“Vix! Has the band arrived?”
The Biscon Manor was noisy since morning. The concert will be held this evening, but preparations have been busy since the day before. Of course, preparing the food and recruiting a musical band were completed a few days ago. However, you need to make sure that the invited band arrives properly and prepare a room for them to rest. Although the Biscon Mansion is not wealthy, this mansion, which Countess Biscon bought as her newlywed home after her marriage, has ample rooms, so there is enough room for the orchestra to rest. Of course, it is also the butler’s job to lock unused doors to prevent guests from using the room without permission during the concert.
“I received a call saying it will arrive soon.”
Vix spoke calmly even when the Countess seemed to be a bit sensitive. During the social season, unless the family is quite poor, they invite guests once or twice. Among them, the least burdensome are small concerts and plays. This is because both problems can be solved only by family members. Of course, the larger the family, the more advantageous it is, but in a concert, skill is more important than number of people.
“I’m worried about Oliver.”
Maria said with her sigh. We had already decided a few weeks ago and sent out all the invitations, but Oliver had recently experienced something bad and wanted to cancel the concert. But it was Oliver who insisted that it was okay and that we should proceed.
“You said it was okay, Master.”
Vix said to reassure the Countess. He was kidnapped and imprisoned by a quarreling knight, but fortunately Oliver was released without any injuries other than his nose. Of course, Maria was so upset that she couldn’t bear it. Her handsome son’s nose was broken and slightly twisted. Only someone who has children of hers knows how much that breaks her mother’s heart.
“I don’t know if she can go out in front of people.”
Half of me wants it to be canceled, and half of me wants to show people that there’s no problem with Oliver. This is because there is a rumor that Baron Biscon was seriously injured while fighting with Lord Psylocke. Rumors tend to grow like a snowball, and the rumor that Lord Psylocke had kidnapped and imprisoned Baron Biscon grew into a rumor that she had cut off Oliver’s limbs.
“It will be okay. You are a strong person.”
Vix said kindly. The people of Biscon are all strong. You can tell just by looking at Eugenie, who appears to be the weakest, that she saves Oliver.
“All my children are strong.”
Maria smiled as she said that. The same goes for her daughter, who decided to break off the engagement despite her fiancé’s denial, and her son, who was kidnapped and had nothing to eat for several days, but tried to run away by pretending to be dead. She took a deep breath. She’s had bad things happen this year to the point where she wonders if the fairy is just being grumpy, but it’s going well. Just a few days ago, I thought it was fortunate that Oliver, who I thought was an enemy son who would never marry, came back alive.
“What about food?”
In response to the question of the Countess, who quickly calmed down, Vix spoke calmly. This morning the chef was upset because one of the ingredients went bad, but he handled it well. After hearing that she was being prepared without any problems, Maria hesitated and then asked.
“What about Eugenie?”
“Miss? You have nothing to worry about, right?”
He is always quiet and impeccable in his actions. However, Maria was worried about Eugenie’s actions recently.
“It looks like the awning was a big shock.”
She said a while ago that she wanted to build a swimming pool and teach people to swim, so she supported me. She thought it would be okay for her if it could heal the shock she received from her friend and her fiancé’s infidelity. She recently said she was going to stop going to the pool. I thought she was over the shock, but she wasn’t. At Maria’s sigh, the butler realized what she was worried about and nodded her head.
“Perhaps you have almost forgotten Sir Rensid. There are so many good people around me.”
She has new friends that she recently made, and if Eugenie says she even has a suitor who jumps up and runs to her even when she is sleeping. She also has her mother who supports her when she says she will see if she can make her own money.
“Then why is she suddenly doing something new again?”
Now that she had cleaned up the swimming pool, she thought she would accept Earl Burns’ courtship. However, Count Burns has not yet formally courted her, and Eugenie says she wants to do more.
The wrinkles between the butler’s brow deepened at the sigh of Maria. To be honest, even Vix couldn’t understand Eugenie. She may seem quiet and reserved on the outside, but he knows that Eugenie is not like that.
“Isn’t she a bit challenging to begin with?”
Vixx said that and smiled. At that smile, Maria let out a sigh and she said.
“You remember too, right? She said he was ten years old. She was when the kidnapper showed up.”
“She is nine years old and eleven months old.”
Vix remembers clearly. She was wondering what kind of cake Eugenie would want her to make for her tenth birthday in a month.
“When she heard that only children from her poor family were being kidnapped, she went out wearing the worst of her clothes.”
