One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 009: Reasons for being a mother

Fortunately, I received Carlix’s permission to stay in Rubelin’s bedroom. I narrowed my eyes and rubbed my chin. Wait a minute, I, a small citizen, in the princess’s bedroom? It really was a windfall. I was overcome by the feeling of rising status. I feel a little sad about leaving later. Linel approached me as I was lost in my idle thoughts.


“You can change into these.”


I half-heartedly accepted the costume that Linell gave me. The outfit was pajamas with a light pink frilly design that reached down to the shins.


“Damn it!”


I turned my gaze toward the source of the sound and saw that I was wearing clothes identical to the pajamas in Rubelin’s hand. Judging from the fact that the servants standing behind him were wearing robes, it seemed like they had changed them before.


“Then rest.”


Linel and the servant who made the bed said their goodbyes and left. I changed my clothes in the dressing room at the entrance to the bedroom. As I came out of the dressing room with my costume draped over my arm, I came face to face with Rubelin, who was sitting with her feet stretched out on the tapestry.


“Rubelin, how are you?”




Rubelin opened her mouth slightly and blinked her eyes. Rice, really? In the awkward silence, I smoothed out my soft pajamas.


“Rubelin, if you don’t like it, change your clothes.”


“Damn, it’s the best!”


Rubelin jumped up and ran to her room, exclaiming. It was fortunate that Carlix’s magic was around, otherwise the floor would have collapsed.


“Are you okay?”


“Huh! Huh!”


At Rubelin’s violent reaction, she blushed and scratched the back of her neck. Rubelin looked back and forth between her own pajamas and her mine, then blinked. It seems they have finally realized that they are the same pajamas.




Rubelin, excited, rushed forward with open arms. Her ugh, she felt pain as if her fist had hit her solar plexus.


“Damn, I like it!”


Rubelin nuzzled her head against her abdomen. Looking at her cute face, her pain was fleeting.


“Thank you, Rubelin.”


I kept stroking Rubelin’s head as she let out her breath slowly. I thought I should do it this way so that I would feel lighter when I leave later. On the one hand, I was worried that her resolution was different. She has to break the perception of Rubelin as a ‘mother’, but I am not your mother at all! Those heartless words did not come out. If you grab the hem of my clothes and tell me not to go with that lovely face, I’m sure you’ll hesitate. While trying to convince Rubelin that I’m not her biological mother, I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t get persuaded by her loveliness. I hesitated and cautiously opened the door. She needed to know what caused her to recognize herself as her mother.


“Rubelin, but why am I Rubelin’s mother? For helping Rubelin?”


Rubelin lifted her head. His face looked like he was asking why he was asking the obvious.


“Because it’s a bitch!”


I tilted my head at her with an incomprehensible look on my face. Rubelin took my little finger and led me. Wherever I followed her, there was her small children’s book cabinet. She took out the one children’s book to her right, opened it, and showed a scene. I saw a picture of a child struggling. The story was that the child’s mother hugged the child, stroked her head, and sang her lullaby so that her child recovered completely.


“Maebern is like that. They say mom protects the baby.”


“…So, I’m Rubelin’s mother?”


“Huh. My ass is running on Rubelin’s back. Please protect me. Take care of me when I’m sick.”




At once, tears came to my eyes. I thought it was a light favor on her part to help her, but she said my favor to her was anything but light. For Rubelin, who always had to keep a certain distance from others, someone who treated her without prejudice must have been special. What do we do? I can’t say more than she is not my mom.


“Are you crying?”


“No, I’m not crying.”


I was sniffling and inadvertently found a book. I took it out to divert words.


“What’s this?”


“Hey! Have fun!”


For a moment I couldn’t believe my eyes.


“111 spells to understand the devil…?”


What a devil. I was afraid to open a book that had a black energy to it.


“…This is not what you read, Rubelin.”


Where on earth do you get something like this? Perhaps the author of this book is the cause of the destruction of the world. I quickly hid the book behind another book.


“Come here now, asshole!”


Rubelin grabbed my little finger. I was dragged helplessly to the bed. Lu Belin placed her arms on her bed and raised one foot at a time. She fully climbed into bed and looked proud as if she had reached the top of a mountain.


“Hey, this is the bar.”


Rubelin opened the drawer of the nightstand next to the bed. What was taken out from there was a piece of pink colored paper.






Rubelin nodded her head vigorously, bouncing up and down her back. Then she looked around.


“What’s wrong, Rubel…!”




Rubelin covered my mouth with her short fingers. She lowered her voice and whispered.


“Do it secretly. If you do this, they will take it away.”


“They’re taking it away? Who?”


A child is playing with colored paper. Who will take it away? Rubelin made a grumpy look, curled her fingers and put them to her eyes. Her expression on her glasses made her laugh.


“Maevern Education Center?”




Oops, thinking about the education center reminded me of something important that I had forgotten. The fact was that class was tomorrow. I was worried about what to do, but origami wouldn’t be a bad idea. In my past life, when I was always in the hospital, I got access to magazines through a small cell phone. There were videos that I didn’t find boring, such as folding the world’s longest-flying paper airplane, folding a paper frog that flies far, playing with clay, etc. I never thought it would be so helpful. In particular, I heard that origami is good for a child’s physical development and brain activity as it promotes hand-eye coordination. Originally, it was a time for strength control training, but let’s make sure Rubelin receives childlike education at least while I’m here. I showed Rubelin waving her colored paper.


“Rubelin, shall we try origami tomorrow?”


