My Perfect Imperfections

A man like a nightmare




Yu-in, who had been in a deep sleep until just now, suddenly woke up.



Then something that was hanging on her shoulder fell down. When she lowered her head with blank eyes, she saw that a black suit jacket she had never seen before was covering her legs.


Yu-in, who had been wondering what it was for a few seconds, soon became astonished and began to look around.


The pitch-black dashboard, the faint smell of leather seats irritating your nose. Darkly tinted glass.









The place where I was lying was the passenger seat of an unfamiliar car.


The only thing breathing in the barely used interior was manned.


The background was too sloppy to be a kidnapping, and the background was too unfamiliar to say no, which made Yu In afraid.


Just when I was trying to figure out what had happened, the driver’s seat suddenly opened and a low voice was heard in the dark.







“Now you’re awake.”


A long body crumpled into the seat, accompanied by cool night air and an acrid smell.


Yu-in, who blushed at the sight of a large man dressed entirely in black from top to bottom, pressed his body against the door as much as possible and crumpled like a crumpled can.


Yu-in asked the man with a dumbfounded look on his face.







“Who are you?”






“Don’t you remember?”






“what… … “Remember?”






“Then it’s difficult.”


The sharp, downcast eyes looked at the wide, round eyes and the absurdly open mouth, and then spoke.







“You fainted while holding me, Nam Yu-in.”






“yes? Me? No way!”


Big eyes shaking with confusion wandered here and there and then stopped for a moment.


Clearly, a scene that had been nowhere to be seen just moments ago flew in from somewhere and floated around in his head.


A neat black suit that looks like a veil. Cold and heavy bass. A face that couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was.


And, the man in front of me is the owner of it all.


The man asked calmly as his bewildered, widened eyes flinched and made contact with his smooth face.







“Do you remember anything now?”


Yu-In nodded slightly and continued to roll his large eyes with an anxious look.


She was helpless as something that should never have happened to him unfolded before his eyes.


That’s what they meant when they said it couldn’t happen. I really can’t believe it.


She knew it was wrong from the moment sh was drunk, but she never dreamed that the chain reaction would spread this way.


The suspicion and distrust that grew on top of the heavy sense of disappointment turned towards the unfamiliar man who had taken her out of the club and made her sleep in his car, whom she had never seen before.







“Why am I here?”






“There is only one answer, since Nam Yoo-in, who fainted, would not have walked on his own feet.”


Even in the dark room, the man’s pitch black eyes sparkled with a smile.


Seeing his appearance, Yu In shrugged her shoulders even more, but pretended like nothing had happened.







“Why did you bring me out? “You can leave it alone.”






“On the floor in that hallway? Nam Yu-in, are you saying that because you know where it is?”






“club… … is not it? “Where is it?”


Come to think of it, when the man ran into me in the hallway, he said he had to get out quickly.


I asked what the dark purple painted passage was about and why I was overreacting, but the man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head as if he didn’t know and kept his mouth shut.


Yoo In frowned at the lack of response and then muttered dissatisfied.







“At least wake me up.”






“Do you think I didn’t wake you?”






“If he doesn’t wake up, you can at least take him to the police station.”






“What are you doing? What do you think would have been better if it had happened there?”






“At least-.”


You don’t have to be anxious as soon as you open your eyes, and you don’t have to be alone in this enclosed space.


Yu In closed her mouth just before pouring out her words. She didn’t think there was any need to tell him that she was scared.


The man who was observing Yu-in, who suddenly lost his words, asked with interest.







“At least?”






“… … no.”


Even though he didn’t hear the answer, the man grinned as if he knew what he was going to say.







“But in times like this, isn’t it right to say thank you first?”






“… … .”






“I even told him to sleep well, took off his clothes, and went outside the car.”


At the same time, Yu-In gestured at the suit jacket she was holding tightly.


Realizing her actions, which he had not been conscious of at all, Yoo In immediately relaxed her strength, but his already wrinkled jacket did not return to its original state and became limp.


When Yu-in, confused, looked back and forth between the ruined clothes and the man who owned them, she frowned and clicked her tongue.







“Well. “I wore these clothes less than a month ago.”






“… … ah. sorry. “I will pay for the dry clinic.”






“That’s enough.”


The man snatched the jacket from Yuin’s grasp.


Yu-in’s eyes followed the clothes being thrown into the backseat by a half-hearted touch, and then returned to the driver’s seat where he suddenly heard a serious and stern voice.







“From now on, I will drink alcohol in moderation. “Because there will never be another time in the future when someone saves you like today.”






“… … .”






“No matter how urgent it is, don’t go anywhere and squat.”






“… … .”






“Do you understand?”


The man who spoke as if he were a teacher disciplining a misbehaving student made Yoo In feel strange.


