Obsessed with Regressors

“I ordered tea from the staff.”

Coming out of the bathroom, Count Burns held out a handkerchief and said so. She was in a hurry to go to the bathroom before halftime, and she forgot to look for an employee.

She reflexively accepted his handkerchief and thanked him.

“Thank you.”

“Shall we go?”

It was still quiet in the corridors and stairs, as if it was not break time yet. Judging by the hum and singing, it seems to be reaching a climax. She put her hand on the inside of Count Burns’ arm as she walked and glanced into his face.

Oliver hated this. Sometimes when accompanying her mother on shopping trips or when she goes somewhere. She always walked a little faster with an expression of annoyance, and her mother had to grumble at her to walk slowly. But Count Burns didn’t show any signs of being a nuisance. Rather, he seemed to enjoy it. If it’s a situation where you could enjoy this situation right now.

“You missed the show because of me.”

To get rid of the awkwardness, she lightly handed him an apology. She was saying this because they left during the performance. Count Burns stopped abruptly and smiled at her.

“I got something better, so that’s fine.”

Anything better? She was about to ask what it was, but Count Burns’ gaze turned somewhere. What? She turned my head after him and found the stairs.

“Did you see anyone you know?”

In response to her question, Count Burns stared at her without saying a word.

His expression seemed to be conflicting with something. Did he have any conflicts here and now? She was staring at Count Burns with a worried expression, not knowing what he was thinking about. Then he asked cautiously.

“Do you know where Lord Rencid is?”

“Awning? Will he be at his place?”

If it was the seat of Viscount Rencid, it was one floor below. Count Burns said in response to her reply.

“I was bothered by the rudeness from earlier. I want to apologize.”

That’s fortunate. Obviously, Count Burns, who met Awning before the performance, was very rude. She nodded her head and guided him to his seat.


When she went down one floor and reached the Renshid family’s seat, she knocked on the door and called for an Awning lightly. But no sound was heard. Did he even go to the bathroom? She was about to tell Count Burns that no one seemed to be there, but he stepped out.

“Sir Rencid, this is Elliot Burns. I want to apologize, can I come in?”

Count Burns said that, and he opened the door without hearing an answer.

It was so fast. There was no bird to dry. She was startled and tried to grab Count Burns, but he had already opened the door. As soon as the door burst open, she heard people rushing inside. Was Awning inside? She wanted to look inside, but Count Burns was so big she couldn’t see him at all.

She said, trying to push him away.

“Awning, are you in?”

Again, only silence came back. What was it? In her heart, she wanted to pinch Count Burns. A poke in his side didn’t budge, but a pinch wouldn’t respond. But that’s bad before being rude so she pushed Count Burns once more and asked for a favor.

“Could you please step aside?”

“How is it.”


At her request, Count Burns spoke without looking at her. He continued to ask, looking inward.

“Lady Biscon here is asking you to get out of the way. Shall I move?”

“Give me a moment.”

It was then that she heard Awning’s voice. Only then did he open his mouth and clear his throat several times before speaking again.

“Yu, Eugenie, are you there?”

There he was. She didn’t know what the hell these people were doing. She looked at Count Burns with a frown. But still his head was turned inward.

“What, do you need anything? So I mean…”

Why did she come? That hurt a bit. She answered, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Need a reason to come see my fiancé? I want to say hello to your friend.”

And Count Burns said he wanted to apologize. Unfortunately, she was a bit angry, so she remembered that later. Cunt Burns, who did not get out of the way, was also there, but why dd Awning not reflect his face?

“Uh, uh, that, yeah.”

Only then did Count Burns step aside. What did he do? She was impressed when she saw the same Awning as when they parted ways. Anyone who sees it would know that they killed and hid people in their seats. However, there was no space to hide a person in this seat, and it did not take that much time.

Awning also seemed to have no difference except that his face was slightly flushed. So did his friend. When she saw that Awning’s friend was not Marcel, she was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Awning.

Won’t he introduce himself?

