No Need For Regrets

NNFR Chapter 87

Chapter 87

It was early, but the Emperor had already sent someone in advance.


Seated on his horse, Lexion looked down at the small insignia, a gemstone brooch, shining on his chest.

It symbolized complete military authority in Carteia. In other words, it was proof of military command.

“Please tell us your destination, Duke.”

Gran approached Lexion, looking at him intently.

“As soon as you state the destination, everyone except for the minimal guard required to protect the palace will converge there immediately.”

Gran’s face was filled with tension. This was not only because of the impending civil war but for another reason as well.

They had not yet confirmed the exact location where Grand Duke Clan and Belles had gathered their troops. Moreover, the vast territory of the Carteia Empire meant that choosing the wrong destination could lead to disaster.

Gran had some guesses about their location. Likely, it would be near a mountain range. However, the mountain ranges surrounding the Carteia Empire were numerous.

In a situation with no concrete information, this was close to a game of probabilities.

Ultimately, everything depended on Lexion’s decision.

“We’re going to the Gidi Mountains.”

“…To the north?”

“Yes, when we left the villa yesterday.”

Lexion continued speaking.

“Belles’ soldiers kept being reinforced. Moving a large force all at once would be noticeable, so they likely split them into smaller groups, moving them from a safe location somewhere like a mountain range.”


“And there was only one mountain range in the direction they were coming from. The Gidi Mountains to the north.”

Even amidst the chaos, Lexion had gathered information. Despite the sudden attack, Belles had, in a way, dug his own grave.

“What about the nobles on the list?”

“They are being detained, within the hour, they will all be behind bars.”

“And the escape routes?”

“As you instructed, all have been cut off. Even if they have additional troops waiting, they won’t be able to move.”

After hearing the full story from Sereniel last night, the first thing Lexion did was to detain the nobles on the list and cut off all routes to prevent them from sending troops to the Grand Duke Clan and Belles.

“And as you predicted, there has been movement from the branch families.”


“I’ve conveyed your order to leave the branch families’ troops alone.”

This was something Gran couldn’t easily understand.

Wouldn’t the branch families support Royden? It was impossible that Lexion hadn’t predicted this, yet he wasn’t trying to stop their movements?

“Don’t worry about them.”

Lexion spoke as if he understood Gran’s concerns.

“I already know what that old man will decide.”


“Even if something unexpected happens, with military authority now in my hands, the number of troops they have isn’t a concern. I simply want to show Royden something and it’s a good opportunity to make things clear to the branch families.”

“…What do you want to show them?”


Lexion smirked.

“That many things have changed?”


“That the things you believed in and trusted were actually nothing.”

Lexion paused for a moment and said nothing more. Instead, he just looked at the distant Rosenvester mansion.

After a considerable time had passed, he spoke again.

“…I am no longer alone, so I need to eliminate all potential threats to my wife and family. The branch families are one of those threats.”


“I don’t mind being seen as a ruthless killer myself, but I won’t let them be treated that way.”

“I think I understand what you mean, vaguely.”

“Then just watch.”

Lexion laughed briefly and gave a nonchalant reply.

His gaze then fell on the soldiers of the Rosenvester family waiting behind him and Gran.

They weren’t the only ones, across the palace and capital, imperial troops awaited Lexion’s orders.

Everything was ready.

It was time to move, to put an end to it all.

Lexion habitually grasped Sereniel’s earring hanging around his neck.

Then he turned and shouted.

“From now on, we head to the Gidi Mountains!”

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Dawn had passed, and morning had arrived.

[…Sorry I couldn’t have breakfast with you.]

Standing in front of the Rosenvester mansion, Lexion had embraced Sereniel tightly one last time and said these words.

[Don’t skip your meals just because I’m not here. I’ll make sure to check with the chatty maid about it as soon as I return.]

[Duke Lexion…]

[So when the day breaks, make sure to eat your meals and spend your time as usual. I don’t want you to be consumed with worrying about me.]


[And don’t worry, I will definitely return safely. Do you understand?]

