No Need For Regrets

NNFR Chapter 75

Chapter 75

“I love you.”

…Seriniel finally understood.

The underlying basis of the myriad emotions that had constantly shaken her.

[I no longer trust anyone, and I don’t plan to. I won’t, ever. Until I die.]

Seriniel’s heart had been closed.

She had locked herself in an empty heart filled only with emptiness and darkness.

But beyond the tightly closed door of her heart…

Someone had been persistently talking to her from some point onward.

It’s okay.

I’ll always be here.

I’ll protect you.

So no one can hurt you.

That someone didn’t forcefully demand trust, didn’t try to pry the door open. They didn’t knock or shout for it to be opened.

They just sat silently against the thick door, back to back with Seriniel, patiently waiting.

Waiting until Seriniel could open the door and come out of the dark room herself.

Always, unchangingly.

The emotions, which had been confined in the colorless, lightless heart, started to regain their hues one by one.

It was longing, sorrow, sadness, and sometimes small joys and reliefs.

All brought back by Lexion with love.

“I love you, Duke Lexion.”


“I’m sincere.”

Lexion couldn’t say anything. No, it seemed he couldn’t speak at all.

Eventually, his eyes, dark as night, glistened with moisture, just like Seriniel’s.

Tears flowed silently down Lexion’s sharply angled cheeks.

Seriniel quietly watched him, then cautiously approached his side.

She slowly placed her lips on Lexion’s.

It was a terribly clumsy kiss, but it was enough to convey her sincerity.


When Seriniel pulled back, she gently wiped away the tears flowing down Lexion’s cheeks.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t plan to apologize.”

[I’m not going to apologize for the kiss.]

“I’ve always wanted to do this. Since the day you kissed me.”

[I’ve always wanted this.]

“I wanted to touch you, to hold you, and to kiss you again.”

[I wanted to touch you, hold you, and kiss you.]

“…You can think poorly of me. It’s fine.”

[You can think poorly of me.]

These were the words Lexion had once said to Seriniel.


…Duke Lexion.

Seriniel couldn’t finish saying his name. Lexion suddenly pulled her into his broad arms, trapping her in a warm embrace.


His heart pounded loudly, almost ready to burst, reverberating in her ears.

His embrace was still warm, gentle, and filled her with a sense of relief. So, Seriniel quietly held him back.

Unlike that night a few days ago, her hands did not float aimlessly in the air.

Because now she knew all too well.

That she didn’t want to push Lexion away, but to hold him tightly.

“When you say things like that… I….”

Lexion murmured in a voice that seemed on the verge of breaking, whispering into Seriniel’s ear.

“I… can never let you go.”


“Even if you regret what you said, even if you say you hate me, even if you claim it was all a lie… I….”

I would fight like a madman, doing everything to keep you from leaving.

And if one day, unable to bear it any longer, you leave me, utterly exhausted by my insanity…

I would be lost forever.

Lexion tightly closed his eyes, biting his lips hard.

“…I told you. I no longer have the will to leave you, Duke.”

And Seriniel, burying her face in Lexion’s chest, responded,

“Don’t let go.”


“That’s the one thing I truly wish from you.”

She understood Lexion’s anxiety. She knew he couldn’t help but feel that way.

But it was alright.

She planned to tell him every day how much she loved him, how much she needed him. That she would never go anywhere, ever.

That she would always be by his side.

…That this place was now the only place she belonged.


Lexion’s large hand, veins prominent, gripped Seriniel’s slender shoulders.

He gently pushed her away from his embrace and looked down at her silently for a brief moment.

Then, he urgently kissed her again.

It was a desperate kiss, as if he would die without it.


Hot breaths intermingled between them.

Eventually, Lexion’s hand wrapped around Seriniel’s slender waist like a serpent.

Though she hesitated briefly, Seriniel didn’t reject his touch. Instead, she clung to his broad shoulders just as urgently as he had kissed her.

And then…

With a soft thud, Seriniel found herself lying on the bed.


Lying there with their bodies entwined, Seriniel looked up at Lexion.

His dark eyes, usually so composed, now shone with a different light.

They were clouded and dark.

But she wasn’t afraid.

Perhaps it was because she now knew and believed that Lexion would never harm her, no matter what happened.

“If you don’t want this….”

Lexion’s voice cracked as he spoke, his dry lips barely moving.

“I won’t do anything….”

“I don’t mind.”

Seriniel, her cheeks flushed, whispered softly.

“If it’s you, Duke Lexion… I don’t mind at all.”


“I like it all.”

Though it was essentially permission to hold her, Lexion did not touch Seriniel recklessly.

Instead, he gently, slowly kissed her white forehead, as if performing a sacred ritual.

“…I love you.”

Then he looked at Seriniel again and said the words she had missed before.

“I love you, Seriniel.”


“More than you can ever imagine….”


Loving only you.

No more words were needed.

Everything became one again. Lips met lips, hearts met hearts.

The sound of pounding hearts merged into one, resonating in Seriniel’s ears.

As she felt the tender, affectionate touch of Lexion’s warm hand, she thought,

…I will hear many stories from Duke Lexion, sitting together on that yellow sofa Paul sent us.

There will be many things I don’t know yet, but that’s okay. No, it’s actually better. Having many stories to hear means having many opportunities to learn more about him.

After hearing all the stories, I’ll change his bandages again. Praising him for coming back safely without any injuries.

The Duke might say something out of embarrassment, but I’ll make sure he gets used to it from now on.

…There were still unresolved matters, but nothing seemed scary or frightening anymore.

Not in this warm embrace.

Seriniel slowly closed her eyes.

No longer the parasite of the Rosenvester family, the wretched bastard child, or the cruel killer…

But simply and lovingly, feeling the breath of Lexion Rosenvester endlessly.


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