Obsessed with Regressors


A smile also appeared on Elliot’s face. But he looked a little sad somehow. He looked at her for a while and then asked.


“Have you never wanted to be born into a family with a higher title than now?”


A higher title than now? A marquis or a duke? It’s not that she hadn’t thought about that. To be precise, she thought about what it would have been like if she had been born into a more affluent family than she was now, rather than a family with a higher title.


“Is your family still the same?”


Elliot chuckled at her question. And she shook her head. Ah, then there was no need. She wrinkled her nose and said.


“No. I’m satisfied with it now.”


If it were her family today, it wouldn’t have mattered if she had a lower title. She said, putting her foot down and lifting her teacup.


“I think it would have been okay if I had been Baroness Biscon or Miss Biscon instead of Lady Biscon.”


Come to think of it, when they first met, Elliot kept mistakenly calling me Noble Lady Biscon. The noble Lady Biscon. It’s not that pleasant. Having that title means having to take on more responsibility. If she were truly noble Lady Biscon, she might have been betrothed to another foreign nobleman as soon as she turned ten. Even if you weren’t a foreign noble, you would have been engaged at least by the age of fourteen. Maybe she was engaged to a prince. Unless you are the noble Lady Germarot.


“How about you?”


A twisted smile appeared on Elliot’s face. He said, raising his teacup just like me.




“Oh my, is that so?”


She thought he didn’t want that because he did it with his own hands. But if you think the other way around, he accomplished it with his own hands, so if it had already been accomplished, he might have accomplished something even greater.


“If I were a noble, I would have been engaged to you, not Rensid.”


“Isn’t it too simple to hope for someone who has inherited the title with his own hands?”


She asked with a smile. This man was a hero who fought the dragon, defended his country, and received the title. The only thing a person like that wanted was to be engaged to her. She thought it was just something he wanted to hear. But the next moment Elliot spoke.


“Eugenie, there is no one as important as you in my life, so why be simple?”




She kept her mouth shut, not knowing what to say. What was he saying? Was he really thankful for that? She was not that shameless. Fortunately, Elliot seemed to notice that she was at a loss. He grinned and set down his teacup.


“By the way, you said you were cleaning up the ship, right?”


‘Oh, thank goodness. I quickly grabbed the lifeline he gave me.’


“Yes. It’s slowly getting cooler.”


Moreover, reservations for this month are already full. The plan was to run it only until this month and then call it a day. Elliot would also have to move the boat before the river freezes.


“Can I ask you one favor?”


When she quit the swimming pool, she wanted to try something else. She asked cautiously. Then he, who was leaning back on the sofa, straightened his back and said.




* * *


“They say Baron Kernell has been detained.”


Lisa, who visited the boat that afternoon, frowned and said, Yes, he was told. He was said to be suspected of being the culprit in the recent raids as well as Baroness Kernell.


“Wow, I’m scared.”


“I know, right. I thought you were just a flirt.”


The women gathered around also began to add words one by one. She knew. She thought he just liked women, but she didn’t know he would secretly attack women from behind.


“Why such a deal?”


“I heard she did it because she was mad because Baroness Kernell had a mistress.”


“Are you saying that trying to murder the Baroness wasn’t enough and that you also attacked other people?”


“They say it was accidental.”


No way. She scoffed at the word accidental. It was a planned crime. Before she could say that, Lisa raised her teacup and said.


“What about accidental? It must have been a planned crime.”




“Isn’t it to blame Lord Mysto for the crime? Lord Mysto was with Miss Rogoso when Baroness Kernell was attacked.”


Do you know that? I opened my eyes wide. When Lisa looked at me like that, she smiled and said to the people.


“It appears that Miss Rogoso persuaded Lord Miss To to separate from her sister. That helped Lord Mysto.”


“But recently it was reported that Lord Mysto may have also attacked Baroness Kernell?”


“The employee of the tea shop who testified at that time withdrew his statement. Why would you withdraw?”


Everyone became quiet. She was grateful for Lisa’s information. It was something she was thankful for originally, but at times like this, I am even more thankful.


