My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 23

Soon, a new training hall was assigned to them, to which Lang Chen took the students.

The other students continued their previous training, while Qi Xiaohan, as the only injured feline, was assigned to the spiritual power fine control area.

The spiritual power fine control area was as its name implied.

Lang Chen showed the little cat behind him to a spot, and she climbed up on it and raised her front paws.

“For this afternoon, you’ll be over here using your spiritual power to carve eggs. When your wound is healed tomorrow, you’ll continue practicing with your classmates.”

Qi Xiaohan listened and looked at the basket of wooden blocks placed next to her. She was silent for a moment.

Carving eggs?

After arranging the little cat’s task, Lang Chen sat nearby and watched the students train.

Many of the freshmen in the agility area were so tired that their movements gradually slowed, and a few of the furry ones even lay down.

Lang Chen raised his gaze up and knocked on the table next to him, indicating that the students shouldn’t be lazy.

“Keep going, keep up the pace.”

The students in the agility area wailed. Seeing the instructor there watching them, they could only obediently stand up again and continue to speed around the agility area.

The area had a spiritual suppressant. Since it was merely the first time they had come here, Lang Chen had set it to the lowest level for the new students, but when they were truly doing the course, it wasn’t very easy.

Qi Xiaohan glanced over in that direction and saw that the students were busy. She then looked at the wooden blocks next to her spot and suddenly felt a sense of happiness.

Noticing Qi Xiaohan’s lack of movement, Lang Chen glanced over at her area.

Qi Xiaohan immediately pressed on the wooden blocks with her paws and started using her spiritual power, about to start.

These randomly piled wooden blocks weren’t ordinary wooden blocks. When Qi Xiaohan started to grind away at the wooden blocks with her spiritual power, she realized that the wooden blocks seemed to be extra-hard and brittle, which made them quite difficult to handle.

Qi Xiaohan’s spiritual power condensed into an invisible blade, polishing the block of wood bit by bit.

This required precise control of her spiritual power, and a single mistake would easily result in a failure. Qi Xiaohan ground down two pieces of wood before finally making slight progress. She held the wood up extremely carefully.

Lang Chen unintentionally turned his head and saw that the little cat was holding the wooden block, that had been ground into an egg shape, with three paws. Her head was lowered and she was very solemn as she treated the piece of ochre willow wood like an enemy, her feline ears twitching from time to time.

Qi Xiaohan gradually transformed the spiritual power that had originally been formed into a blade into a curved sandpaper-like sheet of spiritual power, and little by little, polished the wooden egg made purely with spiritual power. Noticing Lang Chen’s gaze, the little cat lifted her head, meowed, and grinned as she lifted the wooden egg with two little cat paws to show to Lang Chen.

When Lang Chen’s hand withdrew, Qi Xiaohan’s wooden egg was settled in it. Lang Chen measured it indifferently and then threw it back to the woodchip-covered kitten’s side. “Ordinary, keep polishing. After it’s passable, carve another one.”

After he said that, he heard the kitten give an ‘oh’. Her originally upright and happy ears also slumped as she once again returned to the piles of wood, carrying the polished wooden egg.

After a day of training, the little cat Qi Xiaohan walked out while limping.

Qi Xiaohan’s original group members gathered around.

“Xiaohan, is your leg okay?”

“Thanks to your quick reaction, that fireball didn’t drop onto our heads.”

“I’ll buy you dinner tonight.”

The little white cat looked at some of the big cats surrounding her and lifted her hind paws, indicating that she had no major problems, “It’s not very sore, just some burnt skin and fur. It’ll be fine once it grows back.”

The little lion listened, very guiltily looking at Xiaohan’s hind paw. Gosh! Missing hair! As a cat, having no hair was a big thing!

The little lion licked the little white cat’s ears and rubbed against her: “Xiaohan, don’t you worry, we’ll treat you to dinner tonight, okay?”

Several other big cats were also nodding their heads, looking at the little white cat’s bandaged hind legs and then withdrawing their gaze, afraid that Xiaohan would be sad after noticing it.

Lang Chen walked over just in time to see the little cat talking with the other students. He thought of the injuries the little cat had suffered today, and afterward remembered the mess of things the little cat had eaten and sent out in the Moments on a regular basis. Lang Chen reached out to pick up the cat and said, “Your diet should be light for now. Eat less outside and come to the canteen with me.”

After saying that, he left carrying the cat away.

The little white cat lay in Lang Chen’s arms. She tilted her head to look at her senior brother and meowed.

Eat at the canteen?

It was great to eat at the canteen; it was more affordable.

As the little cat thought of this, the tip of her tail swayed and she relaxed in Lang Chen’s arms.

Lang Chen looked at the cat, suddenly reached out with his fingers, and lifted the little white cat’s hind paws as he checked her fur.

The startled Qi Xiaohan meowed and heard Lang Chen overhead saying flatly:

“Resting for an afternoon is good enough. You can train normally tomorrow.”

Qi Xiaohan: ?

Meow? Wasn’t this tiger a bit too excessive?

Lang Chen met the little cat’s rounded eyes. He reached out a hand to turn her head and pet her.

