Obsessed with Regressors


“Is it so?”


She asked in a dumb voice. He really didn’t think that way? Was he saying he didn’t expect anything from her after being so nice to her?


“If I’m going to marry you, there’s no need to do such trivial things.”


Trivial things? She gaped, not knowing whether to point out Elliot’s words or his attitude. She put down the teacup gracefully, looked at him, and smiled.


“What would you do to marry me?”


She couldn’t help but ask this. He looked at her blankly at her question. What should Elliot do to marry her? He tilted his head to the side and twisted his lips. And he spoke quietly.


“Your family.”


Her family? When she looked at him with an expression asking what he meant, he sighed and said, as if there was nothing he could do.


“I can solve the problem of the Biscon family. Pay off Baron Viscon’s debt…”


“Do you owe Oliver something?”


What happened? The first thing that came to mind was credit card debt. It’s good to play card games. However, her mother and she repeatedly told him not to bet excessive amounts. Elliot shrugged his shoulders in response to his question.


“No. That’s what it means. Pay off Baron Biscon’s debt or buy him something he wants. Send a gift to the Countess too.”


“You’re not sending it to me?”


When courting, don’t you usually give gifts to the woman you want to marry? Elliot said, sipping his tea.


“You’re not going to get anything more than a handkerchief.”




This man knew her too well. She frowned and glanced at Elliot. She wanted to ask him if he knew her so well because of that dream, but she felt like whatever answer he gave would make her feel worse, so she stopped.


“You think you can marry me if you treat Oliver and my mother well?”


“It’s true, isn’t it?”


Elliot had an expressionless face. His expression was neither proud nor apologetic. She was rather discouraged by his simple expression, asking if it was just true. He may be right. The reason she became engaged to Awning was also because her mother and brother liked him. Viscount Rensid was from a decent family, and his mother and Oliver liked Awning. She also liked that Awning was not burdensome.


“I see.”


She sighed and agreed with Elliot. If he had been good to her mother and brother, if he had won their hearts, she would have married Elliot. She was not hesitating like this right now. 

Then naturally a question arose in her head. She asked, looking at Elliot as he put down his teacup.


“Then why didn’t you do that?”


He wanted to marry her and he knew the surest way to do so. So why didn’t he do that? 

Elliot put down his teacup without a sound and looked at her with a strange expression.


“Would you like me to do that?”


That’s not it. She said, tracing the teacup with her fingers.


“No. But I’m curious why you don’t do it when you know so well.”


“That’s the way to marry you, not the way to be loved by you.”


The first thing that occurred to her was that it was so. And the next moment, her face suddenly got hot.


‘Oh my god. Isn’t this guy crazy?’


She just raised her hand and covered her face. How could he say something like that so casually with an expression like that? She quickly looked around between her fingers. She was worried that someone might have heard their conversation.




Elliot called out to her as if asking if she was okay with her attitude. ‘Oh my god.’ She closed her eyes tightly. She thought it’s strange that she was so shy. In fact, Elliot had the same expression as when they entered this teahouse.


“Are you okay?”


When she didn’t say anything, Elliot jumped up from his seat and came towards her. No, no, no. She quickly took her hand away from her face and showed him her palm. And she said, still with her head down.


“Well, sit there.”


Fortunately, Elliot stopped. It wasn’t until she heard him go back to the seat opposite her and sit down that she raised her head. When she secretly opened her eyes and checked, he still had an expression on his face that said he didn’t know why she was doing this. ‘Oh my god.’ She quickly raised her teacup to cover her face, which was obviously still red. Then she pretended to drink her tea and asked.


“How can you say something like that so casually?”


“What do you mean?”


He looked like he really didn’t know. Elliot, who was confused, immediately said as if he understood.


“Oh, I’m sorry if I offended you. I meant no disrespect to Baron Biscon or the Countess.”


