One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 012: New contract terms

It was just after twelve o’clock in the afternoon. When I visited Carlix’s office to report on my class results, I froze as if I was being punished. Carlix sat in front of his desk and just stared at me with indifferent eyes and didn’t say anything. Does this mean you should report it on your own? 


Click, click. 


I listened to the sound of the clock ticking, swallowed dry saliva, and finally opened my mouth.


“Your majesty… I had a colored paper folding class today as well.”




“We folded the boat today, and perhaps because it was difficult, Rubelin created an original work.”


I gently placed Rubelin’s work I had brought with me on the desk. When he pushed it with his fingertip, the crushed green colored paper rolled and landed in front of Carlix.




A crack appeared on Carlix’s face when he saw that. Through the origami class that took place yesterday and today, we learned that Rubelin is not dexterous. Carlix, who was staring at the colored paper, tapped the desk with his beautiful hand. The intermittent noise caught my eye, which had been fixed on the colored paper for a moment.


“Is this all there is to class?”


“Yes… There have been no achievements yet in controlling superpowers.”


I hesitated to answer and glanced at Carlix. I was worried that he would scream, ‘You think I hired you to do origami!’, but he was unexpectedly calm. While waiting for Carlix to open his mouth, he inadvertently stared at the edge of his bookshelf.




My eyes widened when I noticed a bunch of crushed purple colored paper lying next to the fountain pen holder. That’s Rubelin’s first work… omg. I took a deep breath and covered my mouth with my hand. Could it be that Carlix brought this? Carlix, who said that my yellow frog was insignificant? What about Carlix, who made a shocked expression when he saw the distorted frog? Come to think of it, I revised the education law, brought back a squished frog, and even though I misunderstood the villain as an ass, I was also worried about Rubelin’s future. Judging by the circumstances, it seems that she does not hate Rubelin and is quite affectionate towards him. Even though he is an otherworldly person who cuts off other people’s throats like a radish, he is still an uncle. I smiled and gazed at Carlix with warm eyes. Carlix made eye contact with me and made an unpleasant expression.


“What is that laugh?”




The red eyes staring at me were so murderous that I immediately looked down. How long has it been since that silence passed? A beautiful hand came out into sight and snapped its fingers making a loud sound.




The owner of the hand was Yukar. Before I knew it, Yukar was standing behind me, raising his glasses with the knuckles of his hands and distorting his face.


“Are you finished reporting?”


“Yes? Yet…”


“Your Majesty must attend to government affairs.”


“Ah… sorry.”


I scratched my cheek at Yukar’s direct words, which were as refreshing as carbonation.


“Lucina. Today is my first report since being appointed as education officer, so I understand that it is awkward, but since I have taken time away from government affairs, I would like to ask for a concise report from now on.”


“Yes, I will from now on.”


Yukar took a deep breath and half-turned around.


“Then, please keep the remaining report short and sweet.”


“Oh, it’s not a report.”


“Yes? Then…”


Thanks to Yukar’s direct words, I was reminded of the main topic I had forgotten.


“I have something important to tell you, Your Majesty.”


“Do you have anything to say?”


Carlix, who was observing the two of us, invaded. Yukar quickly took a step back.


“Yes, I have something to tell you.”


I smiled and slightly bowed my head.


“Lucina Langfort. I want you to officially become the princess’s instructor!”




The words shouted excitedly were replaced by a cold silence. Oh, why is there no response? I raised my head with a puzzled face. Carlix was staring at me with his chin resting.


“What is the reason?”




“I’m asking why you changed your mind.”


“That’s because His Majesty offered me a well-paid, stable job. This is an opportunity I will never have again, and I can repay my debt-”


“The real reason.”


His shiny red eyes became even more cloudy.


“Really… Why?”


“I don’t know why, but I knew she didn’t want you to stay in the imperial palace. The desire to leave the imperial palace was clearly evident on his face.”




“I didn’t think he would accept even if I increased his salary, so I tried to persuade him that I would detain him.”


Look, it’s not appeasement, it’s threats! I suppressed the emotions that were boiling over me and sighed.


“This time… I sincerely want to help the princess.”


“If that’s the case, I was contemplating getting out of my temporary position.”


I shook my shoulders and swallowed dry saliva.


“… Actually, I was forced to take it on.”


I said nervously because I didn’t know how Carlix would react. How long has it been?


“The reason you changed your mind is such a trivial thing.”


Carlix lowered his eyes and frowned as if he couldn’t understand. This may seem absurd to someone who is good at calculating profit and loss. I, who had rejected the offer even under good conditions, accepted it with the sole intention of becoming a source of strength for Rubelin. For me, this is the answer I managed to get after weighing my life and Rubelin. I glanced sideways at Carlix, who was lost in thought, and then spoke cautiously.


“Your Majesty, I no longer stay by the princess’s side with a half-hearted attitude. I will never leave your side, princess, until you are able to control your superpowers.”




“…Of course, if you accept my conditions.”


He raised his gaze sharply at the quietly spoken words.




“Yes, conditions.”


