My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 18

After visiting the second-hand market, the little kitten stopped by a courier store to send the bracelet to Qi Ning.

It was the beginning of school, so there were many people at the express delivery point. Qi Xiaohan even queued there for a while.

Xunhai Union University was in a separate space enclosed in a barrier, but both the network and logistics were connected with the outside world. The university was placed in the small world in order to protect the safety of the students who had not yet grown up, and to ensure the concealment of the military base.

When a package arrived at the school, couriers who lived around the school would take it to the school’s internal collection point.

There was no shortage of national infrastructure around the school, but the people living there were not just ordinary people from the outside world.

When Qi Xiaohan came back, she brought a lot of various things that she had bought or received as gifts from his seniors. She was incredibly happy.

The little snow leopard also brought back a lot of things. She wore a cute woollen hat on her head. For a big cat, the hat was useless. Nevertheless, the little snow leopard wore the hat and posed in front of the mirror for a long time, even taking several photos.

Qi Xiaohan sat on the soft cushion and started to look through the things she bought at the second-hand market. She also found the books that Senior Brother Duo-en had given her before among everything.

The textbooks were all neatly packed. Although they were a little old, they could still be used. Some notes were also included.

The little kitten opened the book, and saw the name “Lang Chen” written in sharp writing on the first page.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Lang Chen’s textbook.

The little white cat rolled over and sat up. Her entire body was upright, as her paws continued to turn the pages. Lang Chen’s calligraphy was very upright and beautiful, just like his person. Just looking at such calligraphy was pleasing to the eye.

Compared with Qi Xiaohan’s handwriting, it was simply heaven and earth.

Qi Xiaohan was a kitten who could not write.

Qi Xiaohan knew how to read. After all, she and Qi Ning had lived together for more than ten years, watched TV together, took the bus, and she even sometimes secretly went to school to see Qi Ning. As long as it wasn’t a rare character, Qi Xiaohan would be absolutely fine, but the little white cat had never written.

The little white cat tilted her head, looked at the textbook from another direction, and meowed.

A few days before school started, the little kitten was caught by Qi Ning for emergency tutoring for a period of time. The results were pretty good.

At least she could write their names squarely.

The little white cat meowed. The sharp and straight fonts written in the textbook was really pleasing to the eye. The kitten raised her paws and began to imitate the writing with her spiritual power.


The little snow leopard saw the little white cat practicing calligraphy, and came over curiously. When she saw the words written by the little white cat, he was silent for a moment and said:

“Xiaohan, I think you need to try tracing red first?[1.]”

With that said, the little snow leopard found a piece of thin white paper for Qi Xiaohan and placed it over Lang Chen’s notes for Qi Xiaohan to use for tracing.

When the golden cat and the little lynx heard the commotion, they also came over and watched Qi Xiaohan writing. After a while, the little lynx couldn’t help shouting:

“Xiaohan, your handwriting is too ugly!”

The meow of the little lynx was definitely not an exaggeration. The words written by Qi Xiaohan were almost as bold as the sky. The words were large and small and crooked. Each stroke was written in unexpected places. It was completely arbitrary.

However, the little white cat still controlled the pen with her spiritual power. She was very confident, his cat ears stood up, and she practiced stroke by stroke seriously.

None of the three big cats knew how to interrupt her.

Qi Xiaohan stopped when she heard the little lynx’s words. She moved her paws away, and looked at her handwriting again, and then looked at Lang Chen’s handwriting.


The kitten’s ears gradually flattened.

Just, very realistic.

The little snow leopard couldn’t help sighing, “Xiaohan, I have a copybook, do you want it?”

The kind that corrects children’s strokes.

Xiaohan: “…Thank you.”

The little kitten, whose confidence was shattered by reality, took the copybook.


After practicing all afternoon, Qi Xiaohan climbed onto her bed, licked her fur, stretched her front paws forward and kicked her back paws, then took out her mobile phone and called Qi Ning.

“Meow!” The kitten meowed loudly and happily.

Qi Ning’s happy voice came from the other end of the phone. “Xiaohan! Why are you calling me at this time? Didn’t you say you have military training?”

Qi Xiaohan. “We won’t have military training until tomorrow. We went out to buy something today.”

Qi Ning: “By the way, what’s the address of your school? You should be able to receive express delivery. I’ll send you some more after you finish the food. Didn’t you say that the food in the cafeteria is not delicious?”

The kitten turned over and put the phone on the bed. Her head rested on her two fluffy front paws. “The food is not bad, but not as good as the food at home. Ningning, I bought you a bracelet, it’s very beautiful and has been sent to you. It will probably arrive soon.”

A bracelet?