What was he talking about? Her eyes widened at his unexpected apology, but then she realized what he was talking about. He seemed to be apologizing for saying that he could marry her if he attacked her mother and brother. ‘Oh my god.’ It seemed he was sincere. It’s not that he wanted to marry her, it’s that he wanted to be loved by her.


Her face got hot again, so she quickly pretended to drink tea.


“Eugenie, are you okay?”


Elliot asked again. She bit her lip to hold back her embarrassment and then felt a little angry. Elliot was the one who said something strange, but she didn’t know why she was embarrassed. Why why? That’s because she was the one listening to his words.


“Gwae, it’s okay.”


She pretended to drink tea, but actually drank all the tea. Sheput down her empty teacup and cleared her throat. Then she mustered up all the courage she had and looked at Elliot. Elliot was looking at her with a worried expression.


“I tell them to bring more tea.”


At that time, Elliot raised his hand and called for the employee. No, it’s done. She quickly stopped him.


“It’s fine. I drank it all.”


If she drank any more here, she would have to go to the bathroom instead of home.


“Shall we just go back?”


Elliot saw her condition and asked for the bill. They should do that. When she got up from her seat, he had already paid for the tea and was taking her parasol from the employee.


“I will carry it.”


She said, holding out her hand to Elliot. She also held a parasol when she came. But Elliot opened her parasol and held out his left arm to her and said:


“The floor is soggy, so I’ll carry this.”


It seemed like this guy couldn’t see what’s in her hand. Because it rained yesterday, there were still puddles here and there. She wrinkled her nose and placed her hand on his left arm.


“Was it like this in your dream?”


Finally, she couldn’t resist and asked. When she looked up, she saw Elliot tilting his head with a questioning expression.


“A parasol. You didn’t let me carry it even in your dreams?”


A smile appeared on Elliot’s face. It was against the law to laugh like that under the same parasol. When she couldn’t bear his gaze and avoided his gaze, Elliot said in a laughing voice.


“No. But that was my wish.”


This was ridiculous. She burst out laughing without realizing it. His wish was to hold her parasol. But Elliot didn’t laugh. She couldn’t hear him laugh, so she stopped and turned to Elliot. Although he was still smiling, he was definitely not laughing.






Just holding a parasol? She didn’t know what to ask, so she opened and closed her mouth. Then Elliot spoke as if he had read her thoughts.


“Because we can be close.”


‘Oh. I know what you mean.’


Only then did she realize that he and she were standing side by side inside a small parasol. They were standing closer than they would normally be allowed to be. The reason they could be this close was because he was holding her parasol. lliot’s masculine scent, which she thought she had become accustomed to, suddenly felt strong at the tip of her nose. It was a heavy and cool scent.


“You said it for no reason.”


Elliot then said that and slightly stepped away from her. Then his head was seen leaving the parasol.




Although the distance was a bit distant, her surroundings were still filled with Elliot’s scent. He answered her question with an expressionless expression.


“You were conscious that I was too close.”


Accurate. But she didn’t know why that’s a problem. Elliot continued talking to her who still didn’t understand.


“You felt uncomfortable.”


“But shouldn’t I be conscious of you?”


She felt uncomfortable because Elliot was so close, but she didn’t want to avoid him. She spoke to Elliot, who seemed a little surprised.


“You said you wanted to receive my love. I have to be conscious to fall in love, right?”


Elliot’s eyes widened. ‘What. Didn’t you think of that?’ She was confused and asked without realizing it.


“So it hasn’t been like that until now?”


“Something like that?”


“You’ve been good to me.”


He did very well. He even took part in things that seemed a bit dangerous. But she guessed not. Elliot stopped and started staring at her. Oh, wasn’t it? Was he saying he didn’t do such a good job of making her feel self-conscious?


“I am…”


That was when Elliot opened his mouth. He suddenly lowered the parasol he was holding and held it out toward the carriage road. Almost simultaneously with that action, a carriage that was running passed through a puddle, sending muddy water pouring down on them.


‘Oh my god. The two of us almost got covered in muddy water. No, to be exact, it’s me?’



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 16.

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