Number One Chef in the Intergalactic Era

Mi left Ann in the room to get a wheelchair for her. She was the nanny of Bella so she knew that she couldn’t walk properly and always needed a wheelchair to move. Shortly after, she brought the wheelchair that Bella always used. But Ann who saw the wheelchair was so shocked that her mouth opened wide.

The thing Mi brought can’t be called a wheelchair at all, because it has no wheels! Rather, it seems it’s gliding on the ground. The rest of its features are similar but a little updated. The seat of the wheelchair can be moved like those of a recliner. To be honest, the wheelchair seems like a mixture of a recliner and wheelchair to Ann.

What the hell is this…?

Mi helps Ann to sit on the wheelchair. The wheelchair is also pink, with various flowers and cute animals printed onto it. The cushion of the chair is very soft. She can completely lie down on it comfortably and fall asleep without any hindrance.

Ann can’t describe how she feels after seeing the wheelchair, no, is it a gliding chair? It makes her remember one of the scientists of her previous life who was confined to a wheelchair because of his inability to move. What was his name…ah! Stephen Hawking!

After she is seated, the wheelchair starts to move automatically. Ann becomes a little startled, she didn’t even see the robot pushing it or commanding it. It seems as if the wheelchair has a mind on its own.

Ann doesn’t know that Mi actually did command the wheelchair. She sent a signal through electromagnetic waves from her system to the wheelchair. Mi and the wheelchair are connected in a way so that she can control it easily. The wheelchair has some deadly features too, which was set up for her (Bella’s) protection. All of these features are controlled by Mi, so just commanding the wheelchair to move was no problem for her.

After leaving the room, Mi guides her to the hallway towards the living room. Ann is following slowly sitting on her wheelchair, when suddenly her gaze halted passing by the clear floor-to-ceiling window in the hallway. The figure that flashed past on the surface of the mirror is the one who caught her eyes. She wanted to stop the wheelchair, but the wheelchair has no button or wheels to stop. She watches in anxiety as the robot is about to turn around the corner and hurriedly shouts.


If Mi was a human being, she would have jumped high in the air with a startled expression on her face at the sudden voice. But since she is a robot with high intelligence, she just paused outwardly. But inwardly, a huge wave of current ran through her whole body from her PCS (Positronic Control System*) giving her a moment of electric shock. In simpler terms, she is surprised.

[A/N: Robot’s main brain is called ‘Control System’. Positronic Brain, as such, is a kind of brain made of positron, a kind of small particle that makes matters. This positron helps in transmission of various thoughts and impulses to the brain of a robot and helps the brain’s cognition relay the selected emotion or solution.]
Ann looks at the robot turning around and gulps. She didn’t mean to shout so loudly but couldn’t control her voice in a hurry. Seeing the robot turning around without any emotional fluctuation in its face (since it’s a robot) she tries to think what she should say to make it understand. From their interactions previously, it’s clear as day that none of them can understand each other because of the language barrier. So she tries to gesture behind her back, pointing to the window and giving a puppy dog eyes.

Mi feels another electric shock running through her plastic body as the middle of her chest becomes warm, literally. The current of positron is running wildly in her brain, which means she is affected by Ann’s puppy dog eyes. If she was human, she would have clutched her heart and squealed ‘So cute!’.

Mi can understand clearly what Ann wants, so she takes her back to the way and stops in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. It was night time so the window has become a big mirror, making the person standing opposite it reflect on it clearly. When they stood in front of the window, the image of them was reflected perfectly on the surface of the mirror.

Ann can see a little girl around fourteen years old, sitting on a wheelchair and looking at the mirror with an astonished gaze. Her skin shines like a white golds, her hair loosely draped on her shoulder resembles countless shining gold threads. She is wearing a beautiful yellow dress with blue flower patterns on it, that resembles her beautiful blue eyes. She has some baby fat on her cheek which makes her look very cute and lovely. But the question is, who is the girl? She looks at the reflection of the robot in the mirror, then the girl sitting beside it and can’t help but think…could this girl be her?

Ann gazes hard at her reflection blankly for a while before tilting her head in confusion. The girl in the mirror also copies her and tilts her neck. Ann blinks and the girl in the mirror also blinks with her. Ann shakily reaches her hand forward and the girl in the mirror also does the same. Ann touches her own reflection, and becomes even more puzzled. It looks like the girl in the mirror is …..her? But how can this be? Clearly she remembers everything about her. Never had she ever had such a beautiful appearance before. But why did she suddenly become this beautiful? Wait, is it even herself?


A gentle call brings her back to reality. Ann tilts her neck upwards and sees that it’s one of those handsome men. His name is probably Berson.

“What are you looking at Bella? “Berson asks his little sister gently who seems to have lost her soul and is in a daze. They heard someone’s scream suddenly and became anxious. Mi isn’t someone, or something that would scream even standing in front of the most dangerous situation, so the person whose scream they heard must be their sister, Bella. All the brothers wanted to rush here but hearing no word from Mi, they understood that it must be their sister’s daily tantrums. So only Berson came, but what he saw surprised her.

Ann on the other hand couldn’t understand what he said. So she brings her attention back to the mirror and again falls in a trance. The girl in the mirror is really beautiful. More beautiful than the actresses she has seen before on TV. She couldn’t help but rub the mirror as if rubbing her own reflection.

