One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 013: Heart polka dot blanket



I closed the class log I had started writing about a week ago and stared at the bed. Rubelin was asleep, breathing evenly.


“Sleep well.”


Rubelin must have been tired after Mebern’s afternoon class, so she fell asleep earlier than usual. I walked over to the bed and brushed Rubelin’s hair away from her forehead. Then she kissed her round forehead until it made a soft sound. Smiling happily, I covered her with the blanket she had kicked up with her feet and picked up the yellow letter that had been placed on her nightstand. Among the wishes written in Rubelin’s bad handwriting, I read one that particularly stood out.


“Eating with my butt.”


Even the word ‘bap’ was misspelled as ‘ba’. In a history class not long ago, I was reminded of Maevern, who had been talking about Rubelin being a genius born once every million years. No matter how genius you are, if you see that there are gaps, you are still a child. I smiled briefly as I looked at the text, then slowly erased the smile. It was because I doubted whether this wish would be possible.


“I was planning to grant Carlix’s wish when he comes.”


Perhaps I was mistaken in thinking that Rubelin might have affection for her, but he did not visit the training room for a week after her formal engagement. I signed a contract with the following conditions: ‘You must show up in class even when you feel like it’ and ‘You must create a harmonious family like a married couple in front of Rubelin.’ …I think I made a mistake by attaching the condition that ‘I will attend class unconditionally’. I waited and worried seriously about how to create a harmonious relationship between a married couple and a harmonious family… Even at twelve every day. Even when he went to report on his performance after morning classes, he was always upset.




I took a deep breath and, feeling frustrated, put the letter down on the nightstand and headed to the window. It was a sunny day with rain falling continuously. I listened to the rough sound of rainwater hitting the window and looked out at the rear garden through the foggy window.


“I’m going to take a walk with Rubelin and her patronage tomorrow.”


As I was casually looking through the patronage, I noticed a familiar figure and opened my eyes wide.


“Why is that person…”


Under a tree, Carlix, wearing a gown that showed off his chest, was watching the rain, drenched.


“Wouldn’t that make you catch a cold?”


Should I at least bring a blanket? But soon he shook his head and shook off his thoughts.


“Oh, no way. The dragon descendant will catch a cold.”


You’ll figure it out. I headed to Rubelin’s bed. Before she knew it, she had kicked off the blanket that covered her.


“Oh, no way.”


I covered her carefully with the blanket and patted her chest.


“Oh, no way.”


I grabbed the pajamas I had laid out on the sofa and headed to the locker room.


“…Oh, no way.”




I went into the locker room and closed the door.


“No way.”




“Ah, why are you acting like an abandoned puppy! “It bothers me!”


In the end, I bounced out of the locker room like a spring. I threw my pajamas on the sofa, grabbed the heart-shaped blanket next to it, and left the bedroom. When I opened the door, the damp air hit my face. It felt like even my brain was soaked in the wet smell of rain. I walked down a dim hallway lit by lanterns. As I exited the long hallway, I stopped when I saw the border between marble and wet weeds. Come to think of it, I also wore thin clothes. Should I have come wearing something?


“Just hand me the blanket and come back, okay?”


But I soon thought nothing of it and ran through the rain. I quickly reached where Carlix was and shook off my wet clothes. Fortunately, we were able to avoid the rain because it was under a tree with lush leaves. I brushed off my soaked hair with my hands and glanced at Carlix. He’s making quite a show, but he’s not even giving me a single glance. I roughly straightened my hair and pulled out the blanket.


“Your Majesty, I have a cold. Put this on at least.”




Is it not possible to hear it because it is drowned out by the sound of rain? I took a step closer to him.


“Your Majesty, at least a blanket-.”


At one point, Carlix turned his head, and dark red eyes glowed ominously through his wet hair. I hesitated, feeling a sense of intimidation running down my spine.


“Well, I thought you might catch a cold…”


Carlix’s dark red eyes slid down. He frowned when he saw the heart-shaped blanket in his hand. Don’t you like the design?


“This is the only blanket I have.”


At the words he hesitated, Carlix’s gaze passed through the blanket and came up to my face. He stared at me without even the slightest reaction. ah! Are you asking me to write this? I held up my hand and declined.


“I’m fine. I am healthy because I study herbal medicine and pick up various things that are good for the body. So, Your Majesty- Etch!”




“Oh, it’s really okay! I’m healthy, Etchoi!”


…Maybe it’s because I’m used to Heington’s climate, but it’s a little cold. I was so cold that I had goosebumps all over my body.


“Really, I’m fine- 8chwi!”


My nose was dripping like I saw in a cartoon. I quickly unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders.


“If that’s what you’re asking me to do, I can’t do it.”




Carlix burst out laughing and shook his head.


“You definitely take care of yourself.”


I pursed my lips tightly in a strangely mocking tone… It’s not that I made a concession, I just didn’t like the design.