She thought she was really fainting at the time. She said there was a rumor that there was a kidnapper in Current who only kidnapped children from poor families. Eugenie asked why the magistrate didn’t catch the kidnapper, and Maria made a mistake with her words. She said that because she was from a poor family, she might receive less attention from the magistrate.
She still remembers how Eugenie’s face hardened when she heard those words. Because she had an expression that was too mature for a child under ten years old. And the next day, Eugenie disappeared. The Biscon mansion was in an uproar, and the day before, she told Eugenie that the nurse who had put her to bed had been saying strange things to her.
She said that if a child from a noble family was kidnapped, she would be less interested in the magistrate because she was from a poor family. And the oldest and worn-out clothes from Eugenie’s wardrobe were gone.
“I ended up finding it in the city square.”
Vix said with a smile, but Maria couldn’t smile. From that day on, she knew that she had to be careful with what she said, at least to Eugenie. And be careful about her actions.
“She didn’t even think she did anything wrong.”
Eugenie spoke clearly to Maria, who scolded her, asking why she did such a thing. She said that her mother always said that she should do her duty as a noblewoman, and she said that she did not. She says she is a noblewoman and as a noblewoman she has a duty to protect the people of this country.
“But she didn’t catch the kidnapper.”
Sensing the seriousness of the situation, the Count and Duchess of Biscon made a request to His Majesty the King. Because there was no guarantee that Eugenie wouldn’t do something like that again.
“Maybe I raised him wrong.”
“You were raised very well.”
Vix’s answer came out right away. He said with a smile.
“Miss Eugenie has grown up very well. She must resemble Madame.”
At his words, Maria stared at her butler for a moment. Although his expression was complex, the butler also received the countess’s gaze without saying a word.
“Thank you for saying that.”
Maria said and let out her sigh. And she asked again.
“What do you think? Eugenie’s next plan.”
She was still wondering whether she should object. Vix hesitated for a moment and then spoke.
“Isn’t she the type of person who would give up just because the young lady objects?”
That’s right. A wrinkle appeared between Maria’s eyebrows. Her daughter was really stubborn. In some ways she is a more difficult child to deal with than Oliver.
“I think…”
Vix, who had said that far, closed his mouth. It’s presumptuous of her to say what she thinks without even asking. But Maria didn’t think so.
She said, tilting her head.
“Vix. You know how important I, my family, value your advice.”
Eugenie and Oliver, as well as the Count of Biscon and his wife, need Vix’s advice. Vix smiled faintly without realizing it. And he opened her mouth again.
“Maybe he made such a plan because of this young master incident. You’re probably trying to calm your anxiety in your own way.”
“So leave it alone?”
“If we operate the pool like we did last time, there won’t be any problems.”
“It wasn’t like there were any problems.”
Since Eugenie only allowed women to enter, people who disapproved of her tried to create strange rumors. The rumor was that women were doing something strange on that ship.
“It sank quickly, didn’t it?”
Maria nodded her head at Vix’s words. Before she could do anything, the rumor disappeared. The person who suspected that Lady Biscon was gathering women on a ship and carrying out illegal activities suddenly disappeared from the capital. Naturally, those who agreed with the rumor also became quiet. However, there is no guarantee that such a coincidence will happen again this time.
“Besides, the target audience for this case is not limited.”
Vix said, as if he could sense Maria’s concern. Is that so? Maria thought for a moment and then sighed.
“I wish Eugenie would stop going through all that trouble and marry Count Burns.”
“Do you like Count Burns as your partner?”
In response to Vix’s question, Maria raised her head with an expression that asked what he meant. She objectively has the best conditions among the three men currently courting Eugenie. Of course, this is true even when viewed subjectively.
“Is there something strange about Count Burns?”
Vix shut his mouth in response to the Countess’ question. It’s not strange. No, is that weird? He remembered the incredibly handsome face of Count Burns. It is said that Count Burns, who was handsome enough to make you wonder about the faces of his parents, was a commoner and a mercenary. However, looking at his actions, there were many times when I wondered if he was really a commoner and a mercenary. Things like his impeccable manners and the way he treated his servants.
The difference between nobles and commoners can be seen not only in manners, but also in the way they speak, the words they use, and the differences in clothing depending on the location. But Count Burns seemed like a perfect nobleman. And the most disturbing part is that there are times when it feels like he knows the Biscons very well.
Translator Note: