My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 13

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Qi Xiaohan and her roommates went to the place where the mandatory military training uniforms would be distributed by the senior brothers and sisters.

From a distance, a large group of fluffy creatures could be seen gathered together. Some of them squatted directly on the ground, waiting there with their heads held high. It looked very spectacular.

Qi Xiaohan’s figure was easily overshadowed by this group of classmates.

After some discussion among the roommates, the snow leopard picked the little white cat up by the back of her neck, flicked the kitten directly on her back.

Zhou Mingming swung her tail and let out a whine.

Qi Xiaohan lay on the soft fur and moved her body slightly to make herself more comfortable.

The snow leopard’s tail was very long and very beautiful. Qi Xiaohan hooked the snow leopard’s tail and played with it and the snow leopard kept wagging it. The big cat and the kitten were having a lot of fun.

Most of the freshmen who come to school were young, and the snow leopard was only a half-grown cub. Zhou Mingming swung her tail and playfully patted the little white cat on the back with her big furry tail that was almost as long as her body. She stood on the steps and looked down from above.

Soon a senior sister led them into the hall. Qi Xiaohan lay on Zhou Mingming’s back and could see the small island in the sky at the corner diagonally across from her. The freshmen from the Bird Clan were also wearing the training uniforms.

The lynx, Lu Ling quietly said to her roommates: “Have you seen the senior sisters maintaining order, who have transformed into human forms? They are all in their third year. Our school has iron-blooded regulations. Students studying at the school who have not transformed before the end of the first semester of their third year will have to repeat the grade.”

The little white cat’s ears stood up and its eyes widened. It looked at the senior sisters who looked very majestic and meowed, “Is it so strict? When I was a child, I secretly watched TV and saw the demons on TV turning into human forms. I also practiced secretly myself, but it didn’t work at all.”

The golden cat, Xiao Mengmeng also nodded and said in agreement: “My family has been letting me practice transformation for a long time, but I have never been able to understand it. Transformation is really too difficult. I have elders guiding me yet even I have never succeeded in transforming yet.”

Those who went to school there were basically the best of the younger generation in their families, and there was naturally no comparison with their elders.

However, the young cat spirits did not think of this at that time. Seeing the majestic senior brothers and sisters in uniform, they felt a lot of pressure.

The young cat spirits in the Cat Clan were waiting in the hall one by one. When it was Qi Xiaohan and her dormitory’s turn to go, the senior sister sitting behind the table raised her head and glanced at the kitten in front of her.

“Student ID?”


The senior sister recorded a few transactions, and then said to the people behind her: “No. 0.”

The senior sister at the back handed over a small packaging box, and the little white cat immediately grabbed it.

The snow leopards and the other roommates also received their military training uniforms one after another. The golden cat carried the bag and came out. Then the cats ran to the trash can and began to unpack the box on the spot.

Originally, they thought it would be like those small clothes for pets in the human world, but unexpectedly it was a triangular scarf like a bib that could be tied around the neck. It was camouflage, which was quite unique.

Qi Xiaohan used the smallest size and brought it directly to himself, and looked at himself at the bright glass door.

The kitten reflected on the glass mirror was wearing the camouflage triangle scarf, the cat’s ears were erect, and it looked energetic and cute. The kitten was extremely satisfied.

The golden cat and the others didn’t plan to change into it now, so they put the military training uniforms they were given into their backpacks.

The golden cat’s bag also contained the beef jerky that Qi Xiaohan shared before. She was a little hungry, so she took it out and they started eating.

After all the military training uniforms had been distributed, they were a little hungry but they still had to attend the class meetings and so could not go directly to dinner.

Qi Xiaohan also bit into a piece of beef jerky and watched everyone change into their military training uniforms.

After a while, the golden cat, Xiao Mengmeng’s senior sister came over, “Mengmeng, how is the military training uniforms? Is your dormitory packed? Tonight, senior sister will take you to dinner. Remember to wait at the door after the meeting.”

Xiao Mengmeng agreed immediately.

Qi Xiaohan looked over. Is this the alchemy senior sister who went crazy after the lab was bombed that Xiao Mengmeng mentioned before? She looked quite gentle.

Seeing them looking at her, the alchemy senior sister smiled generously at them, said hello to them and left.

Qi Xiaohan and her roommate had different majors, so they naturally separated for their class lectures.

Qi Xiaohan stood at the door of the large classroom, looking at the fluffy creatures playing with each other inside, and then walked in.

The first one that noticed the little white cat here was a young lion. The lion howled, jumped down from the desk, and jumped in front of Qi Xiaohan. He raised his paw to gesture at Qi Xiaohan’s height, surprised.

“It’s a kitten.”

Qi Xiaohan narrowed her eyes and meowed.

The other students also noticed the little white cat, and all looked over.

They were all in the same professional group. Although they had never met, they had chatted with each other in the group. When they saw each other in real life, they naturally met their classmates from the group.

However, their major rarely recruited such small cats. Most of the cats in the class were big cats. There were also students from other races, including demons, witches and humans as well as the wolves and foxes from the Wolf Clan, and the spirit bird classmates from the Bird Clan, etc.

To a certain extent, the Spiritual Control Department was a combination of attack and control.

Qi Xiaohan found an empty seat and jumped on the chair.

A human classmate sat next to the little white cat and pushed a box of finger biscuits to the kitten.

The little white cat meowed, “Thank you.” Then she stretched out her paws and carefully took out a finger biscuit, ate it, and licked her little paws.

The human classmate looked at the fluffy kitten paws, his eyebrows curved.

So cute.

At that moment, an untransformed gray-tabby cat walked in.

Gray-tabby cats were the most common cats you could find in the streets. However, this cat looked slightly larger than ordinary cats and its fur was messy, making the cat look a bit fierce.



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