No Need For Regrets

NNFR Side Story 27

Special SS ~ 7

For a few days, the Carteia Empire was in unprecedented turmoil since its founding. It became known to the entire world that Count Belles Verdellete and Grand Duke Clan had dared to plot a rebellion behind the emperor’s back. Moreover, it was revealed that Viscount Calian Helcar had fathered a child with Leraie Ifra, a commoner, even before marrying the deceased Seriniel Verdellete, and had continued an illicit relationship with her.

However, the focus of the rumors was not on Belles, Grand Duke Clan, Calian, or Leraie. It was on Lexion Rosenvester, who had killed them all, successfully thwarting the rebellion and vindicating the unjust death of Seriniel Verdellete.

Some criticized Lexion’s actions as being excessive, even if his goals were just. Others argued that if it hadn’t been Lexion, someone else wouldn’t have resolved the situation as quickly, potentially allowing the rebellion to unfold. Some curious and bold individuals even wanted to question Lexion about the incident.

However, Lexion did not appear before anyone. Not even the soldiers of the Rosenvester household knew where Lexion had gone or where he was staying. The same was true for the emperor. Even Paul and Johan, who had heard the news late and searched everywhere for Lexion, were no different.

Thus, although everyone in the Carteia Empire was desperately searching for Lexion for their own reasons, no one knew where he was.

* * *

The graveyard was silent. There was no sound of the cold winter wind blowing fiercely, nor the cries of the high-flying mountain birds. Perhaps even they couldn’t bring themselves to come here.


Lexion sat quietly beside Seriniel’s grave, like an old, worn statue or a hunting dog guarding its master. In front of him, there was something that hadn’t been there before—a tombstone. A tombstone encrusted with emeralds that resembled Seriniel’s beautiful eyes.

“Here lies Seriniel Verdellete.”

Lexion silently stared at the short inscription and then, in a very low voice, slowly began to speak.

“I heard that Belles Verdellete and Calian Helcar have been stripped of their noble titles.”

This was also at Lexion’s suggestion. By now, their deaths were already days old, and there were no heirs to the Verdellete earldom or the Helcar viscountcy. Of course, there was Benny, born between Calian and Leraie, but Johan had arranged for the child to abandon the Helcar name and leave far away, ensuring that Beny wouldn’t grow up as a criminal. There was no need to go through the trouble of stripping the titles from the deceased. But Lexion thought Seriniel would have wanted to be buried not as the viscountess of the Helcar family, but as the only daughter of the Verdellete family.

“That’s all there is to it.”

“Johan will manage the income from your mine. Most of it will likely go to taking care of the children at the orphanage. Johan may have a soft spot, but he never makes careless calculations, so there’s no need to worry.”

Lexion continued speaking.

“It just seemed like how you would have wanted your legacy to be used.”

Yes, the kind and gentle Seriniel would have surely felt that way. Lexion smiled faintly.


Then, with a breaking voice, he called her name once more.

“Do you feel even a little bit at ease now?”

He knew it was a foolish question. Asking someone who had already passed away would yield no response or meaning. Despite knowing this, Lexion repeatedly uttered Seriniel’s name.


Lexion called and called Seriniel’s name endlessly, then bowed his head over the cold grave.

“I guess I’m not meant to die easily.”

He muttered in a hoarse voice.

“Even though I have no reason to live anymore.”

He couldn’t protect Seriniel, who could have given up his life, yet he continued to live so brazenly.

“If I could see you just once more… I would do anything…”

He wanted to see her.

Even if he could no longer approach as he used to, even if he couldn’t call her name, even if he couldn’t reveal himself… he wanted to see her from afar. The gentle Seriniel who smiled as brightly as the sun. Transparent tears formed in Lexion’s pitch-black eyes. Lexion, finally shedding the tears he had held back with all his might for the past few days, quietly wept.

“…There was a time I made a wish to God just once.”

[You’re going to battle tomorrow, aren’t you? Though I’m sure you’ll win this time too, it’s still a life-or-death situation.]

“Johan was so insistent that day.”

Lexion let out a short laugh.

“But I had no idea what to wish for. I’d never believed in God anyway.”

[Some wish for victory, others for a safe return. Of course, the latter is much more common. You should make a wish too.]

“But Johan said that since I had never believed in god before, maybe he would take pity and grant my first wish.”

[I’ll leave you alone to think and pray. Since you’ve never believed before, He might grant your first wish out of pity.]

“I thought about it for a moment.”

[I’ve never believed in or relied on God before, and I never will.]

“I even made a threat.”

[…But if you really exist, you’ll have to take pity on me. You’ve never done anything for me.]

“Unlike others, I didn’t want to wish for victory or a safe return.”

[I have no intention of begging for my life. It doesn’t matter if I die tomorrow.]

“Instead… I wished for something else.”

[…Instead, grant her wish.]

“The only wish I ever truly wanted.”

[When she feels alone at the end of the world, struggling and lonely… grant her wish. So that if someone asks her if she’s happy, she can proudly say yes. For my sake as well.]

“…But that wish didn’t come true either.”

If God had granted my wish back then, this day wouldn’t have come. Seriniel wouldn’t have died like that. …I just wanted you to be happy. Was that even too much to ask?

“So… this time, I’ll make a more certain wish.”

Lexion muttered with a bitter smile.

“It’s not a difficult wish, so if there really is a God, it should be granted.”


Muttering to no one, expecting no response… Lexion tightly gripped the faded earring of Seriniel in his hand. Then he closed his eyes and made a heartfelt wish.

“…I don’t wish for peace or rest. I don’t mind suffering forever.”

So, I will fall into hell like Belles, Grand Duke Clan, Calian, and that woman Leraie.

“In return, just once… take me to the gates of heaven.”

…Seriniel will be there. Lexion firmly believed that. If God grants my wish… I will watch from afar. Of course, I won’t be able to approach her, but that’s okay. It doesn’t matter. If I can just confirm that Seriniel is at peace with my own eyes.


Seriniel, Seriniel.

Lexion gently called her name one last time. If I had known, I would have called your name and cried my heart out until I was exhausted.


Endless tears flowed down Lexion’s face as he softly called Seriniel’s name.

Slowly, Lexion lifted his head.

“This time… it must come true.”

He pleaded, looking up at the sky. Then, without hesitation, he drove the dagger he had taken from his bosom into his heart.


Dark red blood flowed from Lexion’s lifelessly parted lips. Yet, he neither wiped it away nor groaned in pain. He just reached out, desperately embracing the cold grave, worried that Seriniel might be cold.

‘Goodbye, Seriniel.’

If there is a next time, then… May all your misfortunes come to me, and all my happiness go to you. So that you may always be brilliantly happy.

[Are you happy? Seriniel Verdellete.]


[Yes, I am happy.]

Just like that day, when you were so dazzling that I couldn’t dare reach out my hand. …Lexion slowly closed his eyes and he moved no more.

Before long, soft snow began to fall on Lexion’s body, growing cold. It was the first snow of the year. The snow gently embraced both Lexion and Seriniel, covering all traces of blood and gently keeping them warm. Just as Lexion had done for Seriniel.

* * *


A familiar voice, one he knew so well, was reaching him like a dream.

“Li… on…”

But that couldn’t be. Such a thing could never happen to me.




With a gentle voice and warmth like a spring day, something enveloped Lexion’s body. Reflexively, Lexion opened his eyes… and saw emerald eyes looking down at him with concern.

He faced Seriniel.


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