiliation.

Why… Why are you suddenly asking me this? It’s uncomfortable,Seah struggled to voice those words.

Let’s see. Seah, should you be uncomfortable or should we be?

… What?

We were waiting for years until your panties were all worn out… How do you think we would feel even if you exchanged glances with some other guy?

Seah blinked with a dumbfounded expression.

What did he just say…

Until my panties were worn out? Who? Oppa? With my panties…? Why?

It was a series of words that she couldn’t accept at all. While Seah was in a daze, the two looked calm as always. It is said that when you are too shocked, even your body doesn’t have strength, and that’s exactly how she felt.

Seah shook her head in disbelief, then forced her trembling legs to move as she tried to escape to her room from Jun and Jeong, but they caught her easily.

Let me go…! Seah shouted fearfully, but Jun held her tightly in his arms as if to trap her. His body was as hard as a rock, and he clutched the tiny woman as if he were devouring her.

Seah, since you didn’t answer… We have no choice but to check it ourselves.

With his large hands, he swiftly removed her clothes.

Do-don’t! What are you doing?!

Seah struggled with fierce resistance, but her petite frame was no match for the sturdy two men.

There was no way she could beat them both.

Do-don’t do this, don’t do this… O-oppa… What’s wrong with you both? What’s the matter? Huh?

Jun and Jeong hold on to the struggling Seah, removing her clothes piece by piece. First, her t-shirt, then her pants, and then they went down on her. Seah, who was left in only her underwear, cried as she felt her brothers’ hands groping her body.

Why, why are you doing this? Oppa…oppa… Do-don’t do it, please? I’m scared, oppa…

It was strange and frightening. The once cozy house filled with memories became a terrifying place in an instant.

Seah started to cry, tears streaming down her face. Still, they didn’t stop what they were doing.

Suddenly, he thrust his hand into the panties that barely covered her private parts, groping for the most intimate part of his sister’s body that he had never coveted.

For the first time, her brother Jeong’s hand touched a place that had never been touched by others. He didn’t stop groping her smooth flesh but went on to find her hidden clitoris, scratching it gently.

U-ugh, d-don’t… Uhh, d-don’t…

Just as her legs were about to give out from the tingling pleasure, Jeong removed his hand for a moment and moved away.

Before Seah knew it, she was lying on the bed in her room.

Her brassiere was rolled up and in disarray and her panty was pulled down so that her pussy was exposed.

With tears in her eyes, Seah looked at her brothers, who were unbuttoning their shirts one by one.

Oppa …sob… Oppa…

Seah knew she had to run. But she had nowhere to run.

This was already her home.

Wearing only their underpants, the brothers naturally climbed onto the bed. The bulging parts of her two brothers were swollen as they approached her as if to tell their sister that they were in heat.

Excessively bulging penises. Seah wasn’t young enough not to know what that meant.

Of course, she also grew up and started dating, so she vaguely thought she would do something like this with her boyfriend one day. But she never thought that her first partner would be her brothers.

It was to be expected. Who in the world would have their first experience with their own siblings?

Seah resisted, kicking and struggling in disgust, but she was easily subdued by Jun’s grip on her slender thighs.

Jun grabbed her leg and tore her panty off with a vicious rip. She could hear the sound of her underwear being ripped open along with an unfamiliar noise.

Ah, I-I don’t like this… sob, please… oppa…

Despite her pitiful plea, Jun didn’t bat an eye, only glancing between her bare legs. Her plump, fleshy pussy was beautifully closed, hairless. The shape of the tight entrance piqued his curiosity.

Jun reached out and gently traced the crevice up and down. Then, in an instant, he brazenly parted her labia. The daintily closed entrance was mercilessly opened by Jun. Her secret hole was exposed even though she did not want it to be.

Her clit swelled into a tight lump as she shivered at the cold air outside.


Seah cried as she twisted her body, but even that was not enough as Jeong held her upper body down.