Rubelin’s complexion brightened.




I smiled happily as I stroked Rubelin’s head.


“It’s the best day in Rubelin!”




Rubelin stretched out her ten fingers and folded them one by one.


“Meet your ass!” Use her head too! uh… uh…”


Rubelin, who was rolling her eyes, jumped into my arms as if she couldn’t think anymore.




Ugh, cute! I hugged her with all my strength.




Rubelin tapped my forearm as she gasped. I gave her a big shake from side to side and let go.




Rubelin, freed from her bonds, exhaled as if she had emerged from the sea to land. She placed her hand on her chest and breathed.




As Rubelin straightened her hair, she frowned slightly apologetically.




Rubelin shook her head and blew a strand of hair out of her face. I handed her hair and nuzzled her nose.


“Shall I sleep for now?”




She put her hand in Rubelin’s armpit and lifted it as if plucking a radish. She laid her down on her bed and pulled the blanket up to her chest to cover her.




Rubelin patted the seat next to hers making a popping sound. Is it really okay for me to lie in the same bed as the princess? After hesitating for a moment and thinking, “I don’t know,” I lay down next to her. Wow, it’s nice that it’s expensive. Rubelin smiled happily as she felt the soft cushions and blankets, softer than microfiber, and she smiled without knowing why. I lay down next to her and patted her rubelin chest.


“Sleep, sleep, my baby.”


Rubelin, who had slowly closed her eyes as she hummed, which was her habit, opened her eyes. When she was in a hospital bed, if the child in the bed next to her couldn’t fall asleep, she would sing him a lullaby. Was it too noisy?


“I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet.”


“Do it!”


“Do you want me to keep calling you?”




Rubelin sparkled her eyes. Oh, now that I think about it, one of Rubelin’s wishes was a lullaby. Rubelin squeezed her eyes shut as she continued humming, pounding her chest again. She closed her eyes so tightly that her eyelashes were hidden by her eyelids. After a certain period of time passed through the repetitive actions, the sound of even breathing was heard. Gradually her hands became stiff. When do you fall asleep? Inwardly her Rubelin watched her, hoping she would fall asleep. I was a little tired after going through a lot today. As she yawned, covering her mouth with her free hand, she suddenly heard Rubelin talking in her sleep.


“You devil… Thank you…”




I opened my mouth in the same yawning position. Devil again? I secretly stared at the storybook shelf. What on earth is written in the book 111 Spells to Understand the Devil? I’m sure it wasn’t a spell.


“Hmmnya umnya.”


Unlike me, who was frozen by her shock, Rubelin kicked the blanket with her foot and scratched the back of her neck.




I carefully covered Rubelin with the blanket she had kicked off.


“At least before I leave, I have to inform Rubelin of the existence of angels and fairies.”


Let’s give them their original role: children’s dreams and fantasies. I fell asleep shortly after making my promise. 


* * *




This is the dressing room next to Rubelin’s bedroom. As she waited for Rubelin to be groomed, she patted her aching shoulder. After being possessed, she went from sleeping on a mat on a wooden plank to sleeping on an expensive bed, so her body couldn’t adapt. After all, people who have spent money spend it. Lace canopy bed and soft pajamas. I must have enjoyed it at some point. 




The dressing room curtain opened and Rubelin appeared.


“Hey, what’s wrong?”


Rubelin, fully decorated, approached at a brisk pace. Rubelin was wearing a gorgeous pink dress and a red hairpin that matched her eyes. She smiled happily and was tapping her hairpin when suddenly her arms were grabbed. What, what is it? Looking to her left and right, two attendants threw their robes into the air with determined expressions on their faces.


“What are you doing?”


Ranel approached and lowered her head. Unlike her shadowy face, a sparkle flashed through her open eyes.


“This is what the princess asked me to do. Excuse me.”


“Yes, yes?”


Wait! Without any time to stop her, her feet were lifted into the air. What servants are so powerful?


“Hey, come back!”


As she was dragged to her dressing room, Rubelin grinned and waved her hand. I guess the pajamas I wore yesterday looked like green onion. How many times have I been dragged away? And so the decorations began under Ranel’s command. 


* * *


As I headed toward the training room, I kept paying attention to the clothes. A red hairpin and a frilly dress just like Rubelin’s. I couldn’t get used to my gorgeous appearance. Gulping, she swallowed her dry saliva and acted like a robot. As I stiffened, Rubelin tilted her head.


“Hey, what’s wrong?”


“It’s nothing, Rubelin.”


Rubelin and Ranel’s expressions became strange, but there was nothing that could be done. As I struggled to reach the training room, a handsome man guarding the door approached me. Who is it? I narrowed my eyes for a moment and realized that it was a familiar person. The man immediately closed the distance, saluted Rubelin, and then turned to me.


“I am Ken, the vice-captain of the Imperial Guard in charge of protecting the princess.”




I stared at Ken with blurry eyes. He must have disappeared without me yesterday. Moreover, from being a kidnapper to becoming an educational center. Ken wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand as the silence flowed like running water. Sensing my uneasy feelings, he smiled dryly. I look after it without cutting any of it. I sighed softly and greeted him.


“It’s Lucina. Thanks to someone, I became a temporary education officer starting yesterday.”


“Yes, please take care of me in the future.”


Ken smiled awkwardly at the barbed remark. Unlike before, Ken’s formal approach felt awkward, but he didn’t correct it. A little revenge, I guess.


“Damn it! Let’s go!”


I was dragged by the power led by Rubelin, making a sound.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on March, 22.

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