Number One Chef in the Intergalactic Era

“What about Pianta?”

Berson asks. As far as he knows, Pianta is a planet that deals with trees and works as a farm or greenhouse for the whole galaxy. People of the planet not only grow various kinds of trees but the planet is also used as a yearly meeting place for all the species of the galaxy. Except for this, it’s also one of the planets, or maybe the only planet that puts emphasis on food. The planet plays many purposes so there’s no one in the whole galaxy who hasn’t heard of its name.

“That’s where I contacted. But they are making it a bit difficult.”

Blake finishes with a sigh. It was Pianta where he contacted first to get fruits for Bella. But the authorities of the planet are very strict. They were asking some unnecessary questions such as why is he buying the food, does he plan to eat it, does he have the approval of his doctor, where’s the approval documents etc. Blake also answered all of them truthfully but the more honest he became, the more complicated their questions became. It was frustrating to say the least, that’s why he was sighing the whole time. After a lot of debate, they finally gave him permission to access their website. But now he has got another problem. How does the fruit ‘strawberry’ look again?

“Don’t they have the names written at the bottom of every fruit?”

Berson asks curiously. Although he has never accessed Pianta planet’s website, he at least knows that it’s the norm of all the other websites that sell things to write the name of the product at the bottom of the picture. But the problem is different websites have different designs and different ways to function. And Blake is having a hard time finding the fruit ‘strawberry’ on the website of Pianta.

“There’s no name written on the bottom of the pictures. What should I do now?”

Blake shows a series of pictures to Berson on his floating panel and asks. The pictures shown on the screen were various kinds of fruits and vegetables but the problem is he knows nothing about them at all. He won’t even be able to tell apart vegetables from fruits, let alone buy a certain fruit.

“Click the ‘Search’ bar. Maybe it can help you.”

Berson points to the top of the webpage at the ‘Search’ bar and suggests. Normally if you don’t find something you are searching for, the ‘Search’ bar helps a lot. Blake also knew this so he clicked on the ‘Search’ bar at Berson’s suggestion.

Another three bars popped up as he clicked on the ‘Search’ bar. On top was a bar named ‘Name’, probably where he has to put the name of the fruits or vegetables or plants he is searching. Blake clicks on the bar and writes ‘strawberry’ there.

On the bottom of the first bar there’s a bar named ‘Category’ where he has to choose which type of thing he’s searching for. As Blake clicks on it, a series of options pops up. There are ‘Vegetables’, ‘Fruits’, ‘Plants’ and many other options there. Since Blake heard from Bella that ‘strawberry’ is a fruit, he clicks on the ‘Fruit’ option.

At the bottom of the webpage there’s another bar named ‘Description’. And this is where both the brothers got stuck. They only know the name of the fruit and the category but they never saw it with their eyes. Then how will they describe it?

“So, what now?”

“If I knew, I would have told you already.”

Both brothers sigh at the same time. After all is said and done, they are stuck again. They don’t know how the fruit ‘strawberry’ looks. And they won’t be able to search for it, let alone buy it if they don’t write the description.

“I think I know how it looks. The fruit ‘strawberry’.”

Berson says after a long hesitation. He once saw an advertisement of Esmond planet that had opened a new restaurant. There he saw a round red coloured fruit being chopped up and thrown into a bowl. He can’t remember the name of the fruit clearly but he has a hunch that the red round fruit is actually ‘strawberry’.

“Really? How does it look then?”

Blake asks with hope. If they can put the description of the fruit, it will be much easier for them to find it and buy it. Under Blake’s expectant gaze, Berson closes his eyes and tries hard to remember the appearance of the fruit.

“It was…round and….red. Yes, it’s a small fruit with a red round body.”

Berson says firmly as he opens his eyes. Blake has already filled in the description and as soon as Berson opened his eyes, he clicked the ‘Search’ button at the left bottom of the webpage. Both the brothers look at the loading webpage with expectant looks. But all their hope breaks when this words pops up at the newly loaded webpage

‘The description you entered doesn’t match the name and category.’

“What, what the…?”

The brothers blink their eyes at the words in confusion, but the words didn’t change. In the end, they can only question each other.

“Are you sure your description is right?”

“Are you sure the name you put is right?”

After questioning each other at the same time, they close their mouths. They finally understood that either one of them is wrong or both. But the problem is they don’t know who is wrong, or what’s wrong in what they know.

“I am sure the name I put is right. It’s Bella who told me the name.”

Blake replies with confidence. He himself didn’t know any fruit’s name but he was proud that his sister, who was considered an autistic just a few days ago, knows the name of a fruit. The fact that Bella can be wrong never appeared in his mind.

“But Bella….she just learned how to speak a few days ago. How can she know the name of a fruit? She only reads the book we gave her and there’s no food or fruit encyclopedia there. Don’t you think it’s strange that she knows a fruit’s name? She can be wrong, right?”

“That…makes sense.”

Blake hesitantly agrees. Berson has hit the nail on the head. The chances of Bella knowing the name of a fruit is low because she has never even heard the word ‘fruit’ before. If Bella were to hear the conversation of two brothers, she would have laughed her ass off.

“Let’s search it according to the description. It will be easier this way.”

“Okay. Let’s do that.”

Thus, the brothers went fruit hunting again. After going through several pictures in quick succession, they finally stumbled upon a ‘fruit’ which is red and round.

“This is it! It’s the fruit I saw on the advertisement.”

Berson immediately stops Blake scrolling and points to the reddish round fruit on the screen. Blake clicks on the image and hits the button ‘Buy’ without even checking the name. After putting their home address and fulfilling all the necessary steps, the brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

“Finally, we are able to buy the fruit.”

“Yes, finally.”

“High five?”

“High five.”

As the brothers high five with each other, their package with ‘strawberry’ is being ready to be delivered to them.

Without them knowing that what they bought isn’t what their sister is searching for.

T/N: Guys, please help me remember I have an original novel to post 😭

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