Between her parted labia, a quivering clit came into view. Her vaginal entrance, tinted a faint pink, was twitching and dripping transparent honey.

Has that bastard seen your pussy?

N-no, sob, he hasn’t… so… don’t… do-don’t do this…sniff, oppa…

Seah’s pitiful voice flowed incessantly from her mouth.

I… I… uh, never… ugh, I’ve never done this before… I’m scared, please…

Although he seemed moved by her tears and pleading, he showed no sign of stopping. Instead, he had a faint smile on his face, as if he found it exciting, and suddenly he was squeezing and rubbing her clitoris.

Aauk…! Seah cried out, her hips bucking in surprise.

Even though she didn’t want to feel her sensitive clit being crushed without any consideration, a moan escaped her mouth.

Unhsobah, o-oppa…uh... Please… Stop…

Why should I stop? Before that jerk fucks your pussy, we should do it first, don’t you think?

As Jun’s playful hand movements made her lower region tingle, her vision suddenly became blurred. The unfamiliar pleasure disorientated her, and unable to stand it any longer, Seah gasped for breath with a mixture of moans and sobs.

While she couldn’t come to her senses, Jeong pulled out his erect penis from his underwear. He then shoved his hideous penis into Seah’s face. Seah, who had been crying, widened her eyes in surprise when she saw the cock pushed in front of her.

She had never seen a penis before. Not to mention that she had never really seen what she looked like down there. Seah had never imagined that she would see her brother’s dick right in front of her face, so she shook her head even harder.

Grotesque veins protruding from his brother’s cock throbbed up and down as she resisted, growing larger each time.

I-I hate this… sob.

Jeong forcefully rubbed the tip of his penis against Seah’s struggling lips. Each time the hardened tip rubbed against her soft lips, he frowned in pleasure.

Seah shook her head, uncomfortable with the pungent scent that filled her nostrils.

Seah, open your mouth, Jeong said as sweetly as ever.

But his actions were anything but sweet as Seah pressed her lips together and Jeong forced her teeth apart with his hand. Then he plunged his hard cock all the way down her throat.

Ugh…! Seah whimpered in agony as a heavy sensation pushed past her lips.

It wasn’t long before she instinctively sucked on the penis, taking it all the way into her throat. The prickly pubic hair touched her lips as Jeong slowly moved his hips, thrusting mercilessly into her mouth as he watched Seah’s struggling body.

Jun, who was between Seah’s legs, was also busy teasing her pussy with the juices flowing from her cunt. Using his slippery hand, he gently rubbed her clit, causing her little hole to tighten and loosen, flutter and quiver.

Ugh, uh

Seah’s moans were drowned out by the cock in her mouth. Jun was a little disappointed about that, but it didn’t matter.

In any case, it was more important to him that her pussy was like a white field of snow that no one had ever walked on.

Uhh… ugh…

Jeong, who was on top of Seah, looked down at her with cold eyes as he continued to thrust his cock into her mouth.  Then something thick stirred in her mouth and was pushed deep inside.

Hmph… ugh, huh…

Seah tried to resist, scratching and hitting Jeong’s forearm with her fingernails, but he was unyielding as a stone.

When Seah couldn’t fight anymore thanks to Jeong, Jun excitedly harassed her down there like a fish in water.

He pushed his fingers into her narrow slit, which could hardly be called a hole, and thrust mercilessly into her entrance while occasionally flicking her throbbing clitoris.

If he teased both places at the same time, Seah’s body would tremble and react sensitively. And the unfamiliar pleasures would be hard to bear.

The two of them, who had been lusting after Seah in different ways, took turns speaking.

Ugh… This could have been really bad.

Yeah, that’s right. Our Seah almost got robbed from us.

Robbed…? They spoke so nonchalantly as if it was Chanwoo who robbed Seah away from them.

Seah, are you sure you never had that bastard’s dick in your pussy? Jun, who hadn’t quite gotten over his suspicions yet, poked down there and asked.

