My Niece Is Not A Villainess











As the door clicked shut, Fred asked,


“Are you alright?”




Ian responded, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door.


The mage, Lachik, who had been startled by their gazes, didn’t react the same way to Rose. Instead, she seemed relieved.


‘She had the same reaction as Rose at first,’


Lachik was so afraid of men that just feeling their gaze would cause her body to freeze.


“Lachik isn’t affiliated with the Magic Tower, right?”


“That’s correct.”


Lachik was an independent mage, not bound by a contract with the Magic Tower.


So, there was no need for her to work for the Magic Tower. Nevertheless, she did work for them.


The reason they hadn’t been able to meet Lachik until now was publicly because she couldn’t be found, but information from the guild revealed that she had been tied up with tasks for the Magic Tower.


A mage who works for the Magic Tower without a contract. A face with scars. And an unusual fear of men’s gazes.


“…Find out more about Lachik.”


“What kind of information do you need?”


“How she became a mage, when she joined the Magic Tower—everything.”




After giving Fred his orders, Ian turned to Logan.


“How is the situation with ‘Rose’?”


“It’s stable. Miss May is slowly stepping back.”


Ian nodded.


“Tell her to return to the Duke’s territory, Sebastian.”




“Assign Lachik a room closest to mine.”




“Only maids are allowed on the direct floor. No attendants. The same goes for you all.”


“Yes, understood,”


They replied, bowing their heads.


“Both of you may leave now.”


With a wave of his hand, Ian saw off Fred and Logan before knocking and entering the room himself.


Instead of approaching the sofa, he leaned against the door.


Lachik, who had been listening to Rose’s chatter, flinched at Ian’s entrance.


Pretending not to notice, Ian spoke.


“The sooner you finish your business, the sooner you can rest. Did you bring the seed?”


Lachik, shrinking back, took out a glass bottle containing the seed from her pocket.


“Rose, could you take that and give it to uncle?”




Rose, who received the glass bottle from Lachik, scurried over.


“Thank you.”


“It’s a lady’s pleasure,”


Rose replied playfully, causing Ian to chuckle as he patted her head.


“You’ll stay at the duchy for the time being as I have something for you to do.”


“Huh? Okay.”


“Uncle, can I stay with her?”


Rose asked with bright, eager eyes.


“If she permits.”


Rose quickly ran over to Lachik and grabbed her hand.


“Can I stay with you?”


“Huh? Yes.”


Lachik’s complexion brightened a bit, as if Rose’s tiny hand was a lifeline.


“Yay! I get to stay with her!”


Rose was hopping around with joy.


At that moment, the door opened.


Ian, who had been leaning against the door, was about to fall backward when a large hand caught his shoulder.


“Were you dozing off while standing?”


It was Edelmar, who despite having trained with the knights, looked fresh as ever.


Clicking his tongue, Ian straightened himself and gestured to Edelmar.


“Let’s go out.”




Without answering, Ian pushed Edelmar’s shoulder and stepped outside.




“Are you trying to hide the mage?”


As soon as they stepped out, Edelmar’s eyes gleamed with curiosity.


“I don’t know what misunderstanding you have, but that’s not it.”




“She’s in the same situation as Rose.”


“Ah, I see.”


Edelmar, who was aware of the child’s condition from spending time with Rose, immediately understood what Ian meant.


“So, we won’t be able to meet for a while.”


“Does that disappoint you?”


“I find it rather amusing.”


Shaking his head, Ian took the glass bottle and started walking.


“Is that the seed?”


“You even know about the seed?”


“I looked into it since you were so desperate to find the mage.”


That damn information network. I’m really envious.


Clicking his tongue, Ian kept walking, and Edelmar followed behind, asking,


“Is it safe to leave the mage alone with Rose?”


“I’m aware there’s someone keeping an eye on them.”


On the evening of the day he swore the oath of aura, Ian noticed that someone was watching over Rose.


‘Who could it be?’


It was only a brief curiosity since the gaze didn’t feel malicious, merely observant.


When Edelmar entered the dining hall, Ian felt a similar presence.


“Why did you assign someone to watch over Rose?”


“You’re only asking now?”


“Well, I just got curious.”


Ian opened the study door and tossed the bottle containing the seed to Fred.


“This is the seed I mentioned before. Handle it.”




Fred responded as Ian turned back.


“It’s true that I have no attachments to the Empire. But—”


Ian paused and looked at Edelmar.


“I just don’t want to see an interesting person go mad.”


‘Did he figure out that Rose is my last line?’


Ian chuckled to himself.


“It’s beneficial to you as well, isn’t it?”


“I can’t deny that.”


Edelmar, who had moved closer to Ian, asked,


“Are you planning to keep the mage here?”


“If that weren’t the case, I would’ve taken the seed and sent her away.”


“She’s not an exceptional mage, is she?”


Ian stopped walking again.


“Do you know why I want to keep a mage close?”


“Isn’t it for the magic?”


“I can use magic too, you know.”


Edelmar raised his hand toward the window and blocked the sun with his palm.


