My Niece Is Not A Villainess


















Herry Lay, whose name was called, put down the mannequin and smiled awkwardly.


“Spring blessings to the fruit of Loenbaum. It’s been a long time, Duke.”


“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in the duchy?”


“Only a fool would miss an opportunity like this.”


At Herry Lay’s confident shout, Ian let out a hollow laugh and nodded.


“Are you sure about this?”


“Of course.”


“Let’s see then.”


With Ian’s permission, the other two placed their mannequins next to Herry Lay’s.


Together, the three simultaneously uncovered the cloths draped over the mannequins.




Hermeyer’s confidence wasn’t misplaced.


The mannequin was dressed in a gown that matched Ian’s tastes perfectly.


The dress Herry Lay brought had no decorations except for a large collar around the neck.


The design wasn’t tight-fitting but flowed down in an A-line, making it look very comfortable for movement.


“Hmm… Not bad.”


“This pumpkin pants designed by the Duke can be worn underneath.”


Herry Lay enthusiastically dressed the mannequin in the pumpkin pants she had brought.


The pants puffed out around the hips, giving them an adorably whimsical look, as if a honeybee fairy might wear them.


However, there was something a bit lacking.


Though Herry Lay’s clothes were cute, they weren’t quite appropriate for a formal occasion.


They seemed more suitable for everyday wear rather than a party.


At that moment, another outfit caught Ian’s eye.


The round-shaped dress had several layers of white petticoats inside, reminiscent of a peony.


The soft outer fabric covering the petticoats was rose-colored, just like Rose.


Additionally, the entire dress was embroidered with the emblem of Loenbaum.


The embroidery sparkled in the sunlight, evoking the image of luminous spirit stones.


It stood out more than any other dress in the atelier.


– Arrh!


Even Ermenia, who had shown little interest in dresses before, seemed to like it.


She got off the sofa and rubbed against the dress Ian was looking at.


Ian turned to the atelier staff member who had laid down the dress.


“Why does the embroidery sparkle?”


Caught off guard by the sudden question, the staff member hesitated and then stammered a reply.


“It’s because we used thread dusted with jewel powder.”


“Jewel powder?”


The jewels on dresses symbolized the wearer’s status and could serve as emergency funds when needed.


Women in this world, when their family fortunes declined or during a divorce, often sold the jewels from their dresses to sustain themselves.


So even if the dress was heavy, they would attach many jewels. But grinding jewels into powder then mix it with the thread?


Threads with jewel powder were just shiny threads and couldn’t be converted back into money.


Surprised by this answer, Ian asked again, and the staff member nodded vigorously, adding an explanation.


“Our master is a person obsessed with beauty… no! Someone who does extravagant and unusual things without hesitation.”


Ian stood up and carefully examined the dress.


The finish was meticulous, and the fabric was light. Unlike other dresses that tied with a corset at the back, this one buttoned up, emphasizing both beauty and convenience.


Ian unbuttoned it to check the lining.


The lining was soft to the touch, also seems easy to let breath while using this, and well-finished.


Every aspect of it showed it was made for a child.


“Are there any other dresses besides this one?”


At Ian’s question, the staff member smiled brightly, and the other two lowered their heads.


“I will bring them right away.”




Though the coronation was just one day, there would be a three-day celebration.


Whether Rose would participate depended on her condition, but they had to prepare in advance.


“Please come this way.”


Herry Lay looked at Ian with a resentful gaze, but Ian’s eyes were fixed on the dress.


Sebastian, who had sent the two people out, brought in another woman who appeared to be a staff member of the atelier along with other dresses.


“Is that person the owner?”


“No, the owner is a man.”


“Really? Rose, shall we try this on?”




Ian brushed off the macaron crumbs from Rose’s mouth and spoke to the female staff member.


“Be careful.”


Despite Ian’s kind voice, the female staff member blushed but then stiffened under his stern gaze as she led Rose to the fitting room.


While Rose was changing clothes, Ian examined the new dresses.


He checked if the other dresses were also well-made or if only the first one was crafted with care.


It turned out the owner was serious about all the dresses, showing consideration for the child in every design, despite their different styles.


“I wish I could take them all.”


It wasn’t that Herry Lay was bad; it was just that their fields were different.


Herry Lay’s designs were great for everyday wear, while the person who designed these outfits specialized in formal attire.




Ian turned his head at Rose’s voice.


“Rose, you look adorable.”


Ian muttered to himself without realizing it.


Even though the dress didn’t fit perfectly because the exact measurements weren’t provided, Rose’s cuteness couldn’t be hidden.