Sereniel replied that she understood and that she would do just that.

She kept her promise. Though Lexion wasn’t with her, she ate breakfast at the designated time.

It felt like chewing on sand, the food refusing to go down easily, but Sereniel forced herself to finish her meal.

Then she left the Rosenvester mansion with Kina.

“I thought you might come. No, I was sure of it.”

Her steps led her to…

“As I thought, you’ve come. Haven’t you, Madam?”

The temple.

“High Priest.”

As Sereniel descended from the carriage, she looked at Johan.

“…I just wanted to pray.”


“Of course, I can’t stay long since I have to welcome him back… And I’ve never prayed before, so it might seem foolish for me to come like this, but still…”

Johan smiled warmly and began to guide Sereniel and Kina into the temple.

“Do you know this, Madam?”

As they reached the temple entrance, Johan looked at Sereniel.

“The god always welcomes everyone with open arms.”


“Today was no different, from early morning, we’ve had a lot of visitors. They were noisy since they didn’t know how to pray properly, but they all wished for the same thing. Despite all the bad rumors, they wished for the safe return of a kind and warm-hearted noble.”

The children from the orphanage had prayed with their small hands clasped tightly, wishing for Lexion’s safe return.

“Madam, you should pray too.”

Johan continued.

“Didn’t you tell me before that because of someone else’s wish, something impossible happened for you?”


“It might be your turn this time.”

…Could it be?

Could it really?

Sereniel wondered as she looked at the temple.

“I’ll give you some space. Take your time.”

“I’ll wait outside, Madam.”

Kina, who had been watching Sereniel, spoke with consideration.

“Please go ahead.”


Sereniel nodded and slowly walked into the temple.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

The temple was quiet.


Inside the empty temple, Sereniel quietly found a seat and sat down.

Soon, the intricate statue reflected in her emerald eyes.

It was the ancient god of Carteia, said to have existed since the empire was founded.

He had a peculiar appearance.

Half of his face was young, while the other half was old, and his large wings were tattered, exposing the bones.

And in his hand, he held a small hourglass.

[…Our god always loves us.]

She remembered hearing that from her father long ago.

[So at least once in their lifetime, he grants them a sincere wish.]

Her father had said that but there were always so many people wishing that sometimes the god couldn’t hear all their voices.

[That’s why he carries the hourglass. To fulfill the past wishes he missed, to turn back time. It’s such a tiring and busy task that his wings have worn out.]


[That’s also why one side of his face is old and the other is young. Because he can go to the future and the past. It’s a kind of symbol.]

Sereniel stared at the god without saying a word for a very long time.

“I don’t wish for anything anymore.”

After a while, she spoke slowly in a faint voice.

“To be precise, it’s not that I don’t want revenge on them but now I have a more important wish.”

She continued.

“Please, help the Duke return safely.”

What meaning would there be in taking revenge on Belles, Calian, and Leraie?

If Lexion wasn’t there.

If he didn’t return safely…

Sereniel realized that without Lexion, life had no value for her anymore.

[Since you said you’ve never believed in the god before, who knows if he might take pity on your first wish…]

She recalled Johan’s words from a dream and prayed silently.

Since this was her first and last wish in life, she begged for mercy.

Just as he had granted Lexion’s wish.

[Once in a lifetime, a wish so earnest and desperate that it’s hard to ignore. Someone must have thought of you so desperately that it happened.]

How could she become more desperate and earnest? Would the god understand?

“If you really are listening to me…”

Sereniel, with a tearful expression, looked at the statue and spoke again.

“I don’t mind if I have to go back and be betrayed and die the same way… Please, just let the Duke return safely.”

Of course, Lexion wouldn’t want that. Sereniel already knew that much.

But if she had to choose between the two, her choice was already made.

That was how much she cared.


Sereniel whispered in a breaking voice.

“Please grant my wish…”

There was no reply, but Sereniel fervently prayed. She begged for Lexion to return safely with all her heart.

And the statue, bathed in sunlight, silently looked down at Sereniel.


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