My Niece Is Not A Villainess






The coming-of-age gift typically given to a 20-year-old was mostly flowers and perfume.


However, flowers wither, and perfume disappears once used.


Ian wanted to give his only beloved niece something more special.


Something that was one of a kind in this world.


While contemplating, Ian’s eyes were drawn to a watch.


He could have ordered a custom-made luxury watch, but he was grateful that his niece had grown up so beautifully under her indifferent uncle’s care. So, he wanted to make it himself.


Even during his busy schedule, he took the time to study watches and received help from the constellations.


Given his natural craftsmanship, it wasn’t difficult to create parts using monster by-products.


As he made each part, reminiscing about his niece’s growth, it didn’t feel like a chore but a joy.


But before the watch was completed, the child died.


“…It only requires a slight change in thinking.”


Ian, unable to tell the truth, diverted the conversation.


“A change in thinking?”


“Yes. Isn’t it simple? You just need to control the spinning. Anyway, let’s talk about the palace for a moment.”




Ian responded to the expression questioning whether he wasn’t worried about others overhearing.


“I cast a spell so no one can hear us. Don’t worry.”




“Isn’t the palace a place where magic cannot be used?”


Edelmar leaned back on the sofa.


“That’s right. Though I’m not sure if that applies to black magic.”


Ian thought for a moment about what <Well of Mana> had told him.


“Whether it’s black magic or regular magic, the mechanism is the same, only the mana is different. So, if magic cannot be used, neither can black magic.”


“Then are you saying it’s not black magic?”


Ian shook his head.


“No, that’s not it. While it’s possible the Crown Prince could cause trouble, it’s different when the Emperor is turning a blind eye to it.”


“Hmm. What’s your opinion?”


“…Is there a chance there’s a collaborator inside the palace?”


Edelmar, deep in thought, made a low humming sound before answering.


“It wouldn’t be easy to say there isn’t, given how many people are in the palace.”


“Yes. It may seem like magic is flawless, but there are more gaps than expected. Especially in a large place like the palace.”


“Is there a way to tell if someone is under black magic?”


Ian shook his head again.


“Unless they’re surrounded by black mana, like the monsters we encountered, it’s hard to tell. Even we didn’t know at first that the monster was under black magic.”


Edelmar’s fingers drummed on the table.


“What about using a scanning spell like we did back then?”


“It’s difficult. I don’t even know where the gaps in the palace are, and I can’t use magic inside either. Moreover, there’s no guarantee the scan would confirm it.”


Neither Ian nor Edelmar spoke further.


Both were lost in thought, contemplating how to handle the situation when they heard a voice,


“Excuse me….”


When they turned their heads, they saw Fenrex blinking, awake.


“I can smell it.”




“Yeah. I smelled it in the carriage, too.”


“By smell… do you mean you can smell black magic?”


“Yes. Those who use it have a rotten stench.”


“Why didn’t you say anything in the carriage?”


Fenrex hesitated before answering.


“How can I speak in wolf form? I can only smell when I’m in wolf form.”




Ian, who belatedly remembered that Fenrex was in wolf form when they first rode the carriage, nodded.


“You left as soon as you transformed back into a human.”


“That’s right. So, can you also smell it on people who are under a spell?”




Ian looked at Edelmar.


“Is that possible?”


Edelmar nodded.


“Yes. It would be best to find out immediately.”


Fenrex looked confused by their conversation.


Without a word, Edelmar stood up and grabbed the back of Fenrex’s neck.


“What is this? Let me go! What are you doing!”


Ian quickly cast a Silence spell around Rose.


“Be quiet. Do you want to wake Rose?”


“I said let me go!”


Edelmar tucked the struggling Fenrex under his arm.


“I’ll be back.”




Ian, who had risen to see them off, looked at Rose, who remained undisturbed by the commotion.


“You sleep well, my dear Rose.”


Ian kissed her forehead and then approached the window.


He saw a carriage speeding away from the townhouse and immediately cast a spell.


In case of any intrusions, he reinforced the area with alert spells and shields.


‘Hmm. What should I do next?’


As Ian was contemplating this, trying to recall a memory conveyed by <Well of Mana>, it happened.




A sharp pain, as if a knife had pierced his heart, hit Ian, causing him to cough up blood.


‘What… What is this?’


At the same time, a message he hadn’t seen in a long time appeared before his eyes.


[<Well of Mana shouts,> ‘ Oh, no!’]


[<Well of Mana cries out,> ‘Don’t do anything! Stay still!’]


“Lo… Lord Mana.”


Ian called out to the constellation as he was about to cast a Clean spell, worried that the smell of blood might wake Rose.


[<Well of Mana> is crying, asking what you did to get to this point.]


Though Ian was briefly happy to see <Well of Mana>, the intense pain spreading through his body made him grimace.


But he didn’t want to worry <Well of Mana>.


