No More Regrets, Just K*ll Me

NMRJKM Chapter 26

He clicked his tongue as he saw Ariadeline wearing someone else’s clothes.


“What an unsightly sight.”


At his words, the maids shut their eyes tightly. No, it would be better if he just stayed quiet at times like this.

The maids glanced at Ariadeline. But instead of being hurt as they expected, she passed by him with an indifferent expression.


“Who hasn’t bought me a single piece of clothing until now?”

“Let’s get things straight. I’m not obligated to buy you clothes.”

“Oh my, even picking up a dog requires you to feed and clothe it. But you picked up a person and didn’t intend to clothe them? How sneaky.”

“……Are you comparing yourself to a dog?”

“What’s the difference? I’m a sinner, after all.”


Carlothian shut his mouth as if he had nothing to say. Ariadeline scoffed at his reaction and walked down the corridor with light steps.




The maids, watching Carlothian’s reaction, quickly followed Ariadeline, and Carlothian trailed after them.

When they reached the first floor, a carriage was already prepared. Ariadeline, without Carlothian’s help, opened the carriage door herself and stepped on the high footrest to get in.




She stepped on the hem of her dress and wobbled. The maids, startled, tried to catch her.


But Carlothian was quicker.

He grabbed her waist with both hands and carefully lifted her into the carriage.


“How clumsy.”

“I won’t thank you.”


The two of them got into the carriage, and one maid climbed up next to the coachman.

The coachman made sure the carriage door was closed and set it off. The Grand Deneves carriage began to move towards the fashion district.


☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


The carriage rumbled lightly as it rolled along. I stared out the carriage window, watching the passing scenery.

There’s a dress shop here and there. But the carriage didn’t stop. I couldn’t tell what dress shop we were looking for.


“Where are we going?”




I searched my memory for a moment. Enarode was not the best dress shop. It was just a tier below the top, but it wasn’t a place high-ranking nobles would use.


“Even if you don’t like it, bear with it.”

“No, it’s not that I don’t like it.”


I awkwardly scratched my cheek.

After all, we were turned away by all of the top-tier dress shops, so there wasn’t much choice. Carlothian must be going through a unique experience because of me.


At that moment, the carriage came to a stop. It was in front of a dress shop with “Enarode” written in elegant cursive.

The coachman opened the carriage door, and Carlothian got out first, then extended his hand to me. I took his hand and got out of the carriage.

And then.

Through the door’s window, I could see inside the dress shop. As soon as the woman inside saw my face, her mouth dropped open.


‘I guess I am quite famous.’


As I laughed and entered the dress shop, they began to gasp even more.


“What in the world am I seeing?”

“Good heavens…”

“Oh, madame, have I perhaps traveled back in time?”

“Even if you had traveled back in time, you wouldn’t see a scene like that…….”


Each of the nobles sitting in the dress shop made a comment. I glanced around at them. They were mostly familiar faces.

Of course, given how much Ariadeline dominated the social scene,

As Carlothian and I stepped inside, a flustered woman came rushing out from somewhere.

It was Rosana Este, the madame of Enarode. Her face had turned deathly pale, as our arrival together must have been quite a shock.


“W-welcome, Duke Deneves.”


Rosana greeted Carlothian with a very awkward smile. However, her gaze was on me, not him. Me, wearing an old green dress and outdated shoes.


“What brings you here…?”


She looked at me pleadingly, as if begging me not to say that I had come to have a dress made. But Carlothian wasn’t one to pick up on such subtleties.


“We’re here to get a dress made.”

“That can’t be…”


Rosana reacted as if a thunderbolt had struck behind her.

I smiled mindlessly, like a fool, letting go of Carlothian’s hand and lightly wandering around the dress shop.

The surrounding nobles and the madame looked at me as if I were some strange creature. Haha, go ahead and stare. I’m going to have a dress made here regardless.


“What’s the problem with coming to a dress shop to get a dress?”

“Th-that’s true. But…”



Carlothian raised an eyebrow. Rosana swallowed hard and gave an awkward smile.


‘Hmm, it seems she doesn’t want to make my dress, but she can’t refuse in front of the Duke.’


I touched the fabrics on display and looked at the two of them. I could roughly understand her feelings, but I couldn’t very well go around naked.


‘Just close your eyes and accept it this once, please.’


When my eyes met Rosana’s, I smiled brightly. She looked away, flustered. Still smiling brightly, I spoke to Carlothian.


“When do we start fitting the dress?”


At my words, Carlothian fixed a steady gaze on Rosana. She sweated nervously and subtly avoided his eyes. Carlothian then spoke.


“I’m a very busy man.”


“I don’t have much time to waste on things like this.”

“Yes, yes.”

“So, it would be best to comply while I’m asking nicely.”


His cold words seemed to lower the temperature in the dress shop. The noble ladies, who had come to have dresses made, got up from their seats, smiling awkwardly.


“M-madame, we’ll come back another time.”

“Y-yes, us too.”

“Me too.”

“Ah, hahaha.”


Madame Rosana let out a hollow laugh as she watched the noblewomen leave. Was it my imagination, or did I see something glisten in the corner of her eyes?


“Well then… let’s take your measurements.”


In the end, she accepted her fate and called her staff. The staff, glancing around nervously, approached me with measuring tapes.

Carlothian snorted and then sat down on the sofa, where the noble ladies had been sitting, crossing his long legs. Yeah, his legs are long.


“Please come this way.”


I followed the staff inside to get my measurements taken.


☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


Rosana watched Ariadeline, who had gone to get her measurements taken, and then glanced at Duke Deneves.


‘I thought their relationship was already over.’


Why on earth was he keeping a sinner like Ariadeline? And even coming with her to get a dress made!

She was in a difficult position. Not just difficult, but very, very difficult. It was obvious what the noble ladies, who had seen Duke Deneves come to get a dress for Ariadeline, would say behind her back.


‘Did you hear? She made a dress for that villainess?’

‘She made a dress for the one who tried to kill the Crown Princess?’

‘She can’t refuse a Duke’s request, though.’

‘I feel sorry for the madame, but I can’t keep getting dresses from a place that made one for the villainess.’


Oh, her head throbbed. How could her dress shop, which she had worked so hard to build, crumble like this? She resented Ariadeline, who was taking her measurements inside.

It was easier to resent her than the Duke, after all.

Just then, Ariadeline, who had finished getting her measurements taken, looked at Rosana. Rosana glanced at her, momentarily forgetting to manage her expression.

Wearing a light robe provided by the dress shop, she looked different from before.

Her softly smiling face seemed relaxed, and her straight neck and body lines were beautiful.

She was a little too thin, but the dress could hide that.




Rosana covered her mouth in surprise.


‘I’ve been keeping a noble waiting.’


Ariadeline, who had been smiling brightly, now wore a briefly subdued expression.


‘She already had a bad temper.’


Now that she has fallen to the status of a sinner, how much worse could she get? Rosana swallowed nervously.


  1. ZomBee says:

    I just love Ariadine’s resilience and her casual attitude. It’s funny to see all this drama and high society outrage just bounce off our FL.

    Thank you for the update!!

  2. Kikiren says:

    I kinda feel bad for the dressmaker, but business is business

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