My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 5

Nearby was the Wolf Clan territory, which, like the Cat Clan’s territory, was an invisible courtyard divided according to the students’ living habits. At Xunhai Union University, not all students needed to be divided into these territories. Everyone lived in harmony. However, the Cat Clan and the Wolf Clan were different. The two clan often had conflict. Over the University’s long history, the two houses had almost always maintained the same state of antagonism, so the school simply divided them into groups. In addition, there were other invisible courtyards with similar backgrounds, all of which divided their living areas into separate territories.

Several strong wolves ran over quickly and hurriedly stopped the freshmen before they even arrived.

One of the giant black wolves took a few steps forward, raised its paw and patted the mermaid. Seeing that it was almost dead, it looked at its companions, who suddenly showed surprise.

“Tie it up.”

The black wolf took a step back, and the wolves behind him immediately stepped forward, bound the mermaid with their spiritual power, affixed a talisman to it and put it in a bag.

The little white cat hesitated to speak, then looked up at the big wolves with its small face, “Meow…”

The black wolf glanced over with a cold gaze. When he saw the snow-white kitten, he took a few steps towards her.

“You want to eat mermaid meat?”

The black wolf looked at the kitten condescendingly, “You’re quite courageous.”

In front of this wolf, Qi Xiaohan looked extremely small. The black wolf raised a paw, held down the little white cat, and checked her carefully. After confirming that the new student was not injured, he patted her head again.

“Reckless.” He paused and then sneered, “As expected of the Cat Clan.”

Zhou Mingyu and Zheng Ze were also checked. Because they had not done much, they were not injured, but their spiritual power was mostly consumed.

After the other wolves heard the laughter of the alpha wolf, they glanced at the little white cat and said, “This year is really an eye-opener. A kitten almost beat a demon with six hundred years of cultivation to death. The Cat Clan has taken in a good student.”

“Honestly, I was shocked. Are the freshmen of this year so fierce? They can even kill the evil demons right when they arrive. We may not have been able to take down this mermaid, right?”

“Nonsense! If boss swiped his paw, this mermaid would turn into mud! If you don’t know how to speak, just shut up.”

The black wolf stared at the little white cat for a while. When he saw the little white cat staring at him without saying a word, with its fur still puffed up and looking fierce, he immediately lowered his head, got close to the kitten, and chuckled evilly: “What? Don’t believe what they say? Want to see the mermaid turn into mud?”

The little white cat felt the breath of the black wolf spraying on its fur. It smelled of ice and snow, like a glacier. The cat’s fur exploded further, and she began to growl in a low and threatening tone.

The little white cat’s paws were pressed against the black wolf’s nose, preventing him from getting any closer.

The black wolf was startled when he felt the soft kitten’s paw, so he stopped and opened his mouth to say something.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, a group of second years came over after hearing the explosions. It was several witches and humans.

The explosion at the alchemy department shocked the entire school today. So, when they heard the explosion, everyone became tense and hurried over to check the situation.

The Witch Clan and the Human Clan had always had a good relationship, and they all live together in the dormitory.

When someone from the Witch Clan saw the giant wolf and a kitten, with the wolf almost pinning the cat against the wall with a bullying attitude, they immediately sped up and ran over,

“What are you doing!”

Look at the extremely small kitten, which could only helplessly use its claws to resist in vain. The Wolf Clan has really gone too far, even the new students are being bullied.

The human student went over and picked up the kitten. Seeing the cat’s puffed fur, he gently stroked the young kitten’s fur and said, “Don’t be afraid anymore. It’s okay.”

Qi Xiaohan:?

She was not afraid, she ground her teeth silently.

When one of the Wolf Clan students saw people coming, he kicked the mermaid. “These three freshmen caught an evil demon. The kitten from the Fire Spirit Academy created an explosion, which was fatal to the mermaid.”

After hearing this, the newly arrived second years looked at Qi Xiaohan in surprise. This little kitten?

The kitten raised her head and meowed, soft and well-behaved.

One of the Wolf Clan students thought of something and couldn’t help laughing. He looked at the cat and said, “That freshman from the Cat Clan also wanted her classmates to freeze the fish tail to save it for their next meal. When we arrived, it smelled like a piece of grilled fish. I don’t know if all the freshmen this year are so aggressive.”

The Witch Clan senior placed the cat on the ground, looked at the kitten, and began to educate her earnestly: “Sister, it’s really too dangerous. Didn’t the senior brothers and sisters in your dorm send you emergency contact information?? Why didn’t you call your senior brothers and sisters to come and help you? What if this evil demon’s cultivation level was higher and you couldn’t defeat it?”

The kitten was scolded and drooped her head, her ears down and her eyes drooped.

The wolves laughed out loud: “Normal evil demons can’t defeat her.”