I did not back down and resolutely opened my eyes. Then Carlix leaned his upper body against the backrest and gestured. The attitude was that I would listen.


“Your majesty. It’s just my guess, but I think the reason the princess can only control her superpowers is because she recognizes me as her ‘mother.’”


I lowered my eyes and continued speaking quietly.


“When I first met her, I approached her without prejudice, not knowing that she had superpowers. The princess was helpless due to heatstroke, so she had no problem carrying her and running around on her back.”




“After that, by the time the princess extended her hand to me, she had already recognized me as ‘Mom.’ She obviously cherishes me and is able to control her superpowers because of her unconsciousness.”


It was an inference when signing the temporary contract, but now it was a certainty. In the original, Rubelin underwent rigorous training until she became an adult, but she eventually experienced limitations in controlling her superpowers and isolated herself. Just as athletes are unable to demonstrate their capabilities due to psychological factors, Rubelin may also be a psychological factor that prevents physical contact with people and keeps them away from others. I took a breath and continued speaking.


“What Rubelin needs is someone who doesn’t have the grip strength to hold a fork. Origami and reading storybooks may seem useless at first glance, but they are means for emotional connection.”


In particular, communicating with the person in front of me is the most important. I struggled to swallow the words welling up in my throat and continued.


“So… Even the person the princess is most attached to and the person she has no problem with physical contact with is also discarded. If you attach your feelings to His Majesty, you will be able to easily attach your feelings to others and control your superpowers.”


So, before the world ends because of you.


“How about Your Majesty becoming a loving father to the princess?”


After going round and round and finally reaching the conclusion, silence came. For me, it was the only way to prevent the destruction of the world and at the same time succeed in controlling superpowers. I glanced at Carlix and saw that he was staring at me with an expressionless expression. I became anxious because I seemed to have lost interest compared to before.


“Well, if that’s difficult, it’s okay to create a harmonious family at least in front of Rubelin. As a former nanny, I attend classes when I feel like it. Your Majesty, as a father, affectionately-”


“So you want to play house?”


Carlix stormed in.


“So, playing house…”


I rolled my eyes. It didn’t go as planned, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.


“If it’s okay with you, Your Majesty.”




After a short silence, Carlix’s face distorted.


“Are you saying you want to become an empress?”


What nonsense! I barely suppressed the urge to yell. He waved his hands and denied it vehemently.


“Well, that can’t be possible! I will do my best as a nanny by your side.”


“Princess Rubelin is my descendant. She is the princess and she thinks of you as her mother, so to be exact, she means you are also in my circle.”




“In short, in order to have the play house you want, we have to become a couple.”


Why are you so active and certain in strange places! For some reason, what I was trying to say, ‘Please be kind to Rubelin,’ turned out to be suggesting that the show window be a couple for her.


“It’s a harmonious family.”


Carlix lowered his eyes and frowned. He seemed reluctant. I chewed my lips. What do we do. I don’t particularly want to be a window couple, but if even this is rejected, there is no way to resolve their relationship. Then the destruction of the world… Assuming the worst, I quickly became depressed. I lowered my shoulders and sighed.


“If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll find another way…”




At that moment, I heard a sigh as I was in trouble.


“Not even a child.”




I raised my head in Carlix’s voice. He was watching me, frowning.


“Only in front of the princess.”


I didn’t miss the opportunity, I sparked my eyes and shook my head.


“Yes, only in front of the princess!”


“Just playing house?”


“Playing house!”


“Until you can control your strength?”




“Are we even sleeping together?”


“Yes! Even sleeping together…!”


I stopped my head reflexively nodded. Oh, did I hear wrong? I shook my eyes as if I heard it.


“Sl… Sleeping together?”


Did I hear it wrong? However, Carlix’s face was quite serious as he said he had misheard.


“How dare I…”


Carlix frowned. What should I do with my fierce eyes?


“…You, you have to do it if you need it. I will work hard until my body breaks.”


I shook my head up and down vigorously. Of course you’re just pretending to sleep, right? I’m worried about the situation going against my intentions, but Yukar is the

I got caught in the middle of nowhere.


“Now, please stop for a moment, Your Majesty. It is not a hasty decision. No matter how much it is for the princess, they are like a married couple… Something that could cause misunderstanding both internally and externally”


“Yukar. The story is already over.”


Carlix waved his hand in annoyance and bit him. Soon, he began to review the documents on his desk with a look of great interest.


“Your majesty…”


Yukar closed her eyes tightly and touched her forehead as if she was in pain. Eventually, I felt Yukar’s eyes glaring at me, but he tried to ignore it and opened his mouth hesitantly.


“Excuse me… Then the contract is…”


Carlix, who was looking through the documents, looked up. He gave me a free look, as if asking if I was still there.


“The contract is sent through Yukar. Just leave now.”




I smiled and was relieved. I’m glad you accepted the conditions. All that remains is to work on restoring the relationship and education between the two people. I bowed my head deeply before completely backing away.


“Thank you for your kind heart, Your Majesty!”


When I looked up again, Carlix was staring at me with strange eyes.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on April, 26 after a little vacation. See you soon!!

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