Berson notices his sister’s dazed expression as she looks at the mirror and rubs it. A helpless sigh leaves his mouth once he figures out the reason. It seems like his sister is curious about the thing called mirror. Since she became a child, her behaviour also seems to be becoming more and more childish. It seems like they have to work hard to bring her back to her original self.

Ann wanted to observe herself more, but before she could do that, Berson signals Mi to start the wheelchair. Mi commands the wheelchair again to move, which startled Ann. She looks at the man in front of her and the mirror alternatively, as if silently telling him that she wants to stay here. Berson lets out a sigh and tells her, “Let’s go Bella. They are waiting for you.”

Ann again didn’t understand what he said so she kept quiet. She is already in so much confusion and is busy figuring out what is happening. Her mind is swirling with so many questions that it’s starting to hurt. She has to find what is happening as soon as possible.

Berson takes his sister to the living room where the rest of the brothers are. As soon as they stepped into the room, Ann was lifted high from the ground to someone’s arms. She became so startled that a scream almost left her mouth. She looks at the person who gave her the scare of life and frowns. It’s the one with a coquettish face, Brian.

“I missed you little bunny!”

The man squeals while holding her, while Ann struggles desperately to get out of his arms. The feeling of being in someone’s arms at the age of 25 doesn’t feel okay to her. Even though she saw just a moment ago that she wasn’t inside her body anymore and somehow gotten younger, it still doesn’t change the fact that she is still 25 years old, mentally.

Brian never got many chances to play with his little sister. She is younger than them and is very different from other children, so the interaction between them is very less. But seeing her showing annoyance, surprise, and puzzlement all the emotion on her face a moment ago, he can’t help but think; his sister has gotten even cuter. Now he just wants to hug her all day long.

Brian was about to kiss her chubby cheek when he noticed his sister looking at him blankly. The word ‘I’m annoyed’ seems to be written all over her face. But he mistook it for her forgetting him and asked.

“What, you forgot me already? I’m Brian, your brother Brian.”

Ann blinks her eyes in confusion as she says, “Brian?”

Brian sighs in relief hearing her calling his name. Children have a tendency to forget so he thought his sister had forgotten him already.

“Oh! Oh! I want to hold her, too!”

Blue, the youngest brother jumps before them and says. He was about to grab Ann from Brian but the eldest, Blake was one step ahead of them and snatched her from them.

“That’s enough. Don’t overwhelm her.” Blake says as he takes his sister to his arms and commands. He is the eldest brother and has the best relationship with his sister. He has the most right to hold her.

Blue wanted to complain but knowing that his eldest brother is as stubborn as a bull, he stops. It’s better not to make his brother angry or he has to pay the price. He will have plenty of time to hold and play with his dearest sister anyway, since all of them will be busy in their work.

“Now, are you hungry baby girl?” Blake coos at his sister while sitting on the couch with her in his lap. Ann shivers, she can feel goosebumps popping out at every single corner on her skin. She desperately wants to move but the man has an iron grip on her body. Not much to hurt her but with enough strength that moving away is almost impossible. She just looks at everyone with an expression that says, ‘I don’t want to be here’. Although these guys has pretty handsome appearance, something is definitely wrong in their heads.

I gotta get out of here!

Knowing that she can’t move herself away from them didn’t stop Ann from completely moving. She wiggles her body and tries her best to get out of the man’s grip. But it’s as if the man is a snake and she is a tree, her strength has no affect against him at all. He just adjusts her posture so that she is now looking at him and again holds her tightly enough that she won’t be able to get out of his grip.

“What’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable anywhere?” Blake asks in concern and puzzlement. Before she lost her memory, the thing Bella loved most was to sit on their lap, like a baby. No matter who it was, either her mother or her brothers, she loved to hold them like a teddy bear and sleep or eat on their lap. Except for their father. Who knew why, everytime their father held her, she cried. But now seeing her struggle on his lap as if she doesn’t want to be held by him puzzled him, and also made him worried. Doesn’t she like him anymore?

Ann blinks at the man and looks around to the rest of three, only to see they are looking at her with worry. She can’t understand what expression should she show now, the men’s expression seem genuine, as if they are truly worried for her. Knowing that she can’t communicate with them, she points at herself, then the man who is holding her and shakes her head.

The brothers are shocked, they look at their sister with wide eyes as if their eyes are going to pop out from their skull. Their sister just communicated with them! Even though it was a simple gesture, it still proves that their sister hasn’t completely became a baby.

“Blake, I think…” the one who first comes out from their surprise is Berson. He looks at his sister and says, “I think Bella just forgot the language, but not fully turned into a baby. Rather, it seems…she has gotten smarter?”

Berson’s confusion is understandable since their sister couldn’t look at their eyes properly because of her disease*. Now, not only she looked straight at them several times, she even gestured that she didn’t want to sit on Blake’s lap.

[A/N: The children with Autism are unable to look into people’s eyes properly. Not only that, they can’t also expressed themselves properly. So the brothers are shocked that she looked into their eyes and conveyed what she didn’t like.]
Blake is the most shocked from the three of them. Apart from their mother, the one on whom their sister relied most was him. Even their dad didn’t have the priority to hold her because she cried every time he held her. Seeing his sister saying (gesturing) that she didn’t want to sit on his lap makes him feel sad. What if she starts to dislike him now? Would he be like his father, who can’t hold or come close to her because she didn’t like him?

So, this is how Dad felt when Bella didn’t like him.


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