My Niece Is Not A Villainess











After leaving Fred’s study, Ian walked towards the training grounds.


Among the knights who were diligently training, one person stood out.


“…Weren’t you supposed to return to your room?”


“I got bored.”


Edelmar, who had just turned a knight into a pulp, rested a wooden sword on his shoulder.


“…You should just go back.”


“But it’s fun here. Aren’t there knights here to entertain me so I don’t get bored?”


‘Doesn’t he realize that the knights are terrified of him?’


Ian held back what he wanted to say and walked towards William.


Edelmar, who had just tossed the wooden sword away, followed behind him.


“Do you think they will scale the wall?”


“I don’t have the luxury to attempt something impossible.”


“Need some help?”


Ian stopped walking. He carefully studied Edelmar’s face, trying to determine the sincerity of his offer. Seeing the smiling face, Ian resumed walking.


“I don’t want to increase my debts.”


“Oh dear, this time I was just being kind.”


“If you’re going to lie, at least don’t smile.”


Edelmar chuckled softly. Ignoring him, Ian approached William.


“Duke, you’ve arrived?”


Just like with Claude, William was exempt from the cumbersome formalities, and he simply nodded his head slightly.


“Are you feeling alright?”


“…I apologize.”


Ian waved his hand dismissively at the bowing William.


“If creating aura were that easy, the world would be full of aura masters. Don’t worry too much about it.”


“…I apologize.”


“Enough. I came here today for business. How many knights are ready to move immediately?”


“Are you excluding Claude?”




After a brief hesitation, William replied.


“Excluding Claude and his partner Jean, there’s Ray, Euria, and Sia.”


Ian nodded. With Claude, Jean, and the remaining three, it should be enough to buy them some time.


“Send those three to Rose immediately. However, close protection won’t be necessary. Just keep an eye on her from a distance.”


“Understood. I’ll relay the orders right away.”


As William turned towards the knights, Edelmar asked.


“Is the reason you can’t spar for a while related to Rose?”




After a brief hesitation, Ian answered.


There was no particular reason to hide it, and it didn’t seem like the Grand Duke would be easily fooled anyway.


“I see.”


However, unlike earlier when he mentioned offering help, this time the Grand Duke only responded without bringing up the subject again.


“Then enjoy watching the knights’ performances.”


Although it would be tough for the knights, sparring with a Swordmaster was a golden opportunity that not everyone could experience.


There was no reason to refuse when it wasn’t a debt and he offered to spar on his own.


As Ian turned around and headed towards the duke’s residence, Edelmar smiled.




Moonlight seeped through the curtains.


As the moonlight illuminating the room faded, the darkened bedroom became even darker. Count Kale, who had been sitting on the sofa, stood up.


“…You’re here?”


A man silently entered the room, pulling his black hood down low over his face.


“I heard you failed.”


A voice, split into several tones, emanated from within the hood.


“I apologize. I was caught off guard. I didn’t expect the Duke to move in that way.”


The hooded figure stared at Count Kale without a word.


Cold sweat ran down the Count’s back. Despite the absence of any visible malice in the gaze, he felt an unspoken pressure.


After a long silence, the figure in the black robe spoke.


“You mentioned that the Duke had changed. If there’s a reason for the change, then we just need to eliminate that reason.”


One person flashed through Count Kale’s mind.


‘Yes! Everything started changing after that lowly person came into the picture. If only that person were gone!’


“We’ll take care of the preparations on our end.”


The black-robed figure vanished as silently as he had entered.


As soon as he disappeared, the moonlight seeped back into the room.


Count Kale smiled with a pale face.


Contrary to his earlier apprehensions, peaceful days continued.




“This is tough.”


Rose, lying in the snow, panted heavily.


Fenrex offered her a cup of warm water.


“Drink this and lie down.”


Rose turned her eyes to look at Fenrex.


“Aren’t you tired?”




Unlike Rose, whose face was flushed and covered in sweat, Fenrex looked as calm as if he had just woken up from a nap.


“Hurry up and drink the water.”


Fenrex helped Rose sit up and held the cup to her lips.


“How dedicated,”


Logan remarked, to which Ian scoffed.


“Don’t judge him too harshly. The more you dwell on your dislike, the more you’ll continue to dislike him.”


“I need to find something likable first,”


Logan chuckled.


In fact, objectively speaking, Fenrex had the appearance of a handsome young man.


His delicate features, clear gray-blue eyes, and the gray ears and fluffy tail that charmed the maids made him a hard figure to dislike.


Yet, despite all this, he still found him irritating.


‘It must be because of Lady Rose.’


How could a father feel at ease with a wolf cub eyeing his daughter?


Knowing Ian’s sentiments after sending his daughter off to marry, Logan changed the subject.


“Count Kale is still quiet. But since that day, no other branches have gathered.”