However, there is no way that Seah, who has Jeong’s dick in her mouth, can answer.

Jun’s suspicions were confirmed by the sticky flesh as he quickly inserted his finger deeper into her pussy. He could feel the wrinkled lining sticking to his finger.

How cute. My Seah’s pussy is even cuter.Then, he put another finger through her tight hole.

Another of Jun’s fingers penetrated her quivering hole. Seah’s body stiffened and her waist trembled as she felt the increased thickness.

Ugh… uh….

Seah wanted to beg them to stop, but she couldn’t even beg because her mouth was blocked.

Jun rubbed her clit gently with his thumb as he thrust with his fingers. When he finally pulled his fingers out, a small stream of clear liquid followed. The sight was so lascivious that it made him want to bury his cock inside her.

The tender flesh fluttered under Jun’s hand. He seemed to be enjoying himself, poking her entrance and teasing her clitoris at the same time. While ignoring Seah’s cries of pleasure, he was busy rubbing and thrusting his fingers at both places at the same time.

Ahh… sob

Her tear-stained vision was blurred. Seah felt like she was losing her mind.

Seah had her eldest brother, Jeong’s penis in her mouth, and her second older brother, Jun’s hand going in and out of her entrance.

It was horrible. It took her quite a long time to even give a light kiss to Chanwoo. Yet, her brothers didn’t seem to care at all as they touched and tasted her body to their hearts’ content like ruthless aggressors.

Then, Chanwoo’s face came to mind.

It was the same Chanwoo who had said goodbye to her today and waved her off to have fun with her brothers.

How could the boyfriend imagine that this could happen, that his girlfriend’s brothers were actually perverted bastards who lusted after their own little sister, and that the moment they found out she had a boyfriend, they reacted like madmen trying to rape her?

That’s right, who in this world would think that something like this could happen? Even Seah, the person involved, didn’t expect this at all…

The cock, which had been thrusting in and out of her mouth for a while, suddenly grew even larger and began to wriggle like a snake. Seah shook her head, sensing something was wrong, but Jeong’s cum was faster.

As the cock continued to throb and twitch in her mouth, it squirted a warm liquid inside.

As Seah was about to open her mouth because of the bitter and sour taste, Jeong stopped her, forcibly grabbed her chin, and prevented her from opening her mouth.

In the end, Seah had no choice but to swallow all of her brother’s semen. It tasted terrible, slimy, and disgusting.

Then a small amount of semen leaked from the gap between her closed lips.

Ugh, ah

Seah wanted to catch her breath, but she wasn’t given any time to do so. Jun, who was caressing her below, didn’t hesitate to poke and scratch her sensitive parts, stimulating her mercilessly.

As he continued to thrust his fingers quickly, a lewd gurgling sound filled the room.

Good girl.

Jeong smiled kindly at her, satisfied that she had swallowed every last drop of his cum.

Now you’re going to swallow our cum down there too.

Uh, uh… N-no…

And then you will have our child.

Have a child with my brothers? Seah shook her head as if the thought was too horrible to contemplate.

Jeong grabbed Seah’s pile of clothes and pulled out her cellphone. Then he held it in front of her sobbing face, unlocked it with facial recognition, and casually scrolled through her messages.


As soon as he entered the messaging app, he could see who Seah’s boyfriend was.

There was a name saved with a heart emoji, Chanwoo .

When Jeong saw the name, he mumbled a little curse word. Just seeing the name made him curse.

Their chat room was even more ridiculous. It was full of emoticons and endearing words that made his hands and feet tremble from the intoxication of their flirtation. The more he looked at the chat room, the darker Jeong’s complexion became.

So this is the bastard… the one who stole my sweet Seah.

N-no… sob, no… Chanwoo, keuk, Chanwoo is not that kind of guy…

Jeong frowned grimly in disbelief that Seah would take her boyfriend’s side in this situation. He clicked his tongue in disdain and zoomed in on Chanwoo’s profile picturea Korean man in his twenties who appeared ordinary and unremarkable.

