My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 20

The next day, the golden cat Xiao Mengmeng’s alarm clock rang at half past five, and the four cats woke up hazily, raising their paws and rubbing their eyes.

“How come it’s dawn so soon!”

“Ah, I don’t understand why there has to be military training!”

“Crazy, it’s crazy!”

Xiao Mengmeng tidied up her fur and explained: “It is said that there was no such thing at the beginning, but a large-scale battle broke out in the middle of the last century, and the barrier was gradually damaged. Many students who were not yet mature were lost that time. Since then, the school has paid more attention to this aspect. My senior sister said that during the second half of the military training, you have to be taken outside to form a team to practice, which is particularly difficult, and this is also related to the level of the school badge later.”

Qi Xiaohan lay on the mat for a while, feeling like she couldn’t open her eyes. She meowed, slowly got up, and put on the military training scarf.

The simple structure of the military training scarf prevented students from having their clothes hinder their movements during training.

However, if you were a humanoid student, you wouldn’t have this worry. Humans, witches, and demons all had to wear military training uniforms for training.

The movements in the corridor of the dormitory gradually became louder, and many students hurriedly ran out. Qi Xiaohan and the others followed them and ran downstairs after tidying up the dormitory.

Today was the first day of military training. Students who had not participated in military training couldn’t even be officially regarded as students of Xunhai Union University.

After going downstairs, Qi Xiaohan separated from her roommates. After all, they were not in the same major so they were not grouped together for military training.

Downstairs, the fluffy and humanoid classmates gathered in a chaotic pile. Under the command of their respective senior brothers and sisters, they stood in two teams and headed towards the military training venue.

The space in ​​Xunhai Union University was large enough for these freshmen to complete their one-month military training there.

The little white cat stood at the front of the team, looking at Senior Sister Mi Yueyue who was leading the team.

Senior sister Mi Yueyue was only a sophomore this year and was a beautiful cheetah. At this time, she was seriously emphasizing discipline and was followed by a neat line of big and small cats.

“I will leave after I send you to the military training venue. You must listen to the instructor in everything. If the instructor gives you a failing score at the end of the military training, you will not be able to graduate.”

The freshmen behind her immediately agreed loudly.

After hearing this, Mi Yueyue nodded with satisfaction, and led her junior students to the bus with her head held high. They arrived at a training gym that resembled a flying bird. She raised her furry paw and pressed it against the fingerprint sensor on the side of the door of the training gym. Then, the elevator opened.

Mi Yueyue called the cats to get on the elevator and presented: “The Flying Eagle Training Hall has all kinds of attributes. It is the school’s third-level training hall. In order to train new students, the fifteenth floor underground has been specially set aside for your use.”

While talking, she pressed the elevator button and the elevator dropped instantly.

“In the future, you will need to use your permission card to unlock the elevator. Senior sister will take you this time. If you encounter any problems during the military training, you can come to me or contact the counselor,” Mi Yueyue turned back and said to the students as she sent them to the training ground.

At this time, the freshmen were completely immersed in the layout of the entire training ground, looking around full of curiosity.

The training field was massive, with all kinds of equipment that the students had never seen before. Students from other majors arrived one after another behind them. After taking a look at the team led by Mi Yueyue, they chose a door to enter.

Mi Yueyue stayed there for a while, letting the students look at it for a while, and then opened the door that their major had applied for, training hall No. 34.

In the training hall, waited an instructor wearing an iron-gray uniform with a fiery red lizard beast in front of him. Hearing the sound of the door opening, the lizard beast looked over.

Mi Yueyue:…

The cheetah’s ears flattened instantly, fearful.

Mi Yueyue paused for a moment, then walked towards the instructor.

“Senior Brother Lang Chen, this is the new students majoring in spiritual control. If there are no problems, I will go up first.”

Lang Chen nodded and took the list from Mi Yueyue’s hand.

Mi Yueyue made a reassuring gesture towards the freshmen, then strode away from the place quickly.

Senior Brother Lang Chen was the most talented student in recent years. On the day he entered the spiritual test, a fiery red pillar of light had burnt half of the sky. His pure fire spirit physique, accompanied by powerful spiritual power, had already been revealed during military training and had successfully transformed. He became the leader of the younger generation of Xunhai Union University.

When he was a freshman, he chose to enter the military department. Entering the military department would exempt him from the minor rules within his major at Xunhai Union University and allowed him to study and train at the same time.

After that, Lang Chen even excelled in his studies. Even if he didn’t want to do something, once he did it, he did his best. He practically became a benchmark for the younger generation. Every year when he competed with other peers in the league, his record would be very impressive.

