My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 3

The students who heard what they were talking about also turned their heads and exchanged words: “You only did a thousand questions. I have been doing questions since I was a child, okay? This exam is so damn perverted. The question on alliance politics was about outer space, and I even touched on quantum mechanics before I could barely fill it up. I even had a nightmare about the exam the night after the entrance examination.”

“Hmm, I got a pretty high score in the exam, but my application was not very good. I wanted to go to the control department, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t get enough marks, so I applied for the spell department. As soon as the scores came out, I was admitted directly, and it turned out that I had enough marks. However, I don’t know if I can change my major now.”

“What do you have to complain about? That’s easy. We demons still need to pass a background check! A background check! My childhood sweetheart originally took the exam with me and got enough marks. However, the background check failed because her second uncle, a distant relative, had a criminal record. She was immediately disqualified! Whether it’s miserable or not, you can tell me whether it’s miserable or not! Can you bear all this!?”

“Actually, the witches have it the best, because the school has such a small population. They have adopted a direct policy and lowered the score line by 20 points. I almost want to immigrate to the witch tribes and change my ethnicity!”

“Hey, have you studied the school map thoroughly? I was so excited that I didn’t sleep last night. I looked at it all night and almost went crazy. Is this a map? The school was clearly built as a maze!”

“…The school has a military base. In wartime, there will be direct battles. The school’s defense has to be extremely high, so it will naturally be more complicated to build. Not to mention that the school has added many miscellaneous departments in recent years. My family is from a demon clan family, and I have been here before.”

“When you get off the plane, you will be picked up by your senior brothers and sisters. Our group has already informed us.”

The topic gradually started to change, and the little white cat chimed in from time to time, meowing. The dogs on the other side also ran over, and the flight attendants eventually had to come out to tell the students to be quiet.

The plane was not an ordinary airplane, the students were not ordinary students, and the flight attendants were not ordinary flight attendants.

Beautiful women in uniform came out and told them what to pay attention to after getting off the plane. These students had already seen the notification in the group. They all felt bored while listening to them, but they did not dare to interrupt the sisters, so they could only lie down obediently.

Qi Xiaohan hugged her cat bag and looked outside the plane.

This was her first time flying!

Zhou Mingyu was sitting next to the window. Seeing that the kitten wanted to watch, he picked up the cat while the flight attendants were not paying attention. The kitten stepped on his legs with its hind paws and leaned against the window excitedly, watching the plane pass through the clouds and mist. Passing through a silver barrier, layer by layer, they could finally see the school in the distance through the window.

There were many small, floating islands suspended above the school, and there were modern buildings on them. The place the plane landed was still a long distance away from the school.

Qi Xiaohan could see the size of the school from the brochure on the plane. It looked like a small city, with a bustling commercial street. There was even a three-dimensional model in the brochure. The school was very grand.

Qi Xiaohan had never been to a place like this before, so it was inevitably a bit strange.

After the plane landed, Qi Xiaohan went to collect her luggage, jumped onto the luggage cart, and used her spiritual power to push it, wanting to find the location that they needed to report at.

However, just after getting off the plane, Qi Xiaohan received a text message notification from the group. The junior and senior students who were hosting the new students were temporarily occupied. The new students could wait where they were or report on their own according to the map. However, they were warned to not deviate from the route.

The little white cat’s ears twitched and she clicked on the Fire Spirit House freshman group 1. The freshman group of more than a thousand people was noisy at this time, and messages were quickly passed by.

—18-Lu Ming: “I heard that the Department of Medicine exploded? Half of the floating tower collapsed?”

—17-I am willing to ride the wind: “The college has issued a notice, asking students who were going to report to the Department of Medicine and the Sword Sect students who share the same floor with the Department of Medicine to temporarily report in the Cat Clan. It is possible that the building really exploded.”

—18-I am a king: “[Picture][Picture] It is quite serious. The Ministry of Military Defense has been alerted and has sent people over to investigate.”

—17-jiajia: “What’s the matter? Our professor didn’t even look outside. He was so calm and collected. He told us that every few years there will be some trouble in the medical department. Everyone, please stay calm.”

—17- Little Monster: “Damn it, I can’t keep calm!! I was right there! Can you understand it? After the blast, I almost went to heaven!!!!”