Awning looked a little distraught. Originally, he should have introduced her to his friend. But Awning didn’t seem to want to introduce his friend, so she nodded her head to Awning’s friend and said.

“Nice to meet you. I am Eugenie Biscon.”

“Uh, I…”

“My friend.”

Only then did Awning intervene. Did he remember that he should introduce her now? As she looked up, Awning held out his hand as if trying to get her out.

“I’ll tell you later.”


Wasn’t he misunderstanding something? Or did he get sick somewhere? Surprised by Awning’s incomprehensible attitude, she looked at his friend. But Awning’s friend was also turning away from her.

“Because I am very shy. Sorry. We will talk later.”

In the end, at Awning’s urging, she had no choice but to return to the hallway with Count Burns. What was this, what the hell was this? She stood in a daze, not knowing which one to express first, anger toward the rude Awning, or sorry and shame toward Count Burns.

“I’m sorry, Lady Biscon.”

At that time, Count Burns opened his mouth first.


People started to come out as if it was time for a break. Count Burns quickly took her down the stairs and apologized again.

“Because I insisted on an apology. I seem to have troubled Lady Biscon and Sir Rencid.”

No. Count Burns was polite. It was rather Awning that was not polite. And come to think of it, he was always a little rude when he was involved with Count Burns. Wait, was Count Burns being rude to Awning because he was rude?

“Call me Eugenie.”

She said with a sigh. For the rudeness of Awning to him to be consumed with laughter, it would not be enough even if she and Count Burns were very close friends. Still, changing the title to something more friendly would help.

“Is it fine?”

Uh, she was about to nod her head at Count Burns’ question, but she stopped when she saw his face. Count Burns was really happy. His face seemed to light up when he said that he could only be called by name.

“Uh, sure.”

Stunned, she nodded her head. It’s just a nickname. When you get close, everyone calls you by name. But Count Burns looked as if he had received a great gift. He said with a bright expression.

“Please call me Elliott.”

Surprisingly, at the thought of calling Count Burns Elliot, she hesitated a bit. The only men she called by name were Oliver and Awning. After a bit of mental preparation, she opened her mouth.

“Yes, Elliot. I will apologize for the rudeness of Awning just now.”

The smile on Elliot’s face hesitated for a moment when he heard Awning’s name, then returned. As expected, she was offended by Awning’s attitude earlier. Come to think of it, why was he standing there blocking the door? It seemed like he was trying to prevent her from seeing him.


She was going to ask why when, in front of her eyes, a man she saw somewhere passed by.


He took a few more steps before she remembered where she had seen him. Wait, wasn’t he…?

“What happens?”

Elliot asked. She put her hand on his arm and turned her head. Where did he go? The figure of the man seemed to have disappeared among the people pouring out during the intermission.

“I saw that person.”

“Is that him?”

She put her hand over her mouth to speak in a low voice to the bewildered Elliot. Then he bowed his back.

“The man who hurt Viscount Aston. No, the man who is suspected of being so.”

Elliot turned his head and started looking in the direction she was looking at.

“What does he look like?”

“Uh, he was about this tall…”

He was about a head taller than her. It was of normal size. He has brown hair and is in his thirties. She stopped explaining to Elliot and grabbed his arm.

“Hey. That man.”

The figure of a man was revealed among the people. The moment she informed Elliot of the man, he and she collided.

“Let’s go in.”

Elliot nodded his head with a look that he knew who it was. How could this man know better than her? As they quickly returned to his seat, she heard Oliver talking to her mother.

“It is for dramatic production. I heard that women who actually joined the Order cut or tie their hair.”

She didn’t know what they’re talking about. When she said that she had been back, her mother raised the teacup and said,

“You are late. You missed the good part.”


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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Next post will be released on April, 20.

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  1. Nony says:

    Hmmmm. I wonder why Elliott didn’t step away and let her see. Is he trying to sow discord and mistrust so there is a clean break from Awning later?? Also, is she just dense…?

    1. RJR says:

      To be sincere, I wonder the same

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