One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 021: His Thorny Night (1)

“What is happening here!”


While heading to the main house holding Rubellin, I encountered Mebern wandering near the education room. Mebern caused a stir, prompting Ken and Linel to rush out of the education room. They were shocked to see Rubellin sobbing in my arms. When I mentioned that we needed to check Rubellin for any injuries from hitting the wall, they turned pale and followed us to the bedroom. Upon reaching the bedroom, I laid Rubellin down on the bed, face-down. Rubellin, her emotions somewhat soothed, buried her face in the pillow and looked up at me.


“Mommy lied to me…”


I was startled by her murmuring and opened my eyes wide.


“Lied about what?”


“That person hates me…”


“…That’s not true, Rubellin.”


My voice lacked conviction, unlike in the education room. Even I began to doubt whether Calix really had any affection for Rubellin. I stroked Rubellin’s cheek with the back of my hand.


“Let’s check your back, Rubellin.”


Rubellin buried her face deeper into the pillow as a sign of consent. I slightly lifted her dress to expose her back. Relieved to see no visible injuries, I was then approached by Ken, who wore a grave expression.


“Lady Lucina, I will call a physician.”


“I’m already here.”


Startled by the immediate reply, I turned towards the door. There stood an old man in a robe, holding a large brown leather bag.


“I seem to be visiting the palace quite frequently these days. And teleporting with such an elderly body.”


The old man grumbled, dusting off his shoulder before bowing to me silently.


“Good to see you again.”




Good to see you again? I felt puzzled, but my curiosity was elsewhere.


“Are you a doctor?”


The old man nodded succinctly and set down his bag, approaching us.


“Yes, His Majesty sent me.”


Calix had sent him. That seemed unlikely. After even refusing my request to help move Rubellin to the bedroom, it didn’t seem plausible that he would thoughtfully send a doctor.


“Let’s examine the princess’s condition first.”


The old man reached the bed, pulled out gloves from his chest pocket, put them on, and gently felt along Rubellin’s shoulder down to her spine to assess for any fractures.




The old man removed his gloves after examining her.


“Well, as the princess is as strong as steel, there appears to be no abnormality.”


“Really? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?”


The old man looked at me intently and then nodded.


“Yes, there’s no external trauma to speak of. She’s completely clean.”


That was a relief. Only then did I fully relax. Sounds of deep sighs from Ken, Linel, and Mebern echoed around us. I stroked Rubellin’s hair, who had fallen asleep by now, and turned to the old man to thank him.


“Thank you for examining her.”


“I’ve only done what was necessary.”


The old man spoke in a stern voice and quickly turned to gather his bag.


“I’ll be leaving now.”


He bowed and made his way to the door with his robe flapping behind him. Ken followed him. After watching the old man disappear down the corridor, Ken returned.


“We’ll take our leave now. Lady Lucina, please take care of the princess.”


“Yes, don’t worry.”


As Ken and Linel began to leave, Mebern, flustered, looked back and forth between them and me.


“Wait a minute! Isn’t everyone curious? I need to know what happened to the princess. There’s ample reason to question Lucina’s competence as an educator—umph!”


A hand suddenly covered Mebern’s mouth from behind.




Ken smiled slightly and shook his head.


“Don’t worry about it.”


He dragged Mebern to the door.


“Mmph! Mmph!”


Mebern struggled and slapped at the hand over his mouth, but his efforts were futile against the knight, Ken. I watched them leave with a faint smile. Ken, responsible for the princess’s safety, had the right to know the situation, but he didn’t ask and chose to leave. He must be deducing the situation or trusts that I wouldn’t harm Rubellin. I decided to forgive him for suspecting me of turning my home in Heyington into a pigsty and kidnapping. After Ken and Mebern had completely disappeared, I turned away from the door and noticed Linel still standing there.


“Do you have something to say, Linel?”


“Is what happened to the princess related to His Majesty in any way?”


“How did you know?”


I was surprised. Had she figured it out because I had mentioned going to Calix’s office?




Linel closed her eyes tightly.


“I should have guessed when Yukar ordered people away from the annex.”


She muttered almost inaudibly and then opened her eyes.


“Sometimes His Majesty spends a day or two alone in the annex without anyone entering.”


“Why is that?”


“Only Yukar knows.”


It was strange that Linel, the head of the household, didn’t know. I pondered, rolling my eyes in thought, and then looked at Linel.


“Linel, how long have you been serving in the imperial palace?”


“Since the year His Imperial Majesty was born.”


“And you still don’t know even as the head of household?”


Linel nodded succinctly. Perhaps today was one of those days he spends in the annex and he was upset about being disturbed? While odd, it made sense why he was angry. Lost in thought, Linel bowed her head and stepped back.