—16-I am Xiao Er: “It’s too tragic. Where are you now? Let me see if I can dig you out.”

—17- Little Monster: “No need, *sweat* I crawled out on my own, thank you, senior brother.”

—19-Jian Zong-Zong Yu: “Dear brothers and sisters, which courtyard is the Cat Clan? It can’t be seen on the map, and aren’t we from the Fire Spirit House? Sword Sect newbie is confused qaq.”

—18-Old Newbie: “pattinghead.jpg, the Cat Clan is just a general term, which refers to all the students in the school who belong to the cat family. Because of their living habits, everyone lives in the same area. You can see the dotted line on the map…that area is occupied by the Cat Clan. The office building of the Cat Clan is the Bowen Building, just follow the map.”

—17-Stay Away From The Slag Lion [Admin]: “@All members, there was a serious explosion accident in the Department of Medicine’s floating tower. Due to the accident, the new students are unable to report according to the normal process. The new students need to wait where they are or strictly follow the route planned by the college. The designated routes are all safe, but freshmen should pay attention to self-protection. All third- and fourth-year students on campus need to report to the Department of Medicine’s floating tower immediately. Second-year students entering the campus are responsible for guiding the freshmen into the campus. Each office of the school association must have at least one person is on duty. Contact person: Lusha: 187xxxxxxx.”

—18-Sweets Monster: “Ahhhhh! I don’t want to get up from the bed!!”

—17- Stay Away From The Slag Lion [Admin]: “Get up quickly, the patrol route for the second-years have been arranged, and other courtyards have already started moving, so don’t delay.”

—18-Sweets Monster: “Copy that.”

—18-Old Newbie: “Copy that.”


Zhou Mingyu stood next to Qi Xiaohan, studying the map. While looking at it, he said to her: “Have your senior brother and sister arrived? Do you want to report with me?”

QI Xiaohan: “Isn’t there a notice from your courtyard? The senior brothers and sisters can’t arrive. Something seems to have exploded in the Medicine Department of the Fire Spirit House and all of the third- and fourth-years at school have been called to help. The second-years are responsible for guiding us along the way. They also said that we might have to find the teaching building by ourselves later.”

Zhou Mingyu: “Really?!”

Zhou Mingyu quickly took out his cell phone from his jacket and took a look. He was stunned when he saw the notification: “Your house’s medicine department is so awesome, randomly blowing up whenever. Everyone in our house is discussing what is happening in your Department of Medicine.”

The Department of Medicine was the special department of the Fire Spirit House. Other houses could study this major, but they had to come to the Fire Spirit House to study. Its generous funds were enviable.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the map and found where the Bowen Building was. The safe route had been distributed in the group. As long as you follow the route, you would be fine.

Zhou Mingyu was from the Gold Spirit House. Because he studied puppet automation, he sometimes took puppet control classes with the Control Department of the Fire Spirit House, so the office buildings of the two colleges were relatively close to each other.

“I have to go to the Ningyuan Building and you need to go to the Bowen Building. It’s just across the road and it’s not that far away. We can go there together later. It will be safer.” Zhou Mingyu suggested.

Qi Xiaohan thought the same and nodded her cat head.

She originally wanted to politely ask the Siamese cat if he wanted to come with them, but the Siamese cat glanced at her and walked over before she could say anything. He looked down at the little white cat and was silent for a moment. He then patted Qi Xiaohan’s head with his paw and left with his one luggage bag and his tail swinging.

He was a really aloof cat.

Cats don’t really like to be in groups, so this cat’s reaction was normal.

Zhou Mingyu’s companion was from the same House as him, so Qi Xiaohan headed towards the reporting office with these two humans.

Zhou Mingyu: “Tell me, Xiaohan, you are such a small kitten, how come you have so much luggage that you even needed to borrow a luggage trolley? Isn’t it a bit excessive?”

Zhou Mingyu clicked his tongue when he looked at Qi Xiaohan’s luggage, which was almost twice as much as his.

The little white cat sat on the luggage cart and controlled the luggage cart by herself. Hearing this sentence, she said strangely: “What’s too much? I think it’s fine.”

Zhou Mingyu thought for a while. Yes, this cat doesn’t even have her scratching post.

What a spoiled cat.


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