My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 26.2

The matter of Yu Xiu being disciplined was still being discussed even up until training time the day after.

At the training hall, students were practicing while chatting about yesterday’s situation.

The instructor hadn’t arrived at this time, and everyone was much more relaxed.

Qi Xiaohan and the little lion, who was named Dick, got together to practice the most basic lightning attraction technique.

Qi Xiaohan had a stronger fire spirit within her body, and when practicing the lightning attraction technique, it tended to mix the lightning with her spirit fire, which had a very strong killing power. However, this didn’t meet the training requirements.

The thunder spirit root was a branch of the fire spirit root. In using these branches of the spells, the initial practice needed to be a variety of distinctive spirit roots, and a mixture of the two wasn’t allowed.

Dick was a pure thunder spirit root and practiced much better than Qi Xiaohan. He was now helping Qi Xiaohan remember the main points.

The little white cat memorized the spell quickly, accurately, and very efficiently. However, her fire was a little special and wasn’t very easy to control.

Both the little cat and the lion practiced together for a while, thinking of an anime they watched as children. Her ears twitched as she lowered her body and then assumed a Pikachu pose, meowing and yelling: “One hundred thousand volt thunderbolt!”

“One hundred thousand volt thunderbolt!”

With a crack, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck down directly onto the ground.

The students glanced in their direction, moved slightly, and then continued to hang out together in a pile to chat.

“Not bad, not bad, the effect seems to be better than before.” The little lion cheered and ran over.

The little cat held her head high and meowed, evidently in a good mood.

The little lion thought of the hundred-thousand-volt thunderbolt the little cat had chanted and laughed out loud. The little lion ran to the little cat and stood side by side, his front paws pressed down as he also assumed a Pikachu pose:

“One hundred-thousand-volt thunderbolt! Roar!”

Another lightning struck down. The little lion also learned to control the trajectory of the lightning and struck beside the little cat.

Both cats were excited, posing in various poses to practice attracting lightning and raising their paws.

Qi Xiaohan yelled, jumped up, and rolled in the air. When a “hundred-thousand-volt thunderbolt” came down, the thunder fell at a person’s feet and exploded with a bang.

The cat noticed that something was wrong mid-air and wanted to withdraw it. However, she had just started learning and couldn’t send and take it back freely. She could only watch as the lightning landed at the feet of the instructor who had just pushed the door open.

Qi Xiaohan stiffened for a moment, her eyes widened as she opened her mouth, and fell from mid-air.


The little cat obediently landed on the ground with her ears pressed back on her head and wore an expression of admitting her mistake.

“Senior brother, I was wrong.”

She was particularly straightforward at admitting her mistakes.

The little lion also hurriedly said, “Senior brother, I was also wrong.”

The instructor dusted his cuffs off, raised his eyes, and glanced at them lightly. His tone was quite amicable: “You know that you’re wrong?”

“We know!”

Lang Chen: “One hundred-thousand-volt thunderbolt?”

The little cat: “……”

Lang Chen laughed in a low voice, “This little thunder is already a hundred-thousand-volts?”

The little cat and the little lion instantly lowered their heads in shame.

Lang Chen: “Go to the corner, practice your hundred-thousand-volts, and only stop when I say it’s okay.”

Both of them went to the corner and practiced their lightning attraction against the wood in the corner.

The wood was so hard that it was comparable to steel. Even after a long time of trying to split it, the wood still didn’t split on any side.

Behind them, the students were already standing in line when the instructor came in. The instructor then looked at them and said: “From today onwards, group practice. Morning is for varied basic training; the afternoon is for team formation practice. For the rest of this time, each group should cooperate skilfully to achieve good results in the final military training competition.”

“Yes!” The students responded in unison.

The six students in each group began to conduct cooperative training.

Normally, this combined training was to let the various different spiritual root attribute combinations assemble. Just like how the military department had different elements and clans in a squad, on the battlefield, greatly enhancing their combat power.

However, this was only the military training. The combination of students with different attributes from different clans wasn’t easy to manage, so it was only for these new students to simulate during military training. After the official classed started, there would be a related course.

The little cat peeked over at that side and saw that everyone had already started grouping up while she and the little lion were still there splitting wood, so she couldn’t help but shake her ears.


The little lion also anxiously took a look, glancing frequently at the instructor.

Lang Chen gazed at the students below who had started forming teams and only then walked towards the two little idiots who were still practicing lightning attraction.

Lang Chen walked to the side of the wood, reached out, and wiped. His fingertips carried a fine layer of wood chips.

