My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 25.2

After the day’s training was over and they had been dismissed, the little cat followed behind Lang Chen.

When Lang Chen looked back at the little cat and saw her following him, he couldn’t help but stop walking. Because she wasn’t keeping a distance, the little cat immediately bumped into Lang Chen’s calf.


The little cat stopped and looked up at Lang Chen with her small face.

“What are you doing following me?”

Lang Chen looked down at the little white cat.

Hadn’t she stopped eating with him?

Little cat: “Senior brother, do you have time tonight? I’ll treat you to dinner.” Seeing Lang Chen looking at her, the little cat remembered something and hastily added, “We’ll go eat outside!”

She was afraid that Lang Chen would take her to the canteen to eat celery stalks again.

Lang Chen had originally wanted to go back to the military canteen to eat tonight, but when he heard the little cat’s invitation, he considered for a second and then nodded his head.

“I’ll go back to the dormitory to change my clothes and will look for you later.”

The little white cat’s eyes instantly lit up, the tip of her furry tail wagging in a happy arc.

“Then I’ll wait for you.”

After saying that, she strode briskly with her little furry paws to follow behind Lang Chen.

Lang Chen stopped, turned his head to look at the snow-white kitten, and reached out to pick her up and carry her in his arms.

The little white cat struggled for a moment and looked up at her senior brother, “Senior brother, I can walk by myself.”

Lang Chen lightly shot her a glance. “No, you’re too slow.”

After saying that, he placed the cat within his arms and walked out.

Qi Xiaohan was held against his uniform’s cold buckle. Uncomfortable, she moved slightly before Lang Chen petted her with his hand.


Qi Xiaohan stopped moving and lay in Lang Chen’s arms. She was able to smell the light, woodsy fragrance of Suiyuan wood on his body, calming yet cold.

When he arrived at the dormitory building, Lang Chen set the little white cat on the bench under the dormitory building and told her, “I’ll be down in a moment.”

The little cat nodded and sat upright on the chair, looking like she was well-behavedly waiting for him to come back.

The corners of Lang Chen’s mouth vaguely lifted as he rubbed the little cat’s head.

After going upstairs, Lang Chen changed out of his uniform and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Duo-en was playing a game at the computer table and after seeing him, he asked without raising his head, “Why did you take a shower when you came back?”

Lang Chen replied from the bathroom, “I have to go out for dinner later, so I can’t wear this outfit again.”

“Do you need to shower and change clothes when you go out? Where are you going for dinner? The palace?”

Duo-en raised his head, looking in the bathroom’s direction, and ridiculed.

Lang Chen’s hand which held the shower gel paused for a moment. He didn’t know where the little cat was going to take him to eat.

Only, it was always polite to be clean and tidy when eating with a girl.

In the bathroom, Lang Chen was slightly conflicted. Outside, he heard Duo-en’s chair move as if he had seen something and heard the opening of the window. Duo-en shouted after a moment, “Junior sister Xiaohan, what are you doing there?”

There was a bad feeling welling up in Lang Chen’s heart. The little cat had just enrolled in school and didn’t quite understand some things. Sure enough, the next moment, the little cat downstairs dryly called back at Duo-en, “I’m waiting for senior brother Lang Chen to come downstairs for dinner!”

At once, countless windows in the dormitory building opened one after another, sending forth uproarious sounds of:

“Junior sister invited brother to dinner?”

“Who is it? Hurry up and come down, don’t keep your junior sister waiting!”


“It’s Lang Chen, where is Lang Chen? Your junior sister is calling you for dinner!”


Lang Chen rushed with rubbing foam between his hands.

Originally, they were only going to eat a meal together, but due to the rowdy jeering, his behavior of changing clothes and earnestly taking a bath like this seemed to have changed a bit.

As Lang Chen listened to the jeering voices outside, his ears turned a little red.

The teasing voices outside didn’t stop yet and, thinking of the little cat still downstairs, Lang Chen came out after showering for two to three minutes.

As soon as he came out, he saw Duo-en grinning and leaning against the door, his eyes containing some kind of meaning as he winked towards him.

“So it’s junior sister’s invitation to dinner?”

Lang Chen coughed lightly and hmm-ed as he picked up his clothes and changed.

“This is the first time this semester that a junior sister has invited you to dinner, right? Junior sister Xiaohan likes you?”

Lang Chen tidied up his sleeves and said in a light voice: “No, I fished Xiaohan out today after she had fallen into the spiritual liquid pool. It’s probably because she wanted to say thank you.”