I swallowed my snot and looked at him. I just came here to hand over a blanket, but I ended up getting glares for coming out for no reason. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Carlix’s gaze dropped. Sniff. I swallowed my snot again and stared at his back. Carlix stood behind him and looked forward to his patronage, but did not make a movement. He followed him around the patronage. The back garden of the imperial palace was simple, with only a small fountain, a tree, and climbing roses tangled around the fence. What was I seeing here? Or, are you reminiscing about the past? This is the place where I first played freely, and it is also the place where I hurt my younger brother. I glanced sideways at the handsome man who was lost in thought. How long has it been?


“How long do you plan on staying there?”


A low pitched voice was heard through the sound of rain. It was like a sound telling me to turn off, but my feet didn’t move easily. Because unlike before, I felt like I knew what he was looking at. There was silence again. Seeing Carlix motionless, I was worried that he might just turn into stone. I sneaked up to Carlix to see his condition. Eventually, I stood next to him, craned my neck to look at him, and was startled when I met his dark red eyes.




I fell backwards, the blanket falling off my shoulders. no! I quickly picked up the blanket before it got wet with muddy water and draped it over my shoulder. Carlix’s gaze organically traced from me to the blanket. I felt embarrassed at his lack of response. I stood up hesitantly and noticed something he was holding in his hand and my eyes widened.




Carlix’s hands trembled. What he held in his hand was a rose petal that had withered and dried up like a fallen leaf. Looking closely at his hands, I noticed that the ring he had been wearing since our first meeting and the dark thorn tattoo that decorated his knuckles had disappeared. Why did he… He felt doubtful, but soon became depressed by the thoughts that came to his mind. In the original work, on Rubelin’s birthday, there was another episode of Carlix’s birthday that appeared in passing. On his birthday, young Carlix made a wish to his father.


‘Give me a flower.’


As per his son’s wish, the emperor placed a vivid flower in his hand. Just as Carlix was smiling happily, everything from the stems to the petals that his hands touched began to wither in an instant. Only then did the emperor smile with satisfaction.


‘Everything your hand touches will be destroyed.’


Young Carlix had to look lonely at the scene of flower petals falling at his feet. You kill his child by using the birthday gift he wanted so much. No matter how you think about it, the destruction of the world is because of that father, Nomushiki. While gritting his teeth, he slowly raised his head, and before he knew it, he saw the back of Carlix looking out at his patron. The boy, who was bowing his head behind the adult man’s broad back, grumbled. I can’t. I took off the blanket from his shoulders, rolled it up, and handed it to Carlix. He sensed my presence and turned to me.


“I’ll just go in, so your Majesty can use it.”


Carlix looked down at the blanket and frowned. Oops, I dropped it earlier. I held the edge of the blanket with both hands and shook it out until it made a popping sound like laundry. I handed him the softer blanket again, but he just tilted his face and observed. So what. It was exactly that expression. Wow, it’s annoying. I grabbed the end of the blanket and draped it over his shoulders.


“Your majesty…?”


No, I tried to put it on. Until Carlix was shocked and took a step back.


“What are you doing?”


Carlix was unusually embarrassed and alert. He was taken aback by the transparent magic that enveloped his entire body and felt like a haze, but that was only for a moment. Is it unpleasant to be touched by someone? I gently placed the blanket on Carlix’s shoulders, trying to avoid touching him as much as possible.


Carlix’s red eyes opened wide and his pupils wavered slightly.


“Your Majesty, be sure to use the blanket even if you don’t like the design! Then I will step down.”


I bent my back, folded my hands and placed the backs of my hands on my forehead. Just like you see in historical dramas, he often walked away and then stopped. Ah, it’s different here. I thought I heard Carlix’s laughter overhead. As I bowed lightly again and turned around, a gust of wind hit me. Ugh, it’s cold. Shaking my upper body, I escaped from under the tree and inadvertently found a climbing rose tangled in the fence. Now that I’m about to leave it behind, why does young Carlix come to mind again? Plus, being soaked in the rain made him feel weak. Okay! I closed my eyes tightly and turned around. Then, I came face to face with Carlix, who had a heart-shaped blanket draped over one shoulder. Wow, I took a deep breath. Have you been watching yet? Devastated, he moistened his lips with his tongue for a moment and spoke hesitantly.


“Your Majesty!”




“Originally, a flower is a life that blooms and dies. therefore…”




“So don’t worry too much!”


After hearing this strange consolation, Carlix stared at me with an indescribable expression. Ugh, that feels strange. My upper body trembled and I covered the top of my head with both hands.


“Okay then!”


Like the protagonist of a youth movie, I quickly ran through the rain and entered the building. 


* * *


Tap, tap. 


Carlix sat at his desk, tapping his fingers on the armrest and staring intently at the things in front of him. Two unfortunate pieces of crushed colored paper that didn’t make it into a frog and a boat. Dry rose petals. Heart polka dot blanket. If I were to define these things, they were nothing but trash. She even doubted herself. Why on earth did you bring this? Yukar, who had been watching Carlix closely, approached him in confusion.


“Your majesty.”


When Carlix continued to ignore him, he got angry and started pretending to hate him.


“Quite, Your Majesty. If you don’t need the crumpled colored paper the princess made, I can have it.”


“Shut your mouth.”




Yukar retreated at a slow pace, but still stared at the crumpled colored paper with greedy eyes.



Translator Note:

We are back!! We hope you liked this chapter ^^

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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