Obsessed with Regressors


“Lady Biscon with Earl Burns?”


The capital’s several men’s clubs cater mostly to the wealthy, but some of them have their own strings attached. For example, the High Hats Club, to which Oliver Biscon, Awning Rensid, and Elliot Burns were members, limited its membership to only noble men who possessed a certain amount of property or owned their own fiefdoms. In the first place, the club’s name, High Hat, itself refers to a hat that can only be worn by high-class nobles. Initially, only upper-class nobles could join, but the threshold has been lowered slightly. The men who heard the surprising news gathered in groups of twos and threes to check if the rumors they had heard were true. Of course it would be true. Because it was said by Awning Rensid himself, not by anyone else.


“Not even Lord Rencid.”


“I thought Lady Biscon was modest.”


“I wonder if Lord Rencid would have done that.”


Even if your fiancé was having an affair with someone else, it’s common to quietly bury it. This was because talking about such things was not a good thing for Awnings. So, risking your own shame and talking about it was no different from proof that you were certain.


“Sir Rencid.”


At that time, the club became quiet. The people who realized that the protagonist of the rumor had appeared stopped whispering and dispersed. The people who gathered by Awning’s side were the people who usually played games with him.


“Women are naturally good at new things.”


“She was briefly taken over by a barbarian like Count Burns.”


Awning grinned at the group’s consolation. He said with an expression of emotion.


“I think so too. Even though she wasn’t, I was worried about whether she would be able to lead a family well because she was sensitive to small things.”


“She is sensitive about trivial things, you’re just an ordinary noble girl.”


The men burst out laughing at someone’s joke. But soon, Awning shook his head and said:


“Is it possible that you don’t like it even if I give you a bouquet of flowers?”


“Then are you going to break off the engagement?”


At Awning’s words, one of the group asked with anticipation. Although he was wealthy, he was a man from a noble family. To him, Lady Biscon until yesterday was someone he couldn’t even look at, but today’s Lady Biscon, who has flaws, was different. Seeing his friend with some expectations, Awning clicked his tongue inwardly. He also knew how much Eugenie was a preferred bride for certain men. They come from simple but wealthy families. For such men, a girl from the not-rich but historic Biscon family would be their dream bride. 

Especially if she was as flawed as she was now, she would obediently marry them too.


“I promised to get married, but how can I do that? I have to teach it well.”


When Awning indicated that he would not break off the engagement, the men gathered could not hide their disappointment. They quietly walked away and said:


“Yes. Good idea. If you teach it well, it will be fine.”


“Take a good look at your first child.”


Eventually, someone made a joke that crossed the line. Not only Awning, but also the men around him and the man who made a joke that crossed the line became pale. Awning and the group were so absorbed in their own story that they didn’t even notice that someone was right next to them.


“That’s a very classy story for a classy men’s club.”


People backed away, more surprised by the fact that the voice was a woman’s voice than by the sarcastic content of the words. Of course, what surprised me the most was the earnings. Because that voice was a voice he was very familiar with.


“Yu, Eugenie.”


“It’s been a while, Awning.”


Eugenie didn’t seem as angry as Awning thought. Of course, of course she was angry. But he didn’t know about it, so he was brave.


“W-how can you get here…”


As Eugenie said, this was a high hat club and a men-only club. In other words, women a

were prohibited from entering. Everyone in the room was surprised and started whispering, wondering how on earth the woman got here. At the same time, someone went to call an employee.


“I came to see Lord Awning Rensid, who ridiculed, slandered, and insulted me and my family.”


At Eugenie’s words, Awning stepped back out of fear that she might have hidden a weapon under the hem of her skirt. But he had already retreated to the table, so he jolted and she bumped into the chair. As Eugenie laughed at that scene, Awning’s anger boiled over again. He said, taking a step towards her.


“Did I say something wrong? “You were the one who ignored me and went to see the performance alone with Count Burns.”


“Oh, Lord Rencid. You have to say it right away.”


“Lady Biscon.”


The man next to Awning tried to stop Eugenie, but she raised her right hand to stop him. And she spoke leisurely, still with her eyes fixed on Awning.


“Count Burns didn’t invite me, he invited my mother and brother. “I wanted to see the performance with you, but you insisted that I stay home alone because you had to watch it alone with your friend.”


