Obey like a Dog

There was no mercy in the pitch-black eyes that turned their backs on Seo-hee. The hospital director lowered his head and quickly corrected his words.

“Representative Yoon. I have confirmed the chart sent by the secretary. First of all, according to the opinion of the director of the Brain and Nerve Center… … .”

As the conversation grew longer, Lee Hyun’s face grew cold. Lee Hyun, who had turned his back on the director, couldn’t take his eyes off Seo Hee’s eyes, which were getting increasingly bigger.

Although some additional tests are needed, CT and MRI are necessary for consultation while pregnant. We plan to consult with an obstetrician/gynecologist.

Seo-hee nodded mechanically at the hospital director’s kind explanation, and Lee-hyun rubbed the back of his neck as if he was displeased.

Not knowing that the people standing in line were tense, Lee Hyun asked Seo Hee.

“How will we do it?”

The voice asking for advice was extremely soft.

“Inspection, they said I had to do it.”

I was in a hazy state, but I heard clearly. They said I needed additional tests. And not from an obstetrician/gynecologist, but from the brain department.

“I don’t think you’re in a good condition right now.”

Lee Hyun patted her cheek while pushing back her flowing hair.

The voice he spoke to Seo-hee was gentle, and the hands he used to treat her were affectionate, but the hearts of the medical staff lined up felt cold.

They felt like he indirectly said he heard them too much. The patient was tired and there was no need or ability to conduct an examination right away.

“If there is a test that absolutely must be done right now… … .”

Seohee said, blinking her eyes with strength in her eyelids.


Lee Hyun, who had been gazing down from below, raised his head and looked at her. It was unclear whether it was intentional, but this time, he was almost kneeling.

“You can do whatever you want.”

Lee Hyun tried to lure her in like a whisper. However, when Seo Hee did not respond easily, he asked the medical staff from behind.

“Isn’t that so?”

At the sound of the cold air dripping down, the hospital director coughed briefly and exchanged glances with the medical staff.

“If you don’t have any immediate discomfort, you can take a break from the examination. Do you have a severe stomachache or headache?”

Seohee shook her head. After thinking for a moment, she opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

“I want to rest.”

That one word was enough. Lee Hyun sent out all the people lined up, and Seo Hee took a shower. As soon as she got into the warm water, she felt so tired that she felt like she might collapse at any moment.

“Hey, Mr. Hyun.”

The door opened without any knock. As if he had been waiting for me. When I came to my senses, I was in his arms again.

“Just dry your hair and go to sleep.”

Lee Hyun passed the bed and put Seohee down on the sofa in the middle of the room. Then he brought a dryer and dried her hair.

“You shouldn’t catch a cold.” The low voice worried about me sounded like a lullaby. Seohee’s heavy eyelids closed, unable to control their strength.

Lee Hyun, who had been staring blankly at the sleeping Seo-hee, moved her body. When he opened the door to the hospital room, which was more luxurious than a hotel suite, the hospital director who had been waiting bowed his head flatly.

“Please empty everything.”


“Wat do you mean?” the hospital director asked reflexively.

“The entire VIP ward, empty it all out.”

As if telling him not to make him say it twice, Lee Hyun rubbed his throat.

“That, that’s too much… … . It’s for the convenience of other patients, and don’t you know? Gayoon Hospital’s VIP ward is so popular that even members of the National Assembly have to wait… … .”

As the hospital director continued to speak in detail, Lee Hyun leaned against the door and placed his hand on his forehead.

“There’s a VIP room in the cancer ward where Chairman Yoon Jeong-hwan is barely holding on to his breath.”

He said to figure out how to handle it, whether you use that ward or another one. As the hospital director nodded while Lee Hyun’s eyebrows slowly furrowed, Seungho, who was next to him, gave an order.

“There is no need for the existing VIP room security. Please withdraw them all.”

Hearing those words, Lee Hyeon quietly entered the hospital room where Seo Hee was sleeping.


* * *

On top of a tall building overlooking the city lights, Yoon Ji-hoon, holding a glass of Macallan Sherry Oak 25 Years Old, shook the glass as if he was going to spill the whiskey.

“So in the end, Yoon lee-Hyun found Jin Seo-Hee.”

She was saved and was here again, that Jin Seo-hee? Why is it Yoon lee-hyun again this time?

The sound of ice melting in a whiskey glass vividly rang in my ears.

On a large screen that filled one wall, complicated information such as the succession plan for the Gayoon Group, the succession of the Gayoon Group, and the separation of affiliates were poured out.

Ji-hoon’s gaze was fixed on the headline, ‘Yoon Lee-hyun, the eldest son of Gayoon Group who was said to be dead.’

From being the only crown prince of Gayoon to being the second son who only takes care of the property.

He took a sip of sherry and slammed the glass in his hand on the table. Red blood flowed down his left hand.

It was sad enough that he had become the second son overnight, but Ji-hoon could not accept the fact that he had to lose to Jin Seo-hee, whom he had worked hard to obtain.

“No, if I lose to Jin Seo-hee now, will I lose Gayoon Group too?”

Ji-hoon, who was rubbing the nameplate with his bloody hands that was marred by broken shards, suddenly froze at the realization that had occurred to him.

Yoon Ji-hoon, president of the fashion department of Gayoon Trading Company. He looked at his name and threw the nameplate on the floor.

