My Time as a Cat in College

T/N: Hey guys, sorry about last weeks lack of chapters. As mentioned previously in some of my other books, my computer decided to break so I can only borrow a computer from some of my family every now and then, but last week was a busy week for everyone so I was unable to borrow anyone’s computer. I am really sorry about the inconsistency of the updates, I will try my best to be more prepared but I mostly don’t have time to work on a stockpile right now. For this reason, I will drop to 1 chapter a week until I am able to build a bit of a stockpile. Expect it to be a month or so before I go back to 2 – 3 chapters a week. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not dropping this novel, I am just slowing down on the release rate for a bit. Happy belated Chinese New Year for everyone who celebrates it!


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