One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 020: Deteriorating Relations

It was perfect timing. I dashed forward and grabbed Yukar’s shoulder. He was startled and shuddered.


“Yukar, why are you so surprised? It’s me.”


Yukar hurriedly turned around and was flustered to see me.


“Lady Lucina?”


“Yes, it’s me.”


“Why are you here…?”


I was concerned about his reaction, but Rubelin was my priority. I brushed aside my minor curiosity and spoke up.


“Have you seen Rubelin? She disappeared chasing a butterfly.”


Yukar’s expression hardened.


“Are you saying the princess is here?”


“Yes, but she disappeared chasing a butterfly. Can you help me find her?”


“Oh no.”


Yukar closed his eyes in dismay. When he opened them again, his green eyes shone seriously.


“Lady Lucina. I will find the princess and send her back, so please go back for now.”


Yukar grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, and pushed me away.


“Why, why are you doing this, Yukar?”


“Leave before you run into His Majesty!”


Before I run into His Majesty? Is there a reason we shouldn’t meet? There’s only one thing that comes to mind. Calix is still upset about that day. Pushed by Yukar, I braced my legs and resisted.


“I can’t leave. I need to see him even more.”


“What are you talking about?”


I took advantage of the weakened push and quickly turned around.


“But I haven’t seen His Majesty since that day. I believe we shouldn’t keep grievances to ourselves and should talk them out. Of course…”


I murmured to myself, glancing down.


“I also think it’s a bit petty to hold a grudge for days now that we’re adults.”


Yukar frowned and sighed heavily.


“Lady Lucina. I don’t understand what you mean, but now is not the time for explanations. Please go back.”


Yukar gestured toward the way I had come.


“You can return by going that way. Don’t even think about approaching the annex today.”


Yukar warned me several times and then turned around abruptly. I quickly grabbed his clothes.


“No, let’s go together.”


Yukar seemed to reach his limit, glaring at me with narrowed eyes. It seemed like a mark was etched on his forehead.


“Lady Lucina. I’ve told you repeatedly, not today-“


“Okay, okay.”


I raised my hands as if surrendering.


“I won’t see His Majesty. Just let me find Rubelin. If I don’t bring her, the Mebern won’t leave me alone.”


Even if I couldn’t meet Calix, I had to find Rubelin. Going to the education room alone would not sit well with Mebern.


“I will find Rubelin and then go straight to the education room. Okay?”


I clasped my hands together and looked up at Yukar with the most pitiful expression I could muster. Yukar frowned deeply and then sighed as if he had no choice. He gestured down the corridor.


“Follow me quietly. Once we find the princess, you leave immediately.”


“Yes! Of course!”


I followed Yukar, looking around. But no matter how much I looked, I couldn’t even see a single strand of her hair.


‘How far did she go chasing that butterfly…’


Muttering to myself, I stepped out of the corridor and into the annex, and then I thought I heard Rubelin’s voice.




I rushed past Yukar towards the source of the voice.


“Lady Lucina!”


As soon as I entered the annex and turned the corner, there was Rubelin, staring vacantly somewhere.


“Rubelin! There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere.”




Rubelin saw me and smiled with delight. Then she pointed to where she was looking with her index finger.


“Mommy, look over there.”


Following her hand, my eyes widened. In the middle of the barren hallway stood a man in a robe. I couldn’t see his face under the hood of the robe, but strangely, I felt like I knew who it was. Calix. It had to be him.


“Your Majesty, you were with Rubelin.”


It was just as Calix was about to turn with a welcoming smile. As he turned his head, the hood of his robe billowed, revealing one eye.


* * *


A chillingly bright, crimson glow filled his eyes, sending shivers up my spine to the back of my head. It was an unspoken warning to stay away. Calix, confirming that I was standing still, averted his gaze and turned away coldly. Was he really that angry? But he must have known that Rubelin had been affected by dark magic. It didn’t seem like him to be this upset over something a child, not in her right mind, had done.


“Lady Lucina! If you go alone—”


Yukar, who had followed me, began to scold but then noticed Calix had moved away. He sighed with relief.


“You were here.”


I frowned at Yukar’s attitude. His relieved behavior upon seeing me was usually how I acted towards Rubelin. One odd thing was that Calix was wearing a robe. I wasn’t sure if it was a strength-enhancing robe or a regular one, but it was the first time I had seen him wearing one.


“Mommy, mommy.”