He looks like shit too.

Really? Let me look at him. Show me too.

Jun, who was teasing her pussy, was also curious about Chanwoo’s existence, and his reaction to Chanwoo’s profile picture was not much different from Jeong’s.

Is Seah dating that bastard?

Seah cried out even louder as if she was sad that her first boyfriend was severely criticized by her brothers.

Hic, sob… ugh…

Jun zoomed in on Chanwoo’s profile picture and let out a small sigh.


Huh… sob

Aren’t we much more handsome? What on earth did you do to end up with such a loser like him? Jun asked in his usual tender voice, like asking for a side dish for dinner.

I don’t get it… There’s no way he’s better than us…

Not satisfied, he asked another question.

You’re going to break up with him, right?

Huh… ugh, sob…

But Seah didn’t answer the question, just cried even more, unable to say whether she would break up with him or not.

Actually, she didn’t want to break up with Chanwoo. Seah wondered why on earth she had to break up with Chanwoo. Of course, she didn’t dislike her brothers. But her feelings towards them were purely familial; there was no romantic affection involved.

I-I don’t want to… sob… s-stop… Oppa… stop…

D-Don’t do this… hicSeah said, clutching the blanket tightly and crying.

It’s not… sob… too late yet… stop…

Seah burst into tears as she tried to stop Jun from relentlessly rubbing her clitoris. Unfortunately, her resistance only fueled their excitement even more.

Watching the slender woman squirm made both men’s penises harder. Jun removed his thrusting fingers from her entrance and rubbed the tip of his cock against Seah’s pussy.


His hot, thick cock pushed through her slit, moving freely between her clit and her entrance. The feeling of a thick shaft pressing mercilessly against her sensitive spot made her shed tears as she held on to Jeong who was at her side.

Uh, ughhh, uhhh, no, agh... o-oppa… sob… oppa…

Jeong restrained Seah, who was struggling and writhing, by binding her body. Then, as Jun had been waiting, he spread her legs wide open and rubbed his erect cock gently against her tight pussy hole.

N-noo…! Ugh, no, no, no.. o-ppa, please… sob, uhh, ah, no…!

Feeling the sense of danger, Seah fought harder, but they didn’t even budge.

It might have been pitiful to see her crying and resisting like someone who was about to die, but Jun firmly grasped Seah’s struggling thighs without changing his expression. When she couldn’t move thanks to his hold, he smiled with satisfaction, parted her labia wide open, and slowly stroked his cock down from her clit to her pussy hole. Then, suddenly, he rammed his penis into her.

The head of a cock as thick as her forearm began to slide in where a finger or two had been too much. Startled by what felt like her insides were being ripped apart, Seah couldn’t even scream, only gasp for air.

Her body, overwhelmed by the pain, became as stiff as a tree trunk. Seeing her like this, Jeong grabbed her small breasts and squeezed them gently.

Seah, relax, His voice was so sweet that it was hard to believe that he was the one who was causing his little sister so much pain.

Seah felt even more saddened by her brother’s familiar voice.

【 Seah, it’s been very cold lately. Wear thick clothes when you go out.】

【 Seah, I’m leaving work now. Shall I buy you your favorite fried chicken?】

【 Seah, have you brushed your teeth after eating snacks?】

Jeong and Jun were always so sweet and kind to her, so she wondered why they were suddenly doing this to her.

Seah squeezed her eyes shut, still unable to believe this was real.

Amid the excruciating pain that felt like her body was being torn to shreds, the penis of the brother she trusted was forcefully pushed all the way in. Only when his prickly pubic hair touched the deepest part of her did she realize that he was completely inside her.

Ugh, huh

His cock, full of gnarled veins, moved slowly out, stirring her insides. Seah’s momentary relief was short-lived as Jun thrust his cock deep again as if mocking the faint sigh that escaped her lips. The thick, bulging glans rubbed against her insides, giving Seah an unfamiliar sensation.

