Number One Chef in the Intergalactic Era

NOC Chapter 7 (Part 1)

While the brothers were rejoicing in successfully buying the fruit, Bella at home was also waiting in anticipation. Just now Blake sent a message that they have already ordered her desired item and is coming back home. Just the thought of being able to eat a fruit again brought a huge grin to her face. How long has it been since she ate something humane! Only a few days and she’s already tired of having that tasteless nutrition liquid. Finally, she could eat something edible!



As Bella paced back and forth at the giddy feeling, the sound of the brothers entering the home was announced by the house assistant. Bella stopped pacing and looked at the door of the living room with expectant eyes. The moment Blake and Berson appeared at the living room’s door, without even greeting them she asked,



“Where’s the fruit?”



Both Blake and Berson became a bit surprised but soon shook their heads. It seems their sister is really enthusiastic about this fruit thing. They better reveal it to her quickly.




“Here it is.”



Blake showed the package that arrived just as they reached their house. The package was medium in size, wrapped in maroon wrappers. But the wrappers didn’t seem like they were made of paper but something else. It was shiny as if made of some kind of metal. The package was also quite heavy as they ordered a lot. So rather than handing it to Bella, Blake walked over to the table surrounded by the sofas in the living room and put it on top of it.





Bella could hardly control her excitement from jumping over and opening the package. Following Blake to the table, she saw him putting it on the table. Before Blake could even sit on the sofa, Bella quickly opened her mouth.




“Can I open it now?”






Blake chuckled and nodded. He sat down on the sofa as he saw Bella approaching the package with quick steps and began to examine it. Her eyes opened wide as her hands landed on the surface of the package. The package was cool in touch and had a metal texture. But when she pressed her finger, it bent inside just like rubber. Bella rubbed her jaw in contemplation. Her golden hair shook back and forth as she tilted her head, pondering how to open the package. Just then, Berson stepped forward and tilted the package a little before touching the bottom of it. Before Bella could ask what he was doing, the wrapper literally unwrapped itself by recoiling itself inside.




Bella’s jaw dropped at the scene. But soon she closed her mouth. She forgot for a moment that she was currently in an advanced world where humans just have to breathe to live, the other things would be done by technology. As the wrapper vanished itself, a grey box was revealed underneath. The box was closed and as Bella tried to open it, she realised there was no lid. It was a completely enclosed box which confused her greatly. If there’s no lid, how would she open it then?



“Um…. Brother Blake, how do I open it?”




Bella touched the box left and right but still couldn’t find any lid to open it. Blake who was observing her smiled and replied,




“It’s voice activated dear. Just say ‘Open’ and it will open.”




“Oh, I see….”



Bella nodded in understanding before doing just as Blake said.






The top of the box became transparent before Bella could blink her eyes and slowly slid to the left side. With wide eyes Bella saw the box opening, revealing the contents inside. Bella’s excitement grew as she peered inside but the moment her eyes landed on the contents inside the box, she froze. As if a bucket of water was poured over her, she stared at the things inside with blank eyes. Twitching the corner of her mouth, she couldn’t help but ask,




“Brother Blake, what did you actually order?”




Blake was about to yawn when his action stopped at her question. He looked at the box, then at Bella’s speechless face before hesitantly replying,



“Hmm…. strawberry?”




Bella opened her mouth before closing them again with a sigh. She wanted to facepalm but she knew that the situation wouldn’t change even if she scolds them for being stupid. Well, technically they aren’t stupid. They just didn’t know how strawberries look like, that’s why they made a mistake and ordered a bunch of tomatoes.




That’s right, what Blake ordered wasn’t strawberries but tomatoes instead.




Forget it, tomatoes are also considered fruit, right? Besides, with tomatoes I can make some dishes too. Although I’ll need more ingredients for that. Where did they order them from anyways? 




Picking up a tomato, Bella examined it. The bright red colour of the tomato looked tempting. It looked fresh, as if it was picked up from the plant just before the packaging. The skin was glossy with a bright crimson luster. The tomato in her hand, including the other ones in the box was of medium size. Giving a gentle rub on the red skin, Bella took a bite of the tomato.



Immediately, a juicy texture of sweet and sour taste exploded in her mouth. Bella almost cried, how much she missed the real taste of food. But she was having a bit trouble chewing them. Because the body of hers wasn’t accustomed to food and had never had food before, her teeth wasn’t used to chewing. Thus, her gum started to hurt just after a few bites.



Well, that’s expected. I just hope that my other ingestive organs are fine…..







Just as she was about to swallow, the half chewed tomato got stuck in her throat. Patting herself on the chest, she tried hard to swallow them anyhow.








“Oh no Bella, what happened?”



“Spit it out! Quickly spit it out!”



“Bella, can you spit it out please?”



Seeing her struggling, both the brothers began to panic. They had a hunch that this thing called ‘strawberry’ would be bad for her health but they didn’t expect it to be this bad. They wanted to stop her from eating the thing but they themselves were awed by the appearance of the thing, that’s why they noticed it late that Bella had already taked a bite. If they knew before, they would have certainly stopped her. Now all they wished is too make her spit the thing out as soon as possible.



Water, I need water!



“Berson, do something!”



“What can I do? I, myself are helpless here.”



“W, water….”



“Water? Oh, wait a moment!”



With great speed, Blake sped to the nearest wall where a screen was embedded on the wall. His fingers flew on the panel as he typed his desired item. It took less then five seconds for a box like shape to appear from the panel with a bottle of water in it. Blake immediately snatched the item and sped back to the still struggling Bella. He quickly unscrewed the cap and hovered the bottle near her lips.




Bella opened her mouth with struggle and quickly took a few sips. As the water entered her mouth, the dry place became a bit slippery, making it easy for her to swallow. After a few try, she successfully swallowed the half chewed food. The feeling as the food slid down to her esophagus was weird but she tried hard to not show it.




“Are you alright, Bella?”




Blake rubbed her head as he asked with concern. If something had happened to her now, their parents would have killed him and his brothers. Fortunately, nothing seemed to happen to her. Letting out a sigh of relief inwardly, he took a tissue from his pocket and began to wipe Bella’s forehead.



“I’m, I’m fine….”



“You shouldn’t have eaten it without knowing what it could do Bella. That was dangerous.”



“I’m sorry Brother Blake, Brother Berson. I thought it was okay to eat it.”



“How could it be okay?” Berson said as he shook his head. “Remember that we aren’t accustomed to food. So any kind of food is poison to us.”



“That’s it. I’m going to throw this bunch of garbage.”






Just as Blake declared to throw the package away, Bella immediately screamed her denial. Both the brothers became surprised at her strong refusal.




“But Bella, these are dangerous for you. They aren’t even edible.”



“That’s because I ate them without cooking. Tomorrow I’ll cook them and show you that they’re actually edible.”









Both the brothers opened their eyes in confusion and muttered together. At Bella’s affirmation, they looked at each other with questioning eyes. They could see the same question was floating in both of their minds.



What is cooking?







A/N: No excuse for the suuuuper late update. I apologize. But again, there’s no guarantee when I’ll post a new chapter. So, I beg your pardon in advance.




Happy reading ♥️♥️



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