No Need For Regrets

NNFR Side Story 10

Side Story ~ 10


The doctor examining Lexion, who lay in bed, wore a deeply serious expression.


Sereniel, full of tension, waited quietly for the doctor’s diagnosis.

“Sniff, Dad…”

Meanwhile, Elsie was in a terrible state. It was inevitable, given that Lexion had ended up in this condition because of her.

Kina and Vain were equally at a loss. They stood pale-faced, hands clasped tightly, looking down at the unconscious Lexion.

“And so.”

And then there was Ernest…

“How long do you intend to just look at him? Haven’t you examined him enough to make a proper diagnosis by now?”

“Ah, Ernest, you’re as impatient as ever.”

Prompted by Ernest’s urging, the doctor quickly parted his lips, ready to give his diagnosis.

“Well, from what I can see, there are no major issues. He did lose consciousness, but it appears to be from temporary shock.”


“If there were bleeding in the brain or life-threatening injuries, this would have reacted.”

The small device in the doctor’s hand was an advanced tool. With the increased circulation of magic stones, many industries had developed new technologies based on them, and medicine was no exception. The device the doctor carried was one of these innovations, highly effective and currently the most sought-after product in the field.

As the doctor mentioned, the device could detect internal injuries that were not visible on the surface, such as bleeding in the brain. It worked by sensing blockages in the body’s internal flow caused by bleeding.

That part was good.

The problem was…

“…However, I can’t guarantee there won’t be any aftereffects. This device can only detect current bleeding, nothing else.”

“What kind of aftereffects are you referring to?”

Sereniel asked, her face taut with anxiety.

“There won’t be any aftereffects from external injuries. The first thing I checked was his bones, and there’s not a single fracture or dislocation.”

That was quite a feat, to tumble down those high stairs while holding Elsie and not break anything was impressive.

“But it’s true that he sustained a blow to the head, so there could be minor aftereffects.”

“Damn quack! How can you use the words ‘aftereffects’ and ‘minor’ in the same sentence?”

Ernest grumbled, frowning deeply, and the doctor responded with a hearty laugh.

“I’m not talking about serious aftereffects. I mean temporary memory loss.”

“Memory loss…?”

“He might have trouble recalling specific people or his memory might regress to a particular period.”


“But as I said, there are no major issues, so if there are any aftereffects, they will likely be temporary.”

The doctor continued to murmur.

“If that happens, the most important thing is the patient’s stability. He’ll already be confused, and if he isn’t stable, it could lead to emotional problems. We’ll only know once he wakes up.”

The doctor rummaged through his large bag, pulled something out, and handed it to Kina.

“He should regain consciousness by the end of today. Just in case, I’m prescribing a sedative.”

“A sedative…?”

Kina, frightened, took the medicine with a slight tremble.

“It’s not serious. As I’ve been saying, it’s to help the patient stay calm if he does wake up confused. Don’t worry too much.”

“Then, is there a possibility his life is in danger?”

“You have my confident assurance. There is no danger to his life.”

The doctor’s firm words slightly softened the tense expression on Ernest’s face.

“Please send for me as soon as Lord Lexion wakes up. I’ll come immediately.”

Noticing the shift in Ernest’s demeanor, the doctor smiled faintly and continued.

“Besides, with Lord Ernest so worried, I must set aside whatever I’m doing and come at once. Although, I must say, being called a quack right away was a bit unexpected.”

Ernest had been the first to rush over when he heard the screams for Lexion. He had called the doctor himself, insisting he was the most skilled physician in the Empire.

While it was true that Ernest’s impatience had led to some harsh words, the doctor found it a bit amusing.

“Thank you very much. I didn’t expect you to come so quickly,” Sereniel said, looking at the doctor.

“It’s no problem. When Lord Ernest calls, I come running. And I’m quite used to being called a quack, so don’t worry about it, my lady,” the doctor replied with a broad grin.

“Before I leave, I should check on our young lady too. Lord Lexion did his best to shield her, but we should be certain.”

“…I’m not hurt at all. You don’t need to check,” Elsie muttered, her eyes swollen from crying.

“Dad is the one who got hurt… because of me…”

Elsie, clutching Lexion’s hand tightly, lowered her head and began sobbing again.

“Our little one must be fine. If she were hurt, she wouldn’t be so quiet,” Ernest said.

“So quiet…?” The doctor looked perplexed as he mumbled.

“Come now, child, let’s go out with Grandpa. Your dad needs to wake up soon,” Ernest coaxed.

“But I want to stay with Dad…” Elsie cried harder.

“That’s precisely why he can’t wake up with you crying here. Grandpa has brought lots of presents, so let’s go open them.”

Ernest continued to soothe Elsie until she finally nodded in agreement.

“Dad, I’m sorry…” Elsie whispered, looking down at the unconscious Lexion as she nestled into Ernest’s arms.

“You have to wake up soon… I’ll apologize again…”

“Your father is tough; he’ll wake up quickly. Didn’t that quack say there’s no threat to his life?”

With Elsie in his arms, Ernest gave Sereniel a slight nod before leaving the bedroom.

“I should also be on my way. Please contact me as soon as he wakes up,” the doctor said.


After the doctor left, only Sereniel, Kina, and Vain remained in the bedroom.

“I’ll take care of Lexion,” Sereniel said, looking at Kina and Vain.

“Please go look after Lord Ernest and Elsie. Have something to eat…”

“But my lady… what about you…”

“I just want to stay here. I’ll call you as soon as he wakes up, so don’t worry.”

Although there was little they could do to help Lexion regain consciousness, Kina and Vain reluctantly left the room at Sereniel’s insistence.

“Call us if you need anything. Anything at all, understood?”

Of course, before Kina left, she didn’t forget to give Sereniel a warm hug.


The night deepened, but Lexion did not wake up.

Kina brought warm tea, but Sereniel couldn’t drink it. She couldn’t eat or drink anything and just stayed by Lexion’s side.

Sereniel’s face was still filled with worry as she quietly looked down at Lexion.


She called his name softly, but there was no response. The doctor had said that his fainting had turned into sleep, but that didn’t provide much comfort.

Sereniel kept touching Lexion’s large hand, caressing his cheek, and smoothing his disheveled hair.

She could still vividly remember the moment Lexion rolled down the stairs, holding Elsie in his arms.

It was as if her mind had stopped functioning. What snapped her out of it was Elsie’s cries.

In a way, it was fortunate that Ernest had visited today.

“Please wake up soon…”

With you like this, I can’t do anything.
Sereniel murmured to herself, lowering her head slightly.

What if, as the doctor said, he doesn’t remember me? What should I do then?
‘No, the doctor said that even if there are aftereffects, they would be temporary.’
Besides, that was only if there were any aftereffects at all. They wouldn’t know until he woke up.

Moreover, they should be grateful that he wasn’t seriously injured despite falling down the stairs.
Sereniel, still clutching her trembling heart, gazed endlessly at Lexion.

And then…

Lexion’s tightly shut eyes slowly opened after a long period.
His dark eyes, like the night sky, met Sereniel’s emerald ones in the air.


Sereniel stood up abruptly and leaned closer to him.

“Are you okay? Are you awake…?”

But Lexion’s reaction was far from what Sereniel expected.

Lexion recoiled, avoiding her touch with a confused expression.

With a face full of mixed emotions, he finally spoke.


Thank goodness. It seems there are no aftereffects like the doctor mentioned.
Though a bit puzzled by Lexion’s strange behavior, Sereniel sighed in relief at hearing her name from him.

“Sereniel Verdellete.”


It turned out to be a misguided relief.

“Why are you… here with me?”


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