Obey like a Dog


As he wrapped his arms around Seohee’s neck and muttered while pressing his lips together, a vibration occurred in Seohee’s lips.

Hmph, as she swallowed, Lee Hyun bit Seo Hee’s lower lip with his lips as if he was displeased. As if they were breathing together, his tongue brushed against her front teeth and gently swept over the roof of her mouth.

Seohee unconsciously wrapped her arms around Hyun’s neck. Hyun chuckled at the familiar action and held his breath.

Seohee followed Lee Hyun’s breathing as if it was natural.


As Seo-hee tilted her head back with a faint sigh, Lee Hyun held on to her tightly.

A variety of emotions played on his monotonous face. The desire suppressed under his black eyes slowly blossomed. Lee Hyun explored Seo Hee’s lips without hesitation.

He bit it lightly, then brushed it gently, then when he could finally breathe, he entangled his tongue with it, craving saliva. He sucked it eagerly as if it were the elixir of life, then rubbed the bottom of his tongue hard.

Seohee couldn’t dare to push him away because of the dizzying sensation. Her body tilted little by little, and Lee Hyeon’s upper body was completely pressed against her.

Seo-hee, who was now lying on the bed, quickly followed Lee-hyeon’s movements. Lee-hyeon’s pupils dilated at the sight of her softly disheveled hair and hazy brown eyes.

He pushed his upper body a little further, completely pressing his lower abdomen against hers. At the same time, tears welling up in Seohee’s left eye flowed down.

Lee Hyun, who had been staring blankly, pushed his tongue in as if he couldn’t accept it. He repeated putting it in and taking it out so earnestly that it almost reminded her of an act, and Seohee fell halfway.

Her eyelashes fluttered. Hyun Lee suddenly sat up and poured strawberry juice into his mouth.

He came up to the bed and supported Seohee’s sagging chin with his right hand, then pushed his tongue out.

A familiar sweet scent flowed through the tips of their tongues. Seohee hung onto the back of Lee Hyeon’s neck like a thirsty person.

“Hey, Lee Hyun.”

Suddenly, Hyun Lee stopped moving at the words that Seohee blurted out as if it were a habit.

When the thing he had been desperately searching for began to dig in familiarly again, Lee Hyeon suddenly lost his sense of reason.

I was really horny. Lee Hyun secretly rubbed his lower body against Seo Hee’s lower abdomen and licked the tip of her chin.

Oh, ah, he moved his lips quickly while swallowing every single moan that Seohee let out. He stroked her earlobe with one hand and rubbed his tongue along the nape of her neck, causing Seohee to tremble helplessly.

“Huh… … .”

As Seohee’s moans became louder, Lee Hyun continued to suck her persistently. The dog that found its owner seemed to be reckless and impatient.

He licked her tongue several times as if it was going to be pulled out, then buried his face in Seohee’s collarbone and opened her gown with one hand.

Lee Hyun, who had his upper body erect, growled in satisfaction as he looked at her pale skin. He rubbed Seohee’s plump chest and collarbone hard, like a dog marking its territory.

Seohee put her fingers into Lee Hyeon’s hair and moaned as his soft lips gently bit her smooth skin.

Lee Hyun’s left hand, which had been rubbing her knee, lightly swept her thigh and immediately advanced forward. As Seo Hee’s legs, dressed in a hospital gown, spread open towards Lee Hyun, he let out a sharp breath.

The red flesh hidden under her underwear was so beautiful that I could picture it even with my eyes closed. How sweet it was. How ecstatic it was.

The place that had captured me several times beckoned me to come quickly. My lower abdomen hardened and my lower body became tense.

Lee Hyun buried his face in hers. The lips that had been gently stroking her thighs sucked in strongly, drawing blood, and then rushed upwards.

In reaction, Seo-hee’s arm that was wrapping around Lee Hyeon’s neck fell limply. Lee Hyeon grabbed Seo-hee’s wrist that was hanging down as if he was about to thrust in earnest.

Ah, as Seohee rustled, his pitch-black eyes, half-turned, slowly touched her wrist.

Lee Hyun’s eyes shook greatly at the needle marks covering her bare wrist.

Crazy bastard. He bit his lip so hard that he could taste the pungent taste of blood, and straightened Seohee’s half-open gown.

Lee Hyeon, who was staring blankly at Seo Hee’s stomach, rubbed her stomach a couple of times with his big hand. Then he brushed back Seo Hee’s disheveled hair.


Seohee, who realized her actions belatedly, lightly bit her lips.


Why doesn’t he feel like a stranger? Why does it feel so natural? It wasn’t something I could do with someone I’d only known for a day.

When Seo-hee fluttered her eyelids as if she had lost her mind, Lee-hyeon swept the area under her eyes as if to console her.


Lee Hyun, who was looking into her clouded brown eyes, lifted her chin with one hand.