If it were just a simple walk, it would be normal for the other branches to continue gathering even after that day.


However, the day after Count Kale returned from his walk, the footsteps of the other branches ceased completely. It was as if everything had been resolved.


“Is it really okay to go out like this?”


“There’s nothing wrong with it.”


We can’t just lock up the child in the name of protection, can we?




Ian confidently took Rose up the small mountain behind the Duke’s residence.


They had even packed a picnic.


Seeing Ian’s carefree attitude, Logan abandoned his worries.


If the Duke himself wasn’t concerned, there was no reason for a mere baron like him to worry.


“‘Rose’ has settled in safely.”




“Yes. The rose made of silk is more popular than expected. It’s become a trend to decorate dresses and bags with brooches made from roses.”


Ian chuckled to himself.


‘It wasn’t this popular on Earth.’


“Seems like we won’t need to spend much on advertising. How are the other mines doing?”


“They are being mined smoothly. However…”


Ian took his eyes off the children having a snowball fight.


“…There’s been an issue with the Topaz Mine.”




“Yes. It seems the original owner of the territory is causing trouble.”




Ian nodded.


It was only natural.


He had sold the land at a low price, but it turned out to be a goldmine.


The original owner, who must have been sick with regret, now wanted to get it back at any cost.


‘It’s surprising that the other original landowners have remained quiet.’


“Just let the law take its course, right?”


Logan chuckled.


“That’s exactly what I told them. We’ve also dealt with the troublemakers and handed them over to the security forces.”


“Well done.”


It wasn’t as if the land had been forcibly taken.


It had been purchased fairly and even at double the price compared to the surrounding lands.


The original landowner had subtly raised the price, and Ian, knowing the true value of the land, had readily accepted the offer.


The landowner had been quite pleased at the time, thinking they had sold a barren wasteland at a high price.


Moreover, though the landowner might not have realized it, the seal on the contract bore the Loenbaum family crest.


Not even the Emperor’s security forces could side with the landowner.


“Have we chosen the bank site?”


Logan nodded.


“Yes. We are fully prepared to start construction immediately, but…”


Logan’s words trailed off. The reason they couldn’t proceed, despite being fully prepared, was something Ian knew well.


“…Is today an outing day?”


It was because of one person approaching them with a sly grin.


“Grand Duke.”


Edelmar sat down next to Ian with a thud and waved at Rose.




“Uncle Edelmar!”


Edelmar stopped Rose, who was running towards him, and gently brushed the snow off her body.


“What were you playing?”


“We had a snowball fight!”


“Did you win?”


Rose smiled brightly and nodded.


“Of course. If you’re my friend, you must always win. Now go back and play some more.”




Rose grabbed Fenrex’s hand and ran off.


“You’re very skilled with children.”


Edelmar chuckled.


“Well, I did raise the Crown Prince when he was young.”


The mention of the Crown Prince made Ian’s expression momentarily harden.


Before Edelmar could notice, Ian quickly composed himself and continued speaking as if nothing had happened.


“It seems the Emperor trusts you a lot, Grand Duke.”


“He probably thought that raising a child would fill the emptiness.”




Suddenly, emptiness?


Ian was about to ask about the cryptic remark when Edelmar stood up.


“It seems we have a guest.”


“A guest?”


Following Edelmar’s gaze, Ian’s expression turned severe.




“Yes, Lady Rose, Prince Fenrex.”


Just as Logan called, the two children were about to run over when both Edelmar and Ian moved.




As soon as the shield enveloped the children, Edelmar swung his sword.




A silver aura, shaped like a crescent moon, sliced through the trees and flew towards the mountain, colliding with it and causing an explosion.


Black mana erupted above the shield covering the children.




As soon as the shield disappeared, Claude quickly grabbed the two children.


“To the Duke’s residence!”


Ian shouted as he ran after Edelmar, who was already charging forward.


Edelmar, noticing Ian quickly catching up, spoke with amusement.


“This place really is entertaining.”


“Is this really the time for that?”


Ian retorted.


“When else would I get the chance?”


Instead of responding, Ian furrowed his brow as he recognized a familiar face.


The black mage who they had encountered in the forest and in the capital was standing there.


“The capital’s knights seem to be weaker than expected.”


“Ah, so it’s that guy?”


Ian nodded.


“I heard he got away.”


The black mage responded to Edelmar’s comment instead.


“I just made a smooth escape.”


Edelmar looked at him with interest at his childlike tone.


“I don’t have time to deal with you guys. I need to finish my master’s assignment quickly and go eat.”


Edelmar turned to Ian and asked,


“Is he mocking us?”


“He’s mocking you, Grand Duke, not me.”


Ian extended his hand, summoning Fragarach.


“Step back.”


“You’re going to take him on alone?”


“Yes, I need to show him exactly who he’s messing with.”











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