One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 017: Princess Lucina! (1)

“Princess! It’s me!”


Mebern rushed in, holding a box urgently. He ran all the way to where we were and placed the box on the table.




He wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled brightly.


“We’ve finally arrived!”


“What is this?”


Mebern opened the lid of the box. Rubelin and I stretched our necks to peek inside. On top of two sets of clothes, there was a Snow White fairy tale book.


“A Snow White fairy tale book?”


Mebern proudly wagged his index finger back and forth like a metronome.


“Tsk, tsk. This is why you shouldn’t have a narrow perspective.”


This guy, really. In a moment of irritation, he pulled out two costumes from underneath the box.


“Look at this! The ambitious work from Dreamland Boutique that even stops crying children!”


It was a Snow White costume with a puffed blue top and a yellow balloon dress, and a green dwarf costume with three large round buttons. Mebern sneaked up to me and whispered low.


“The dwarf costume is for Lucina’s educator to wear. I’ll let you have it.”


Enough already. Mebern gave a mischievous wink.


“It means the cold shoulder you gave me when you had a cold.”


No, enough.


“And then!”


As if my opinion didn’t matter, Mebern excitedly rummaged through the box. Soon he pulled out a giant red ribbon headband and a droopy dwarf hat.


“Look, there’s also a Snow White headband and a dwarf hat!”


Suddenly, a north wind passed between us. I discreetly observed Rubelin’s reaction. Rubelin was staring at the costumes with a blank expression.


“No need for that. It looks like it’s worth a fortune.”


Mebern soon looked like he was about to cry in response to Rubelin’s cold reaction.


“Even this doesn’t calm your anger…”


It seemed Mebern had been glared at by Rubelin after scolding me when I had a cold. He had been trying hard for the last three days to regain Rubelin’s attention. Feeling pity for his lonely struggle, I held up the Snow White costume to Rubelin.


“Rubelin, it suits you so well. Why don’t you try it on?”


Mebern’s ears perked up. He cautiously raised his head to gauge the reaction, hopeful.




Rubelin seemed reluctant. Just as I was about to put the costume down, Rubelin picked up the dwarf costume that was on the table.


“Then I’ll wear this, and you be the princess!”




Rubelin pointed at me as if confirming a target.


“You be the princess!”


She pointed at herself decisively.


“I’ll be the dwarf!”




You want me to cosplay Snow White at this age? I hesitated and held the costume up to my body.


“Rubelin, what should we do? The costume is too small; I don’t think I can wear it.”


In reality, the Snow White costume was only as big as my forearm, which was a perfect excuse to decline.


“Let me see that!”


Mebern hastily snatched the costume from me. He fiddled with something behind the collar and pressed it, and with a click, the costume began to puff up. It quickly resized to an adult’s size.


“What is this…”


I stared wide-eyed at the strange spectacle. Unconcerned with my shock, Mebern handed me the Snow White costume.


“There are two sizes! Now, please put it on!”


The gleam in his eyes showed a strong determination not to miss a chance to win Rubelin’s favor. Mebern also handed me a headband with a giant red ribbon. I reluctantly accepted the costume and headband. At my age, to wear a Snow White costume and a giant royal ribbon headband? While it might not feel out of place in this world, for an adult to wear a fairy tale princess costume involved a huge decision and embarrassment.


“What are you doing! Don’t keep the princess waiting!”


I, pushed by Mebern’s urging, sent a pleading look to Linel and Ken against the wall. Their eyes scattered the moment they met mine.


“Hey, come quickly!”


Rubelin, who had reached the door, waved her hand and urged me on.


“Okay… I’m coming…”


Eventually, I followed her sluggishly, as if being dragged to a slaughterhouse. Rubelin was attended by Linel, and I was dressed by another servant. Having changed into the costume first, I headed alone to the training room.


“I really don’t want to go in.”


I hesitated several times before finally opening the door to the training room, only to come face to face with Ken, who was sticking close to the opposite wall. A chilly silence enveloped the room for a while.




Ken covered his mouth and shook as he tried to suppress his laughter. I stood there with a sullen expression, wearing a giant red ribbon on my head.


“Ken, why don’t you just laugh openly?”


Ken struggled to contain his laughter and immediately put on a serious face.


“To laugh at the efforts of Lady Lucina… I shouldn’t—pfft.”


Ken’s patience quickly broke. At the sound of Ken’s laughter, Mebern, who had been pacing nervously behind the couch, spotted me and approached.




Clap, clap, clap. Mebern applauded continuously in admiration.


“It suits you very well! Such an excellent posture for an educator!”


It’s supposed to be a compliment, but you’re barely holding back a smile too! Resigned, I trudged to the table in the center and then flopped down onto the couch. Sure, let them laugh if they want to. If Rubelin likes it, I’m willing to wear it as much as she wants. Suddenly, the door burst open and Linel, wearing a robust protection robe, entered. She usually maintained such an expressionless face that it seemed cold, but now she was wearing a faint smile.