This was already the best the junior brother and sister could do.

Lang Chen looked at the little lion and little cat as they stared at him. There was a faint smile on his face. He looked at them from the corner of his eyes and stopped teasing them, letting them go.

“It’s alright.”

The little lion and the little cat immediately gave a cheer as they ran towards their classmates.

Fortunately, the little lion and the little cat’s feline friends were still waiting for them. The six of them formed a team and began giving their team a name.

Lang Chen stood not far away as he looked at the snow-white kitten as he wiped his hands clean with a handkerchief.

The little cat’s spirit fire was special. When she was training, she would need help dealing with it.

Talented children were sometimes quite troublesome.

“Determine how you’ll divide the labor yourselves, and have the group leader report to me later.”

Lang Chen instructed then stood watching from above.

Students within the same group needed to divide their work to achieve a strong attack, defense, environmental control, etc.

The young lion knew that, so when they were dividing the labor, he tried hard to get the main attack position.

A small leopard also wanted the main attack and the two big cats were about to have a fight over it.

The little cat, who was beside them, meowed, “No, I want to be the main attacker too!”

A few big cats within their group heard this and couldn’t help but stop their movements to look at the tiny cat. They cocked their heads in confusion.

This little cat?

The little white cat held her head high and stood straight, not backing down at all.

The three cats looked at each other, wailed, pounced, and started to fight.

The three other big cats in the same group broke away from the circle a little bit. They somehow couldn’t figure it out. Was it good to be the main attacker? Listening to them was tiring. They, too, didn’t know what they should grab.

Anyway, this kind of role was not to be decided by guessing. After all, this was related to their future results.

For a moment, the training hall was in a state of chaos as teams began to fight to determine their positions.

Qi Xiaohan bit the little lion’s ear, her two hind paws desperately stomping on the face of the little leopard behind her.

The little leopard bit the little white cat’s tail, paws also pressing on the little lion’s head.

The fight sparked with lightning, and it looked like all three cats were mixing together spectacularly.

Lang Chen glanced over at their side and saw that the little white cat had already stomped out the little leopard with one paw, drawing out a fire to burn the little lion’s fur.

The little lion jumped and dodged while raising his claws to send thunder towards the kitten.

The little white cat meowed, and an enchanted purple flame greeted him directly, strangling the thunder and lightning, and directly burning the little lion’s behind.


The little lion jumped away with a leap, but still accidentally burned his tail.

The little leopard and the little lion cooperated as they snuck behind the little cat. At this time, they had already clashed with the little cat.

“Shit, Qi Xiaohan, hurry up and put out the fire for me! Ouch!”

The little lion pounced up and raised his paws to slap down on the little cat’s head.

Qi Xiaohan kicked out and the lion flew. The fire was also collected by the little cat, while the lion landed on the ground and rolled.

Because he was a classmate, Qi Xiaohan only used a small amount of fire spiritual power so as to not truly hurt him. It was as if she was grilling a fish for the last time.

Seeing the little cat’s paws still wrapped in flame with a look that said she was going to continue fighting, the little leopard quickly backed up and covered its furless head, stating that he wouldn’t fight anymore.

At this time, the little cat’s nape had less fur, the little lion’s tail was partly bald, and the little leopard had a wretched look.

The little cat stopped clawing and raised her head high with a very proud look.

“Then I’m going to be the captain of Team Qianggong[1.]!”

The other three big cats: “……”

Cat fur was all over the floor, tsk.

Several other groups also used this method to determine their team leaders before they each went to report to Lang Chen.

The little cat moved her paws and walked towards her instructor, then reported the name of her team members while also marking herself as the team leader.

The instructor took a look at the little cat and reached out a hand to tidy her up.

The little cat looked up, eyes shining brightly at the instructor and looking very excited. Her excitement hadn’t yet passed, probably because she just won a fight.

Once the students had all reported their groups, the instructor stood on the stage and began to talk about basic formation.

Qi Xiaohan, as the team’s strongest attacker, stood at the forefront.

The defense was on the left side of the little cat, on the right side was another auxiliary attacker. The domination of the strong attack and defense arch would be used to control the whole situation.

This was what the students understood.

The instructor opened the projector and began to explain formation stations that were relative to the star layout, to bring out the maximum effectiveness of each station.

The little cat tilted her head seriously and listened, her ears twitching from time to time, obviously trying hard to remember.

Lang Chen unintentionally saw the cat’s expression and a smile flashed lightly in his eyes.


Translator’s comments:

  1. Qianggong 强攻 = strong




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