Duo-en: “Wow, falling into the pool of spiritual liquid, being fished up, and saying thanks? You even believe this? Junior sister has a lot of methods! You’ll be familiar with it after eating, and when the time comes, you’ll know what to do.“

Lang Chen glanced at him.

Today, looking at the little cat’s sincere eyes as she invited him to dinner, he felt that it was unlikely to be what Duo-en thought.

She had truly just wanted to invite him to dinner.

“Don’t think groundless thoughts, it’s just a meal,” Lang Chen said.

“Hey,” Duo-en suddenly looked at Lang Chen: “Before, there were many girls who wanted to invite you for dinner but you didn’t accept, and now you agreed to junior sister’s invite? You’re a military instructor, your thinking isn’t very simple.”

Lang Chen: “I’ll be going out soon, I don’t have the time to beat you up.”

Lang Chen involuntarily thought of the little cat’s bright eyes when she looked at him, and the hand that was going to take the new uniform paused for a moment then changed direction. He took out another jacket from the closet and wore it.

“I’m going out.”

Lang Chen went out and closed the dormitory door.

The little white cat still sat on the bench waiting. When she saw Lang Chen coming out, she jumped down from the bench and ran towards him, her paws pattering.

A light smile appeared on Lang Chen’s face. Truly very well-behaved.

Lang Chen stretched out his hands. The little cat flexed her hind legs and leaped into Lang Chen’s arms. Then he heard a whistling sound overhead. Lang Chen looked up and saw that Duo-en was poking half of his body outside the windowsill and smiling a toothy smile.

Lang Chen’s eyes darkened, narrowing slightly, and a phoenix condensed from flames rushed straight up towards the lion.

With a cry, Duo-en quickly closed the dormitory window.

In the dormitory, Duo-en, with a palpitating heart, looked outside at the hovering fire phoenix and patted his chest.

When Lang Chen saw that there wasn’t any more movement upstairs, he carried the little cat out of the dormitory’s borders.

“What are we going to eat?” Lang Chen asked in a low voice as he carried the cat.

The little white cat immediately said, “How about we go eat barbecued meat?”

Barbecued meat?

Lang Chen pondered for a moment and felt that it was a little unhealthy, but seeing the little cat’s excited look, he nodded. “Ok, let’s eat barbecued meat.”

Then he saw the little cat pull out a phone from nowhere, place it on his arm, and make a reservation from there.

Long Chen let out a low laugh, “Is this qiankun?”

The little cat suddenly proudly raised its chin, “I learned it from senior sister Lu Sha.”

“Pretty good knowledge.” Lang Chen reached out and pressed the little cat’s head. He lowered his head slightly closer to the kitten and looked at the restaurant’s website on her phone.

The restaurant was off-campus, and their classmates’ ratings were very good.

Lang Chen looked at the location and went out of the school with the little cat.

Xunhai Union University was a safe and stable part of this small world that had been established by the ancestors, and the area outside included some demons and humans from the cultivation world who did business around the school to provide convenience for the students and conveniently received protection from the school’s army.

Many non-humans would submit applications to Xunhai Union University every year, and after passing the qualification, they could enter and live within the protection of the university.

The barbecue restaurant wasn’t far from the university’s entrance, so it didn’t take long for them to arrive.

A golden monkey had opened the store. This monkey was very economical, and the restaurant’s food was delicious, which was why business was booming.

Lang Chen sat on a seat and flipped the meat with the tongs, then saw the little white cat running back with the dip in no time at all. She had filled a bowl full of red chili oil and carefully controlled it with spiritual power, so as not to spill it.

Lang Chen took a look and felt his stomach twitch. He looked at the little white cat and helped her hold it.

Qi Xiaohan set the seasoning bowl on the table, then happily worked on clipping up a piece of meat, placing it in the dipping dish, and rolling it. It was immediately covered with red oil.

The little cat opened her mouth wide and ate it in one bite. Her eyes suddenly widened but she refused to spit out the hot food.

Lang Chen took the water cup and handed it to the little cat. Watching the little cat stretch out her pink tongue to lick the water bit by bit, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curved upwards.

Lang Chen found that this kitten seemed to have a very heavy taste and was very skilled at roasting meat and other things. He didn’t know what this cat had eaten at home.

Lang Chen helped turn the barbecue over. He picked up a piece of already roasted meat and handed it over.

Looking at the dipping dish on the cat’s side, Lang Chen frowned slightly.

The little cat stopped moving. As if remembering something, she took out the phone, made it hover in mid-air, and tilted her face to the camera.

After taking the picture, Qi Xiaohan collected the phone and looked as if she was typing.

Lang Chen looked at the little cat and slightly raised his eyebrows: “You’ll send it to your Moments?”