Zhou Mingyu and Zheng Ze also bowed their heads obediently as they were scolded. Then they saw the senior sister who was the leader of the Witch clan looking at them and frowning. Because they were students of the Human Clan, the senior sister was even more vicious when she scolded them: “And you! Didn’t I send you my contact information? Come back with me quickly, it’s simply outrageous.”

The two of them followed the senior brothers and sisters from the Witch Clan and the Human Clan honestly. The Witch Clan and the Human Clan shared an office building, so they could go directly there.

“That little cat student, you can come too, your Cat Clan’s office building is close to ours.”

Thinking of something, the human swordsman turned his head and looked at the group of wolves: “Are you responsible for sending that mermaid back?”

The black wolf hummed indifferently and looked at the little white cat again: “The cat can’t leave yet. She set fire to the evil demon in the school grounds and needs to go with us to register it.”

The little white cat was originally following the group of humans and witches. However, when she heard these words, she stopped and turned to look at the big black wolf.

To be honest, she didn’t really want to go.

These wolves were not very friendly to her, especially the leader who made fun of the Cat Clan.

The sword cultivator looked at the snow-white kitten. It had to be registered. The floating tower collapsed, and it was unknown how many evil monsters were released. The junior and senior students in the school were trying their best to capture or kill them on the spot. No matter how many monsters they caught, they didn’t care. There had to be a clear record of whether they were dead or alive, so that they could judge whether there were still evil spirits on the loose.

However, it was the first time that a new student fought against a demon on the first day of school. It was probably going to scare the school council members when they registered.

“Okay, you can take the mermaid and kitten to register. Remember to send her back after that. Lu Sha, the third year in the administrative office for the Cat Clan, is still on duty there.”

After the sword cultivator finished explaining, he rubbed the little cat’s head, and then led his juniors back to the office building.

As for whether this kitten would be bullied? The kitten almost killed the mermaid which had turned cultivated as an evil spirit for six hundred years on the day of admission, so it was obvious that she was a ruthless cat. Among those wolves, except for the black wolf Lei Yuan, who could beat the cat?

After the humans and witches left, Qi Xiaohan looked at the group of strong and fierce wolves and walked forward, feeling very wary.

The wolves ignored the little white cat and quickly packed up the mermaid and put it in a bag. The four wolves grabbed the four corners of the bag and ran away.

The speed of this pack of wolves was so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The little white cat stood there with a shocked expression on her face, and then heard a gloomy voice above her head:

“Do you want to be carried, or do you want to go by yourself?”

Qi Xiaohan: “Of course I’ll go by myself.”

Lei Yuan chuckled, his cold wolf eyes narrowed, and he raised his paw to hold Qi Xiaohan down: “Just you? If you go to the student union by yourself, I’m afraid we won’t be in time for dinner.”

After saying that, he lowered his head and bit the back of the little white cat’s neck, and caught up with the group of wolves carrying the mermaid.

Qi Xiaohan:……

That’s okay, the wolf could run faster than her.

Qi Xiaohan’s body instinctively retracted its four legs, becoming a cat dumpling. Upon noticing this, the black wolf laughed again, his meaning unclear.

To put it bluntly, this wolf’s gloomy and uncertain look made it appear a bit like a villain.

Qi Xiaohan was held in his mouth and looking at the scenery passing by quickly, she had to sigh that this wolf was very fast.

At that moment, Qi Xiaohan saw the leather collar around the black wolf’s neck.

There was a golden school emblem inlaid on the collar, which was faintly visible in the long hair on the black wolf’s neck.

The golden school badge…

The school badge was divided into three grades: gold, silver and iron gray, of which gold was the highest grade. The gold school badge was divided into five stars, with five stars being the highest.

After the military training was over, the initial level of the school badge would be determined according to the students’ bloodline and test scores.

Once you received the school badge, you would be classified as a student of the university throughout your life. Even if you dropped out of school or were expelled, as long as you did not cause trouble, you would still maintain the noble status of a student from Xunhai Union University.

It could be said that the school badge was the glory of every student in Xunhai Union University.

The golden badge appeared and disappeared with the movements of the black wolf. Qi Xiaohan couldn’t help but lift her paw and swat at it.

The black wolf hummed deep in his throat and said in a cold voice: “What are you doing?”

Qi Xiaohan apologized and retracted her paws. Cats can’t help pawing at moving things, especially shiny things, so Qi Xiaohan couldn’t help it.

With the little white cat in its mouth the black wolf gradually slowed down as it passed through the forest. The wolves transporting the mermaid had already put it down, and leaned together and bared their teeth to make threatening sounds.

Qi Xiaohan tried her best to raise her head and glanced over, and saw a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of her

There were corpses of various strange beasts and monsters everywhere, and the dark red blood soaked the ground. A big tiger with silver-white fur was standing among them, tearing apart a one-legged and four-headed beast with a decisive claw, and then he glanced over lightly.


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