My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 24

After a few days of training, Qi Xiaohan had already quickly gotten used to eating with the instructor.

Every day, when it was time to leave, the instructor would lead her by the hand to the canteen.

Even her own food preferences had become lighter, closer to the instructor’s.

The instructor ate very well. Qi Xiaohan couldn’t see him as the picky eater that sister Lusha had described.

Although he didn’t talk much while eating, Qi Xiaohan still managed to become the big tiger brother’s meal buddy.

It had also become a habit of Lang Chen’s to eat together with the little cat. Even though the little cat ate very slowly, watching her eat with her small bites made him feel better about her appetite.

The atmosphere also became much better.

Qi Xiaohan’s paws fully healed the day after she was injured. Clearly, the medicine from the training hall’s infirmary really had worked well. After eating with Lang Chen for a couple of days, the kitten politely said that her paw was alright and she could eat with her classmates, so she shouldn’t bother him further.

She was with the instructor after all, and he talked little, so she couldn’t help but sit stiffly every time they ate. It was a bit depressing. Moreover, Qi Xiaohan hadn’t eaten with her friends for a long time.

When Lang Chen heard those words, he looked silently at the little cat for a long time then turned his head away as if he wasn’t too happy, but she couldn’t make out his expression and only felt that the air was colder.

Lang Chen agreed, turned around, and left.

Qi Xiaohan stood in the same place and watched him walk away. She breathed a sigh of relief then meowed happily as she invited her buddies with her phone.


That night, Lang Chen took out his phone and clicked on Moments. He then saw a familiar little white cat and a group of friends gathered together, happily taking pictures.

This little cat was quite popular.

Among them, Lang Chen saw the little lion from the same class as Qi Xiaohan. The little lion was grinning and had a paw on the little cat, appearing very intimate.

Lang Chen stared at the photo for a while, looking at the little lion’s happy face, and coldly tuned off the screen.

The following day, after the morning training, the little white cat called her friends together and went to eat with them.

Lang Chen glanced in that direction, walked to the elevator within his training hall, and entered it using his card.

That was why by the time the little cat and her buddies arrived at the restaurant that they liked to eat at, the instructor was seen sitting not far away, eating alone in silence.

Xunhai Union University didn’t have a faculty dining hall. Teachers and students ate together, although there was a special dining hall for the military department, but the military department’s dining room was a bit far from their current training room. As a result, a lot of the Flying Eagle Training Center’s instructors would also eat with the students.

The military instructors were in charge of them during the day. Seeing Lang Chen on a private occasion such as this, they couldn’t help but stand up straight and walk along the edge to avoid him. However, they couldn’t stop themselves from curiously looking in their instructor’s direction.

The instructor wasn’t standing on the training ground… the instructor was a person eating a meal… the cold, god-killing instructor was actually eating!

On the weekdays that Lang Chen was with the little cat, he had basically set aside the other military training students so that he didn’t need to grab a meal with students. Today was also the first time they had seen the instructor eating.

Lang Chen ate by himself, but felt like the mood of this meal wasn’t particularly good. He had gotten used to having a small cat with her head buried in her meal across from him. Now that the cat was gone, he was suddenly a little uncomfortable.

The instructor expressionlessly finished his meal and glanced back towards the little lion’s table.

The little lion happened to look up and suddenly met the cold gaze of the instructor. He choked on a mouthful of preserved meat in fear, eyes wide open.

The little lion lifted a paw, struggling to tap on the little cat’s head to make her look in that direction, but by the time Qi Xiaohan raised her head, Lang Chen was long gone.

After the meal, Qi Xiaohan and her classmates found a place to play games while resting, rushing back to the training hall when the time was almost up.

The instructor was already standing on the stage clutching a pocket watch. He glanced down in an unperturbed manner as the students immediately returned to stand in line.

Qi Xiaohan stood in line, listening to the instructor’s speech.

“Practice ten sets of accelerated running under three times gravity. I do not want to see any more laziness, understand?”

“Understood!” The freshmen on the stage replied loudly and instantly.

“Very good, go to the accelerated running field.”

The freshmen instantly lined up and trotted towards the acceleration running field.

The line was arranged from tallest to shortest. At the front were a few tall students and those behind were divided by their build, in which the little white cat trotted along towards the back.

The acceleration run, as the name implied, trained the students’ speed. However, the acceleration run in the training field was a bit different. The training field’s gravity could be adjusted. If one didn’t adapt well at the beginning and directly entered it, they might immediately be pressed down onto the ground, damaging their internal organs and joints.

However, for the students of Xunhai Union University, it wasn’t so much that they would be injured, but just that it would be more difficult to run.

Lang Chen watched the students move around the periphery of the gravity field. One by one, they entered the accelerated running field and ran.

Qi Xiaohan was the last in line. After waiting for everyone to enter, the little kitty cat started with a step of her paw and stood at the entrance of the venue, her face serious, then rushed in with a cry.

Lang Chen looked at the little white cat. She was the last one and ran very seriously. Her feline ears were upright, her paws taking energetic little strides.

Lang Chen: “Qi Xiaohan you are in a good state, speed up.”

The little white cat immediately meowed in response and at the same time, raised her speed to overtake a demon classmate in front.

Demon classmate: “Hey! Hey!”