Qi Ning said quickly: “You don’t have to buy anything for me, just keep the money to buy food for yourself, you know?”

After hearing this, the little kitten immediately turned over, her triangular ears stood up, and she said to the other end of the phone very proudly: “I didn’t use the family money. I’m going to work for a senior for five days. He gave me the bracelet!”

Listening to her kitten’s proud tone which was asking for praise, Qi Ning unconsciously smiled. “Xiaohan is so awesome.”

This was the first time that the kitten had obtained something through hard work!

She kind of wanted to knead the kitten’s fur.

“By the way, switch to video chat so that I can see what your dormitory looks like.”

Qi Xiaohan listened and clicked on the video. The kitten’s entire face filled up the screen, her eyes round.


Qi Ning felt that the cat’s face was so big in front of the camera that she couldn’t help moving the phone back, and then said to Qi Xiaohan: “Xiaohan, move back, your face is filling up the camera.”

The kitten moved back obediently, meowed, and raised her paws a little aggrievedly to show to the human on the screen.

“Ningning, I practiced calligraphy all afternoon, and my paws hurt from exhaustion.”

Qi Ning was originally looking around the kitten’s dormitory, but when she heard that the kitten was actually practicing calligraphy, she was instantly happy.

“What? You’ve been practicing calligraphy, show me quickly!”

When she was at home, she pressed the cat’s head and asked her to write, but she refused. Unexpectedly, she actually practiced calligraphy after coming to school. As expected of a school, the learning atmosphere was different.

The kitten snorted twice and flicked her tail, refusing to show the ugly calligraphy she had written during practice.

After all, her human family was a very direct person and would not consider her self-esteem at all.

She would definitely laugh at her.

The kitten stomped her paws and thought.

Even without taking it out, Qi Ning could imagine how the kitten would be written. Just looking at the expression on the kitten you would know that it was definitely not good calligraphy.

Qi Ning: “Then you practice hard. Your admissions teacher said that you have formal mid-term and final exams every year. If you fail more than four subjects, you will have to repeat the grade. Remember to study hard, Xiaohan.”

The little kitten: “…Got it.”

The little white cat raised her paws and rubbed her ears unhappily, and hung up the phone, not wanting to chat anymore.

The other three big cats in the dormitory were still chatting about something. After Qi Xiaohan hung up the phone, she jumped out of bed and ran to her friends.

Seeing Qi Xiaohan coming down, the little snow leopard looked at her and asked curiously: “Hey Xiaohan, do you know that there is a cat in the Mind Control Department in your institution? I saw it in the group before, when we were all reporting as freshmen. He walked around the school six times with his luggage, but he couldn’t find his way.”

“Wow, this is a bit amazing, isn’t it? The situation in the school was so serious that day. Our senior brothers and sisters didn’t allow us to walk around, but he was able to walk around the school six times?”

“I heard that most Mind Control Department students are very talented, but that’s not the point. The point is that this cat always hangs around in front of the Bird Clan’s office building. The relationship between our Clan and the Bird Clan is not very good and it seems that they have been fighting for a long time. That cat kept hanging around the door, and a sophomore Sparrow thought he was provoking them, so he came up and started fighting with the cat.”

“Just fight then? Isn’t this senior from the Bird Clan too hot-tempered?”

“No, no, when he asked the cat what he was doing, the cat glanced at him, turned around and passed by the Bird Clan’s courtyard again, and when he asked him what was wrong, the cat glanced at him again but said nothing. He passed by the Bird Clan’s courtyard five times in total and didn’t say anything, so the sophomore sparrow become suspicious. He came up and stopped the cat. He probably had a bad attitude when he asked, so the two started fighting.”

“I know this too. A senior brother from our wood spirit courtyard passed by and approached the fight when he saw it. The most important thing is that Ah Tan won the fight, you know! That cat is super fierce. He held down the sparrow and beat him. After returning to their original form, the two of them were taken away by the law enforcement team patrolling the college.”

“Had it not been for being taken away, Ah Tan would not have been found so quickly. Speaking of which, Ah Tan has a very strange personality. When he gets lost, he just tries to find his way without asking anyone.”

“At that time, Senior Brother Lang Chen went directly to the law enforcement team and took Ah Tan away. Otherwise, we wouldn’t know how long it would have taken to find him.”

The little white cat was listening and couldn’t help but move her ears, thinking of the Siamese cat she met on the plane before.

She had thought that Ah Tan was very polite for coming over to pet her head when saying hello. She hadn’t expected Ah Tan to be so powerful.

What a tough cat.


Translator’s comments:

  1. Miaohong 描红 is used to learn how to write Chinese characters. It is by tracing using black ink over characters printed in red. It is the basics and is taught in primary schools.




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