The woman who had been sleeping on the sofa raised her head blankly at the loud noise. Ji-hoon stepped on the nameplate with his foot without even looking in that direction.

“Yoon Lee-Hyun.”

It was all mine. Gayoon Group, and even Jin Seo-hee. If it weren’t for Yoon lee-hyun who suddenly showed up.

Ji-hoon, who was carving the nameplate with a cold gaze, stroked the waist of the woman lying face down on the sofa.

“Secretary Kim.”

When Ji-hoon called softly, a woman in a neat suit turned halfway and responded.


I told you I don’t like anything black.

Ji-hoon came closer and licked the nape of her neck, which was revealed through her tied hair, with his tongue and grabbed it tightly with one hand.

Then, as if he didn’t like it, he roughly pulled on the hair tie. Her long hair fell down to her waist.

As Ji-hoon, who was pressing down on her from behind, moved his hand past her shoulder and towards her front, Se-young rubbed her body against him as if she had been waiting for it.

“Mr. Ji-Hoon.”

Without even cleaning up the lipstick that had been smeared by his hands, she pressed her lips to Ji-hoon’s shoulder.

Ji-hoon pulled Se-young’s face away from him, his fingers running through her loose hair. She swallowed her groan and smiled.

Their breathing was intertwined as if their lips were about to touch. Ji-hoon unbuttoned the button of her blouse with his right hand.

“There’s nothing you can do about your fashion sense.”

“Ji-hoon sir.”

“I told you not to wear such black clothes.”

Seyoung chuckled at the words that were blurted out in displeasure.

If you don’t wear it like this, you’ll be fired for violating the rules.

The person who set the dress code for the secretary’s office at Gayoon Trading Company as all-black suits was none other than Ji-hoon.

Seyoung noticed that he was acting moody as usual because he was in a rather bad mood, so she unbuttoned her shirt with her own hands.

In an instant, the convex chest line stood out. Seyoung leaned her upper body forward and placed her hand on Jihoon’s red shirt.

Ji-hoon’s gaze lingered on Se-young’s eyes, which were shining a soft brown color.

One, two, three. Ji-hoon, who had been still the whole time, suddenly grabbed Se-young’s wrist at the fourth button.

“I told you to not to act like a cheapskate.”

Seyoung’s expression hardened at the dry, emotionless words. Normally, she would have backed off, but she hugged Jihoon’s waist tightly from behind as he turned around.

Her hand moved lower and lower. When the hand that had been rubbing his belt came forward, his eyes was filled with anger.

Ji-hoon looked at Se-young’s plump chest and then at her flowing hair. He walked slowly and came back with scissors from the desk.

“Hey, Ji-Hoon.”

Seyoung froze, looking flustered. Then Jihoon, while bending his upper body, spoke.

“It’s long, Seyoung.”

With a single, unhesitating touch, her long hair fell to the floor.

Ji-hoon, who had been shaking his head several times, stood with his arms crossed and looked at Se-young’s face, which was shaking anxiously.

Jihoon, who was looking at the frozen Seyoung, lifted her chin.

Ji-hoon cut Se-young’s hair without any hesitation. The hair that had grown down to her waist was now close to short hair.

“Still, you don’t look alike to her.”

Jin Seo-hee wasn’t that scared of me, like Se-young.

Ji-hoon muttered in a desolate tone. Se-young, who was looking at the scissors touching her neck, hid her trembling hands and hugged his neck.

As she hastily brought my lips to his, Ji-hoon quickly pulled away.

“That’s why you can’t do it.”

One of the brown eyes resembles Jin Seo-hee, so I put her next to me and it looks like it’s crawling onto me now.

Ji-hoon tapped Se-young’s cheek with his finger and turned around.

“This is a price to make peace.”

Ji-hoon threw the check on the floor as if it was the price he had paid for all the fun he had with her.

Reconciliation? Ji-hoon had been biting and licking her body and being truly sadistic, but he never allowed her to touch his body. Not even a single bit of her lip.

Seyoung scratched the floor with her fingernails. She lifted her head and grabbed Jihoon’s trouser leg.

“If it’s not enough, then I will give you more.”

Knock, knock. All that fell in front of her was a check.

“You don’t have to come to work tomorrow, Secretary Kim.”

Bang, Ji-hoon closed the door as if he had no regrets.

* * *

Seohee, who had been fast asleep, opened her eyes, unable to overcome the feeling of uneasiness.

It was dark outside, as if it was the middle of the night. I wiped my face with one hand, and my dazed gaze cleared.

“Are you sick?”

It was Lee Hyun. My heart, which had been beating fast with anxiety, calmed down at his presence. Lee Hyun touched my forehead with the back of his hand.

“You have a slight fever.”

Seohee blankly stared at his frowning forehead with concern.

Lee Hyun turned on the table lamp and moved to press the nurse call button. Seo Hee grabbed his wrist and shook her head.

“I need to go to the bathroom… … .”

My right abdomen hurt a little. I felt uneasy, as if something was flowing down there.

As I stood up with my legs down, Lee Hyun moved as if to hug me again. I shook my head to reject his actions.

I didn’t want you to hug me right now because I was uncomfortable.


Seohee’s face turned pale as she entered the bathroom. Ever since she heard she was pregnant, she had been having vaginal discharges often, so she thought it was the same this time.

But what is this brown blood?

What should I do? Seohee covered her mouth with both hands. Ah. Her head turned cold.


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