A wolf clan student in the same class as Qi Xiaohan was the fastest and had already dashed over to the front. His entire body was sleek as he ran handsomely and beautifully.

One by one, the little white cat overtook her classmates and gradually began to catch up to the big gray wolf at the forefront.

The little cat moved deftly and lightly as if she wasn’t constrained by the gravity field. Her paws moved quickly, soon catching up with the big wolf.

The big wolf glanced back and saw a snow-white little cat focussed on following him. His tail subconsciously retracted as he pumped his legs powerfully.


The big gray wolf rushed for the first place and was the first in all majors to finish ten laps of accelerated running.

Lang Chen walked over and recorded the big gray wolf’s time: “Not bad. Rest for five minutes, then go to the spiritual liquid pool.”

The big gray wolf immediately gave a happy woof and dragged his tired body towards the spiritual liquid pool.

The little white cat came out right after him, meowing and tilting her head to look at Lang Chen.

She had been the second one to come out!

Lang Chen looked down and saw that the little cat’s ears were drooping from exhaustion, but her eyes were still shining brightly at him, quite seriously waiting for his praise.

The little white cat opened her mouth and ate the red candy bean from Lang Chen’s hand. It had a sweet taste and when crushed, it released a peach-like fruity fragrance, which was very delicious.

The little cat’s eyes lit up at once, her face tilted as she meowed.

“Thank you, senior brother!”

Lang Chen wordlessly withdrew his hand. He nodded indifferently and likewise, let the little cat proceed to the spiritual liquid pool to soak.

Seeing the little white cat pattering away, the hand behind Lang Chen’s back flexed. The touch of the little cat’s soft, moist tongue still lingered in his palm, tickling a little.

Cats and tigers were not the same. Cats were soft and lovely no matter what, so others couldn’t help wanting to get closer.


Qi Xiaohan arrived at the spiritual liquid pool’s side with the big gray wolf.

The big gray wolf was already lying on the shore, resting. His entire being was as tired as a dog. The little white cat also lay next to the big gray wolf and took a look at him as she pillowed her head on her own paw.

The big gray wolf glanced at the little cat and spat, “Why were you previously chasing behind me, glaring at my back with your cat eyes? I thought you were going to bite my tail.”

The little white cat shook her whole body. Hearing what he said, she turned her head and meowed, “How can I? We’re in school!”

The big gray wolf’s narrowed eyes suddenly widened: “Then if we weren’t at school, you would’ve bitten it?”

The little white cat instantly retorted righteously, “Of course not, we’re classmates!”

The big gray wolf recalled the little cat’s predatory expression as she stared at his tail, and gave her a suspicious look.

“Hey, we have to soak in the spiritual liquid pool later. Do you think that the pool is deep?” The little cat nonchalantly asked.

The big gray wolf suddenly shifted his attention and also looked at the pool water together with the kitten. The pool water was a light green with an unseen bottom, so who knew how deep it was?

The big gray wolf retreated with trepidation, then said to the little cat: “It looks very deep, but it’s okay, there’s no problem if we have to swim. It’s completely OK.”

Qi Xiaohan: “…”

The little cat felt that she might not quite be OK.

Her ears were flattened on both sides as she secretly glanced over there. After seeing it, her tail stuck to the ground.

“Meow ……”

The big gray wolf saw the kitten acting like that and said suspiciously, “You’re not afraid of water, are you? You can’t swim?”

The little white cat: “Yes, but, right, is this water really deep?”

The little white cat hesitantly looked at the pool water, walked to the edge of the pool, and stretched her paws to try.

The pool water was cool, but not the kind of cold that would make her uncomfortable, the feeling was actually very comfortable.

The other students also gradually arrived and the side of the spiritual liquid pool suddenly became lively. Each and every one was weary as they plopped into the water.

The big gray wolf also jumped down and swam happily in the water. Soon there were fewer and fewer students on the shore.

Staying any longer would look conspicuous so Qi Xiaohan meowed, closed her eyes, and also jumped in.

Her paws paddled and with the buoyancy of the pool water, the little cat also floated on the water surface.

Yes, Qi Xiaohan could also swim. However, as Qi Xiaohan looked down at the pool water with the hidden bottom, she quickly raised her head again.

It was horrible.

The little white cat paddled, her little head floating on the surface of the water. She was determined not to look down again at the pool’s bottom.

The spiritual fluid entered along the body acupuncture points and mended the spiritual power within the various parts of the body, which was a very wonderful feeling.

The students soaked for a while and were beginning to play with the water. You pounce on me; I pounce on you. It was very merry.

Qi Xiaohan felt her fur’s heaviness on her body as it soaked up the water.

A little peacock behind her was splashed with water by a big Peng. Suddenly the little peacock became very angry, raised his wings, and struck a large swath of water.

The students in that area were all suddenly caught in it, one by one shouting and cursing, wanting to rush to a duel with the peacock and big Peng[1.].

Qi Xiaohan choked on the sudden rush of water and sank. Seeing the dark green and secluded pool bottom, Qi Xiaohan suddenly panicked. Her paws forgot how to paddle and she started to sink.

“Meow …… *splash* …… waa!”


Translator’s comments:

  1. A 大鹏 big Peng is a legendary big bird. It is a gigantic bird transformed from a gigantic Kun fish in ancient Chinese mythology.



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