Maybe this was the character of a tiger.

Originally, the instructors would invite outstanding students from Xunhai Union University’s External Defence Forces to serve as instructors. Most of them were senior students in the military department. They would lead their juniors for a period of time before their internship period. Lang Chen was the first to be chosen as an instructor in his junior year.

Qi Xiaohan raised her face and looked at the senior brother in front of her and meowed, feeling a little surprised.

Yesterday, when she was chatting with her roommates, they were still guessing which senior brothers and sisters would be leading them in military training. She didn’t expect to see Lang Chen there today.

She had spoken with Lang Chen last night, but Senior Brother Lang Chen didn’t even mention that he would come to lead military training today.

The freshmen standing below also saw Lang Chen, and someone recognized him. Thinking of the rigorous and domineering style of the vice president of the student union that they had witnessed in the group, the freshmen couldn’t help but tremble in their hearts.

The nervousness slowly spread among the freshmen’s whispers.

Qi Xiaohan felt okay. After all, he was her direct senior brother. When her senior brother chatted with her last night, his attitude was not bad. The little cat could not help but feel a little relieved.

Lang Chen also saw the familiar little white cat and glanced at her, then he saw the little white cat’s fluffy tail was wagging towards him, and that she looked very happy.

Lang Chen retracted his gaze, picked up the roll call book and flipped through it. The entire training hall gradually became silent, and the students secretly looked up at the stern instructor standing on the stage.

“First, roll call.”

A low and pleasant voice sounded unhurriedly in the hall. The man put his finger on the roll call book and read the names of the freshmen. The students tensed up and stood upright waiting for the instructor to call their names.

For a moment, the only sound in the entire hall was the names of the students and the voices of the students’ answers.

After waiting for the last name to be read, Lang Chen closed the roll call sheet, put it aside, and looked at the students in the audience.

“Military training is just a regular training before everyone enters college life. You don’t need to worry too much, but similarly, if you can’t even endure the regular training, then there is no need to continue to attend this school. After passing the military training, the school’s external defence department will give everyone Xunhai Union University’s school badge. The school badge is divided into levels by color. Students who receive the school badge mean they have been recognized by the school. I hope you will work hard and strive to win the highest honor. ”


The fiery red lizard beast heard the sound and looked down.

Being stared at by those cold vertical pupils, the students couldn’t help but feel tense.

The man on the high platform stood next to the giant beast, with a tall and straight posture. His handsome face looked even more indifferent next to the ferocious beast, leaving people feeling intimidated. He looked around with indifferent eyes and continued:

“The training is divided into two parts. The first half is basic training, which is conducted in the training hall on campus. The second part is actual combat exercises, which are conducted in designated places outside the school. We will compete with other peers in the Alliance. Students who fail to pass will lose their qualifications to join the school.”

The other members of the Alliance – the five major alliances each had their own institutions or sects dedicated to cultivating outstanding descendants. They only learned from their own clans, becoming part of the conservative faction. Xunhai Union University was jointly funded and established by the five major alliances. It was the only comprehensive university allowing for a mix of clans. Its significance along with its extensive range of talents was incomparable compared to the other schools.

Letting the students compete with the other sect organizations was in order to encourage the younger generation, no matter where they study, to work hard knowing that there are people outside of them and there is a bright future. As for some of the secret political battles and the undercurrents of the old and new factions, there was no need to mention it.

“This level 5 lizard beast will test you when your on-campus training is nearly finished.”

Lang Chen calmly said something that made the hearts of all the students in the training hall sink heavily.

The lizard beast seemed to understand Lang Chen’s words and took a step forward.

The students:!!!

Lang Chen: “Those who haven’t condensed their own fire until now, come over to the Lizard Beast and get one, and temporarily refine it in the middle of military training for later assessment.”

Lang Chen looked down and saw a human student walking to the front.

Human students did have more difficulty condensing spiritual fire than other races, but their understanding was very good. After refining their own source of spiritual fire, they would be no different from other students.

Compared with the classmates from the demon race who couldn’t transform, they were all about the same, and no one was better than the other.

The lizard beast swung its heavy tail and hit the ground with a bang, then it looked at the human students, opened its mouth and spit out a flame.

The first human student in line collected it, and then the second one stepped forward. The lizard beast breathed fire again, and the student took the flame…

It wasn’t until all of the students had spiritual fire that Lang Chen patted the lizard beast’s thick scales and asked it to leave.





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