Number One Chef in the Intergalactic Era

Just like yesterday, Bella’s lessons begin. But in the midst of this, the brothers suddenly started arguing among themselves. The topic of their arguing was so absurd Bella wanted to facepalm several times, even though she didn’t understand much of it.

“You two are always the one spending time with Bella.” Brian points at his two elder brothers and says with a dissatisfied face. After Bella drank the nutrition liquid, Blake suddenly announced that today, only he and Berson will be teaching Bella. He said that Bella will be overwhelmed if the four of them try to teach her at the same time. So from now on, only the two of them will be responsible for teaching her.

“I refuse.”

But Brian firmly refuses, along with Blue, who is furiously nodding his head beside him.

“I refuse too!”

Blake looks at his two immature brothers and frowns.

“Didn’t you two understand what I mean? Bella will be overwhelmed if we all try to teach her together.”

“I know. And I have a perfect plan for this.”

Brian still relentlessly says with confidence. Blake just frowns more and says, “Right now, what is important is Bella’s education, not your silly plans. So get out of here before I kick you out.”

Blake threatens but Brian still stands his ground and remains unmoving. Blue on the other hand jumps at Blake’s threat like a cat.

“This is unacceptable. You can threaten us with your authority of being the eldest brother like this.”

“What using my authority? I’m just doing what is good for Bella. You two are just disrupting her studies.”

“We wouldn’t have if you didn’t think of kicking us out.” Says Brian in the same tone as Blue.

“Is your brain made of mud? Can’t you understand what I’m saying? You are disturbing her. You will only drag her behind rather than helping her. It’s better if you just go away.”

“Have you given us the chance? Did you try to see if we are worthy of teaching her or not? Don’t judge us just because we are younger than you.”

“So you are going to be stubborn now? You won’t go away?”


Says both Blue and Brian together.

“Um…don’t you guys think you should stop…”

“Shut up!”

All three of them say at the same time and glare at Berson, who tries to stop them from arguing. Berson closes his mouth with a sigh. He softly pats Bella’s head, who is looking at the three in confusion.

“I’m warning you for the last time. Get out of here this instant. Or else…”

“Or else?”

Brian asks with a smirk, he wouldn’t have been this confident before Blake if it was any other time. Blake was always very strict with them, never stepping out of his decision after taking it. When it comes to teaching and educating, he is strict and relentless, and would often scold or give harsh punishment to the brothers. So the brothers, especially Brian and Blue, are especially afraid of him. But in front of Bella, the ‘never moving mountain’ like big brother becomes a big teddy bear. No matter how stubborn they become now, Brian knows he wouldn’t do anything to the two of them. Hence he is being more confident than necessary.

Blake clenches his fists in annoyance. If it was any other time, he would have already given them severe punishment for disobeying his orders. But his dearest sister, Bella is present. He couldn’t let her see his violent side, otherwise, considering her nature, she will surely avoid him in the future like a plague.

The person in the midst of all of this is completely unaware of the fact that the brothers are arguing about her. She just keeps looking at the three, talking among themselves and getting excited by the passing time and tilts her head. With how much she could understand the language, one thing is clear that they are arguing about something.

What the hell are they even talking about? Why does it seem like they are arguing?

Blake rubs his forehead and glances at Bella. He sighs in defeat seeing her innocent eyes looking at him. For her, he will listen to his brothers’ wishes for once.

“Okay, I understand what you mean, but as I’ve said before, we can’t overwhelm her. She just got out of the tube, do you want to send her there again?”

Both Blue and Brian smile in glee seeing their never unmoving eldest brother changing his decision. They looked at each other before Brian opened his mouth.

“Of course not, as I’ve said before, I have a perfect plan. And I’m willing to share it with you if you agree.”

“Do I have any choice?”

Blake mutters with a sigh. Brian nods before opening his mouth.

“Since we all have our own job to do and have to return to our work after our holidays, it is impossible to spend a long time with Bella. But Bella needs utmost care, and so, someone from us has to be with her all the time. To ensure that she won’t be alone and we can do our respective work, I have made a routine.”

Brian says, looking at each brother who nods in understanding. Although they don’t want to admit it, he’s right. Bella is in need of care, at least before their parents come back. So they earnestly wait for Brian’s routine.

“All of us can’t be absent from our respective places, but we do get breaks between our work right? We just need to change the break times and make a routine in a way where at least one of us can stay with her. Like, Brother Blake is the president of Orion’s Galactic Army, it would be okay for you to be a few minutes late in your work, and you can spend the morning with Bella. Brother Berson can stay with her during his lunch break. I will delay my lunch break and work till afternoon. My work will be finished by the time I return home in the afternoon to take care of Bella. And Blue can be with her at night till she falls asleep. In this way, not only will someone always be with her to guard her, we can also spend a moderate time with her at the same time. It’s a win-win proposal.”

Although, the so-called lunch break is actually nothing but drinking the nutrition liquid and taking a few breaths of fresh air before going to work again, at least they do have a break time. People of this era have forgotten to eat, but the break time still hasn’t decreased. People will either gossip or take a nap, maybe browse the Skynet or shop online. No matter where a person works, each and every one of their work ends in the afternoon. Making a person work more than 8 hours is considered a felony on their planet. So the brothers will have free time in the afternoon. If they follow the routine, their work will be much easier.

“What do you think about it?”

The brothers, all start lamenting on the routine and the person involved just looks at them in confusion.

What is….. going on?

T/N: If you find any kind of mistakes, please let me know. English isn’t my mother tongue so I hope you will consider it.

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