When Rose twirled in place as if to show off to Ian, the hem of the dress spread out like a fully bloomed flower.


The atelier staff clapped.


“She’s so cute.”


Ian nodded at the sincere comment, not meant to sell the dress but as genuine praise. This was a dress only Rose could pull off.


“How long will the alterations take?”


“It will be done in three days.”


“I wasn’t talking about just one.”




Ian pointed to the remaining dresses with his finger.


“All of them.”


“Even just one dress costs a fortune.”


The fabric was the finest, produced only ten times a year, and the thread was dusted with jewel powder.


The hidden buttons, though they looked ordinary, were opals that contained various colors.


The price of one dress surpassed that of an adult woman’s dress adorned with numerous jewels.


Selling just one would be a notable success, but to buy them all?


“It doesn’t matter. I’ll purchase all of them, including my own outfit. How long will the alterations take?”


The staff member’s eyes and mouth opened wide in shock.


“However, I would like to meet your master.”













“You haven’t even tried them on.”


Sebastian spoke with dissatisfaction.


“Men’s clothes are all the same.”


Sebastian’s eyes widened, but Ian just shrugged.


Even back when he was live as Yoon Sijun, Ian never paid much attention to clothes.


He thought of clothes merely as something to cover the body, without any strong opinions about what to wear or how to wear it.


The constellation beings lamented the waste of his good looks, but there was nothing to be done about how he was born.


“What about May?”


Not wanting to hear any more, Ian changed the subject, and Sebastian suppressed his complaints as he answered.


“She will be arriving soon.”


“Bring her to the study as soon as she arrives.”


Perhaps worn out by the dress fitting or still tired from the journey, Rose fell asleep on the sofa as soon as the atelier staff left.


Though it was a bit early for a nap, Ian didn’t intend to wake her, so he laid Rose on the bed and headed to the study.


The study was filled with contracts that showed May had been working hard.


As discussed in the duke mansion, May had completed the contract with the jeweler, Sasha.


However, the contract duration was not one year but ten years.


“Why did the contract period increase?”


Setting aside the questionable contract, Ian reviewed the remaining contracts.


The other contracts were with stores for directly selling the crafted diamonds.


“This is better than I expected.”


May had initially mentioned a 60:40 ratio.


Though they provided the diamonds directly, since the trading company was new, they expected to bear some losses until they became well-known.


However, the contract ratio was 80:20.


May’s trading company would receive 80%, and the stores would get 20%.


Moreover, all the contract terms were written favorably towards May’s side.


It was hard to believe that a woman who had just become an adult could secure such a perfect contract.


“Did she threaten them with a knife?”


Ian muttered half-jokingly, half-seriously, when a knock sounded.


“My lord, it’s me Sebastian.”


“Come in.”


Sebastian opened the study door with a slightly stiff expression.


“It seems Baron Hanova has arrived.”




Ian stood up.


“Is he in the drawing room?”




Sebastian, who usually maintained a neutral expression except when Ian traveled alone with Rose, was unusually tense. It wasn’t simply because the Baron was visiting.


“Did Baron Hanova cause trouble?”




Sebastian didn’t answer, but as they approached the drawing room, Ian realized his guess was right.


“Do you think this is tea?! Are you mocking me?!”


Ian frowned at the loud shouting coming from the drawing room corridor.


“My lord.”


Ian stopped Sebastian from knocking and opened the door himself.


An elderly man with white hair was seated with his back to the door, gesturing angrily at a maid.


“How dare you, when a word from me could end your miserable life!”


“Baron Hanova, you’re still seems so vigorous at this age.”.”


Ian waved his hand dismissively at the maid who was being unfairly scolded and sat down on the opposite sofa.


Baron Hanova forced a sly smile and gave Ian a half-hearted bow.


“Spring blessings to the fruit of Loenbaum. Have you been well, Duke?”




Ian’s indifferent response left the Baron looking taken aback.


Ignoring the Baron’s gaze, Ian reached for the teacup that Sebastian had placed.




After sniffing the tea, Ian glanced at Sebastian, who responded with a subtle smile, as if predicting this necessity.


Raising his eyebrows, Ian took a sip and spoke.


“How long are you going to stare?”


“Forgive me. I have been most unworthy to you, Duke.”


The Baron spoke in a roundabout way, seemingly not recognizing the difference in Ian. Ian crossed his legs and replied.


“At your age, moving around must be burdensome. I understand, so don’t worry.”


He spoke with a noble’s grace, confirming the Baron’s shortcomings, causing the Baron to exhale lightly, seemingly exasperated.


“…Are you really the Duke?”


The Baron’s straightforward question cut through the pretense.










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