“I just asked out of curiosity; please don’t take it too seriously. I will step out now, but call for the servants if you need anything.”


“Thank you, Linel.”


Linel raised her head and showed a rare faint smile. As she turned to leave, she hesitated as if something occurred to her. She looked back at me again.


“Linel, what is it?”


“I wanted to say thank you.”


“Thank you?”


She lowered her eyes and continued the conversation calmly.


“I have not had a peaceful day in the decades I have served in the palace. I have always lived as if I saw nothing and heard nothing.”


I was surprised that Linel, who is usually strictly professional, was sharing something personal. Linel looked up at me with warm eyes.


“Since the princess arrived at the palace, I had to close my eyes and cover my ears again… But after you came, both His Majesty and the princess seemed much more at ease, which is a relief.”


As I blinked in surprise, her smile turned bittersweet. The wrinkles around her eyes slightly distorted.


“On one hand, it’s a pity. I wish you had been here during His Majesty’s childhood as well.”




“I don’t know what happened today, but please don’t think too badly of him.”




Linel took a deep breath, puffing up her chest as she wiped the emotion from her face. She then returned to her usual demeanor as the head servant.


“I apologize for taking up your time with unnecessary talk. I’ll leave now for real.”


She spoke in a dry tone and turned to leave the bedroom. After her presence faded, Rubellin’s intermittent breathing filled the quiet space. I turned to look at Rubellin, who was sound asleep, and properly adjusted her so she was lying flat. I carefully covered her up to her neck with the blanket and smoothed her hair. Sitting by the bed, I reflected on our earlier conversation. Linel must have closely observed Calix’s childhood. She would have had to turn a blind eye to any mistreatment he suffered. But who could rightfully accuse her of being a bystander? Only someone capable of opposing the emperor and challenging the traditions and teachings of the royal family could do so. To Linel, Calix was a sore spot just as Rubellin was to me. I buried my face in the bed, trying to understand Calix from Linel’s perspective. If Linel’s words were true, it made sense for him to be sensitive. He also seemed to emit a ‘do not approach’ aura, especially when under low pressure. However, no matter the reasons, I could not justify his actions today. I steadied my wavering heart and lifted my head.


‘Today was really too much.’”


I turned around and leaned back against the bed. Instead, let’s trust his words again that he said he would try as a father. He might be staying in the annex, but surely he would come to apologize today? I crossed my arms and huffed, glaring at the door.


‘Let’s see when he comes to apologize.’


* * *


…I thought.


‘It’s evening, why hasn’t he come to apologize?’


I looked out the window, which had grown dim. Hours had passed, and the only visitors to Rubellin’s room were Linel, asking about dinner, Ken, checking on Rubellin’s condition, and Mebern, who came to nag and interrogate. This won’t do. Even if Calix refuses, I must ask him to apologize to Rubellin. I stood up briskly. Though I had called for a strike, I was uneasy about Calix drifting further away from Rubellin, possibly worse than before. According to Linel, he was supposed to be staying in the annex today. As I was leaving the room, I noticed the strength-enhancing robe hanging on the wall. Recalling that Calix had worn the robe, I picked it up. It seemed necessary to wear it today, even though there was no need for Calix to wear such a thing.


‘Better than nothing.’


I quickly put on the robe and left Rubellin’s room. Walking down the smooth corridor, I soon reached the gallery. As I walked under the columns, looking up at the night sky, I entered the annex.


‘Where is he staying?’


The faint moonlight filled the corridor, and I was surprised by the number of doors. Should I open each one? As I was about to knock on the nearest door, I noticed a door at the end of the corridor slightly ajar. Seeing signs of someone having been there, I called out loudly.


“Your Majesty, are you staying in the room at the end?”


My voice echoed in the empty corridor. I slowly made my way there. Soon I was at the door and slipped through the crack. Aside from the dim light from the corridor, the room was dark. As I stepped inside, a cold air hit my face, giving the room a chilling feel.


“Your Majesty, are you here? If you are, please respond—”






I flinched as lightning struck suddenly. Shortly after, the sound of raindrops hitting the window started, soon turning into a downpour. The dry space began to smell of damp rain. I sighed deeply and straightened up. I looked around once more, but my eyes, not yet adjusted to the darkness, could see nothing. Let’s ask one more time before leaving.


“Your Majesty, are you here?”


Crash! Just then, lightning struck again, illuminating the room. …! I gasped as I saw a creature in the darkness. The flash of light had allowed my eyes, accustomed to the dark, to see a massive creature filling the room. It had thick scales, a robust body, and a long tail. If I saw correctly, it was definitely a dragon. A dragon, the ancestor of the royal family.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

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