My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 22.1

The little white cat was no longer a white cat at this time, half of her fur had been burned to black, and the skin under the fur was red.

Lang Chen hugged the kitten and checked for injuries. The kitten’s head was drooping and dangling. It was shocking to see.

Lang Chen pinched the back of the kitten’s neck and called several times: “Qi Xiaohan? Qi Xiaohan?”

The kitten that had landed in his arms finally reacted, wrinkling her nose and meowing loudly.

Lang Chen relaxed a little, touched the kitten’s head, and then said to the students behind him: “Stop for a while and rest where you are.”

After saying that, he strode outside with the kitten in his arms.

The kitten still cried so loudly that the whole training room could hear it.

The most serious injury Qi Xiaohan has suffered growing up was that she chipped her claws while climbing up the screen window at home. Now even her fur was scorched black, and her head buzzed from the big fireball.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuah…meow.” The kitten lay in Lang Chen’s arms, sobbing.

Lang Chen gently patted the kitten with his hand, comforted her, and hurried to the infirmary on that floor.

There were already many injured students in the infirmary. They are being treated by the school doctors or the seniors who were sent from the Medical Department.

There was also a senior student from the Cat Clan who had chosen to major in the Medical Department. When she saw Lang Chen coming with a kitten in her arms, she immediately approached them.

“What’s going on here?”

The senior sister was startled and took the kitten. When she saw the charred kitten which was crying, she immediately stroked it in distress.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry. Senior sister will help you take a look.”

After saying that, she placed the kitten on the soft cushion, and the nurse on the side helped prepare the things. The senior sister began to carefully examine the kitten’s burned body.

Lang Chen stood aside, his brows never relaxing, and stared at the kitten closely.

The senior sister checked her for a while, then her original solemn look softened, and was replaced with a smile. She patted the kitten’s butt and said, “It’s okay. It’s just a little bit of burnt fur. I’ll apply some medicine for the scalding and then she’ll be fine.”

After hearing this, the little white cat immediately raised her head, meowed, and looked at the senior sister.

The senior sister took off her gloves and said to Lang Chen with a smile: “The student you brought has very thick sick and was not been burned badly. She was doing training against fire spirits earlier, right? She’s really lucky. The kitten has probably been crying because she’s scared. Apply some burn ointment and rest for a while before continuing training.”

After saying that, she rubbed the kitten’s head again and left.

When Qi Xiaohan heard her senior sister say that she was fine, she moved her hind paws doubtfully. When she felt that it really didn’t hurt that much, her ears gradually perked up and she looked up at her senior brother.


After Lang Chen relaxed and saw the kitten like this, he immediately laughed and rubbed her head with both hands: “Meow? Are you still meowing? Now that you know there is no problem, you don’t meow anymore?”

The little white cat stepped on the mat with her two paws, flattened her ears against her head, and meowed again,

“…I really thought it hurt at first.”

The little white cat tilted her head. The fireball was about to hit them. She moved faster than she could think and kicked the fireball away subconsciously.

However, she forgot that this fireball also carried other people’s fire. It was different from the fireballs she had condensed in the past, and it burned her whole body at once.

Even if Lang Chen had drawn out the White Tiger Flowing Heart Fire, those ordinary flames that he had refined within that fireball since the start were unusual even for the freshmen.

At this time, the nurse had already started to apply ointment to Qi Xiaohan. The nurse sister held one of the kitten’s paws, helped her clean it carefully, and then bandaged it.

Most of the other students in the infirmary were injured during military training and were now resting there.

Lang Chen looked at the kitten his eyes hiding his thoughts.

The situation was urgent just now, and he carried the kitten here without thinking too much, but now that he thought about it carefully. He knew the power of the fireball. If the kitten really kicked it with one claw, there was no way her injuries should be as simple as a slight burn.

Lang Chen tapped his fingers lightly and estimated the power of the new fireball. Seeing that the kitten was still looking up at him, Lang Chen touched the pattern on the kitten’s forehead with his fingers.

“Are you scared? Don’t move so fast in the future. With your senior brothers and sisters and teachers here, you don’t have to worry about getting hurt. We will protect you and wait for you to grow up, and then it will be your turn to protect the new generation.”

The kitten’s green eyes reflected the shadow of the man in front of her as he lowered his head and spoke softly. She meowed and nodded seriously.

The little white cat still needed some medicine before going back, so Lang Chen leaned against the door and waited, lowering his head slightly. The familiar white flame was burning in the palm of his hand.

It was just a fireball made by four freshmen doing preliminary training, so it shouldn’t have had the volatility to explode like it did.

The fireball he had condensed and infused with the White Tiger Heart Fire couldn’t be more stable. The students’ exploding fireballs shouldn’t be able to detonate his White Tiger Heart Fire.

Since the military allowed freshmen to undergo this kind of training from the beginning, it meant that this kind of training was not dangerous.

Who did that tyrannical flame belong to?

The freshmen’s strength was relatively average. Even if there were one or two with extraordinary talents, their spiritual power was not so strong that they could completely suppress the other students. The fireball condensed by the four students was quite stable. At most, there was a problem of gathering and dispersing the concentration of the fire spirit.

That the instructor condensed fireball had exploded had almost never happened.

A moment ago, when that incident had happened, the training room had immediately called the police. Right now there should be an investigator coming over to check what happened. When Lang Chen was in the infirmary earlier, he had briefly reported it.

Seeing that the kitten was fine and had limped towards him, Lang Chen directly reached out to pick her up, held her in his arms, and headed back to the training room.

At this time, several investigators were already checking the training room. When they saw Lang Chen coming back, they nodded towards him.

“Is this the freshman who was injured just now? How is she doing? Is the injury serious?”

Lang Chen nodded and put the cat on the ground, “It’s not serious. She can continue training after taking a rest.”

After hearing this, the kitten immediately fell to the ground and acted like “I’m dead.”

Lang Chen said expressionlessly: “There’s no point in pretending to be dead.”




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