Startled by the sudden thrust, Seah made a sound, unsure if it was a cry or a moan.

Ahh… Fuck, Seah, your pussy is so tight.

As he felt her sticky insides cling to his cock, Jun cursed under his breath. Her insides were slippery and hot. And the feeling of her insides tightening all over his cock was almost too much to bear, so he grabbed Seah’s pelvis and accelerated his hips movements.

Thud, thud. He thrust powerfully into Seah, mercilessly pounding her soft hole like a stick on fire. Her pink hole trembled as she took the violent thrusts.

Be gentle, it’s Seah’s first time, you’ll hurt her. Watching Jun thrust his cock like an animal, Jeong interjected cautiously.

Jun seemed to realize and slowed down slightly, clicking his tongue.

The air in the room was hot and humid, filled with the sound of flesh being struck. From time to time, the harsh gasps of the excited men echoed, while Seah’s eyes filled with tears as she tried to ignore the fact that she was being fucked by her brothers.

Seah clenched her lips to hold back her moans. But as the hard cock relentlessly plunged deeper into her womb, she couldn’t help but moan, even though she didn’t want to.

Ahh, ngh… Ugh

At first, it was definitely excruciatingly painful, but now, instead of pain, she was drowning in an unfamiliar pleasure. Seah felt her body being dominated by pleasure, not pain, as Jun continued to thrust his cock deep inside her.

His raw and condomless cock was soaked with her juices, busy rubbing against her tight hole.

And just like that, she was squirming, intoxicated with so much pleasure.

Then suddenly, Seah’s body was lifted into Jun’s arms. Surprised by the sudden posture, Jeong carefully approached her back.


Seah’s voice trembled. And not only her voice but also her body against Jun’s.

However, Jeong, as if he had no intention of caring about her, began rubbing his cock into the already-filled pussy.

Ugh, hmph… d-don’t…

Seah struggled with her small hands, trying to push Jeong away as he came up behind her. But the small hand movements that fumbled through his tensed muscles only served to fuel Jeong’s excitement.

I, sob, I don’t like…

You don’t like it?

Seah nodded vigorously at Jeong’s question.

What if this dick was that bastard’s and not ours?

What, what…?

If it was Chanwoo or whoever that bastard is, would you still cry no?

What-ugh-what are you talking about… hic, why-why are you bringing up Chanwoo here…

As she sobbed, Jun, who was in front of her, covered Seah’s mouth with his own in annoyance.  In an instant, he pressed his lips against hers, and forcefully swirled his tongue around her mouth, letting his saliva flow.


Seah struggled to say she didn’t like it, but she couldn’t because a big hand was gripping the back of her head. Besides, Jeong was close behind her.

It’s shitty to even say that bastard’s name.

Jun parted his lips from hers and narrowed his eyes before asking.

Seah, are you breaking up?

Although he didn’t say who she should break up with, it was impossible not to know that the target they were talking about was Chanwoo. Seah closed her eyes and cried, her shoulders heaving with pain.

Hey? I’m asking, are you going to break up with him?


How long have you been dating him?

How far have you gone with him? Did that bastard do something shady to you?

Seah shook her head and buried her face in Jun’s chest. However, in contrast to his ruthless hip movements, Jun patted her back gently with his hand.

Why are you crying so sadly? You’re breaking my heart.

With that, he playfully lifted his waist. Jun’s cock, which was filling up her insides, grazed her insides with a short thrust.

Startled, Seah’s hips quivered at the stiff sensation and she wiped away her tears. As she tried to move her hips and pull the penis out of her entrance, Jeong dominated her from behind her and subsided her.


Then, as if looking for a gap in the hole already filled with Jun’s, Jeong gently rubbed her clit. Seah, who still doesn’t know what he’s going to do, just cried helplessly.

Sob, hic…




… Hic.

I’ll give you your phone back. So send him a text telling him you want to break up.