In the meantime, Rubelin had crept up to me giggling and pointed at Calix’s robe.


“Mommy, there’s a butterfly there.”


“A butterfly?”


Rubelin nodded with curiosity in her eyes. Squinting, I saw a persistent yellow butterfly clinging to the end of Calix’s robe.


“Mommy, wait. I’ll catch it for you.”


“What? No, Rubelin…!”


I reached out my arms too late. In an instant, Rubelin had run up behind Calix. She was just about to catch the butterfly perched on his robe when—Snap! It all happened in a flash. As Rubelin’s hand brushed the end of the robe, Calix turned hastily and swatted her hand away. A strong wind followed the trajectory of his hand, flinging Rubelin back. Bang! Rubelin crashed into the wall at an unseen speed and fell. Broken bricks tumbled over her crumpled form. Calix turned his torso towards her frantically, then hesitated. Standing firm, he clenched his fists outside the sleeves of his robe and turned sharply. I stood there, still unable to comprehend the situation. What just happened?


“Uh… it hurts.”


I finally snapped to my senses as I saw Rubelin struggling to get up.




I ran to her in dismay. Kneeling down, I embraced her and checked her condition.




“Rubelin, are you okay? Let me see.”


I checked her head, back, and legs, every part I could. While I was worried about her back hitting the wall, visually, there didn’t seem to be any major issues. How fortunate it was to have strength in times like this. Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief.


“Ah, mommy…”


Rubelin slowly opened her eyes and met mine. Her previously dry, reddish eyes moistened, and tears formed.




She buried her face in my chest with a sorrowful expression.


“Yes, I’m here.”


I stroked her hair to comfort her. Meanwhile, Yukar, who had run over from a distance, frantically paced around us.


“Princess, are you okay? We need a doctor right away…”


I glanced at Yukar, then glared at Calix, who had remained motionless. Yukar was worried about Rubelin, but her uncle… after pushing her away, he didn’t even bother to check on her condition and had turned his back. I was furious, but Rubelin’s condition was more important than my feelings.


“Your Majesty, we should move Rubelin to her bedroom to check her condition properly.”


My words might as well have been a request to move Rubelin to the bedroom, but Calix did not move.


“Your Majesty.”


I called out to him with a voice suppressed with anger.




Calix remained silent, and it felt as if a faucet of suppressed anger was suddenly turned on, allowing my emotions to leak out. How could he let things come to this… Knowing he’s not articulate, I wasn’t even expecting an explanation for the mistake. Shouldn’t he at least make an effort to carry her to the bedroom? I glared at Calix, biting my lip in frustration.


“I’m not asking for much, just help me move Rubelin to the bedroom. Is that too much to ask?”


Yukar intervened, spreading his arms between me and Calix.


“Lady Lucina, please calm down. His Majesty has his reasons—”


“What reasons? Is he just in a bad mood today? So what!”


My retort came loudly as I refused to back down, surprising Yukar, who was used to me giving in to Calix. It was advised to control my temper, which flares up without listening to others. Yet, even though I knew I should stay calm, I couldn’t stop my anger. I felt disappointed and betrayed by Calix. He had promised to try. He might not know exactly what being a father entails, but he had said he would try… And yet… As my emotions intensified, hot tears began to flow. I clenched my lips tightly until I could soften my feelings a bit, then I spoke again.


“I know you’ve been upset since the incident two days ago. But as you know, Rubelin was under the control of dark magic that day.”


Despite my directness, there was no response. My voice grew louder out of frustration.


“Do you know? Today could have been the day Rubelin opened up her heart. She thought that since Your Majesty kept the frog she made, maybe you liked her.”


Still, Calix did not respond. I had hoped for an apology… At least an excuse… Overcome with sorrow, tears welled up as if I was Rubelin. My voice broke as I spoke.


“Your Majesty, this is a breach of contract. You said you would try.”




“I believed you…”




“Your Majesty, you are a liar. Like Pinocchio, your nose should grow long!”


I roughly wiped my eyes with my sleeve and stood up, holding Rubelin. She hiccupped and wrapped her arms around my neck.


“That’s it! I don’t care anymore! Your Majesty is a fool! An idiot! A dummy! May your nose grow long!”


With all my strength, I shouted and turned around. I don’t care anymore! Let him be disliked by Rubelin! Forget about repairing relationships between villains and their creators; I’m on strike until Calix apologizes! Clutching Rubelin tightly, I hurried away.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 21.

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