Obsessed with Regressors

They didn’t take it very well, but only then did Viscount Patterson’s face begin to turn red. Eugenie slowly lowered her raised hand to stop Elliot. She, too, did not like the behavior of Duke Gumarot and Viscount Patterson. She asked Elliot why he accepted the duke’s invitation in the first place.

So far, those targeted by Viscount Patterson and Duke Gumarot had been helpless. Mostly because he was embarrassed, but sometimes even those who fought back like Elliot had no choice but to back down when Duke Germarot started supporting the Viscount. But just now Viscount Patterson had touched what he shouldn’t have touched. Eugenie corrected her stance and supported Elliot.

“I will, Viscount. You made a mistake.”

As Eugenie intervened, she turned her head to the Duke with Viscount Patterson’s flushed face. Seeing his gaze asking what to do, Ronald quickly turned his head.

You idiot, what are you trying to do if you look at me from here? He lamented inwardly that Otis Patterson had been so stupid. Not anywhere else, but in front of the king’s uncle, the Duke of Gumarot. She would have remembered only that if Elliot had been taken aback, everyone would have been taken aback by Count Burns. But Count Burns took it upon himself and asked the Duke what he thought of the Viscount’s words, and he had no choice but to respond.

“That’s right, Viscount. I’m dumbfounded. Hurry and take your words back.”

In the end, the Duke had no choice but to scold the Viscount. Then, this time, Otis felt unfair. He mocked Count Burns not because the Duke condoned it, but because he ordered it. He did as he instructed, but he scolded in front of people. With his face flushed red, Viscount Patterson couldn’t help but apologize.

“I made a mistake. I’m sorry, Duke.”

“Be careful next time.”

The Duke said so and signaled to the butler standing outside the door. When the butler moved at the signal to check if the meal was finished, Eugenie, who had no intention of ending the work so quickly, stepped out.

“You should also apologize to Count Burns.”

The movement of the people who were noticing how to react stopped. To apologize to Count Burns? People began to look curiously to see if Viscount Patterson would apologize.

Viscount Patterson looked at Eugenie, wondering if she was mocking him. However, her expression seemed to be taken for granted, and there was no sign of teasing or deliberately harassing the Viscount. Of course, Eugenie sincerely thought that Viscount Patterson and Duke Gumarot were at fault.

“My, I’m sorry.”

With his face flushed red, Viscount Patterson handed Elliot an apology. That was the first time he had apologized to the other person while working with the Duke.

Elliot laughed.

“I’m fine, but you better be careful. Unless you want to be arrested for contempt of royalty.”

Elliot’s joking words softened the atmosphere in the drawing room. Amidst the laughter of the people, the butler informed the Duke that the meal was ready.

“Let’s go to the restaurant now.”

Duke Gumarot recommended his guests to move on and then glanced at Viscount Patterson. The eyes of the two turned to Eugenie. It’s no surprise that she’s out there for Count Burns. Usually, when your partner was attacked, you would try to help. Besides, Eugenie Biscon was said to be a bit inflexible.

“Change the target.”

Ronald whispered that to Otis, who was approaching. Lady Biscon was skilled in aristocratic manners. It would be hard for them to attack Count Burns if she helped him. Then they might as well attack Lady Biscon. If they managed to anger Lady Biscon, they would trouble Count Burns and a troubled Count Burns would be easier to approach.

“I don’t know if it will suit your taste.”

When the food was served, the Duke said. Since it was the banquet of the Duke of Gumarot, only the finest ingredients were used, and the chef did his best to cook it. Of course, it was great food. The dishes ranged from whole duck and chicken baked inside a goose, to a pie baked with large chunks of mushrooms and beef, and a whole steamed cod topped with a garnish. Of course, there were also small meals. From potato salad with plenty of cream, to cakes made with various fruits, to cheese with dried fruits and nuts.

“I feel lucky to have such great food.”

People unanimously said that it was great. It was actually very tasty too.

“How about Count Burns? I don’t know if it will fit in your mouth.”

The Duke asked Elliot, who hadn’t touched the food yet. Whatever he said, he was going to laugh at him. If he said it was delicious, he was going to ask if it tasted better than the royal palace, and if he said it was okay, he was going to say that he was looking forward to the banquet held by Elliot because his taste was so advanced. Of course, he didn’t think in the slightest that he would answer no.

“The outer knife.”

Eugenie quickly whispered to Elliott. She thought the reason he didn’t touch the food was because he didn’t know what tableware to use. Elliot, as Eugenie had told him, picked up her outermost knife and fork. And he cut up the goose and duck so that he could taste them all, put them in his mouth and then said.

“Delicious. Although it’s worse than where I live now.”

At his answer, the restaurant went cold for a moment. But right away, Eugenie burst into laughter. That was a pretty witty answer. Especially for Eugenie, who thought that Duke Gumarot would mock Elliot.

Others started laughing as well, realizing that Elliot was staying at the palace. Everyone thought Elliot was witty. Thanks to that, the Duke could not help but laugh along with the people. He told Count Burns to hide his bitterness.

“You are a very interesting person.”

“Thank you for looking at me like that.”

Cleverly, Elliot said so and she began to eat while Duke Gumarlot held back his desire to expel or kill Count Burns at any moment.

Because the Duchess insisted that he should ask Elliot what happened to their son.

They lost contact with their son, who was on a trip to northern Senende, last week after a letter he sent. Even the servants accompanying his son, the mercenaries hired by him, and even his son’s friends, no one contacted. The Duchess, unable to know the fate of her only son, collapsed, and the Duke secretly set out to find him. An idiot has offended Daaribhorn, and it’s very likely that it’s his son, so he had no choice but to find it secretly.

Of course, he had no intention of appealing to Count Burns in order to inquire about his son’s whereabouts. He was the Duke of Gumarot. He was the current King’s uncle and the head of Balxian’s only Duchy.

“I recently heard an unbelievable story.”

Viscount Patterson opened his mouth as the Duke winked. He was a bit offended by the Duke’s actions just now, but he had to go ahead with what he had planned for today. He continued, thinking that he was very loyal.

“Viscount Aston.”

“Oh, I know. It is truly tragic.”

Even so, the case of Viscount Aston came as a shock to the social world. Everyone was worried about the alleged attack by an intruder the day after the ball.

Eugenie also nodded. Of all the people there, she probably knew the case the most closely. But she wouldn’t say anything.

“I heard from someone I trust and the culprit could be pretty close.”

People’s eyes sparkled at Otis’ words. Was the culprit nearby? If so, it means family, friends, or lovers. Either way, it was a stimulating situation, and socialites liked to talk about it.

“What do you think, Lady Biscon?”

When the arrow suddenly returned to him, Eugenie, who was sipping his tea, looked at Otis in surprise. ‘What do you think?’ She spoke cautiously, not knowing what he meant by asking.

“It is really scary. I need to be careful.”

“Lady Biscon is said to be quite acquainted with Lord Aston.”

Jake Aston’s name came up. And he just said that the culprit was pretty close. People’s eyes started colliding. Why was Viscount Patterson talking like that? The glances of ‘Perhaps?’ were quickly exchanged, and Eugenie said calmly.

“I am not friendly with Lord Aston, but with Viscount Aston. To be precise, my father, not me, is acquainted with Viscount Aston.”

“But didn’t Sir Aston court Lady Viscon?”

“I am engaged to Lord Rencid.”

“But you’re here with Count Burns.”

Eugenie’s eyes sharpened at Viscount Patterson’s frank words. She quickly realized that the target of the Duke and Viscount had become herself. And she wondered why the two of them attacked Count Burns to such an extent.

She knew that Viscount Patterson and the Duke of Gummarotte enjoyed making fun of people of little influence. Naturally, she thought they would attack Count Burns. But in order to attack Count Burns, they attacked Count Biscon’s daughter, Eugenie?

That was only possible if the two of them had a deep need for Elliot. Eugenie put down the teacup and said.

“I was asked a favor. I was taught that it was polite. Do you disagree, Viscount?”

“I don’t attack people when asked.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Eugenie was taken aback by the Viscount’s smirking words and asked. But while she was embarrassed, people started whispering again.

“So you’re saying that it was Lord Aston who attacked Viscount Aston?”

“Looks like Lady Biscon helped.”

“Oh my gosh.”

Nonsense stories spread as if they were true. It was even more so because the opponent was Viscount Patterson. Then, Elliot stepped out.

“It is strange. So, are you saying that Lady Biscon here attacked Viscount Aston?”

Elliot’s straightforward words made the restaurant quiet as if cold water had been poured on them. Elliot looked at Eugenie and burst into laughter at her as if it was nonsense. Then he said to Viscount Patterson.

“Viscount, you need to do some exercise.”

“What, what?”

Viscount Patterson put on a bewildered expression at the sudden noise. Elliot continued to laugh as if he couldn’t contain his laughter.

“So, don’t you think the Viscount could be attacked by Lady Biscon and rendered unconscious? No, how powerless…”

At the end, his words were muffled from laughing, but people clearly recognized what he was saying. Laughter soon erupted in the dining room.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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Next post will be released on March, 14.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    hee hee

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