The meals in the canteen were very good. Lang Chen placed the little cat in a seat, probably being careful of her injuries. After a while, he brought over two meal orders, one of which was placed in front of the little cat.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the oversized cat’s meal then inevitably directed her gaze up to Lang Chen. This tiger must have no idea how big a cat’s appetite actually was.

He had probably never raised a cat.

Of course, why would a tiger want to raise a cat? It didn’t make sense. Only humans liked to keep cats.

The little cat sighed, much like a human. She lifted her paws and pushed the plate in Lang Chen’s direction. Just when she wanted to say something, she saw Lang Chen raise his eyes questioningly.

“Need me to feed you?”

Lang Chen picked up the kitten’s spoon and brought the food to the cat’s mouth, waiting seriously for Qi Xiaohan to open her mouth.

Little kitten: …

Seeing that the little white cat was looking at him with a speechless expression and not eating the cat food he had delivered to her mouth, Lang Chen reached out to stroke her cheek and ordered, “Eat properly, don’t be picky.”

Alright, she was not gonna say anything. This tiger had already completely seen through all of her intentions.

She had never imagined that this brother was this kind of tiger.

Qi Xiaohan didn’t refuse Lang Chen’s feeding. Her spoon was tiny, anyways, even though it was mostly used for decoration. After all, before she could transform into a human, she rarely has a chance to use the spoon to eat. She wasn’t sure whether there would be a similar treatment later, so she should cherish it.

Watching the little cat finish the meal he had given her with small bites, Lang Chen was a bit satisfied.

This little cat still did what she was told, and wasn’t picky about her food if she was told not to be.

Only, the little cat had eaten very little… Lang Chen took a glance at the amount of food the kitten ate and again, felt a bit unsatisfied.

Lang Chen picked up the paper towel at the side to wipe the little cat’s mouth and paws and later to clean up the utensils. He then looked at the little white cat and said, “Let’s go back to the dormitory.”

When Qi Xiaohan and Lang Chen returned to the dormitory, they happened to meet Lusha.

Lusha was a little surprised to see Lang Chen bringing the little cat back, and couldn’t help but look at them a couple more times.

Lang Chen nodded at her and was about to leave when Lusha called out to him, “President, my hometown sent me some specialties. Since you happen to be here, take some back.”

Lang Chen originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of the pitiful Duo-en in the dormitory. He stopped in his tracks and actually waited.

Lusha was a bit surprised when she saw that the president had really accepted and hurriedly said, “Then, wait for a moment.”

After saying this, she reached out to pick up the kitten and went upstairs.

Qi Xiaohan and sister Lusha went back to the dormitory together. At that moment, Lusha’s dormitory was a mess. Her dormitory was a two-person one, and another reserved snow leopard sister was collapsed on the floor as she recited a law book.

The situation scared the little cat.

Seeing this, Lusha smoothed the little cat’s fur and calmly said: “It’s nothing, your senior sister will be retaking an examination soon and she’s going insane over it. By the way, why did you come back with Lang Chen?”

Lang Chen was a tiger who paid a significant amount of attention to his space. During break times, he wouldn’t stay with the student union or his seniors if it wasn’t necessary. Instead, he would go back to the training room by himself or to the dormitory to rest.

Qi Xiaohan talked about the day’s events and raised her paw in passing to show her senior sister that she was injured.

Lusha looked at the little cat’s bundled up hind legs. She had noticed before that the little cat’s hind legs were wrapped, but didn’t expect its cause. Lusha immediately looked at the little cat tenderly: “This is the first time something like this has happened. Xiaohan, you’ll have to record this fire spirit accident today for future incidents like this.”


Lusha explained: “There’s a brochure for such accidents which will be distributed to the students at that time. It’ll explain what the training process is and which accidents might happen. Xiaohan, you’re going to be a terrific person for the extraordinary talented future students.“

Little kitten: “Meow ……”

There was nothing wrong with what was said, but why did it feel so humiliating?

The little white cat kept twisting her ears.

Lusha took two small boxes from her cabinet. One was given to the little white cat, and the other was intended to be brought downstairs.

Qi Xiaohan was still roasting senior brother Lang Chen for giving her an extra-large portion of rice and thinking that she was being a picky cat.

When Lusha heard this, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud as her eyebrows arched: “What the hell, Lang Chen told you not to be a picky eater?”

The little white cat tilted her head: “Yeah, that’s what he said.”

Lusha: “He’s a picky eater himself, you know. We didn’t notice it at the start, but after getting along for a long time, we found out that he doesn’t eat green onions, cilantro, grapefruit, and firmly refuses to eat blueberries, fried food, and spicy food. Every time the president is dragged to a dinner, he has to sit for a long time dignifiedly. Even when we didn’t know, he never mentioned what he dislikes.”

Now it was Lang Chen’s turn to educate new students not to be picky eaters.

Was it possible that this tiger had been keeping this in mind for a long time?

Yes, he was that much of a perfectionist.

Lang Chen was waiting for Lusha to come downstairs. He saw Lusha handing him the specialties, looking at him with a smile and a meaningful look.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Lang Chen: ?




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