Jun said as he put the phone in her hand. Seah blinked as she looked at the phone in her hand. Her tears blurred her vision, so she couldn’t see the screen.

Don’t make me say it twice, hurry up.

He gently wiped her tears away and urged her once more.

Break up with him and don’t meet any more bastards. Then we’ll stop here.

When he said they would stop, Seah looked up at Jun with watery eyes. Then, as always, Jun smiled, his eyes as sweet as ever.

Be a good girl, Seah.

Seah then started tapping on the screen with shaking hands, and after what seemed like seconds, Jun snatched the phone from her.

Did you text him to break up?

He looked at the screen as he asked. The message sent to Chanwoo remained on the screen. However…

            Seah: Chanwoo, report…

Jun, who saw the screen, sneered and showed it to Jeong. Then Jeong clicked his tongue and slapped Seah’s butt hard.

With a smacking sound, a handprint was left on her pale skin. Seah winced in pain and tightly closed her eyes.

You don’t want to break up with that fool? You should just break up with him, even if it kills you…

Sob, sniff

Fuck, you’re pissing me off.

While Jun was cursing in irritation, a reply came from Chanwoo.

            ♥Chanwoo♥: Huh? Seah, what are you talking about?

Seah realized she had received a reply and stretched out her arms, pleading.

Please, give it back, uhh, give it back…

Give it to you? Why? Are you begging me so you can report to 112? What are you going to tell your boyfriend? Chanwoo, my older brothers are fucking my pussy right now. Please report it.~~ Is that what you want to do?

When Jun signaled with his eyes to Jeong, who understood the meaning like a ghost, he grabbed Seah’s arm and bound her. Meanwhile, Jun chuckled and started tapping on the screen.


Seah, noticing that he was trying to answer instead of her, fought even harder. However, Jeong’s hold on her was unyielding.

Oppa… please, please… Don’t do this…

Then you should have texted him to break up like I told you to do, Jun said as if he was sorry and smiled bitterly.

We didn’t want to go this far either.

As he muttered that, Jun rummaged through her phone and tapped the camera app.

Seah, my heart hurts.

Until then, Seah had no idea what Jun was up to. But when he started to point the camera lens at her private parts, she instinctively felt a shiver run down her spine.


Feeling the negative energy, Seah opened her eyes wide. Her face had turned pale. Jun still had a wicked smile on his lips.

You’re not doing this, are you? O-oppa…!!

Please, please~~ Seah desperately wanted to believe that this wasn’t happening. No matter how much they violated her, she never thought they would stoop so low.

Shhh, be quiet, okay?

But as if to shatter her hopes, the camera shutter sounded several times. Seah was too shocked to speak. Like a fool, she just kept opening and closing her mouth.

What-what are you doing… what are you doing now…

Seah was so choked up she couldn’t speak properly. Her mind went blank and she couldn’t think of anything. Then, when she saw Jun giggling and typing something on her phone, her mind snapped back. Seah screamed as she struggled harder to get her arm out of Jeong’s grip.

Gi-give me my phone…! Don’t do this, don’t be like this…! Sa Jun!!

In her desperation, she stopped addressing him oppa altogether. She screamed his name like a parrot, crying out. But Jun didn’t even bat an eyelid, busy doing his own thing.

            Seah: Chanwoo, do you want to come to my house?
            ♥Chanwoo♥: What? So suddenly?

Jun smiled happily and sent Chanwoo the picture he had just taken.

            Seah: Photo

A lewd picture of his erect penis thrusting inside her vagina was sent from Seah’s phone. As soon as the photo was sent, the 1 attached to the speech bubble disappeared.

T/N: On KakaoTalk, the ‘1’ next to the message usually indicates that the message has been delivered but not yet read by the recipient. When the “1” disappears, it means that the person has read your message.

Jun even hummed a tune while waiting for a reply. But after a while, there was no reply.

Well, as expected.

Then as Jun was smirking and wondering if he should write down their home address and send it to him, a reply came.

