No Need For Regrets

NNFR Side Story 9

Side Story ~ 9

It was a very sunny and breezy early autumn day.

“Wow, it smells delicious…”

Sereniel, sitting in the dining room, stretched her neck and murmured to herself.

“The smell is wonderful, isn’t it? The cake has turned out perfectly.”

Kina, with beads of sweat forming on her forehead, looked at Sereniel with a bright smile.

Sereniel gave Kina a gentle smile in return and slowly got up from her seat. She took a handkerchief out of her pocket.

“Is it hard, Kina? Should I call for the other maids?”

Now, the Rosenvester household had many servants besides Kina and Vain.

People no longer feared the Rosenvester Dukedom as they used to, quite the opposite, in fact. Compared to other noble houses, the pay was higher, and there were no malicious masters with a nasty disposition.

“No, it’s fine, and besides, all the other dishes are already done, right?”

Kina answered with a bright smile as Sereniel wiped her sweat.

“I want to make the cake myself. Well, the other maids are good too, but… my baking skills are still the best.”

“Right. The cakes you make are the best in the world.”

Sereniel also smiled as she replied.

“Remember, Lord Ernest said it himself before. The only thing he liked about the Dukedom was the cake.”

To anyone else, it might sound like a strange way to put it, but it was a significant compliment, especially coming from Ernest.

As little Elsie started to grow and began to speak, Ernest’s visits increased rapidly.

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, surprisingly, Ernest adored Elsie very much. Elsie also got along well with her grandfather.

Of course, Lexion and Ernest were still not… very affectionate with each other, but Sereniel thought their relationship had significantly improved.

Moreover, the two were so similarly bad at expressing their feelings that, to others, it might seem like they didn’t get along, but the individuals themselves were getting along quite peacefully.

Anyway… Ernest had said he would visit today too, which is why Kina was working so hard.

“All that’s left is to put the fruits on…”

“Here they are. I’ll bring them over.”

Sereniel brought a basket full of fresh fruits and looked down at the bread beautifully covered in white cream.

“Can I help a bit?”


“I think I can manage to put the fruits on without much trouble.”

Sereniel was someone who could do anything.

Her mine continued to generate insane profits every year, and the workers and merchants involved all said the same thing that the Duchess was a truly perfect woman.

The Rosenvester Dukedom, once filled with only bad rumors, had become a place full of praise, largely thanks to Sereniel’s influence. She remained wise, intelligent, and beautiful. There was nothing she couldn’t do.

Except cooking.

Still, it was not a big deal. Lexion wasn’t someone who would scold Sereniel over something like that, and their daughter Elsie had no complaints either.

…The problem was that Sereniel still hadn’t given up on her dream of cooking.

“Is it not okay…?”

Sereniel watched Kina, who was contemplating deeply for a moment. Well, it was just placing a few fruits, after all. And since Sereniel seemed so eager, Kina didn’t want to dissuade her.

“Of course! I’ve already prepped everything, so just remember one thing, pile it on generously, make it look delicious.”

“Sure! I think I can manage that.”

Since it was just a matter of placing the fruits, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Sereniel rolled up her sleeves, washed her hands thoroughly, and approached the cake with a determined expression.

“Go ahead, Madam. I’m going to check if the table is properly set. I know they probably did a good job, but I feel better seeing it myself.”

“Alright. Go ahead.”

With that, Kina left the room, and Sereniel, left alone, began placing the fruits on the cake with a very serious expression.

Not long after, she heard footsteps in the distance.

“Madam, Ernest has arrived.”

When she looked up, she saw Ernest walking in with Vain.

He had his usual expressionless face, but his hands were full of packages. They were surely filled with toys and books for Elsie.

“Thank you for coming. Was it a tiring journey?”

“I’m not so old that a trip like this would wear me out. I’m fine.”

“Ernest, the packages…”

“I will give these to Elsie myself.”

Ernest shook his head at Vain’s suggestion and muttered.

“Where is Elsie?”

“She’s upstairs with Lexion.”

“Upstairs? Why there?”

“Recently, Elsie suddenly wanted a study of her own. So, Lexion cleared out a room and set up a study for her.”


“They’re probably organizing books together right now.”

“Well, it’s about time he did something worthwhile. I brought a lot of new storybooks.”

Sereniel beamed at him.


Ernest paused as he looked at Sereniel’s bright smile and then cleared his throat awkwardly. He still hadn’t fully adapted to Sereniel’s warm and affectionate demeanor.

“Would you like to sit down? Lexion and Elsie will be down soon. The food is all prepared.”

The cake was finally complete. It was a masterpiece after a long time. Sereniel had followed Kina’s advice perfectly: generously, making it look delicious.

After placing the cake to one side, Sereniel washed her hands again.

“Alright. I’ll wait.”

Ernest shrugged and sat down at the table. Then he frowned slightly and spoke again.

“…What’s this?”


“The fruits are piled on ridiculously. It would be better to eat them separately. The last cake wasn’t like this. Has that maid Kina quit?”

“No… Kina is still working at the mansion.”

Vain, standing quietly in the background, barely held back his laughter as he looked at Ernest.

“Then who did this…”

“I did.”


“…Should I take some off? I just thought the more fruits, the better it would taste.”

“No, leave it.”

Ernest averted his gaze slightly and said,

“You’re right. The more fruit, the better the taste. I must be too old to know better.”

…How could he change his tune so quickly? And without changing his expression!

Vain found Ernest’s sudden shift rather absurd, but he didn’t dislike it. Vain knew very well that this was the extent of Ernest’s kindness.

“I’ll finish up here, so why don’t you go and fetch the master and the young lady?” Vain suggested.

“Oh, should I?”

“If she knows her grandfather is here, she’ll come running.”

“Yes, she will. Elsie likes me very much, but Sereniel, it wouldn’t matter much if you left Lexion upstairs.”

“Oh, come on… Lexion will be happy too.”

“That’s right. Although he might not come running like Miss Elsie.”

“Alright, I’ll go get them now.”

Sereniel dried her hands and briskly walked out of the dining room towards the stairs.

“Dad! This book has to go up there. I already decided where everything goes.”

“But Elsie, you can’t reach up there yet.”

“Then you can get it for me whenever I need it.”

“My daughter is very clever.”

From upstairs, she could hear the trivial chatter between father and daughter.

“Lexion, Elsie!” Sereniel chuckled softly and then called out loudly, “Your grandfather is here. He brought lots of presents.”


No sooner had she spoken than she heard a book being thrown aside and saw Elsie dashing out.

“Careful, Elsie.”

Lexion, following his daughter, gently held her back and said, “What do we do when going down the stairs?”

“Carefully! Step by step! Don’t fall! Hold the banister!”

“Good, that’s right.”

Lexion chuckled, seemingly pleased with Elsie’s response, and Sereniel smiled brightly too. Elsie shrugged her shoulders and began descending the stairs cautiously, just as Lexion had instructed.

“Where is grandpa…?”

And in that instant, it happened.
Elsie missed a step and teetered in the air.
Lexion’s dark eyes widened in alarm as he watched Elsie tumble forward, quickly, he reached out his arm.
He caught Elsie in his arms and rolled down the stairs with her.

With a series of loud thuds, Sereniel’s sharp scream echoed through the mansion.


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