My Niece Is Not A Villainess



















“Are you mean to say that I don’t look like Ian Loenbaum?”


Despite Ian’s comments, the sharp eyes of Baron Hanova scanned him from head to toe.


Ian leisurely sipped his tea, as if looking for evidence of an alibi¹.


In the suffocating silence, the sound of grinding teeth could be heard.


It was unclear whether the Baron couldn’t find evidence of the alibi or if he was angry about how Ian had changed.


Ian smiled slightly and put down his teacup.


“What brings you here?”


“…..It’s the first time since the investiture that the Duke has come to the capital. Naturally, I came to assist you-”


“That’s not necessary.”


Ian cut off Baron Hanova’s words.


“Duke. The noble society of the capital is different from that of the duchy. One wrong move could lead to a great trouble.”


At the condescending look directed at him, Ian smiled and asked.


“It seems you come to the capital often?”


Baron Hanova straightened his back and replied.


“I frequently visit the capital as I have connections with the nobility here.”


“Is that so?”


“Although you might not know this from staying at the duchy, many nobles in the capital quite like me.”


‘It’s not you they like you, Baron Hanova, but the monster byproducts.’


It wasn’t just the Magic Tower that liked monster byproducts.


Nobles used the teeth or claws of monsters as ornaments to satisfy their vanity.


Currently, the only place in the empire where monsters appeared was the Duchy of Loenbaum.


It was natural that Count Kale, who monopolized the byproducts from the duchy, sought out Baron Hanova as his subordinate.


“But I heard that the child who is said to be Lady Marianne’s daughter also came to the capital with you. Is that true?”


The child who was said to be Marianne’s daughter.


Ian laughed at the implication that Rose was a fraud.


“She’s not just said to be, she is indeed my sister’s daughter.”


Baron Hanova sighed as if it was absurd.


“Duke. Just having a pendant doesn’t prove that she is Lady Marianne’s daughter. She could have stolen it and be lying.”


“She’s stole it, you say.”


“I heard she doesn’t resemble Lady Marianne much. And her eye color is different, isn’t it?”


Ian leaned back on the sofa.


“Baron Hanova. Don’t you know that the purple eye color is only inherited by the direct heirs?”


Indeed, in the Loenbaum family, the purple eye color of the first duke was passed down only to the direct heirs.


Dukes made every effort to have sons to see the purple eyes in their lineage, and naturally, this became a symbol of power.


Even if the collateral lines made a fuss, the reason the status of the direct line was unshakeable was because they had proof of inheriting the duke’s blood.


In <Flower Garden>, the reason Rose was not acknowledged as the head of the collateral lines and was only manipulated by them was because her eyes were not purple.


“I understand. But doesn’t her eye color also differ from Lady Marianne’s?”


“She’s resembles our great-great-grandmother.”


Baron Hanova flinched at Ian’s answer.


It seemed he recalled the fourth duchess.


The fourth duchess was renowned as one of the empire’s most beautiful women.


Mentioning her light pink eyes would remind anyone of the fourth duchess.


“…It’s true that the fourth duchess had light pink eyes.”


Ian’s expression hardened at Baron Hanova’s persistent denial of Rose.


“Baron Hanova. Did you come to the capital just to talk about this?”


“Duke. I’m not saying this without reason.”


“How dare a branch family meddle in the affairs of the main family? What’s this, did Count Kale tell you to do this?”


“Duke! Please do not speak carelessly about Count Kale!”


Ian let out a hollow laugh.


“People might think Count Kale is the Duke.”


Baron Hanova clamped his mouth shut with a worried expression.


Ian uncrossed his legs and stood up.


“Because of your age, I’ll overlook this rudeness. And I no longer need your assistance. Go to the dukedom and reflect yourself.”


“Duke! You will be in trouble if you do this.”


Ian, who was about to leave the drawing-room, stopped and looked at Baron Hanova.


“I know that you are planning to establish a merchant guild with a commoner girl. Count Kale is extremely displeased about it. Have you forgotten that the branch family is the root that supports Loenbaum?”


Baron Hanova spoke confidently, thinking his words would have an impact on Ian.


“You signed a contract to deliver all the monster byproducts to Count Kale. If you break the contract now, we will have no choice but to take legal action.”


‘So, he hasn’t figured out about the mine.’


Ian understood the situation from Baron Hanova’s words and responded.


“Baron Hanova, you said the branch family is the root and foundation that supporting Loenbaum, right?”


“Of course! Loenbaum can only grow into a great tree because of its have a strong roots!”


“I see.”