Eugenie’s eyes scanned the room as she spoke up to that point. After confirming that the man who was with Awning that day was not here, she asked Awning again.


“When I find your friend, I think he will testify that I went all the way to your place to see you. how is it? Is your friend as mean as you?”


When she said that she was looking for a friend who was with him at the theater that day, Awning’s complexion became pale. He began to fidget and look around. At that time, he saw the manager with his staff panting towards him. He quickly raised his hand and spoke to the manager.


“What are you doing! How can a woman come in here!”




The manager wiped his sweat and repeatedly apologized to the awning and the people in the room. He didn’t let it in. He was just deceived by Eugenie. The manager felt aggrieved and made an excuse.


“Lady Biscon asked for help, so I went to call someone for a moment…”


When he came back, she was gone. He never thought Lady Biscon would come inside.


Eugenie turned her head to the manager and spoke softly.


“Sorry. I have something I need to tell my fiancé. If you are harmed by this, come see me.”


This meant that if he got fired from this club, Eugenie would take responsibility and find him another job. The manager wondered for a moment whether to say it was okay. He wouldn’t get fired for this. But just in case, he didn’t have to refuse the favor by saying it’s okay. When he didn’t say anything, Eugenie turned her head to Awning again. She opened her mouth with her expressionless face.


“Awning, I tolerated you even when you were rude and violent towards me. even…”


“Wait, violent?”


Upon hearing that Awning was violent, people in the room began to whisper again. Awning shouted in surprise and Eugenie raised her left hand and said.


“Should I bring the butler and Count Burns here now to see how they treated me in our drawing room?”


She was talking about the time when Eugenie, who received a flower gift, suddenly became excited and made a fuss when asked if she had done something wrong. Then, when she remembered how Count Burns had hit her and knocked her out, her face turned white. Eugenie said she had scratched her palm as he took the bouquet from her, but the first thing anyone in her room noticed was the bandage on her arm.


“Oh my god.”


People groaned, but Eugenie didn’t care. She continued talking when Awning could not say anything.


“I pretended not to notice that you were going between Masher Street and Lindell Street with your friend.”


As Eugenie continued, the room became cold again. All the men gathered, even the manager, could not open their mouths.


“Did you think I didn’t know?”


Awning stood with a white, stiff face at Eugenie’s words. When she said she saw the Awning there, Oliver’s expression hardened. Eugenie thought she was strange and looked to see where she was.


“It’s you who needs to be careful about your actions, Awning. It’s so shameless to go to a place like that in broad daylight.”


In response to Eugenie’s harsh criticism, Awning could not say anything. Masher Street and Lindell Street. If you’re a member of the High Hat Club, there’s no one who didn’t know this. Because it was a prostitution street.


“Well, you saw it wrong…”


Awning tried to tell Eugenie that she saw it wrong. That’s how it should be. But Eugenie knew he would. She asked, tilting her head to the side.


“Then shall we check? Which store did you go into, Lord Hudson? Do you think the people who work there are loyal to you?”


Eugenie’s accurate point made not only Awning but also others speechless. When they even pointed out who they had gone with, some men tried to sneak out of the room. But she needed witnesses. Eugenie immediately turned her gaze to the men who were trying to run away, and their steps stopped.


“Awning Rensid, how dare you insult me and my house, and did you think you would just get away with it?”


She thought it would pass. Awning’s face turned bright red this time. The two were already engaged. He spoke boldly.


“Uh, what are you going to do? Should I break off the engagement?”


A “gasp” moan came out again in the cold room. Breaking off the engagement. It would become a source of gossip in social circles. Everyone in the room, including Awning, thought that Eugenie would not choose that. Eugenie Biscon was famous for her inflexibility. But at the same time, a question arose in some people’s minds. Until now, they had thought that the inflexible Eugenie Biscon would not choose to break off the engagement, which would bring shame to the social world. But could it be said that turning a blind eye to your fiancé’s rudeness and betrayal was inflexible?


“That’s right.”


The next moment, Eugenie broke the silence in the room and spoke. She straightened her posture and spoke again toward the awning.


“Sir Renshid. Let’s break our engagement.”



Translator Note:

My God!! Awning was lasting too much already, right? Oh, my God, I was thinking this moment would never arrive!

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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  1. helloworld15 says:

    Yay!!!!! Finally!!!!!!

  2. Slezula says:

    let’s gooooo

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