One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 018: Princess Lucina! (2)

“Your, Your Majesty…”


Calix entered gracefully, then paused as he sensed something odd. His red eyes swiftly scanned the education room. Finally spotting me, he made a strange expression. He scrutinized me, noticing the royal ribbon headband and fdressed next to me in a dwarf outfit, and his eyebrows twisted in disapproval. Calix immediately turned around.


“…I’ve interrupted. Continue.”


Continue what! I look like a weirdo! I quickly took off the headband.


“Your, Your Majesty! There’s a problem!”


“A problem?”


Calix stopped and turned his head slightly.


“Rubelin is acting strange. She’s calling me…”


“She’s calling you?”


“That is, she’s calling me…”


“She’s calling you.”


My face turned red up to my neck, and I clenched my eyes shut.


“She’s calling me… princess…”




It was as cold as if a north wind was blowing inside. Calix completely turned around.


“So, you like playing house.”


I’m not! Just as Calix was about to leave the education room, Mebern ran and prostrated himself. He thudded his head against the marble with a loud bang.


“Your, Your Majesty! The outfits that Princess and Lady Lucina are wearing are from the Snow White storybook and costumes I ordered from the boutique!”


Snow White? Calix frowned with one eyebrow. He then looked back and forth between me and Rubelin.




He finally spoke in a low voice, as if he understood.


“I thought something was wrong because of the fever, but I guess not.”


That’s too much, really! Just as I pursed my lips, Rubelin stepped forward.


“Hey! What are you saying to the princess!”




For the first time, Calix looked a bit dumbfounded. He seemed to doubt his ears. I quickly grabbed Rubelin’s shoulders and leveled our eyes.


“Rubelin, don’t talk like that to His Majesty, okay?”


“The princess should stay put!”


“Stay… put…”


I was at a loss for words after Rubelin’s sharp rebuke. She continued to scold fiercely.


“That one is the youngest dwarf! How dare he be rude to the princess!”


“Calling His Majesty the youngest dwarf! Not to uncle, no, to dad. Understand?”


Did my earnest plea not reach her? Rubelin retorted sharply.


“No way! Anyone who is rude to the princess deserves to be punished!”


She’s very stubborn. Where on earth did she learn to talk like that? Meanwhile, Calix noticed the fallen storybook and raised one eyebrow like a mountain. He approached and picked up the storybook.


“Your Majesty, that is…!”


Ken rushed over, but it was too late. Crack! Black flames sparked where his hand touched, and a black whirlwind swirled around the storybook. As Calix muttered something, an ominous wind blew, fluttering his hair.




Instinctively sensing danger, I hugged Rubelin who was next to me. Crack! Soon, yellow flames sprang up, and the storybook was completely consumed. I cautiously opened my tightly shut eyes, and saw the charred storybook in his hand. Crackle. Ash fell. The once noisy classroom was now eerily quiet, with everyone staring in awe at the burnt storybook, sensing the unusual atmosphere.




* * *


“Black magic?”


I was dazed by Yukar’s words.


“Yes, specifically, it’s a type of black magic that has been used by a certain clan for hundreds of years to control people’s minds.”


“So, you mean this black magic has infiltrated the storybook and costumes, and now Rubelin is under its influence, trapped in the Snow White universe?”


Yukar nodded slightly. My goodness! I was terrified and quickly embraced Rubelin sitting next to me. Rubelin buried her face in my chest then suddenly looked up.


“Princess, what’s wrong?”


“Nothing, nothing at all.”


I shook my head and rested my chin on her head.


“Who could have done this…”


Yukar looked at me with a strange glance and started to speak calmly.


“Well, from what we’ve investigated, it seems like someone’s prank. Generally, when merchants sell items imbued with magic, they need the palace’s permission. The boutique madam did get permission, but it seems she traded with a wandering mage to lower the cost of the items.”


“A wandering mage?”


“They roam around and are not affiliated with any place, so it might take some time.”


“I see…”


“Well, if it really is the work of a wandering mage, that would be fortunate…”




He mumbled to himself and then looked up.


“Never mind. Anyway, we are currently recalling all traded items in the region and focusing our investigation on mages who have escaped from the magic tower or have prior offenses.”


“If the culprit isn’t caught, does that mean Rubelin will have to live as a dwarf forever?”


I blurted out anxiously. Rubelin slipped out of my arms and glared.


“Princess! Are you looking down on dwarfs? There’s no problem in me protecting you!”


I was speechless again. It’s not about her protecting me, but that the princess of the empire has become a dwarf… The madam’s severe punishment is definite, and Mebern who brought the costumes is under investigation. I, who opened the storybook, will also have to comply with the investigation once things settle down. Mebern and I are also victims, so we might not face severe punishment, but if this continues, Rubelin will… I tightly shut my eyes against the grim reality I wanted to ignore.


“A dwarf…”


“Lady Lucina.”


Yukar’s voice made me open my eyes slightly.


“Don’t worry. In just one day, the mind-controlling magic will wear off. Until then, please avoid any actions that contradict the Snow White universe. The head of the magic tower said that if the universe collapses, there might be mental aftereffects.”




I sighed deeply, relieved. That’s good. Just one day and Rubelin will be back to normal. Wait. I suddenly lifted my head.