“So, don’t think of playing around with that girl-.”


“Baron Hanova, if the roots has rot, they must be cut off you know.”


“Excuse me?”


Ian resumed walking, ignoring the confused look on Baron Hanova’s face.


A tree grows by absorbing nutrients through its roots. If the roots rot, the tree also dies. Therefore, to save the tree, the rotten roots must be discarded, and new ones must be grown.






Sebastian, who had been waiting outside the door, quickly approached Ian.


“What about Rose?”


“She is still asleep. Have you finished talking with Baron Hanova?”


Ian nodded.


“It seems information about forming a business with May has leaked.”


“I will investigate it.”


Ian smiled slightly at Sebastian’s determined expression.


“Forget it for now. There are too many spies. Even if we find them, it won’t change the fact that the information has already spread.”


“Understood. Miss May has returned and is waiting in the study.”




Ian headed to the study. With May’s activities now known, it was only a matter of time before they discovered the mine.


He had to abandon his plan to take things slowly.


‘I need to act quickly.’


Ian quickened his pace as he headed to the study.




The usually tranquil townhouse of the Duke was bustling from early in the morning.


“Has the lady finished her bath?”


“Yes, she is getting a massage!”


“And the dress preparations?”


“Yes. What about the jewelry?”


“They’re all set.”


While the maids were busy, Ian sat leisurely on the sofa, sipping tea.


Sebastian felt anxious seeing Ian’s relaxed demeanor. Today was the day of the Crown Prince’s coronation ceremony, the reason Ian had come to the capital.


While other nobles were rushing to prepare regardless of age or gender, Ian and Rose were taking their time.


Oh no, now that Rose is getting ready, Ian is the only one free.


“Duke, you need to get ready.”


Sebastian, unable to bear it any longer, urged Ian, who responded while putting down his teacup.


“It’s just changing clothes, why the rush?”


‘It’s not just changing clothes, that’s why we’re hurrying.’


The difference between the young duke who came to the capital at 15 and the current duke was like night and day.


As a child, it might have been different, but now he was a dignified adult and at a marriageable age.


Sebastian wished his lord, Ian, to shine the brightest at the coronation.




Sebastian called again urgently, but Ian pretended not to hear and sipped his tea.


‘This won’t do.’


Though the duke had become mostly gentle after meeting Rose, he remained stubborn about his decisions.


Even when bringing May into the merchant guild or traveling with the young lady, Sebastian had tried pleading and threatening, but the duke pushed through with his resolve.


Since Ian said he would only change his clothes, he would surely stick to those words.


As Sebastian imagined Ian attending the ceremony with unkempt hair after training, he shut his eyes tightly.




With a towel wrapped around her head and a thick bathrobe, Rose ran to Ian.


“Rose. Did you have a good bath?”


“Yes! The maid sisters did this and that for me.”


Ian burst into laughter as Rose mimicked a massage on his hand with ticklish movements.


“Really? Did you like it?”


“Yes, yes!”


Ian pinched her peach-like blushing cheeks lightly.


Her chubby cheeks, which hadn’t been so plump before, were soft, likely due to the massage.


“Duke, the young lady needs to get ready.”


“Alright. Rose, go ahead.”




The maids carefully lifted Rose and carried her to the dressing room.


Ian stared blankly at Rose, unable to take his eyes off her.


Sebastian, watching this, came up with a good idea.




“I won’t do it.”


Ian, thinking it was another persuasion attempt, refused first.


“Are you planning to embarrass the young lady?”


Ian turned his head toward Sebastian.


‘It worked.’


Though he cheered inwardly, Sebastian maintained his butler’s expressionless demeanor as he continued.


“The duke is the young lady’s partner. According to the information I gathered, a partner is like a fine accessory for noble young ladies these days.”




“Yes. They say that ranking is determined by how handsome a man they bring along.”


“That would only apply to adult women, though.”


Sebastian shook his head.


“It’s the same for young noble girls. In fact, for girls escorted by a handsome family member, they become so popular that they make friends on the spot.”


It was a blatant lie.


While it was true that noble young ladies considered a handsome partner as an accessory, having a handsome family member as a partner didn’t instantly make friends.


A brief moment of thought would reveal the lie, but one person was different.


Ian as the uncle, who would do anything for his niece’s happiness, had his eyes shaken violently.


“Most importantly, if the duke looks shabby while the young lady is so beautifully dressed, it will affect her reputation…”


“Alright, I’m going, I’ll changing.”


Ian stood up abruptly.


Sebastian, inwardly smirking slyly, led Ian to hell.









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