“Her Highness has arrived.”


As Linel stepped aside, Rubelin, dressed in a dwarf costume with a droopy hat, walked in.


* * *


“So cute…”


It seemed like there was a squeaking noise every time she moved. If Rubelin said, “Fold your fingers if you think I’m cute,” I bet Calix could fold up to his waist. Everyone seemed to think the same, smiling contentedly as they watched Rubelin.


“You are the best, Your Highness!”


Clap, clap, clap. Mebern was moved to applause.




Rubelin looked around the training room and, upon spotting me, immediately jumped into my arms. She lifted her head quickly and looked up at me with her bright red eyes.


“Hey, you’re so pretty! The prettiest in the world!”


And then she smiled broadly. I hugged the lovely Rubelin tightly, as if squeezing her. So cute!


“Uh, hey. I, I can’t breathe…”


It was only when Rubelin let out a pained moan that I realized I was squeezing her like wringing out laundry. I quickly let her go and adjusted to her eye level.


“Sorry. Did I make it hard for you to breathe?”




Rubelin shook her head while breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed red. Finding her so endearing, I hugged her tightly once more and then turned to Mebern.


“Mebern, we’ll proceed with the lesson like this.”


“Yes, please do.”


Mebern responded but glanced at Rubelin as if expecting something. Rubelin consistently ignored him.


“…Then I will leave now.”


Mebern quickly became downcast, his shoulders slumped as he shuffled towards the door. Before he left the training room, I whispered to Rubelin.


“Rubelin, let’s at least thank Mebern.”




Rubelin seemed reluctant.


“Huh? Come on.”


She looked at Mebern following my prompt. She stared blankly at his retreating figure before finally speaking.




“Yes, Your Highness!”


Mebern immediately turned around, his eyes sparkling at the sound of Rubelin’s voice.


“Do you have a request? Should I find the next new item for you? Just say the word-“


“Thanks for the costume.”




Mebern looked stunned.


“What did you just say-“


“Let’s go, little one.”


Rubelin swiftly turned around and headed toward the table. It was only then that Mebern came to his senses and started to sob.


“Princess! I would die without any regrets! How dare I offer my thanks to the princess…!”


“Little one, there’s no need to speak. It’s noisy.”


Rubelin sighed deeply and shook her head in disbelief. I noticed the tips of her ears turning red through her hair and smirked. She seemed embarrassed for no reason. It felt gratifying to see her opening up to people a bit, as if verifying the results of her training.


“Little one, come quickly!”


Soon after arriving at the table, Rubelin gestured for me to join her.


“Alright, alright.”


I followed her to the table and picked up a Snow White storybook.


“Though it’s not according to plan, let’s read Snow White first today instead of The Little Mermaid?”


Seeing Rubelin nod, I opened the storybook elegantly, and a blindingly white light filled my vision.




I shielded my eyes with my arm and dropped the storybook.


“Princess! Lady Lucina!”


Following Ken’s urgent voice, the brilliance gradually faded until it completely disappeared. I blinked several times before my vision focused again. Stunned by the scene before me, I was speechless.


“What is this…?”


Letters jumped out from the fallen storybook, rippling like waves and slowly rising into the air to form a word.




As I voiced the word, the letters turned into sparkling dust and scattered.


“Princess! Lady Lucina!”


Awakened by Rinell’s voice, I suddenly remembered Rubelin! Thinking of Rubelin made my heart pound as if it would burst out. I hurriedly looked around the table, relieved to see Ken protecting Rubelin in his arms. Thank goodness. I rubbed my chest with my palm.


“Ken! Is Rubelin alright?”


“Yes, she’s fine.”


Ken helped Rubelin sit up and removed the protective barrier. Her hair was completely disheveled, and she stared blankly into space. I knelt down to her eye level.


“Rubelin, are you okay?”






Suddenly, Rubelin bolted upright and looked down at me. Her pupils narrowed like a cat’s before returning to normal. Then she spoke.






Not only I was startled. Everyone watching was shocked. Rubelin stood up straight, folding at the waist.


“Princess! Good morning! Are you coughing today?”


“I, I coughed two days ago because of a cold…”


Her voice was unexpectedly loud, and I was bewildered. Blinking in confusion, I tried to grasp the situation.






“Are we playing house?”


“What do you mean, princess?”


Rubelin looked puzzled, tilting her head. Her bright red eyes were clear and sincere. I turned to Mebern in utter shock.


“Mebern! What is going on?”


“I, I don’t know either!”


Mebern looked even more distraught than I did. Could this be a hidden camera prank? I quickly glanced at Ken and Rinell, but they too were pale, shaking their heads. At that moment, a familiar sound of a door opening sent chills down my spine and made my hair stand on end, knowing who was about to enter.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 31.

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