Ian let out a hollow laugh at the sight.


“You know the answer, so why are you asking?”


“If I don’t ask, you won’t bother dealing with me,”


Ian said, shaking his head as he continued walking, with Edelmar trailing behind like a shadow.




[You failed?]


The voice from the communication stone made the figure in the black robe lower their head.


“I have no excuse.”


There was silence from the communication stone for a while.


As the man in the robe endured the silence, cold sweat began to trickle down his forehead. Finally, the cracked voice spoke again.


[I see. Things were going too smoothly anyway.]


“What should I do now?”




“But it’s not yet time.”


[We can’t undo what’s already changed, so we must adapt as well. Prepare.]




The light from the communication stone went out. The man in the black robe stood up, and someone who had been standing far away quickly approached him.


“Lord Obern.”


Obern wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, then handed the black robe to the servant who had approached him, while straightening his rumpled clothes.


“Give the order to begin.”




Obern carefully placed the communication stone into a box and locked it securely before turning to look out the window.


The sky, painted with a setting sun, was beautiful but reminded him of blood.


“Everything will unfold according to His will.”


Not long after his fervent voice echoed, there was a knock at the door. Before he could answer, a young girl with lustrous blonde hair entered.


“Count, you called for me?”


Her blue eyes, like the sea, and her delicate features were stunning.


Her skin was smooth like jade, her lips as red as pomegranate, and her golden hair shone as if melted from pure gold. Her voice was also clear and melodious.


She was beautiful enough to captivate any man—but she was only five years old.


“You’re aware of the plan, correct?”


“Yes, I’m prepared.”


Obern nodded and extended his hand to the child.


The girl, who approached Obern with graceful, precise steps, knelt on one knee before him.


Obern’s hand touched the girl’s forehead, and a dark red light emanated from his fingertips, enveloping the girl’s body before disappearing.


“The situation has changed. It won’t be easy.”


“I understand.”


“They won’t be able to interfere a second time.”


“Yes. Everything will happen according to His will.”


“Yes, according to His will,”


Obern repeated.


The girl stood up, gave a brief bow to Count Obern, and turned away.


Her footsteps, silent and determined, echoed in the late night.


Without a driver, a carriage silently left the capital and headed toward the central territory of Arl, far from the capital.




As morning dawned on the Duchy, the square began to buzz with activity.


Among the people quickly setting up their stalls and those on their way to work, a knight clad in armor made his way toward the bulletin board.


“What’s a knight doing here?”


“Did something happen with the Duke?”


“Nah, if something happened to the Duke, the knight would be at the Duchy, not here.”


While soldiers were responsible for maintaining order, it was rare to see a knight in the area.


The crowd gathered in the square fixed their eyes on the knight.


Ignoring the onlookers, the knight walked straight to the bulletin board in the center of the square.


He took out a piece of paper from his coat and pinned it to the board.


“What is that? What did he just post?”


Unable to approach because of the knight, the people began to murmur.


After carefully securing the paper to the board, the knight turned to the crowd.


“Hear this! By order of the Duke, we are looking for workers! For more details, refer to this!”


The knight’s loud voice echoed across the square.


As soon as he left, people swarmed toward the bulletin board.


“What’s going on? What does it say?”


“Is there anyone here who can read? What does it say?”


“You there, step aside! If you can’t read, why are you blocking the way?”


“Everyone, clear the way! I’ve brought someone who can read!”


At the shout of a middle-aged man, the crowd parted like the Red Sea.


The man who had been dragged in front of the board scratched his cheek and began to read the words on the paper.


His eyes gradually widened as he read.


“What does it say?!”


“What job is the Duke offering? Tell us!”


“Is it something I can do?”


“Mister! What kind of people is the Duke looking for?”


Men and women of all ages bombarded him with questions.


After finishing the text, the man couldn’t hide his excitement as he exclaimed,


“The Duke is recruiting people who can read and handle numbers! Just like me!”


Instantly, the gathered crowd was disappointed.


“Oh, I thought it was something good.”


“Never mind then. Let’s just get back to work.”


The crowd quickly dispersed.


However, a few people approached the man who was still celebrating.


“Is it true that the Duke is looking for people who can read and work with numbers?”


“Yes! Look here! It says to gather in front of the Duke’s castle by 3 o’clock tomorrow!”


The man pointed to the words on the paper with his finger.


An elderly man shook his head.


“I can’t read. My daughter knows how to read. I’ll have to ask her.”


“Make sure she comes. They aren’t hiring just one person; they’ll employ everyone who passes the test.”


The old man nodded in agreement.


“I’ll tell my son to go as well.”


A woman who had been listening nearby quickly ran home.


Although most of the crowd dispersed, the man who first read the paper didn’t move. Clenching his fist, he gazed at the Duke’s castle.


‘This is my chance. I will definitely get noticed by the Duke!’





Hello, you can support me here if you like my works ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. solacee says:

    Oh my, is that blonde-haired girl the ogfl?? 🤔

  2. Usurpadora says:

    Eu sabia que essa protagonista original era uma paniquete do diabo.

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