“I think I might have misunderstood something… Does that mean I have to act like Snow White for today?”


“Yes, you have to behave like Snow White while wearing that dress.”




“If you need an apple or a mirror, just let me know. I can provide that much.”


His serious tone made it clear he wasn’t joking.


“Lord Yukar…”


Yukar, having completed his task, pulled a black orb from his pocket and focused it on Rubelin, using it with clicking sounds. He looked at the orb and smiled contentedly. When Yukar caught my eye, he quickly became serious and pocketed the orb as he stood up.


“Then I shall take my leave-“


“Just a moment!”


“What now?”


Yukar sighed as he turned to face me.


“I’m curious about one more thing, why was I able to resist the mind control magic?”


“Well, according to the head of the magic tower, it’s because ‘you’re an adult.’ You know how to distinguish between reality and fairy tales.”


Yukar finished speaking and bowed deeply.


“Please, do not disrupt the Snow White universe. I have other duties to attend to.”


I stared blankly at Yukar’s retreating figure as he left the room. I wished I had been controlled by the Snow White universe… I had no confidence in playing the role of Snow White while sober. 


* * * 


Yukar captured the moment with a magical device that could visualize images, smiling contentedly as he watched the dwarf Rubelin. Scenes of Rubelin trying to cover the lens, lifting her head while in Lucina’s embrace, and scowling were all captured. Suddenly, Yukar’s expression hardened.


“I’m glad to see such adorable moments of Lady Rubelin, but who on earth…”


Yukar muttered darkly, grinding his teeth.


“Dare to use black magic in the empire.”


The empire was a powerful magic nation. The imperial family, descendants of dragons, and the magic tower’s majesty were threats merely by their existence. Particularly, black magic was anathema to the royal magic and had been taboo in the empire since the extinction of the witches’ clan. Yukar narrowed his eyes. Could it be a witch? However, he dismissed the thought quickly. He had advised that the world of witches still existed, but it had been centuries of mere rumors with hardly any credibility. More likely, it was one of the ostracized wandering mages who revered the witches’ clan.


“Still, an investigation is warranted.”


Recalling documents on the witches’ clan stored deep within the emperor’s library, Yukar gazed back at the orb. While reminiscing about Rubelin, he suddenly remembered a previous incident. Upon hearing the report about black magic, he had hurried to the classroom and met Rinell on the way.


“His Majesty released his magic, and Lady Lucina, feeling the danger, embraced and protected the princess with her body.”


Protected with her body? Yukar scoffed. It was possible to pretend in front of His Majesty. But later, when he saw Lucina holding Rubelin tightly after hearing about black magic, he felt a tiny bit sorry for suspecting her.


“Well, monitoring and investigating should suffice.”


Besides, since the princess was so fond of that lady, further involvement would only draw criticism. Yukar, like Mebern, dreaded earning the princess’s hatred. Yukar organized his thoughts and picked up the orb again when the door to the office slammed open with a loud bang. Yukar immediately stood up and bowed.


“Your Majesty.”


Calix glanced at him once and headed straight for the desk.


“How is the investigation progressing?”


“It’s ongoing, but unless the mage reuses the black magic, it will take some time.”


Calix picked up an investigation report from the desk. His eyes glowed fiercely as he scanned the documents.


“Who dares.”


Crack, the report crumpled in his grip. Yukar felt a chill and struggled to breathe under his lord’s menacing aura. The oppressive energy he had shown him before was nothing compared to this. Yukar swallowed dryly and finally spoke.


“The mages deployed across the region are searching. We should find them soon.”


Calix threw the crumpled report into a corner and spun around to sit in his chair.


“Keep it quiet. If the councilors learn of this, they’ll just blabber on.”


“Yes. I’ll dismiss it as just some role-playing, as Lady Lucina mentioned.”


Calix nodded briefly and picked up another document from the pile. Watching him, Yukar hesitated before speaking up.


“Um… Your Majesty. Will you also hold her accountable?”


“What responsibility.”


Calix’s gaze sharpened at Yukar’s question.


“I mean Lady Lucina, who has not yet been investigated. Although Mebern sourced the products, ultimately, she’s responsible for triggering the mind-controlling magic.”


Calix’s gaze dropped to a polka dot blanket on the edge of the desk. He then recalled Lucina, pale-faced, embracing and protecting Rubelin. Tsk. Calix clicked his tongue briefly.


“Never mind. If we punish her, who will take care of Rubelin?”


“…You won’t even investigate?”


“No need.”


With that, Calix returned to his documents


* * *


After finishing his thoughts, Calix was approached by Rubelin. Rubelin placed her hands on her hips and bit her lip.


“Sssh! Youngest, what are you doing! Aren’t you supposed to protect the princess from the queen!”




Calix looked back at Lucina with an expression of bewildered dismay. Lucina frowned and looked down.


“I’m sorry. I tried to stop her, but Rubelin is just too stubborn…”


Lucina sighed heavily.


“Ah. What are we going to do about this…”


Eventually, Lucina buried her face in her hands and started to sob.


“I can’t even ask for this kind of favor… What are we going to do…”


After a while,


“…What is it.”


Calix asked with a somewhat resigned face. Yukar, watching the scene, narrowed his eyes. Look at that. He’s somewhat lenient towards this woman.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 7.

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