“I’m fine.”


Ian forced out each word.


Even though he said he was fine, the pain radiating from his heart made him feel like his whole body was being torn apart, and blood continued to pour from his mouth.


[<Well of Mana> shouts, ‘Don’t talk! Stay still!’]


[<Origin> says, ‘It’s already too late,’ with a frown.]


[<End of the Sword> expresses frustration, wondering how you managed to endure until you got to this state.]


“I’m fine…”


Ian coughed up more blood.


[<Well of Mana> screams, ‘I told you not to talk!’]


[<Origin> suggests resolving the situation first.]


[<End of the Sword> excitedly asks <Origin>, ‘Can I do it?’]


[<Origin> nods.]


[<End of the Sword> beams with a wide smile.]


‘What are you going to do?’


Due to the continuous flow of blood, Ian, unable to respond verbally, asked internally, and the voice of <End of the Sword>, which he hadn’t heard since arriving here, came through.


[Something like this.]


A sharp pain came from the back of his neck, and Ian’s vision went black.


‘Ah, I really hate fainting.’


Hearing the low laughter of <End of the Sword>, Ian lost consciousness.




In the darkness, where blue and black intertwined, countless twinkling stars filled the sky.


When Ian opened his eyes, he smiled as he gazed at the sparkling stars.


“It’s been a while since I’ve been here.”


This was a place filled with twinkling stars.


It was the galaxy where the constellations resided, and from where they gazed down upon Earth.


Once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, when the *Weaver Girl and the Cowherd met, the constellations invited their favorites to the galaxy.


And on that day, they bestowed upon their favorites the things they couldn’t do on Earth due to restrictions.


As for Ian’s constellations, they acted as if there were no such restrictions and did whatever they pleased, even summoning Ian to the galaxy for a break.


For that one day, Ian was not someone’s protector but rather the one being protected.


“Why don’t you come out?”


As if responding to Ian’s words, the twinkling stars began to gather into one.


The gathered stars formed into the shape of a sword.


[Foolish one.]


Hearing the words flowing from the star in the shape of a sword, Ian chuckled.


“What does that mean?”


[This is the best I can do right now.]


“Are the others unavailable?”


[It’s on another level. I’m in charge of the explanation this time.]


Ian tilted his head in confusion.


No matter how much a constellation looks down from above, each constellation has its own personality.


<End of the Sword> was simple and straightforward. When faced with a problem, its instinct was to smash through it with all its might.


So, when something needed to be explained or when convincing Ian, it was usually <Well of Mana> or <Origin> that took the lead.


As if reading Ian’s thoughts, <End of the Sword> grumbled.


[It can’t be helped. I’m the only one who can bring you here.]


Ian sighed.


“You’re already lacking in strength, so why go through the trouble of summoning me here? You could have just sent a message.”


[Your soul is barely holding on.]


Ian froze.


‘What did you just say?’


[You remember when I said I’d figure out why you’re coughing up blood when you use your skills, right?]


“Yes, I remember.”


The constellation cursed under its breath, as if biting down on something bitter.


[We were tricked. It wasn’t just about transferring your soul.]


“What do you mean by that?”


Ian, unable to understand the words, asked again.


[So…! Bang!]


The constellation’s words were cut off, and a popping sound was heard.


“Lord <Sword>?”


At that moment, the stars that had formed into the shape of a sword scattered.


[In a situation like this, how could you even think of ditching us?]


Hearing the familiar voice that echoed through the galaxy, Ian softly smiled.


“Lord <Origin>.”


[Ian. My dear favorites, I’ve missed you. I’d love to catch up on everything we’ve missed, but there’s no time.]


“Yes, please go ahead.”


[Your soul has been fractured.]


Ian’s expression hardened.


[With the help of the gods, we managed to transfer your soul, but your body couldn’t accept the new soul.]


“How is that possible?”


[If you had done nothing, it might have been fine. But you used magic and even unlocked Fragarach’s seal.]


<Origin> sighed, and the stars shook as if encountering a wave.


[In a body that hasn’t fully settled, drawing upon power like that causes your soul to strain, and naturally, it affects your body as well.]


“…Is this certain?”


[At first, we weren’t sure. That’s why I brought you here, to confirm it. And now, it’s certain.]


The shaking stars adhered to Ian’s body, revealing cracks all over it.


The crack near his heart looked especially severe.


“…How long can I last?”


[Not even three months.]


Ian bit his lip.




🍓 ; *The phrase “Weaver Girl and the Cowherd met” refers to a well-known Chinese folktale, The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, which is associated with the Qixi Festival, often called the Chinese Valentine’s Day. In this story, the Weaver Girl (Zhinü) and the Cowherd (Niulang) are star-crossed lovers. They represent the stars Vega (the Weaver Girl) and Altair (the Cowherd), which are separated by the Milky Way (symbolizing a heavenly river) and are only allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.


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