             ♥Chanwoo♥: ???

A very short reply came.

             ♥Chanwoo♥: Seah, what kind of picture is that?

When Jun saw the answer, he burst out laughing. Then, perhaps thinking it was a shame to keep it to himself, Jun waved the chat room with Chanwoo in front of Seah.

Ah, this is hilarious, Jun said. This guy doesn’t even recognize Seah.

Seah, who saw the chat room on the screen, turned pale in shock. Her train of thought snapped as if someone had hit her in the head with a hammer.

Should I take another photo, this time showing Seah’s face?

What if it ends up on the internet and gets circulated?

Jeong immediately reacted to Jun’s words. Then, Jun smiled and nodded in agreement.

That’s right.

             Seah: XXX-XX, Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul.

Jun sent the address and then put away the phone.

I wonder if he’ll come or not.

The distant phone vibrated a few more times, but Jun didn’t check it anymore. When he saw Seah sobbing sadly, he didn’t even blink and slowly pushed his waist up.

Sob, hiccup… ugh

As Jun started to move, Jeong, who was glued to Seah’s back, also tried to push his own into the entrance where Jun’s penis was already deeply embedded.

Ugh, uhh… ah… d-don’t, sob… don’t do it…

Relax, Seah.

N-no… hic, I don’t want to…

Jeong pushed Seah’s resisting body against Jun’s chest and then forcefully thrust his penis in.

Her entrance, already stretched to the limit, widened even more, struggling to accommodate Jeong’s mercilessly thrusting cock. Her insides tightened and loosened repeatedly as they moved in and out.

Huh, sob… unnnh, ah…

Seah cried sadly, her body shaking uncontrollably.

The unfamiliar but heavy feeling of their penises filling her insides made it difficult for her to even breathe properly. Jun patted her back gently.

Shh, don’t cry, okay? You need to breathe.

Whose fault is it that this is happening? The words were stuck in her throat, but she couldn’t bring herself to say them out loud.

Seah could only lower her head helplessly and sob into her second eldest brother’s chest.

Then Jun grabbed her pale butt with his hands. And two dark red cocks were stuck between her wide-open pussy.

Her plump ass was spread wide open and it was obscene to watch her squirm helplessly while biting down on two cocks at the same time.

Wrapping his arms around Seah’s waist from behind, Jeong slowly slid his hand down to grope her pussy until he found her swollen clit. Then he pressed it lightly and rubbed it gently in a circular motion as if drawing a circle.

Uh, sob… huh.

Then Seah let out a small whimper and twisted her body. But being trapped between her two brothers, she couldn’t move.

Pull it out… huh, Pull it out…

Seah struggled to speak, but her request was met with mockery as Jeong thrust deeper inside her. The bulging glans of his penis scratched her sensitively trembling insides, penetrating even deeper.

Agh… unhh, uh

Jun began to slowly move his hips as well. The penises thrusting in different directions widened her insides and stirred it mercilessly.

As lewd and pounding sounds filled the room, a stream of clear liquid flowed from her pussy as the erect cocks thrust at different speeds.

Uhh, ngh

Jeong was stimulating her clit while moving his hips simultaneously, prompting Seah to let out a moan, even though she didn’t want to.

Seah’s body trembled from the intense stimulation of the thrusting cocks, and as the pace quickened, they began to compete with each other, rapidly pounding her with their cocks like they were racehorses.

Ah, anh… ah…!

Bang, bang. As one penis came out, another went in, and just when it seemed like the one that went in was coming out, the one that had come out forcefully thrust back.

Seah arched her back and twisted her pelvis. But Jun held her so tight that she couldn’t move.

Huh, ugh

Seah felt her eyes flash white and the blood from her whole body rush down. Seah was crying out loud as she clawed and scratched at Jun.

The pleasure that took over her entire body was unfamiliar, and she felt like she was going to shatter.

Unh, uh… s-stop… ple, hic, please…

The two of them still looked happy even as they saw their little sister begging like a sick chicken.