Lee Hyun’s eyes, like a pitch-black night sky without a single star, absorbed her anxiety.

“You are completely okay.”

Those were magical words.

The deep, low-mid tones cleared her clouded mind. Nevertheless, Seohee’s hands still trembled slightly.

When I first saw him, Lee Hyun wrapped his arms around me. As if that wasn’t enough, he tightly intertwined our fingers.

Strangely, her pounding heart calmed down. As Seo-hee’s breathing slowly became calm, Lee-hyeon laid her down and tidied up the blanket.

“Okay, you should sleep now.”

He stroked her forehead with his free hand and gave her a light kiss. It was so natural, like it was something he did every day.

Seohee quickly fell asleep, as if she had lost her mind.

Even after the eyes that had been looking at him completely closed, Lee Hyun did not leave his seat for a long time. The dawn was dimly lit.

* * *

The VIP ward dressing room was larger than the hotel room. Lee Hyun, who was pressing his forehead, unbuttoned his shirt with his right hand. Then he put on the shirt that was hanging. It was the same black shirt he had taken off.

Once, twice. He folded his sleeves precisely and roughly brushed his wet hair with his hands.

〈Hey, can I dry your hair? I think it would be okay if you let your bangs down.〉

One day, Seo-hee came to me and said she wanted to touch my hair. She had a pretty smile, so Hyun grabbed the back of Seo-hee’s hair without hesitation and rushed over towards her.

He sucked everything in without leaving a single breath, as if telling her not to come near him, not to dare open her mouth.

In the end, looking at Seo-hee who had fallen so low that she couldn’t even lift a finger on his head, Lee-hyun without any regrets straightened up his bangs. Without leaving a single strand behind.

Don’t expect even a single hair’s breadth of hope. Lee Hyun drew the line, saying that small hopes were not appropriate.

Since then, Seohee has repeated the same behavior every morning. Obsessively, sometimes stubbornly. As if she was determined to see him go to work with his hairs done by her.

Hyun Lee, who was recalling the memory, snickered. Then he gently stroked the back of his neck where Seohee had wrapped her arms around him the night before.

“Should I ask you to dry my hair?”

Then, will you come running in naturally like yesterday?

Now you can do whatever you want with my bangs. If you tell me to let my bangs down, I can let them down, and if you tell me to put them up, I can put them up.

As if anticipating her actions, Lee Hyun lowered his face closer. Then he carefully stroked Seohee’s cheek as she was sleeping.

“I will be back.”

Hyun Lee chewed his lips because the words he had never said before felt so unfamiliar.

As he turned and nodded, a tall woman in a navy suit approached him, while nodding. It was Shin A-ram, Seo-hee’s assistant.

“Mistakes are not tolerated.”

Lee Hyun spoke coldly and left the hospital room. As soon as he left the door, Seungho followed him as if he had been waiting.

“Did you get some sleep?”

He noticed Lee hyun’s tired face and asked him cautiously, but Lee Hyeon did not answer. Then Seungho added.

“We have prepared a conference room in the next ward.”

There were two reasons why Lee Hyun had to clear the entire floor. One was to handle the work without leaving Seohee’s side, and the other was to remove unnecessary risk factors.

“Director Song’s side.”

“We have done as you said. We are investigating quite deeply how your wife was hiding her identity, but we have taken measures to ensure that no personal information, including personal details, is leaked.”

As Hyun Lee entered, the secretaries who had been waiting stood up. He nodded and sat down.

“But they must have heard by now that she were admitted to Gayoon Hospital. Should we strictly control entry and exit?”

At Seungho’s words, Lee Hyeon slowly stroked his neck.

“No. I’d be happy to welcome them if they visit.”

Let’s see with our own eyes how long we can maintain the empty position of Chairman. Lee Hyun’s black eyes grew cold like the desert night.

“Instead, place thorough security guards and don’t let anyone in except for Director Song.”

Even the doctor’s were refused.

Next, when Seungho winked at Lee Hyeon’s dry voice, the secretary next to him opened his mouth.

“Director Song said he is working behind the scenes to prepare for an emergency board meeting.”


“I heard that CEO Jin Hee-young is looking for news about your wife here and there. I think they heard news about your wife. What should I do if they rush to the hospital room?”

“Let them in. Let’s see what she has to say.”

Whether it was an excuse, a threat, or something else, I had to hear it clearly now.

The veins on Lee Hyun’s forehead stood out. Seungho noticed and added his words.

“Your wife had an accident, sir.”

At the word accident, Lee Hyeon’s throat tightened.

“It seems like it will take some time to identify the culprit.”

Seungho lowered his head and put down the pad.


Lee Hyun’s hands were calm as he turned the page, but they were also quite slow. Seungho realized that Lee Hyun’s state of mind was quite uncomfortable as he repeated each and every letter.

“There were three people who met Seohee before her accident.”

Not two, but three. Lee Hyeon recited with his hands clasped together.


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