Since he brought me in when I was drunk and waited until I woke up, does he think he is in a position where he can worry or interfere?


When Yoo In, feeling uncomfortable with either of them, remained silent, the man went one step further and said, ‘Answer.’ and urged her.


Still, Yoo In, who noticed his eyebrows raising menacingly as he paused, answered quietly without realizing it.







“… … yes.”






“is it so. Now fasten your belt.”






“yes. yes? “Why the belt?”






“Are you not going home?”


Now the man was concluding that Yoo In would naturally take this car and go home.


The attitude was so natural that I almost overlooked it, but Yoo In, who managed to come to his senses, shook both his hands and his head and rejected his offer.







“I’ll go alone. “I can’t do any more damage than this.”






“Nam Yoo-in. “It’s 1 am now.”






“yes. “I know.”






“Isn’t it too late for a student to be walking around?”






“yes? what… … “I’m an adult.”


After scolding him like a teacher, he decided to treat him like a child. Ignoring Yu-in’s words, the man started the car.


Then, he slightly twisted his head and looked at Yoo In with his drowsy eyes, and suddenly the long corners of his eyes curled beautifully and he smiled.


It was clearly an attitude of knowing the power that his smile had.


Yu-in took in her breath. She inhaled and froze.







“so. “Where is your home?”













Late morning the next day.



Yu-in, sprawled out on the bed, was unable to properly enjoy his first relaxing holiday in a week and was thinking about something unpleasant that happened yesterday.


The image of the man smiling so brightly remained in his mind.


And the wide hollow on one cheek that he didn’t notice when he smiled slightly.


When she was scared, Yoo In felt a deep sense of self-destruction for having given in to that pathetic smile and ended up telling her where he lived, so he hit his head.


Still, I was very fortunate that he showed his wit at the moment and named a place that was two blocks away from my apartment.


However, the man who heard the name of another apartment in the same neighborhood smiled coldly for some reason, leaving an unexplainable feeling of uneasiness somewhere in my mind.







“Oh, I don’t know. forget. Forget it, Nam Yu-in!”


Yu-in rolled around on the bed, kicking her legs around her waist as if throwing everything she had experienced yesterday out of her head.


okay. It’s just one of the worst things you can experience at least once in your life.


I also went to the club. I was so drunk that I passed out. Even the man who claims that he saved his life.


Let’s bury it all. I’m not going to go to that place again anyway, I’m not going to drink, and I’ll never see that guy again.


All the strange things have ended since yesterday.


After repeating it for a while as if he was memorizing a spell, Yu-in, feeling much better, stretched out her legs and stood up.


Then she suddenly saw a white shopping bag on the desk that caught her eye and he was startled.







“Oh right!”


Only then did she realize that she had completely forgotten her friends because she was caught up in a man whose name she did not know.


She contacted me saying she was going home, so Jae-hee was fine, but Yun Ji-han, who was special, would probably be upset.


She hurriedly hung up everything and looked into the pockets of Jae-hee’s leather jacket, but she was embarrassed to find them empty.







“… … what.”


Her cell phone is not where it should be.


I didn’t even take it out when I came home last night, so it must be there, but why isn’t it there?


She searched the entire room just in case, but the small machine did not appear.


In the end, she went out to the living room and asked her mother who was resting while watching TV.







“mom. “Have you seen my phone?”






“No, I didn’t see it. “Are you not in your room?”






“huh. “I can’t see it.”


At the same time, I was rummaging around on the living room sofa that I wasn’t even sitting on. Where did you go?


The last time Yoo In confirmed the existence of the cell phone was at the club room where Jae-hee’s birthday party was held.


After sending a message to Jae-hee and Jihan that she was going first, she put it in her pocket and didn’t remember taking it out.


Was she drunk and put it in wrong? Or maybe I dropped it while I was crouching in that strange hallway.


Either that or… … .


No way, really no way, it wasn’t spilled in the car.


Again, the situation began to take a strange turn, and Yoo In was suddenly overcome with anxiety.







“mom! Please lend me your cell phone. “I guess I lost mine.”






“What? where?”






“I don’t remember. “Where’s Mom’s?”


Yoo In took the machine handed to her and dialed her familiar number. She couldn’t press her call right away and she took several deep breaths.


I’d rather no one take it. I hope she just falls to the ground and breaks down. She hoped so.


When I finally pressed the button, several beeping sounds followed.


And, the sound of receiving was heard from the other party, completely shattering Yu-in’s expectations.









At the same time, Yu-in’s heart also fell endlessly.


I could tell just by hearing one letter. It’s a voice that I haven’t forgotten at all.


Instead of Yu-in closing her mouth tightly and not even making a sound, the other person asked first.







-Nam Yoo-in?


He was the man from yesterday.


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