T/N: *like a sick chicken: is a Korean expression to express when someone is very sick and doesn’t have the energy to move.

Feeling her hot insides tighten, Jeong and Jun cruelly tormented her insides. Their hard dicks that look like hard rods on fire penetrated her tight pussy simultaneously, poking her cervix, causing her pussy to tighten and then loosen.

Augh, ugh, uh

Their throbbing members, thrusting rapidly and relentlessly into her, did not give Seah even a moment’s rest. Like stakes, they rammed into her wide-open pussy.

Squeak-squeak. So much water came out that the thick honey flowed up to Jun’s pelvis.

Ahh, fuck… Seah, look how fucking delicious it is.

Jun chuckled as he deliberately spread her pussy wide open. Then, the round flesh hidden inside was revealed with nowhere to hide.

Ugh, hugh

Jun’s fingertip teased her sensitive clit, tickling it. Still, the two of them continued to thrust and rub at a fast pace, teasingly, all over her soft insides without a break.

Jun squeezed her small, bouncing breasts and pinched her reddish-ripe, erect nipples. Then, as he playfully tugged at them, Seah was shaking her head.

Ahh… uhn, N-no, ugh… No…

I hope Seah gets pregnant soon and begins lactating. Then, I would be the first to suck on them before our baby does…

He murmured, then plunged his cock, which had been pulled out to the entrance of her hole, into her crevice. Seah gasped and writhed in pleasure.

Unhhh! Hfff

The two cocks inside her moved in and out of her pussy, alternating between synchronized and irregular rhythms. Her lower abdomen was throbbing, and the inside of her thighs were twitching.

As Jun savagely thrust his hips, he also gently caressed her while embracing her crying head.

Seah trembled at the contradiction of his actions but didn’t have the strength to lift a finger, so she simply surrendered helplessly to her brothers’ actions.

Seah was shattered in body and mind. She hated the feel of her brother’s chest against her cheek.

There was a time when she looked at Jun and Jeong’s broad shoulders and saw them as shields to protect her. She trusted and relied on their firm embrace and followed them.

But now, the bodies she once believed in were restraining, oppressing, and violating her. This reality still felt like a dream, and she couldn’t fully believe it. Seah wished she could simply collapse in this state.


Seah’s vagina tightened as she sobbed even louder when she felt her brothers’ penises swelling even more intensely inside her.

Her brothers, like cruel invaders, didn’t care about her pleas as they rammed her deep and hard. And after swiftly lifting up her waist, both of them began to pound her more fiercely.

Seah could vividly feel the two cocks inside her, writhing and filling her insides.

As her mind grew hazy, she felt their sperm filling her up. Her pussy was twitching and throbbing, but her brothers, intoxicated by the aftermath of their ejaculation, showed no concern for such things.

The animals that had been gnawing at her pussy like snakes for so long were pulled out one by one. Then, milky love juice dripped out of her pussy hole.

What a waste.

Then as if they had made a promise, they chuckled softly while shoving their love juices, dripping from her cunt, back inside her.

Seah, who seemed to have come to her senses, closed her eyes and cried.

After observing her for a while, Jeong grew concerned that Seah might catch a cold. He decided to cover her with a blanket up to her neck.

But at that moment…

Ding Dong

Someone was at the door.

At the sound of the doorbell, it was Jeong who rose from his seat and cautiously checked the intercom.


A short sigh escaped his mouth.

What? Who is it?

Jun also came out and asked about the uninvited guest. Jeong shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head as if to say look at the screen.

The small screen of the intercom displayed a familiar face, one previously seen on a messenger app used by Seah.

It’s Seah’s boyfriend.


I thought he wasn’t coming…

It seems that he came here worried because he had not heard from Seah for a long time.

What is it you want to do?

Jeong’s question caused Jun to pause and think for a moment. Then, his eyes lit up as if he remembered something interesting.

Let him in.

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