Qi Xiaohan shook her head and lowered her head to type seriously with her paws, “No, I took it for my human sister, showing her the barbecue restaurant around the school.”

At this time, Qi Xiaohan seemed to have heard something as she raised her head in a certain direction and looked over.

At the doorway a beautiful little fox leading a delicate-faced girl walked in. It was clear to see that the fox was in a good mood as the three tails behind it waved regularly.

Noticing Qi Xiaohan’s gaze, the little fox looked up, curled his eyes, and smiled. When he was about to say something, he noticed the man sitting opposite the little white cat and held back what he was going to say. His eyes were rounded and he looked a little frightened.

Lang Chen was slowly and methodically roasting the meat as if he hadn’t noticed the commotion over at that side.

Qi Xiaohan meowed and greeted the little fox: “How are you, senior?”

Fox Yu Xiu: “…I’m good, schoolmate.”

The little fox’s three tails all involuntarily stiffened, clearly unlike the first time he entered the door when they had been wagging happily.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the girl behind the little fox and listened to Yu Xiu introducing her: “This is my girlfriend, Sui Sui.”

When the girl saw that the little cat could actually say hello, her eyes lit up as she waved towards Qi Xiaohan as well.

The little cat tilted her face and meowed. The girl was human and had no school badge, so she was probably a freshman.

This senior Yu Xiu had a new human girl as a girlfriend? This was a little too fast, wasn’t it?

The little fox touched his nose, and when he saw the man opposite the little cat heavily moving his gaze over them, his fur stood up as he took his girlfriend and hurried to their place.

Lang Chen raised his eyelids and said to the kitten: “You and that fox just now were familiar with each other?”

Qi Xiaohan shook her head: “Not really familiar. I bought one of this senior’s bracelets at the second-hand market before, and he said he wanted me to work for him for five days after the military training.”

Lang Chen answered ‘en’. Not being familiar was good, if she was familiar with him then it wouldn’t be good to deal with later.

Lang Chen: “Previously, he took advantage of the holidays to seduce ordinary human girls and pretended to be a rich second-generation human college student on the Internet. He dated several young girls online and there was one among those whom he liked the most, so he went out with that girl. “

“Then what?” The little cat asked curiously.

Lang Chen had an icy curve on his lips: “He couldn’t transform, so that human girl refused to be with him. He entangled himself with the human and refused to break up. When they broke up, it finally alerted the school and he was arrested on the spot by the student union.”

Seemingly hearing their conversation, the fox at the barbecue restaurant’s edge shivered and sat in a lower profile.

The little white cat listening perked her ears, her paws on the table. She was very surprised.

This was what they meant on TV, when they said someone was charmed by the fox spirit?

This senior Yu Xiu’s life was still quite romantic ah.

Qi Xiaohan glanced towards the fox’s table and saw the little fox happily looking at the girl across the table, laughing and secretly using the tip of his tail to rub the back of her hand.

The girl blushed. With a smile on her face, she reached out to pet the little fox’s fur and helped him barbecue the meat.

Surprisingly yet, it was a little sweet?

The little white cat peeked over at that side and felt that this fox senior’s pampering was simply shameless. The person and fox were sweet and mushy.

Lang Chen sighed, reached out to press the cat’s head, turning her around: “Don’t always go staring at people.”

The little cat meowed, and Lang Chen chucked the meat he had just grilled onto her small plate, then took out his cell phone and sent a message out.

At that angle, Qi Xiaohan couldn’t see what her senior brother was doing. Lang Chen looked up after sending a message, saw that the little cat was looking at him, and spoke:

“That girl wasn’t a school student, nor was she from the school boundary’s protected area. Her temporary passcard should’ve been bought with the fox’s help and she needs to be repatriated.”

Qi Xiaohan was now completely shocked.

The school boundary was very strict. Only school teachers and students could freely enter and exit, and the school boundary protected crowd outside the school had passcards; no outsiders were allowed to enter.

It was for security reasons and to prevent outsiders from entering the boundary and revealing relevant information.

Lang Chen looked at his cell phone and saw that someone from the student union group had indicated that he had received it, so he put it away.

The Xunhai Union University was a fortress of boundaries. Only students could enter and there was absolutely no possibility of hiding, but outside of the school’s protective boundary, the difficulty of entering was lower. In recent years, you were able to get access and sneak in by buying a temporary passcard.

This time, they had already investigated a lot of this behavior and hadn’t expected to meet a stupid fox involved in it.

He had probably thought that they hadn’t noticed.

“Don’t look, let’s eat.” Lang Chen briefly touched the little cat’s head.



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