“Oh my, then it really was a planned crime.”


“Wait a minute, so you attacked other innocent people to frame Lord Mysto?”


That’s it. She nodded silently. Silence fell on deck for a moment.


“Oh my god.”


“Why are there people like that?”


It got noisy again. She looked at Lisa and Lauren once, then turned her attention back to the people. She checked to see if anything was missing, but it seemed like Lauren had already checked and given instructions. She saw the staff filling in the missing napkins.


“Now that I think about it, it looks like the Duke of Germarot has a guest.”


After the loud jeers directed at Baron Kernel, Lisa spoke. A guest has arrived at the Germarot duchy? It’s not that big of a deal. Wealthy nobles always have guests. When a distant relative has to debut in the social world, there are cases where they take care of the entire season, and in other cases, a sponsoring artist or writer stays.


“If you’re a duke, you’ll always be swamped with customers, right?”


A woman who had the same thoughts as she said to Lisa. Lisa nodded her head as if she was right and then she looked at her and said.


“I heard the Duchess accepted it.”


“I guess the lady got up from her seat?”


Recently, she was told, the Duchess was in bed, unable to eat or drink because of her son, whom she could not contact. She felt bad. Duke and Duchess of Germarot had only one child, a son, and he was not a very personable person. He was the duke’s only son, and since he hasn’t gotten engaged yet, you can probably guess what his personality was like. Oh, if you say it this way, it will seem like Oliver, who hasn’t gotten engaged yet, also has a problem.


“Couldn’t they be relatives?”


Lisa frowned at another person’s question. She seemed to think for a moment and then said:


“Not a relative, but I thought she was my son’s friend.”


“The son? Hildejar Germarot?”


That friend who went missing? People’s eyes turned to Lisa. Lisa said, shrugging her shoulders.


“Yes. The son’s friend came and said the Duchess had stood up.”


How on earth do you know such intimate stories? I was once again impressed by her ability to acquire information.


“If you are Count Germaroth’s friend, you might know his whereabouts.”


Duke Germarot was also the lord of Dasen territory. For the same reason that Oliver was called Baron Biscon, Hildesar is called Count Germaroth. So it occurred to her that the Duchess of Germa Lot might have risen from her seat. Because a friend who may know the whereabouts of his missing son has appeared.


“Anyway, where did it really go?”


The question that followed made me think of the same question. Where did it go? She said she was going on an adventure, gathered her friends, hired mercenaries, and left. Was it possible for the duke’s son, who was not just a city manager, to disappear like this?


“Well, I heard it from a relative.”


Then, the woman standing in the far corner, sipping her tea, raised her hand and said: they quickly offered her a seat.


“Miss Heinz, where do your relatives live?”


“Izu. To be exact, it’s a village a bit far from Izu…”


She knew. Izu of the North. It was the territory of the Marquis of Henderson. Elliot said he was from around there. Miss Heinz glanced at her and continued.


“They said a very rich man came over there a few months ago and spent money to hire mercenaries. If I think about it now, I think that rich man is Count Germarot.”


That could be possible. She nodded. Meanwhile, Lisa asked.


“Why did you save the mercenary?”


“I think he said he was going to catch something.”


“What are you holding?”


A bear? A deer? But when they left the capital, they took quite a few mercenaries with them. Besides, if you’re going to hunt, you’ll need hunters, not mercenaries, right? Amidst people’s questions, Miss Heinz blushed as if she was not used to this kind of thing. And she looked at me again and she said.


“They said they would catch something huge. I don’t know what they’re catching, but according to my relatives…”


In words? People’s bodies were leaning towards Ms. Heinz. Lisa said, giggling.


“You have the gift of a storyteller, Miss Heinz.”


Surprisingly, Ms. Heinz’s face turned bright red at Lisa’s praise. She mumbled, cupping her cheek with her hand.


“I beg your pardon?”


She didn’t hear. Lisa seemed not to have heard her either, so she asked her to say it again, and Ms. Heinz closed her eyes tightly and said.


“A dragon.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 7.

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